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Chapter 547: Severely Injured Vitality

 Chapter 547 The vitality is seriously injured

Profit, everything is for profit! The orcs launched this war for profit, the Church of Light calculated against the orcs for profit, and the Rosen Empire also did it for profit.

It is completely idiotic to talk about feelings with these big forces. Even if they are honest orcs, they are just for profit. If they don't get the benefit, no one is willing to fight. The reason why orcs like to fight is because they can be in the war.

Gain benefits, and humans don't like to fight because they don't get benefits in wars. It's that simple.

The negotiation went very smoothly. This is what the Beast King wants. What they want is food, affordable food, so that they can win more benefits for the Beastmen.

Of course, they also know that if they conquer the human race, the human race can continue to grow food for them, but at the same time they also know very well that the human race cannot be conquered by them. They can gain some benefits in the war.

, but it is impossible to conquer the human race, because the culture of the human race is different from that of the orcs, and it is impossible for the orcs to rule the human race for too long, so they would rather have such an agreement to sell food at a fair price.

However, after the food price, the orcs made another request. They demanded that the Church of Light be severely punished, because this war was started by the Church of Light.

Negotiators from various countries have different minds regarding this request of the Orcs. Some of them are like the Church of Light, while others are not.

But if they don't agree, the orcs will not leave, and may continue to fight. Even if they finally defeat the orcs, what will they get? Nothing. This is what representatives of various countries

What I least want to see.

In the end, the representatives from various countries discussed it and decided to agree to the orcs first. Anyway, after the orcs left, it was their business to do what they did.

After the orcs got a satisfactory result, they returned to the grassland with a large amount of food compensated by the Aksu Empire, but things here for the humans were not over yet.

This time the Aksu Empire's vitality was severely damaged, but the Rosen Empire and the others couldn't help the Aksu Empire in vain. You caused the problem yourself, and we finally helped you solve it. Do you want to just let it go without hesitation? Then

How can it be.

Therefore, the Rosen Empire also made demands like the Aksu Empire. The first was financial, and the second was other demands. The Rosen Empire did not ask for monetary compensation this time. They had only one request, which was to grant the Principality of Versailles to

The Buda family serves as a fiefdom.

It is true that the Buda family is a noble of the Aksu Empire, but any child on the mainland will know the grievances and grievances between the Aksu Empire and the Buda family, so people have not regarded the Buda family as such for a long time.

People from the Aksu Empire.

But even so, the Buda family still has the title of marquis in the Aksu Empire and has a fief of its own, so if it is really counted, they can be regarded as people of the Aksu Empire.

However, the Rosen Empire's request this time has made the Aksu Empire very embarrassed. Let's not seal it. The Aksu Empire is now at its weakest, and the Rosen Empire is still intact. This can be used as an excuse.

, occupy a piece of land. If this piece of land is chosen in the Lifeline Canyon, the Aksu Empire will be in trouble.

But if you agree, it will be like letting the Rosen Empire put another nail in the Aksu Empire. In this case, the future life of the Aksu Empire will not be easy.

Like the Rosen Empire, the other three countries also put forward their own demands. They did not ask for land. After all, they were too far away from the Aksu Empire, so it was useless to ask for an enclave. However, they put forward huge amounts of money.

Compensation, this left the Aksu Empire at a loss as to what to do.

This time, it was not one empire that attacked them, but four empires that attacked them together. Even if they wanted to stop, they couldn't do it. The most important thing was that they had almost lost all their domestic combat forces. This made

They have no confidence when negotiating with other countries.

The reason why the Rosen Empire has not yet invaded the Aksu Empire is because the Aksu Empire was defeated this time by the orcs, not other countries. If they invaded the Aksu Empire at this time, everyone on the continent would be destroyed.


But even if it cannot invade the Aksu Empire, the Rosen Empire can still make demands and strangle the Aksu Empire economically.

If the Aksu Empire was in its heyday, the Aksu Empire would never agree to the Rosen Empire's request. But unfortunately, now they are not in their heyday, but at their weakest. This weakness is not just that they have no

The most important thing about being able to fight is that their economy has also suffered a huge blow.

Although the orcs did not rob civilians, several national grain depots in the north of the Aksu Empire were emptied, and nobles in several cities were also killed and their homes were robbed. They paid a lot of compensation to the orcs.

of food, it can now be said that the economy of the Aksu Empire has regressed for more than twenty years. Under this situation, if they do not agree to the demands of the four countries headed by the Rosen Empire, these four countries may attack them.

After economic collapse, it will be almost impossible for the Aksu Empire to return to its original state.

The most important thing is that the two northern important towns of the Aksu Empire, the Principality of Versailles and the Ixa Family Territory, have been destroyed. Both families have now fled to the Golden Island. This has been spread on the mainland, and

The vitality of these two families was severely damaged and they had no ability to take over their territories. That's why the Rosen Empire proposed to let the Aksu Empire seal the Principality of Versail to Zhao Hai as Zhao Hai's territory.

But the Aksu Empire also understands that this territory cannot be granted to Zhao Hai under any circumstances. If they really grant this territory to Zhao Hai, in the future, if the Rosen Empire really deals with the Aksu Empire, it will be able to do so to the south.

They were flanked, so they launched very difficult negotiations with the Rosen Empire.

The Aksu Empire has only one idea. As long as their territory is not divided, other things can be discussed, but the Rosen Empire is stubborn and refuses to let go.

In fact, later on, everyone saw that the Rosen Empire did not really need the territory of the Principality of Versailles, they only wanted to obtain greater benefits.

In the end, after negotiations between the two parties, in addition to compensating the Rosen Empire a large amount of money, the Aksu Empire also exempted the Rosen Empire from import tariffs on its products.

What is strange is that Zhao Hai did not appear on the mainland during this period, which is very unusual. You must know that the main content of the Rosen Empire's Aksu Empire negotiations was related to him, but Zhao Hai has always

Not showing up, that's really not what he did.

In fact, Zhao Hai has also been very busy during this period. He is collecting the corpses left behind in this war. There are quite a few corpses left in this war, and most of them are strong soldiers. These corpses are very important to Zhao Hai.

So useful.

In this war between the orcs and the humans, a total of more than one million corpses were produced. Some of these corpses were buried by the orcs, but some were not. After all, there were too many corpses, and Zhao Hai also knew that if

If these corpses were left there, they would most likely become a disease, so he collected all the corpses and turned them into undead creatures.

Zhao Hai also knew about the negotiations, but he had no hope at the beginning. He knew that the Aksu Empire would not agree. Although the Aksu Empire was weak now, the Rosen Empire also had some scruples and did not dare to go too far.


But what Zhao Hai despises is those people from the Church of Light. Now everyone in the world knows that the king of the Aksu Empire has become Boric, but the people from the Church of Light have already left the Aksu Empire.

This approach of the Bright Church really made Zhao Hai despise him. It was tantamount to throwing away his allies, and they ran away.

Now Boric doesn't look so high-spirited anymore. The reason why the Aksu Empire dealt with the Principality of Versailles and the Ixa family before was because of his suggestion. They fought such a war, but they were defeated in the end.

It was so tragic that after this disastrous defeat, the Aksu Empire would not be able to recover unless it had twenty years.

Even if he recovers twenty years later, the national strength will be far less than before, because not only did they compensate the Orcs for so many things, but they also compensated the other four empires a large amount of money, which greatly damaged the vitality of the Aksu Empire.


However, after the negotiations were completed, the Aksu Empire also began to officially restore and rebuild. However, the Church of Light has become a street rat in the Aksu Empire. No one in the Aksu Empire likes the Church of Light. It can be said that the Church of Light wants to be in the Aksu Empire in the future.

Preaching is even more difficult than in the Rosen Empire.

The official restoration and reconstruction of the Aksu Empire has begun. What they need most is food. They need large quantities of food to stabilize food prices, and they need large quantities of food to resume production. After negotiations, the Rosen Empire has

The great empire was not stingy either. They sent a large amount of food to the Aksu Empire and sold it at a fair price, which greatly alleviated the food problem of the Aksu Empire.

Among them, the most famous one is Zhao Hai. He brought a large amount of food to the Principality of Versailles, which played a very important role in the reconstruction of the Principality of Versailles.

Now there are new owners in the Principality of Versail and the Ixa Family. The nobles in these two places are Boric's most loyal subordinates. Although they had issues with Zhao Hai before, but now they

But Zhao Hai had to be welcomed, because now both the Principality of Versail and the Ixa family needed large quantities of grain to force the original residents to come back and settle.

The grains Zhao Hai brought were not breadfruit, but ordinary bamboo rice. He believed that breadfruit would be more popular among the orcs. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to ***

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