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Chapter 869 The truth

 Time is long and never stops for a moment. For monks, their lives are longer than ordinary people, so time seems longer to them. Decades pass quickly.

, it is almost time for the Millennium War. In one year, when the Cloud Bridge is formed, the Cloud Sea Realm is still peaceful, but unknowingly, the Cloud Sea Realm has changed.

a lot of.???

Here in the Sea of ​​Clouds Realm, the disciples of each sect were originally quite free. As long as they completed their sect's tasks, the rest was all at their own disposal, and their training was relatively free. But now, in the Sea of ​​Clouds Realm,

Here, it is completely different. The Sea of ​​Clouds Realm has almost turned into a large military camp.

Although the disciples of each sect no longer gather together for training, they still conduct military management. The disciples of each island must also conduct unified training on their own islands. It is completely a kind of army.

The management model and training method are completely different from the previous training methods in Yunhai Realm.

Not only that, over the past few decades, the alliance between the Cloud Sea Realm and the Shadow Realm has become even closer. Now all the sects in the Cloud Sea Realm have formed an alliance with the Shadow Realm, and people from the Shadow Realm can also join them at any time.

Appearing here in the Sea of ​​Clouds Realm, there are even some sects and people from the Shadow Realm on each island. These people are all instructors sent by the Shadow Realm and are present on every island.

And some people in the Sea of ​​Clouds Realm will enter the Shadow Realm, but they will come back within a short time of staying in the Shadow Realm. Because the laws in the Shadow Realm are different from those here, so after they enter the Shadow Realm

, you will feel very uncomfortable, and then you will come back from the shadow world.

Yuqing Island is still as deserted as before. There is also an instructor from the Shadow Realm here. The disciples here still train every day, with only three exceptions. One is Wen Wenhai, and the other two are Su Yushan and Huang Yu.

Hai, these two people have always been with Wen Wenhai, so they will not train with them.

And Wen Wenhai spends more than half a year in seclusion. The management of Yuqing Island is all handled by the people below, and the people below respect the instructors of the Shadow Realm very much, so now the actual management of Yuqing Island

Managers are almost people from the shadow world, but this situation is not a special case in the Shangqing Sect.

For decades, many island owners of the Shangqing Sect have either gone into seclusion or been transferred to the main hall. The management of their islands can only be handed over to their subordinates, and those subordinates are used to listening to movies.

In addition to the sect's deliberate connivance, many of the actual managers of the island in the Shangqing Sect have become people from the shadow world.

It’s not just the Shangqing Sect, there are many sects like this, even some big sects. Some people in the Cloud Sea Realm have already realized that something is wrong, but it’s too late, because they are now with the people in the Shadow Realm,

The connection is so tight that it is impossible to separate.

Wen Wenhai was sitting in his room. His temperament had also undergone some changes. Decades had passed, and his current strength had already surpassed the Condensation Realm, that is, the Island Lord level, and had entered the Dharma Condensation Realm.

It made him look very imposing, and he was very powerful at first glance.

However, Wen Wenhai didn't make any move. He just sat there quietly. In front of him, there were two people standing. These two people were Su Yushan and Huang Yuhai. Their faces were not very good-looking now. Su Yushan

He opened his mouth and said: "Master, now we on Yuqing Island are all under the control of the people from the Shadow Realm, and the sect is indifferent to this matter. Master, we can't go on like this. If we go on like this,

I'm afraid no one will listen to your orders in the future."

Huang Yuhai also said in a deep voice: "Yes, Master, if this continues, I'm afraid no one will really listen to your orders. We must do something. This is your island. If the people on the island don't listen,

Yours, what's going on? I found something is wrong with the guys below. They look like soldiers in everything now, and they only obey the instructor from the shadow world. This is very abnormal."

Su Yushan also nodded and said: "Yes, Master, this is really abnormal. I feel like those disciples are possessed by a demon. Master, I am worried that if this continues, our Yuqing Island will really become

Master, although we are allies with the Shadow Realm, we cannot let our territory become their territory, let alone let those disciples listen to them but not us. They are

Your disciple."

Wen Wenhai looked at the two disciples standing in front of him. They were no longer young, and they had now reached the island master level. However, they had always been very loyal to him, but they had also been raced by humans.

They were banned, but they didn't know that they were still thinking about helping Wen Wenhai regain control of Yuqing Island.

In fact, Yuqing Island is now much larger than before. Because after Su Yushan and Huang Yuhai became island masters, they merged their own island with Yuqing Island, so Yuqing Island became

It was too big, but Wen Wenhai strictly ordered them not to merge their godhead with Yuqing Island.

It is precisely because of this that the two of them are so disgusted with the actions of the people in the shadow world, because they feel that the people in the shadow world want to turn the island of their master and apprentice into their own island. The three of them

How could they endure that their island no longer belonged to them?

After decades of observation, Wen Wenhai is certain that Su Yushan and Huang Yuhai are really loyal to him. He can completely trust them, and the Millennium War is not far away now.

It was necessary for him to tell the two of them about the Millennium War.

Wen Wenhai looked at the two of them and said, "Sit down." His voice was very calm, but Su Yushan and Huang Yuhai still sat down obediently. They really respected Wen Wenhai very much, and the two of them also

A bit like Wen Wenhai, he always puts training first. If the instructor from the film world hadn't gone too far recently, they wouldn't have told Wen Wenhai about this.

The reason why they want Wen Wenhai to come forward is because Wen Wenhai is now the elder of the Shangqing Sect and has a very high status. The Shangqing Sect has a lot of special care for the instructors in the shadow world. If they

If they come forward and directly confront the instructor from the Shadow Realm, I'm afraid it won't lead to good results. The sect will not turn to them, but will instead help the instructor from the Shadow Realm. Therefore, Wen Wenhai can only come forward in this matter.


After the two sat down, they looked at Wen Wenhai intently, wanting to hear what Wen Wenhai had to say. Although Wen Wenhai didn't care much about Yuqing Island's affairs, they believed that Wen Wenhai would not completely ignore it. After all, Yuqing Island

Qingdao is their foundation. If their foundation is taken away, it will be a huge loss for them.

Wen Wenhai looked at the two of them and said in a deep voice: "Actually, there is one thing that I have never told you. Today seems to be the time, because if I don't tell you, I'm afraid you will do something impulsive.

Come on, it’s fine if you suffer in the end, after all you are my true disciples.”

Both of them looked at Wen Wenhai with some confusion. They didn't know what Wen Wenhai meant by his words. Wen Wenhai looked at the two of them and said in a deep voice: "People from the Shadow Realm have been brainwashing the disciples of the Cloud Sea Realm for decades.

If it doesn't even have any effect, then they have failed too much and will not be able to compete with the sect master."

Wen Wenhai suddenly said something meaningless, which made the two of them even more confused. They looked at Wen Wenhai, and they both didn't quite understand what he meant. What is brainwashing for decades? What is not admiration for becoming?

The sect master’s opponent? Could it be that the sect master has any way to deal with the people in the shadow world?

Wen Wenhai looked at the two of them and said in a deep voice: "Don't misunderstand me. The sect leader I'm talking about is not Yu Qingzi. Yu Qingzi is just a clown and a traitor. Just because of him, Bu Pei becomes my sect leader, Wen Wenhai. I said

The sect leader is my sect leader in the lower realm, Zhao Hai."

"Zhao Hai!" Su Yushan, who reacted faster when he heard Wen Wenhai say this name, couldn't help but exclaimed. If it were a few decades ago, no one might have heard of this name, because this name is very famous.

Ordinarily, there are many people with this name, but in the past few decades, almost no one here in the Sea of ​​Clouds Realm does not know this name. This name means that he is the biggest enemy of the Sea of ​​Clouds Realm and the Shadow Realm.

The true controller of the Blood Sea Realm and the leader of the Blood Killing Sect, Zhao Hai.

Wen Wenhai nodded, with a smile on his face, looked at the two of them and said: "Yes, Zhao Hai, and he is the Zhao Hai you are thinking of, the leader of the Blood Killing Sect in the Blood Sea Realm, who is called by the people in the Shadow Realm

The devil’s Zhao Hai is actually an ascended person, and he is my sect master in the lower realm. We come from the same interface and the same sect. He is the sect master of our sect, and also my sect master, and he is also my sect master.

The most respected person."

At this point, Wen Wenhai stopped and then said: "This is a long story. I didn't want to tell you originally, but after seeing your reaction today, I decided to tell you about it.

At the same time, I will also tell you everything I know. Only in this way will you know what to do so that you will not suffer a loss." After saying this, Wen Wenhai began to talk about his own affairs calmly, starting with Tan Haizong,

Talking about how the Tanhai Sect changed from weak to strong, from a small sect, and finally became an extremely powerful sect, and finally became the lord of a world, and then went to conquer all walks of life, and became a cross-straddling sect.

The behemoths of the several realms finally talked about Zhao Hai’s ascension, their ascension, Ding Chunming, their intelligence network in the Sea of ​​Clouds Realm, things in the Shadow Realm, Li Qingtian, and the current Sea of ​​Clouds.

Of course, it also talks about the purpose of the Shadow Realm, the lies told by the Shadow Realm, and why Li Qingtian left the Shangqing Sect and why he hasn’t shown up for decades.

He told Su Yushan and Huang Yuhai. He had to tell them the real situation and couldn't let them be kept in the dark. 8

This chapter has been completed!
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