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Chapter 696: Deploy troops and generals

 Zhao Hai knew what the king was thinking as soon as he saw the look on his face. Zhao Hai smiled slightly and said: "Don't worry, Your Majesty, there is no problem on the front line." Let's go inside and talk. [ ] [ ] "

After hearing Zhao Hai say that there was no problem on the front line, the king nodded and followed Zhao Hai to the main hall. There were many imperial ministers in the main hall, and they all looked at Zhao Hai nervously.

After Zhao Hai saluted these ministers, he said: "Now the demons have appeared in Moyuan, but they are not in a hurry to attack the demon capital. They are building a city."

"Build a city?" When Zhao Hai said this, everyone in the palace was stunned for a moment, but then they immediately understood what the demons meant, and everyone's expression became very ugly.

Zhao Hai glanced at everyone and said: "Don't worry, everyone." Yesterday, I also tried to have a small contact battle with the demons. It was a no-lose, no-win situation, so I wanted to hold the demons there.

There should be no problem for a while, and the demons are busy garrisoning the city, so they won’t attack the mainland for a while, so we still have time.”

Everyone in the hall breathed a sigh of relief. Zhao Hai turned to King Buddha and said, "I came to see your Majesty this time just to ask your Majesty not to send too many troops to the Demon City for the time being."

King Futu was stunned for a moment, then frowned and said: "Sir, what do you mean?" Zhao Haidao said: "Lixia, although the Demon City is located in a strategic location, the area is not large and is not suitable for large-scale armies.

Fighting, and the elite army of the Pagoda Empire is mainly based on iron cavalry. Iron cavalry is not suitable for defending the city, but a big killer in field battles. So the meaning of my coming to your majesty this time is that your majesty should not go to the magic city yet.

Instead of sending too many iron cavalry, I will deploy these iron cavalry to various strategic locations in the Pagoda Empire. I am transferring some troops from the orcs, dwarves and elves, and we will fight together to make the entire Pagoda Empire

The land has turned into a huge war zone, causing the demons to fall into this huge quagmire. "What do you think, Lixia?"

King Pagoda quietly closed his eyes. He was not a person who did not understand military affairs. On the contrary, he started his career with military exploits. "He knew military affairs very well, but the demons came too suddenly." He did not think about it carefully.

"Everything happened here with the demons." Now when he heard Zhao Hai say this, he couldn't help but think carefully about this battle with the demons.

King Pagoda is not a confused person. He knows very well that it is impossible to defend the Pagoda Empire. Otherwise, he would not agree with Zhao Hai's opinion and let the entire Pagoda Empire evacuate.

Therefore, he still agreed with Zhao Hai's proposal to turn the entire Pagoda Empire into a large battlefield. He did not feel sad about those cities. He knew very well that it was useless to feel sad about those things now. Instead of feeling sad about those things,

It's better to be heartbroken and heartbroken. "As long as someone is here," then everything will be easier to talk about.

At the same time, he was also considering the feasibility of Zhao Hai's plan. The cavalry of the Pagoda Empire was famous all over the world, and recently their cavalry armies all used Zhao Hai's magical beasts, so their combat effectiveness was stronger than before, and

The orcs are also famous for their cavalry. With these two cavalry, they can completely rely on the vast area of ​​​​the Pagoda Empire to deal with the demons. The dwarves' cavalry is also good, but they are not very famous. But the dwarves

The infantry of the tribe are very strong. Even though their appearance is short, the hammer in his hand is a murderous weapon. Although the elves don’t know much about it in recent years, the elves didn’t know much about it in the past.

When they were active on the continent, their archery and magic were also famous on the continent, but if several tribes unite, they can definitely fight against the demons.

When he thought of this, King Pagoda slowly opened his eyes and said, "Okay, sir, you are right. This is what you should do. I will go and give the order right away. Now let's set up another line of defense behind the magic city." Anyway, where is it?

All the people have been evacuated, and they can be used for fighting. I, the man of the Pagoda Empire, have never been afraid of death. This time, I must make the demons pay the price.u点com"

Zhao Hai nodded and said: "Li Xia, you can make preparations here. I have to go to the orcs and elves to mobilize troops now, so I can't wait any longer."

The King of Pagoda stood up, saluted Zhao Hai and said: "On behalf of the entire Pagoda Empire, I would like to thank you sir. If you hadn't shown your respects and kept running back and forth, I am afraid that our Pagoda Empire would have been removed from the mainland."

,Thank you, sir."

Zhao Hai quickly said: "Your Majesty is too polite. I also think about the entire continent. Please rest assured, Your Majesty, I have already made arrangements for the people from the Pagoda Empire to move to the Lyon Empire. In addition to the war some time ago, Aksu

There is a shortage of people in the empire, so I sent those who were willing to go to the Aksu Empire to take a boat to the Aksu Empire, and there are people there to take care of them. Please rest assured, Your Majesty."

The King of Buddha looked at Zhao Hai, but he didn't know what to say for a moment. He knew very well that without Zhao Hai, "the Empire of Buddha would never be like it is now. I am afraid that the Demon City has been captured by the demons."

, and I am afraid that the eastern part of the Pagoda Empire will not have a good life either.

Zhao Hai bowed slightly to the king" and then turned and left the palace. As soon as Zhao Hai left, King Futu immediately said: "Send the order, all the troops of the empire" will move into Yangping, Xiaping, Xiazhi, Water Wheel in the shortest possible time.

We will use these five cities to form the second line of defense in the five cities of Guangping and Guangzhou, and use the Ashiduo River as the line to form the third line of defense on the west bank of the river. I will tell my husband to ask our friends in the navy to cooperate with us, and then in the following

Yashi, Qibai, parallel, Changde, Guangguang, Baihao, top, Niuwang "go up to Rudeng City, forming a huge strategic depth" to make the people of the demon tribe fall into this quagmire. "I want to let

They had to pay a bloody price for every step they took, and finally, with the Iron Cavalry City as the center, they formed a strategic depth of 6 parallel waters, which would turn the entire Pagoda Empire into a big battlefield.

The imperial ministers in the main hall responded in unison. King Futu looked at them and said: "Mr. Zhao Hai is desperately trying to buy time for us on the front line. He is not doing it for us, but for the entire Ark Continent." Our Futu Empire

"A good man" has never been afraid of war. "Mr. Zhao Hai can give everything for the mainland. We can also do it in the Pagoda Empire. Our home has become a battlefield." But this is our home, and no one knows him better than us.

, We just want those demons to understand that the Pagoda Empire is not something they can just come to if they want!" At this point, he tapped the table lightly.

The ministers in the main hall said in unison: "Your Majesty is mighty!" King Futu looked at the ministers and said: "The entire Ark Continent has reached an emergency period, and brothers from different races have also come to help. I want you to remember that from now on

From now on, those alien races are our brothers of the human race, and hereby order, no one should do anything unreasonable to those alien races, if I find out, I will kill them without mercy!"

The ministers agreed in unison, and King Pagoda nodded and said, "Go down and get ready. You must be prepared for the distribution of supplies, and then report to me. I'll ask sir for help. Go down!" The minister agreed.

With a sound, he saluted and turned around to leave.

After the ministers left, King Pagoda slowly sat down on the dragon chair, his eyes sparkling. He burst out laughing and said, "Okay, now Tong Kuai, you little devil, let me

Let’s see, “Is it you demons who are more powerful, or my cavalry from the Buddha Empire? Hahahaha!” After what happened just now, the panic and stubbornness of the Buddha Empire these days were wiped away, and instead they were aroused.

His soaring arrogance is just like what he experienced in the army. He can charge like an ordinary soldier in the face of enemies several times stronger. But since he became the king, he has to learn to calm down the passion.

It has slowly disappeared, but just now, his blood became warm again.

But Zhao Hai didn't know this. He has now arrived at the Life City Tree of the Elf Tribe. Those Elf Tribe people also know Zhao Hai. Someone immediately told the news of Zhao Hai's arrival to Queen Li Xia" and also told Zhao Hai.

Please come to the palace.

As soon as Zhao Hai arrived at the palace, Her Majesty the Queen followed the newly appointed Great Elder out. Zhao Hai quickly saluted the two of them and said, "I have met Your Majesty and the Great Elder!"

The queen quickly said: "Sir, no courtesy." I wonder if there is something wrong with your coming to our elves at this time?"

Zhao Hai nodded and said, "I have something important to tell Your Majesty. The thing is like this..." Zhao Hai told the Queen what he had discussed with Billy, and after the matter was finished, he told the Queen

He said: "Li Xia, that's what happened. I came here this time to ask your Majesty to send troops. First send some troops to the Demon City to help me defend the city, and then send troops there. I will also discuss it with King Pagoda.

, I wonder what your Majesty means?"

The queen frowned. To be honest, she still didn't like letting the elves fight side by side with humans, but she also knew that Zhao Hai's plan was feasible. He immediately nodded and said: "Okay,

Mr. Yi, I will first gather five thousand archers and go to the magic city to wait for Mr.'s dispatch."

Zhao Hai nodded and said: "Thank you Your Majesty anyway, I have to go to the Orcs to mobilize troops." I won't stay here any longer. Please rest assured, Your Majesty, the Elf tribe appears on the continent, and absolutely no one dares to attack the Elf tribe.

The tribe is unreasonable, otherwise I, Zhao Hai, will not let them go. "And Your Majesty," when I leave, I will leave five thousand blood eagles. These are the mounts allocated to the elves. "This time, these five thousand arrow soldiers

, is to start a war with the enemy's air force, and the Blood Eagle is more suitable for air combat than the Voiceless Bird. Once Your Majesty has assembled the army, you can directly go to the Magic City with the Blood Eagle." The Queen nodded and said: "Okay.

, everything will be arranged by sir, please, I will prepare it here." Zhao Hai bowed to the queen, turned around and left.

As soon as Zhao Hai left, the great elder said to the queen: "Your Majesty, is it too early for us to send troops now? In fact, with the strength of our elves, we only need to defend the elves' forest." I believe that those demons cannot go all out.

They want to deal with us and ignore those humans, right? Why should we cooperate with them and send troops now?" "

...Chapter 696: Deploy troops and generals. The text of the novel is updated the fastest...

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