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Chapter 680: Protecting Home

 Chapter 680: Protecting Homeland

Vigan is a black magician. He has always lived in the magic city. He is not a member of the Kalchi family. It can be said that he has no interaction with the Kalchi family at all. But don’t think that he is such a simple character. The facts are

His ancestors also had a prosperous life. His ancestors were also great magicians in the empire more than a thousand years ago. His family even had the title of Duke.

But it is a pity that the empire that his family protected was eventually destroyed by the Lyon Empire, and because their family's ancestors were too loyal to that empire, the Lyon Empire found a reason to take back their titles, and they also

They suppressed them in many ways, and finally the members of their family had no choice but to settle here in the magic city.

In any empire, there will be some places where the empire's power is strongest, just like the small formation at the foot of Akraya Mountain in the Lyon Empire, like the Magic City here in the Pagoda Empire, and the Magic City here

It is very suitable for black magicians to survive, so they must have settled here in the magic city. The magic city itself is within the territory of the Buddha Empire, and the power of the Buddha Empire here is also very weak, so their family has settled down.

But it is a pity that the Demon City is not safe here. Just a few hundred years ago, the dark creatures and undead creatures in the Demon Abyss once rushed out of the Demon Abyss on a large scale and attacked the Demon City. Then

Once the Magic City was almost captured. Although the Magic City was defended in the end, the black magicians and adventurers in the city suffered heavy losses. And that time was also the heaviest loss for Wigan and his family. In the end, they were originally in the Magic City.

The Vigan family, which was considered a very powerful family, was slowly declining.

Now there are only a dozen black magicians in the entire Vigan family, but even so, no mercenary group or force in the Magic City dares to underestimate them, because the black magic passed down by the Vigan family is really

It is very strong. The most important thing is that the Vigan family has always regarded the Magic City as their home, so their status in the Magic City is very high. The mercenary groups and other forces respect the Vigan family very much.

Even if there is any conflict, they will ask the Wigan family to mediate.

Vigan is just a magician in the family. He is not the head of the family, nor is he the heir to the head of the family. He is just an ordinary magician in the family.

The Futu Empire has told them what is going to happen in the Demon Abyss. The empire is gathering troops here in the Demon City. At the same time, it has also invited the Vigan family to come forward, the mercenary groups and adventurers in the city, and other black people.

All the magician forces stayed and guarded the Magic City with them.

The Vigan family did not disappoint the Pagoda Empire. They went out to lobby the mercenary groups and adventurers, and finally allowed most of the forces in the Magic City to stay.

Not only that, the Vigan family also sent their magicians to help the army patrol the city walls. Because black magicians are very sensitive to dark energy, there are black magicians on the city walls to help the army patrol, and the army will also

Much more relaxed.

It is really strange to say that the earth here in the Demon City is open. The entire Demon City was built to protect the Demon Abyss. As you can tell from the name of the terrain of the Demon Abyss, it is an abyss. How deep is it?

, no one knows, all those who want to explore the bottom of the abyss have not come out of the devil's abyss.

How big is the Demonic Abyss? Real people have seen this. The Demonic Abyss is actually a huge crack in the earth. This huge crack is thousands of miles long, and the widest part is more than two thousand miles. Apart from the Demon City, this place is a

Apart from the gentle slope leading to the ground, the rest of the place is a cliff, which cannot be climbed by monsters. The most important thing is that the black mist in the Demon Abyss is shrouded all year round, making it impossible for you to see clearly what is inside.

It is precisely because of this that the city of Magic City exists. When it comes to the longest-standing city on the mainland, Magic Capital City may be one of them. From the day when Magic Abyss appeared, there may be Magic Capital City.

No one has kept track of how many years it has been in existence. Anyway, no matter how the war on the mainland is fought, almost no one will come to touch the Magic City, because there is almost no regular army defense in the Magic City.

The people here are some mercenary groups, adventurers and black magicians. They seem to be a group of people outside this world, and it is this group of people who guard the Demonic Abyss for the people on the mainland all year round. These people

They make a living in the Demon Abyss, but they also guard the Demon Abyss, so people on the mainland still have very complicated feelings about the Demon Abyss.

On this day, Vigan was still looking around on the city wall. In fact, his current location was not the east wall of Moyuan. In other words, this was not the city wall directly facing Moyuan, but the one facing the mainland.

The city wall, this city wall is very safe, but Vigan is still patrolling it, because people from the Pagoda Empire have already said that demons may have sneaked into the mainland in advance, so they must be more careful.

Vigan looked at the troops around him. These troops were not the most elite cavalry in the Pagoda Empire, but they also knew what they were here for, so the expressions of each of these people were very serious.

At this moment, Wigan suddenly felt as if there was a huge ball of dark energy flying towards them in the distance. This should be a dark creature.

The black magic of the Wigan family is somewhat different from the black magic on the mainland. They are very sensitive to dark energy, so he felt this energy, and this energy flew from the mainland to the magic city. Wigan

Immediately he thought of the warning from the Pagoda Empire, and he immediately became nervous and said loudly: "Everyone, please pay attention, there are dark creatures flying here from the mainland. They are very powerful, so be on guard!"

The Buddha Empire mobilized troops to the Demon City this time. Although the troops mobilized were not the most elite cavalry troops, they were also elites from some local armies, and they had been told before coming that the troops here in the Demon City

Black magicians are very good at dealing with dark creatures and must cooperate with them a lot. Therefore, the black magicians here in the Demon City now have a very high status in the team of Emperor Pagoda. When I heard Vigan say this

Shouting, the men in the army immediately started to move, and the magic cannons and bed slaves were set up.

As soon as they were ready, a black spot appeared in the distance and flew towards them at a very fast speed. These people became nervous, especially the bed slaves. They all looked at the black spot nervously.

Point, because now Ma Tu is almost their only defensive weapon. The opponent is flying, and they are the only ones who can attack the opponent.

The black spot slowly grew larger, and soon the people on the city wall could see what the black spot was. But when they saw the black spot, both the soldiers of the Pagoda Empire and the black magicians on the city wall were dumbfounded.

That black spot turned out to be a bone dragon, and on top of the skull dragon's head stood an ordinary-looking black magician.

But there is no one here in the magic city who doesn’t know who this person is. Maybe they have never met this person, but this does not prevent them from being sure of this person’s identity. Zhao Haibuda, the head of the Buda family

, the king of the Leon Empire and the strongest black magician in the continent!

Now Zhao Hai is recognized as the strongest black magician in the mainland. No matter which empire they are from, they all have achieved this. With the power of a few, they have completed the great cause of slaying the dragon. With the power of a few, they have discovered that

He discovered the conspiracy of the demons and became the king of the Leon Empire a few years ago. This made almost all the black magicians on the mainland worship him as a god. For these black magicians, Zhao Hai is

The god who was high above, looking down on them.

Zhao Hai took a good rest in the space, and arranged the work of Laura and the others before coming out of the space. He had already seen the situation in the Magic City. There was nothing going on in the Magic City, so he

He didn't miss it at all, he drilled out of a space far away from the Demon City, and then stood on the head of the bone dragon, appearing in a very eye-catching shape.

Seeing the city wall of the Magic City, Zhao Hai did not fly directly into the city, but let the bone dragon fall down outside the city. Then he walked down from the bone dragon's head, put away the bone dragon, and then slowly

Walk slowly towards the city wall of the Magic City.

The defenders on the city wall here also reacted. An officer immediately shouted to the defenders at the city gate: "Hurry, open the city gate quickly, hurry up!" As he said this, he ran towards the bottom of the city wall.

, and the one running in front of him turned out to be Wigan.

This humble magician in the Vigan family can now run faster than an officer who is a seventh-level warrior. This makes the army look at Vigan in the wrong way. I wonder if he is a magician and a martial artist.

The magic warrior.

Of course, Vigan is not a magic warrior, he is just a magician. The reason why he can run so fast is because he is too excited. As early as when the troops arrived, the people in the army told them that Zhao Hai would come in person.

They are very excited to be here in the Magic City. For black magicians, it is definitely a great thing to see Zhao Hai with their own eyes, but there are still many people who don't believe it. In their opinion,

, who is Zhao Hai? The head of the Buda family is still the king of the Lyon Empire. Although they have just received this news, they have already known about Zhao Hai slaying the dragon in the Lyon Empire, so for this news,

They were not surprised at all. Would such a person risk his own life and come to this magical city?

For these people who have been living in the magic city, people with Zhao Hai's status are superior beings. They cannot do anything too dangerous, even if it is for the entire continent, so many people do not believe that Zhao Hai will

They came here, thinking that this was the Buddha Empire to comfort them, but these people still stayed here in the Demon City, because they regarded the Demon City as their home, and they wanted to protect their home, no matter what the high-ranking nobles said,

They will protect their homes.

They do not have such a great sentiment to protect the human race and the entire continent. For them, fighting against the demons is just to protect their homeland, it is so simple.

This chapter has been completed!
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