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Chapter 776 Cavalry

 Returning to the frontline headquarters, he looked at the Blood Killing Sect disciples who were already on alert and let out a sigh of relief. He was really afraid that the Blood Killing Sect disciples would take it lightly. If the alert was not taken,

That would be really dangerous. If the enemy really makes a surprise attack, their losses may not be small.

Finding that there were no problems on the front line, Bai Yan looked at Gu Yuanzheng and Sheng Si and said, "This world is about to pass, but the closer we get to this stage, the more nervous I become. It's the end.

Don't make any mistakes, otherwise it will be embarrassing."

Gu Yuanzheng nodded and said in a deep voice: "The more you are at this time, the more careful you must be, because the closer you are to the entry stage, the more difficult the enemy will be. You are absolutely right. I am also worried that there will be enemies at this time.

When they came to raid us, we were also worried that there would be masters among the enemies, but here in the Garuda Realm, we really didn’t encounter any masters, be it the Dapeng, Kun, or those eagle-faced men.

, their strengths are all very even, which is really a bit weird."

"Perhaps it is still affected by the power of the basic laws. I found that the influence of the power of the basic laws here seems to be greater than the previous interfaces. What do you think?" Sheng Si said, he found that this time the interface,

Every group of enemies they encountered were very average in strength. There were no enemies that were too strong. This made it very easy for them to deal with them. The reason for this situation must also be related to the power of the law here.


The basic laws here control the entire interface very strictly. Unlike the previous interfaces, almost the entire interface has been controlled by the power of Shadow Clan's laws. You can hardly feel the foundation there.

The power of law is a very troublesome thing, and the average strength of the Kunpengs here may also have something to do with this matter.

Baiyan nodded and said: "It is possible. In fact, when I saw the power of laws in this space, I had a guess. The power of laws of the Shadow Clan came from several space cracks in the black and white battlefield.

, slowly poured into the Tianlong Babu space, and finally slowly invaded all interfaces. Could it be because the power of the laws of the Shadow Clan did not invade the Garuda Realm?

There are many, so there is no way to fully affect the Garuda Realm. It can only affect these Kunpeng in the Garuda Realm. But there is no way to completely affect the basic laws of the Garuda Realm? Of course, if we

If you don't show up, and give them some time, they may be able to completely influence this place."

Gu Yuanzheng nodded and said: "It is possible, but no matter what, we have to pass this level. As for what the next level will be like, we can only decide after we see it..."

Before he finished speaking, he heard a piercing siren sound. The three of them were stunned, and then their expressions changed and they turned to look at the radar screen.

They saw a light spot suddenly appear on the radar screen, rushing towards the Blood Killing Sect army. The speed of those light spots was very fast. From when they heard the siren to when they looked at the radar screen, it only took a split second.

However, they have already advanced nearly a thousand miles. At this speed, in a few breaths, they will reach the base of the Blood Killing Sect.

Bai Yan didn't even think about it, and immediately said loudly: "Quickly, let all the disciples prepare, if there is an enemy coming to attack." The staff officer immediately responded and went directly to deliver the order, but Bai Yan, who came in, turned the screen

Zooming in, they can see clearly the enemy coming to attack them.

But when he saw the enemies who came to attack them, Bai Yan's expression couldn't help but change, because these enemies who came to attack them were not ordinary people, but cavalry. That's right, they were cavalry. These enemies were all that kind of hawk-faced people.

They also had wings on their backs, but they did not fly. Instead, they rode on the backs of huge two-headed rocs. They held halberds in their hands and were quickly approaching the Blood Killing Sect's army.

Bai Yan's expression changed, and he immediately said loudly: "Attention, the enemy is coming from behind the cavalry." As he said this, he waved his hand and directly sent the enemy pattern on the screen to all the disciples of the Blood Killing Sect.

All the disciples of the Killing Sect can clearly see the appearance of the enemy through their optical brains, so that they can be mentally prepared.

Then Bai Yan immediately said: "Quickly, write a letter to Lao Ding and let them prepare for support. Write a letter to Lao Wen and ask them to prepare for support. Send a letter to all the riders and ask them to prepare for support.

Prepare for attack." The staff quickly recorded these orders and then sent them out immediately.

But Bai turned to look at Gu Yuanzheng and Sheng Si and said: "Lao Gu, Xiao Si, it's up to you now. Before Lao Ding and the others come, you must provide support. The enemies who come this time are not strong enough."

They must not be weak, we must be careful." The two of them responded, turned around and left. At this time, the two-headed eagle cavalry had already reached a point of fighting with the disciples of the Blood Killing Sect.

With this contact, the disciples of the Blood Killing Sect were at a disadvantage. The attack power of those double-headed eagles was very powerful. One of their two heads could spit out golden light, the other could spit out lightning, and the opposite wings could fly.

The extremely cold ice wind has four claws on its abdomen, which can release energy black claws. All kinds of attacks are very powerful, and the eagle-faced men on the backs of the double-headed eagles are also very powerful. They are different from the previous disciples of the Blood Killing Sect.

Like the eagle-faced men they faced, they could spit out golden light from their mouths and emit extremely cold ice winds from their backs. The halberds in their hands could not only attack the disciples of the Blood Killing Sect, but the halberds also had...

The black lightning, coupled with the fact that their halberds are retractable, and the most important thing is that the attack targets of those eagle-faced men and the double-headed eagle can be separated and do not attack the same target. Of course, they

It can also attack the same target and is extremely powerful.

The disciples of the Blood Killing Sect did not expect such an attack at first, so when they came into contact with the enemy, they were caught off guard. Many Blood Killing Sect disciples were seriously injured directly. If it weren't for the people around them

They were rescued quickly, but they were afraid they would be doomed. Even so, many people were still sucked away by the opponent's golden light.

At this time, Sheng Si and Gu Yuanzheng also rushed to the battlefield. The two men moved. The stars on Sheng Si's body flickered, and then countless spells came out from Sheng Si's body and directed towards the two-headed soldiers.

The eagle attacked, but his target was not the eagle-faced men, because the targets of those eagle-faced men were too small and far less big and easier to attack than the double-headed eagle.

At this time, Gu Yuanzheng also summoned Bone Mountain. He sat on the Bone Throne and attacked those double-headed eagles. His attack area was very large, so he didn't care if he was attacking the eagle face.

He was still a two-headed eagle, so he attacked directly. As long as it was an enemy, that was his target.

When Bai Yan, who was directing the battle, saw this situation, he immediately said to the staff: "Send the order, all Blood Killing Sect disciples, attack the double-headed eagle first. The target of the double-headed eagle is larger and easier to attack.

, under the order, the sky was filled with fire, and three volleys were fired to attack the enemy's rear troops."

The staff officer responded and went directly to pass the order, but Bai Yan's eyes were still staring at the screen. His eyes did not leave the screen. He did not let the cavalry attack now because he felt that it was still possible.

It is not time for the cavalry to attack. As long as the cavalry of the Blood Killing Sect attack, they will give the enemy the most fatal blow, which can turn the tide of the battle.

The disciples of the Blood Killing Sect who received his order also directly targeted the double-headed eagles and attacked them without hesitation. The double-headed eagles were very large, about a hundred meters in length.

The target is naturally very large, and it is easier to attack. Moreover, the disciples of the Blood Killing Sect also discovered that as long as they fly below the double-headed eagle, they can attack the double-headed eagle and avoid being hit by the double-headed eagle.

Those hawk-faced men attack.

Then all the Skyfires from the Blood Killing Sect also attacked. Countless Skyfires exploded among the double-headed eagles. The double-headed eagles and the eagle-faced men were all covered with countless golden needles, and

Those golden needles also carry powerful Buddha power, consuming the energy of those two-headed eagles all the time.

Of course, there were also some golden needles that touched the Blood Killing Sect disciples, but when the Buddha's power fell on the Blood Killing Sect disciples, it actually became a blessing to the Blood Killing Sect disciples, allowing the Blood Killing Sect disciples to be more powerful.

It's better to attack those hawk-faced people, but those people's attacks on them can be weakened to a certain extent.

At this time, Ding Chunming and others also appeared on the battlefield. They were very powerful. As soon as they appeared, they rushed towards the double-headed eagle cavalry, causing huge damage to those double-headed eagle cavalry.

This attracted the attention of those double-headed eagle cavalry.

As soon as Bai Yan saw this situation, he immediately ordered: "Cavalry, attack in three teams. On the left are the aliens and undead soldiers, on the right are the orc cavalry, and in the middle is the puppet cavalry queen. Attack with all your strength and break through the enemy's mass.

Formation, separate the enemy's formation for me." The staff officer who had been waiting for his order immediately responded and passed on the order directly.

Following Bai Yan's order, the three groups of cavalry from the Blood Killing Sect began to charge. Although the cavalry of the Blood Killing Sect were not as big as those double-headed eagles, their attack power was definitely the strongest in the Blood Killing Sect. Because of their long

With the cooperation of time, the combat effectiveness is definitely much more powerful than the large formation formed by the disciples of the Blood Killing Sect. The most important thing is that no matter what kind of cavalry they are, their speed is very fast and their impact is very powerful.

They saw the cavalry of the Blood Killer Sect, like three sharp swords, inserted straight into the enemy formation. Wherever they passed, whether it was the double-headed eagle or the eagle-faced man on the double-headed eagle, they all turned into black smoke.

They disappeared immediately, and they were moving very fast, just like cutting butter with a hot knife. It seemed that there was no obstacle at all, and they directly cut through the enemy's formation. This was also

It caused confusion among the double-headed eagle cavalry. They did not expect that they would encounter such an attack. They were completely unprepared for this. But what surprised them even more was that behind these three groups of cavalry,

Also followed by a large number of Blood Killing Sect disciples, they immediately tore the holes opened by the cavalry even wider.

This chapter has been completed!
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