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Chapter 664: Kung Fu Blessing

 The two giant beast armies collided with each other at once, and a loud bang was heard. Countless giant beasts were directly hit and flew up. The giant beast army from the Asura clan directly jumped from the giant beast.

They flew up, but they turned over in the air and fell to the ground again.

But as soon as they landed on the ground, a giant beast collided with them and hit him directly. The Asura clan's cavalry screamed and was knocked away directly. Before he could land on the ground,

He moved, and immediately countless giant beasts stepped on him. In just a few clicks, he turned into a puff of black smoke and disappeared, leaving only a demon-conquering pestle on the ground.

And just when the giant beast army blocked the charge of the Ashuche clan, the disciples of the Blood Killing Sect had already built another tree wall defense line behind them. This time, there were many more people in the tree wall defense line.

The Gangfeng Tree and Babel Vine are there to prevent the enemy from using their javelins to attack the Blood Killing Sect's tree wall defense line.

At this time, the blood-killing sect's giant beast army was already fighting with the Asura clan's cavalry army. Some of the giant beasts from the giant beast army immediately moved in when they found that they could no longer charge.

The bodies moved and turned into monks one by one, but their bodies were still very huge. These giant-like disciples of the Blood Killing Sect were the monks transformed from the giant undead beasts. They directly fought with those Asura cavalry.


When the Asura cavalry entered, he could no longer charge. They had been blocked by the army of giant beasts. Now the two sides could only fight. What frightened them the most was that their retreat was also cut off.

In other words, the tree wall defense line that they broke through has regrown countless war plants. Those war plants directly blocked the breached tree wall defense line at once.

As for the Asura clan's cavalry, they were now surrounded between two tree-wall defense lines, and it was impossible for them to even escape.

After realizing that it was impossible for them to escape, the Asura cavalry calmed down and began to fight with all their strength. Since they couldn't run away anyway, they just fought. But at this time, they had no way to charge.

, the Blood Killing Sect's army can naturally attack them, and it is only a matter of time before they are eliminated.

But at this time, outside the first tree wall, there were still many people from the Asura clan who were attacking the tree wall. The method they used was the same as before, but it was obviously not very easy to use this time. The Blood Killing Sect

If you make a mistake once, you won't make it a second time. The Blood Killing Sect disciples in the tree wall have long been prepared. They have planted a lot of Babel vines in the woods, and also planted a lot of techniques.

When the Asura clan used the magic-enhanced javelin to attack the tree wall, countless Babel vines and countless magic spells immediately flew out of the tree wall to counterattack, making the enemy less vulnerable.

It is easy to rush into the tree wall.

In addition, a lot of breadfruit was thrown out of the tree wall this time. Once these breadfruit exploded, countless seeds would fly out. The attack power of these seeds was very strong. The shield on the Asura clan was being destroyed by this.

After the seeds are destroyed, countless mushrooms will grow on their bodies. Once these mushrooms grow, the strength of the Asura clan will be greatly reduced. Then the second wave of breadfruit attacks will make the Asura clan...

Completely lost his life.

The battle on the ground once fell into a stalemate, and the battle in the sky was also a stalemate. The blood river of the Blood Killing Sect disciples could not attack too far, could not hurt the enemy's body, and could not do anything to the enemy.

Threat, but the enemy could not break through Xuehe's defense line, so the two sides could only remain in a stalemate.

After fighting like this for about an hour, the blood rivers that were in a stalemate with the Asura clan suddenly stopped. The masters of the Asura clan were stunned, but then they immediately reacted. This might be

The people of the Blood Killing Sect couldn't stand it anymore, and they immediately started to attack. But at this moment, rivers of blood rose up from the territory of the Blood Killing Sect, blocking their attacks one after another.


The people of the Asura clan are extremely disappointed with this situation. They almost know by now that the blood river of the Blood Killing Sect cannot last for too long, and can only last for about an hour at most. But they

But there are many such blood rivers that can be used in rotation.

After fighting for another hour, sure enough, the blood rivers disappeared one after another, but immediately another blood river rose up. There was almost no gap in the exchanges between them. Even the masters of the Asura clan, even

It's impossible to make a fuss about this matter, because the people of the Blood Killing Sect didn't give them a chance.

Faced with this situation, the masters of the Asura clan also knew that they would not get any better, and in the end they could only retreat, because they were not sure that they could defeat those blood rivers in one go, and then break through the blood rivers.

line of defense. In this way, they can only play a diversionary role in this battle and cannot play any other role.

In addition, the attack of the Asura clan below is not going very smoothly. Although the tactics they came up with before seemed to have some effect at the beginning, the Blood Killing Sect later adjusted the tactics.

, As a result, their tactics have no effect, so they can only retreat.

As soon as they retreated, the Asura clan's cavalry also retreated naturally. Those cavalry surrounded by the Blood Killing Sect had been eliminated long ago without causing any trouble. This attack of the Asura clan was considered official.

It’s over. But the Blood Killing Sect’s attack is not over yet.

The Blood Killing Sect then attacked the territory of the Asura Clan. Their attack went very smoothly. The Asura Clan had begun to retreat. Naturally, no one could stop their attack, so the Blood Killing Sect continued to advance all the way.

, and soon captured the land of thousands of miles.

Maybe the people of the Asura clan are also used to the Blood Killing Sect's offensive method. They know that even if the Blood Killing Sect gains the upper hand, it will only take over a thousand miles of land at once and will not occupy more territory. Moreover,

After taking the Land of Thousand Miles, the Blood Killing Sect would rest for a few days, which gave them time to adjust. Therefore, the Asura clan directly withdrew from the Land of Thousand Miles this time and did not launch any attacks on them within Thousand Miles.


After taking over this thousand-mile land, the Blood Killing Sect began to build the Zhan Zhi Fortress again. Wen Wenhai summoned everyone to the hall of the Blood Killing War Fort at once. After everyone arrived in the hall of the Blood Killing War Fort,

, Wen Wenhai then looked at everyone and said: "Okay, everyone did well this time. Although the Asura clan used magic to attack us and caused us some trouble, we were the ones who won in the end. For

At this point, I am still very happy, Lao Gu, you did a good job."

Gu Yuanzheng stood up, clasped his fists at everyone, and then sat down again. Wen Wenhai then said: "From the fact that the Asura clan changed their moves this time, it can be seen that they actually have other methods.

Yes, we have to guard against it. Let’s talk about what other methods the Asura clan may use.”

When he asked, everyone couldn't help but whisper among themselves. Everyone was thinking about Wen Wenhai. The Asura clan was indeed a little beyond their expectations. This time they used magic. If they hadn't made it in advance,

If there are some preparations, then there will really be trouble this time. If they can use spells, will they also use other things? If that is really the case, then do they need to make more preparations?

While everyone was still discussing, Baiyan stood up and said in a deep voice: "Although the Asura clan is powerful, in general, they focus on physical training and can use magic. They can't

We should be certain about using the magic circle, but there is one thing that we have not been sure about, and this point is also very important, and that is the appearance of the law, or it can also be said to be the blessing of the exercises."

As soon as they heard what he said, everyone was stunned, and then they all looked at Baiyan with some confusion, because everyone had never thought that the Asura clan would use their skills to bless them. Now that Baiyan said this, there should be

What basis? It can't be directly his own guess? That can't be done accurately.

Wen Wenhai looked at Bai Yan and said: "Elder Bai, please tell me carefully, why do you think that the Asura clan will use exercises to bless you? Is there any basis for it?" Wen Wenhai also attaches great importance to the opinion raised by Bai Yan.

, so he also wanted to hear Bai Yan's explanation on the basis of what he said.

Bai Yan said solemnly: "I have two bases. First, when we were fighting with those Yakshas in the Yaksha Realm, and finally when we dealt with those Yakshas, ​​those Yakshas actually used Kung Fu blessings, but they can't

There are very few Yakshas who use Kung Fu blessings, but if those Yakshas can use it, then the Asura clan should also be able to use it. This is the first point, and the second point is, but I forgot that the masters of the Yaksha clan have always

What have they been using to attack us? Their attacks are all energy-based attacks. I think such attacks have a lot to do with the blessing of the exercises, so they should also be able to use the exercises.


Having said this, Baiyan paused for a moment, and then said: "The power of the blessing of the exercises is very powerful. Some masters in the Asura clan should also be able to use it. Don't forget, what we are facing now is still some

We have also seen the Asuras who are as strong as the Asuras and the powerful Asuras, but we haven’t seen the Asuras who are in the middle between the two. I suspect that those people may also use Kung Fu to bless them.

, it’s just that they haven’t shown up yet.”

When Bai Yan said this, Wen Wenhai and the others were all shocked. It was indeed true. In the Yaksha world, they had seen Yaksha who knew how to practice kungfu, but they did not associate Yaksha with the Asura clan for a while.

After all, the Asura Realm is a stronger interface than the Yaksha Realm. It is impossible to say that no one in the Asura Realm knows how to use Kung Fu for blessings. This is something that we really have to guard against.

This chapter has been completed!
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