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Chapter 573: God Realm?

Chapter 573: God Realm?

The sky outside slowly turned dark, and most of the dwarves went home. They didn't know what Billy was going to do. Billy didn't want too many people to know about this, so he didn't tell the dwarves.

Zhao Hai did not go out, but stayed calmly in the room waiting for Billy. After the sky outside was completely dark, Billy led several elders to Zhao Hai's room.

Zhao Hai invited a few people into the room, and Billy respectfully put the small hammer on the table with both hands. He turned to Zhao Hai and said: "Sir, I will hand over my clan's artifact to you. Please

Must help.”

Zhao Hai smiled slightly and said: "I will try my best and ask you to send some people to guard outside. Don't let anyone disturb me. Laura, come here and help me."

Laura and the others responded and tidied up the things on the table, leaving a large space. When Billy saw this, he immediately left. After they and several elders arrived outside, they did not go far.

Instead, they stood outside and waited for Zhao Hai. Obviously, they planned to guard outside Zhao Hai's room tonight.

As soon as they went out, Zhao Hai immediately picked up the small hammer and followed Laura and the others into the space. As soon as they entered the space, a prompt sounded from the space: "Weaker spiritual consciousness was found.

Strengthen spiritual consciousness!" Then Zhao Hai felt the red light of the small hammer in his hand flash, and soon a figure slowly appeared in front of Zhao Hai.

Zhao Hai was stunned for a moment. He found that the prompt sound of the space this time was different from the last time he upgraded Mu'er. After thinking about it, he understood that the space has been upgraded many times now, and the things used for upgrading are now

, are all magical, so now the space here is becoming more and more like a magical world, so the notification sound has naturally changed.

The previous space was just a program, but now it is becoming more and more humanized. This is a good thing for Zhao Hai. He really wants to see what the space will look like after the upgrade.

At this time, the figure on the hammer gradually became suspicious. To Zhao Hai's surprise, but within reason, the weapon spirit on the hammer was a dwarf.

The dwarf glanced at Zhao Hai and said, "Who are you? You are not a dwarf? Why can you wake me up?"

Zhao Hai was stunned. He understood that this weapon spirit was more advanced than Mu'er. He seemed to know some things. Zhao Hai immediately said: "Hello, I am a friend of the dwarves. I know this kind of weapon that can make the soul more condensed."

There is a practical method, so the dwarves asked me to help you reveal yourself."

The weapon spirit nodded. At this moment, a prompt sound came from the space: "The spiritual consciousness refuses to surrender to the host, the space surrenders!" As the voice fell in the space, a ball of white light enveloped the dwarf weapon spirit.

, the dwarf weapon spirit roared angrily, and then lost his voice. The white light flashed and the news came again, but at this time, the dwarf was already standing respectfully in front of Zhao Hai.

Zhao Hai was stunned when the prompt came from the space. He had not thought that the space could help him subdue this weapon spirit. While he was in a daze, the space was already completed.

Zhao Hai looked at the weapon spirit standing there respectfully and couldn't help but smile bitterly. If the dwarves knew that he had surrendered their artifact, would they fight him to the death?

Zhao Hai smiled bitterly and said to the weapon spirit: "What's your name? I think you seem to remember a lot of things?"

The weapon spirit respectfully said to Zhao Hai: "Yes, my name is Iron Hammer, and my master is the craftsman god Holm. I was sent by the master to the lower world to protect the dwarves."

Zhao Hai was stunned and looked at the hammer in confusion: "The lower realm? What do you mean?"

Tie Zhui said: "The lower realm refers to the human realm, which is now the Ark Continent. The Ark Continent is just one plane. There are many places in this world. The place I came from is called the God Realm.

Years ago, my master was the most outstanding warrior and craftsman among the dwarves. Later, he became a god and went to the God Realm. However, in order for the dwarves to continue well, he sent me to the lower world.

It was given to the dwarves and became their artifact to protect the dwarves."

Zhao Hai was stunned. He really didn't expect that there was actually a world of gods in this world, and there were gods.

It took a while for Zhao Hai to react. He looked at Iron Hammer and said, "Is there really a God Realm? Are there many gods in the God Realm?"

Tie Zhui nodded and said: "The elemental energy on the continent is very low now. Tens of thousands of years ago, the elemental energy on the continent was very high. People at that time practiced very easily. There were many ninth-level experts.

, after reaching the ninth level, you are a god-level powerhouse. As long as you reach the god level, you can break through space and go to the God Realm. The elemental energy in the God Realm is much stronger than that here in Ark Continent, and there are aboriginal people in the God Realm.

, the aboriginal people there have the strength equivalent to the level 5 powerhouses here in Ark Continent when they are born. When they reach adulthood, they can reach the strength of the level 9 powerhouses. After training, they can be god level or above.


Zhao Hai listened to Tie Hammer's words blankly. He really didn't expect it to be like this. Tie Hammer continued: "In the beginning, those aborigines looked down on the people who came from Ark Continent. There were several battles between the two sides. Finally, Ark Continent

The people who came here united and slowly gained a foothold in the God Realm. Slowly, they began to intermarry with the aboriginal people of the God Realm, and finally integrated into those people. But later, the alien gods came together with

There was a war between the gods of the human race, and they also sent masters to prepare to go to the lower realm to kill the aliens. However, it was very difficult to get from the heaven to the lower realm. In the end, they could only use their divine power to break through the space wall and send down

A god came to the mainland, and my master and the others also discovered the conspiracy of the human god, but with their strength, they were not enough to send people down. They had no choice but to release a few weapons down to let the people from the lower world come down.

The clansmen used it to deal with that god-level strong man. I was sent down at that time. Also sent down with me were the beast spear and the elf bow. Later, the dwarf clan, the orc clan, and the elf clan joined forces.

Together, we used these three artifacts of ours to have a big battle with the god tribesman. We severely injured the man and escaped back to the god world. The three of us were also seriously injured and could not go back, so we stayed separately.

It was in the hands of the dwarves, elves and orcs, and became their guardian artifact."

Zhao Hai, Laura, and the others were all listening to this blankly. He did not expect that something like this happened on the mainland tens of thousands of years ago.

Zhao Hai immediately said: "What's going on with the five forbidden areas and the demon world? Do you know?"

Tie Zhui nodded and said: "I know that the Five Forbidden Lands were originally the main residences of several major alien races on the mainland. They were protected by magic circles. Later, after the god-level powerhouses went down to the lower realms, wars broke out with several major alien races, and several major cities were destroyed.

It was destroyed, and during the war, the space barrier was broken, allowing Ark Continent to be connected to the Demon Realm. The Demon Realm is another location where the living environment is very harsh. People from the Demon Realm discovered Ark Continent for the first time.

The environment of Ark Continent was still very good at that time, and the people from the Demon Realm were very coveted, so they sent a large army to invade Ark Continent. The various races on Ark Continent had to unite to fight against the Demon Realm, and finally drove the people from the Demon Realm back.

In the Demon Realm, those five cities could no longer be used due to the destruction of the war. When the people from the Demon Realm withdrew, they also destroyed the space cracks in those cities to make the space there

The barrier became very thin, and from time to time the breath of monsters leaked out, and finally it became the five forbidden areas."

Zhao Hai nodded and said: "The space barrier between the Ark Continent and the Demon Realm is so easy to break. Why is the space barrier between the God Realm and the Ark Continent so difficult to break? Is it because the gods in the God Realm are not strong enough?"

Tie Zhui shook his head and said: "It's not like that. Every position has its own unique rules. The same is true for the Ark Continent. The rule here is that strong men who have reached the god level cannot stay for a long time.

It is impossible for a god-level powerhouse to stay in this position for more than six months. Moreover, this place in Ark Continent is only accessible and cannot be entered. As long as your strength is reached, it is very easy to leave Ark Continent.

, but it’s difficult to come back, so it’s very difficult to get from the God Realm to the Ark Continent. Even if you come, you can’t stay for too long, and the Demon Realm is a similar plane to the Ark Continent.

, so the space barrier between these two positions is thinner. However, there are also god-level strong men in the Demon World, but they cannot live here in the Ark Continent for a long time. Therefore, after the last war

In the past, those god-level powerful men from the demon world did not appear here in Ark Continent. Those who came to attack Ark Continent were all people below god level, so they could be beaten back."

Zhao Hai nodded and said: "Then according to what you said, isn't the Demon Realm a bit like a combination of the God Realm and the Ark Continent? If the Ark Continent cannot allow god-level experts to stay for too long, then

Why are you still here in Ark Continent?"

Tie Chui said: "We are just weapons, not strong men. We need someone to use them in order to exert our power. The stronger the people who use them, the greater the power we can exert. Back then we were fighting against that god-level powerhouse.

When I was fighting, it was many ninth-level strongmen from the dwarf tribe who combined their strength to drive me to fight with that god-level strongman. If only one ninth-level strongman used me, my strength would not be able to compete with the god-level strongman.

The super strong ones can compete with each other.”

Zhao Hai nodded. Now he understood what was going on. It turned out that the iron hammer really came from the God Realm. Zhao Hai turned to look at the Iron Hammer and said, "Can you tell me more about the God Realm?"


Tie Chui nodded and said: "Yes, young master, the God Realm is divided into thirteen continents, which is the largest called the Central Continent. The remaining twelve continents are arranged around the Central Continent, respectively.

For Aries Continent, Taurus Continent, Gemini Continent, Cancer Continent, Lion Continent, Goddess Continent, Libra Continent, Scorpio Continent, Capricorn Continent, Aquarius Continent and Pisces Continent, the way people practice in the God Realm is the same as Ark Continent.

It's different here. What's practiced here in Ark Continent is all magic and fighting spirit, but what's practiced in the God Realm is an energy called Yuanli. This energy is much more powerful than magic power and fighting spirit. And in the God Realm,

The weapons used are also very special. Many of those weapons have weapon spirits that can be used to remotely attack and are very powerful."

Zhao Hai nodded, but his mood was very heavy. It seemed that the Heaven Realm was much more powerful than the Ark Continent. In the future, he didn’t know whether those people from the Heaven Realm would come to attack the Ark Continent. If they came, then

What to do?

The most important thing is that Zhao Hai is still worried about what kind of enemies he will encounter if he can go to heaven one day, and whether space can still protect him.

When he thought of this, Zhao Hai realized the importance of strength even more, and he immediately said to Tie Hammer: "Tie Hammer, when you came to the mainland, didn't you leave anything good behind?"

Tie Chui nodded and said: "Yes, when the final battle with the god-level master took place, the place was here in Tieshan. There was a place in Tieshan where the god-level master was injured and escaped.

Blood, that blood is the best thing. For a god-level master, every drop of blood is very precious. That blood contains a lot of energy. If an ordinary person touches it, he will be exploded by that energy.

So that place is now a forbidden land for the dwarves."

Zhao Hai's eyes lit up. If a person attracts that energy, he will be exploded. What will happen if the space attracts that energy?

Upgrading this space requires a lot of things, and I don’t know if the blood of the god-level powerhouse can play a role. Even if it can’t play a role, if the blood of the god-level powerhouse is collected into the space, it will be used in the future.

Might be of great use.

Moreover, when Zhao Hai heard Tie Hammer, he suddenly remembered something, which was about Zhao Wen. When Zhao Wen first entered the space, when Zhao Hai said how he became a ninth-level powerhouse, he said

After drinking a kind of red water, he became a ninth-level strong person. So, could the red water that Zhao Wen drank be the blood of a ninth-level strong person?

However, after thinking about it, Zhao Hai felt that it would not be the case. If what Zhao Wen drank was really the blood of a god-level expert, he would have been exploded long ago. No one would be able to withstand that power, let alone a

It’s just a little soul-eating blood mosquito.

But Zhao Hai also thought of another possibility, that is, what Zhao Wen drank might be the blood of a god-level powerhouse, but it was diluted blood of a god-level powerhouse. It no longer had such powerful energy, so he

Zhao Wen took advantage.

The more he thought about it, the more he felt that this possibility was true. If it was really what he thought, he would definitely get the blood of a god-level strongman. Then maybe they could find someone who could become a ninth-level strongman.


After thinking of this, Zhao Hai turned to Tie Hammer and said: "Tie Hammer, you still have to protect the dwarves here, and don't show it. You have surrendered to me. Just pretend that we don't know each other.

Yes, we should try our best not to tell the dwarves about things about the God Realm, do you understand?"



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