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Chapter 918 Meeting

 Old Jiuling has heard words like this more than once, and he also has a lot of feelings. But every time he thinks about the Shenlonghai Kingdom, he still unconsciously thinks of the Shenlonghai Kingdom when he was still the prime minister.

It looks like a man who is missing his hometown. In his memory, his hometown may always be the most beautiful place, but in fact he doesn't know that his guy also has many dark things. It's just that

He forgot those things, and only the most beautiful things remained in his memory.

So Jiuling Lao sighed softly, and then said in a deep voice: "Forget it, let's not talk about this. As long as we can destroy the Dragon King and merge the Dragon Realm into the Blood Killing Sect, I believe everything will be fine.

Yes, this fish tide comes and goes very quickly. It won’t take long for Tu Ying and the others to come back. Let’s discuss our next actions.”

Several people all nodded, and Bafang said in a deep voice: "It can be imagined that the Dragon King is already alert. Especially this time the betrayal of the Sharks will make the Dragon King even more alert. He is afraid that someone will betray him and join the blood.

He is here to kill the sect, so he will definitely take some action, but what kind of action he will take, I really don’t know what kind of action he will take.”

Elder Jiuling thought for a while and said in a deep voice: "Well, Elder Sun and the others have not taken any action now. We might as well call them over and discuss it together. After all, the Dragon King is now a member of the Shadow Clan.

As for the Shadow Tribe people, Elder Sun and the others may know more about them than we do, what do you think?"

When Bafang and the others heard what Jiuling Lao said, they all nodded. At this moment, Jiuling Lao was stunned for a moment, then he turned to look at a few people and said, "Have you also been notified?

It seems that the sect has thought more thoughtfully than us, well, then there is nothing more to say, let’s go now.” Naturally, the few people would not object, they all agreed, and disappeared together with Jiuling Lao.

They entered the room, and the next moment, they had appeared outside the Blood Killing Sect's main hall. It turned out that they had just received a notice from the sect, asking them to come to the main hall for a war meeting.

When a few people entered the main hall, they discovered that the main hall was already full of people. As soon as they saw these people, Bafang and the others immediately knew that all the core elders of the Blood Killing Sect had arrived, because these people in the main hall

They are all the core elders of the Blood Killing Sect.

Just when they didn't know what to do, Sun Buyu and the others also walked in from the outside. First, he led a few people to salute the core elders in the hall. The core elders also returned the salute very politely, and then they arrived together.

I sat down in the row of seats.

Jiuling Lao had participated in such a battle meeting before, so he didn't appear to be very nervous. On the contrary, Bazu and the others were a little nervous. This time Bazu and the others also came, although now the leader of the Blue Light Octopus clan

It's still Bafang, but the one who really controls the blue-light octopus clan is Bafang, so he also came to participate in this meeting.

When Old Jiuling and the others had just sat down, Tu Ying, Jian Lin and the others also arrived. There was no expression on their faces, but there was a trace of regret in their eyes, because they were still chasing before.

Following the fish tide, the next moment they received a notice from the sect that they had to come here to attend the meeting, so they felt very sorry.

In fact, it has almost always been their dream for the people of the Sea Tribe to chase schools of fish, so they really felt very sorry to bring them back from chasing schools of fish, but they still came to chase the other core elders.

After saluting, they sat next to Old Jiuling and the others.

After they sat next to Old Jiuling, some elders came to the hall one after another. When no one came in, Chang Jun walked to the front of the hall, glanced at everyone, and then said: "Okay.

Now that everyone has arrived, there will be a meeting below."

Having said this, Chang Jun paused for a moment, and then he smiled slightly and said: "We have very few meetings. To be honest, I'm really not used to it. In the past, we had to have a meeting after every battle.

Yes, now we have captured most of the Dragon Realm, but we have only held a few meetings, which makes me a little surprised."

As soon as they heard what he said, everyone chuckled, and Chang Jun also laughed. After everyone stopped for a while, Chang Jun finally said: "Okay, let's get down to business. The reason why we have fewer meetings is

, thanks to Elder Jiuling and the others, it was Elder Jiuling and the others who persuaded countless people from the Sea Clan to surrender and made those Sea Clan people join our Blood Killing Sect instead of fighting with our Blood Killing Sect, so we can be so relaxed.

To this day, that’s why we haven’t held so many meetings, so let’s applaud Elder Jiuling and the others.”

The crowd applauded Mr. Jiuling and the others, which made Mr. Jiuling and the others a little embarrassed. They all stood up and kept saluting at the crowd. The crowd's applause became even more enthusiastic. After a while, Chang Jun finally used

He pressed down with his hand, causing everyone to stop.

After everyone paused, Chang Jun then continued: "The Shark Clan members also joined our Blood Killing Sect before. Although it is not yet a formal joining, judging from the appearance of the Shark Clan members, they really want to join the Blood Sect."

Killing the clan is a good thing for us, but everyone should also pay attention to another thing, which is the curses on the Shark Clan. Those curses were placed on them by the Dragon King, and the types of curses

It has been analyzed and it is the control category."

At this point, he paused and then said: "But this kind of curse is not just as simple as control. It actually has another ability, which is to stimulate people's blood and make them become bloodthirsty.

Manic, losing their minds, it can be said that a person who has been cursed can then become a madman controlled by a certain person. They don't know what pain is, and they don't know what fear is. They will only be in that state.

Carrying out a crazy attack on a certain target under the command of a person can be said to be one of the more special and cruel curses we have ever seen."

"He is special because this curse is a combination of two curse abilities, which is quite special. And he is cruel because this curse is almost a one-time use. Once this curse is activated,

Curse, then the person who is cursed will become a madman, and will always be a madman. Of course, this madman cannot live for too long, because this kind of curse can stimulate people's blood, that is to say,

When he fights the enemy, his combat effectiveness will be greatly improved, but this will be done at the expense of their life force. In other words, their life will become very short, maybe only a few days.

And it can’t be stopped.”

At this point, Chang Jun stopped and glanced at Jiuling Lao and the others. Their expressions had changed now. They never thought that the curse on the Shark Clan was so vicious.

Curse, that is to say, Sun Buyu and the others' previous guesses were correct. The Dragon King really wanted to control the Shark Tribe and prevent disasters for him when necessary. This method was really terrible.

Chang Jun just glanced at Jiuling Lao and the others, and then continued: "The Shark Clan's being cursed with this kind of curse means that the Dragon King keeps having Hai Clan surrender to us, so he has already started to take precautions, and

The surrender of the Shark Clan may make the Dragon King more careful. He will not give other races a chance to surrender to us. So next time we face the Shanghai Clan, we must be careful. Those Sea Clan may not be able to surrender at all.

After surrendering to us, they may attack us immediately after seeing us. Even if they don't want to attack, the Dragon King will trigger a curse and let him curse and control those people to attack us, so my opinion is that we

In the next battle, don’t let the people of the Hai clan participate, let us, the disciples of the Blood Killing Sect, move forward directly. Please share your opinions."

Upon hearing what Chang Jun said, everyone in the hall started discussing in low voices, but Old Jiuling and the others' faces became even more ugly. At this moment, Sun Buyu stood up and said in a deep voice: "I agree.

According to Elder Chang Jun, when facing other sea tribes in the future, we should not let Elder Jiuling and others come forward to persuade them to surrender, they can just destroy them directly."

Having said this, he paused for a moment, then turned to Elder Jiuling and said: "Elder Jiuling, don't get me wrong, we don't doubt your combat effectiveness, but you are Hai Clan people, and you are Hai Clan people who came out of the Dragon Realm.

, I will not doubt your loyalty to the Blood Killing Sect, but it would be too cruel for you to directly attack your former tribesmen. They used to be your tribesmen, although you may belong to different races.

But they belong to the same big clan, they are all from the Sea clan, so it would be really cruel for you to attack your clansmen now. Although our Blood Killing Sect is not afraid of defeating or killing people, such a thing is

You won’t do it, this is also the tradition of our Blood Killing Sect.”

Sun Buyu's words made many people in the hall nod. They all agreed with Sun Buyu's words. Under normal circumstances, the Blood Killing Sect would really not let their own clansmen kill their own clansmen, such as

When it comes to conquering an interface, the people of the Blood Killing Sect will not let that interface surrender and attack that interface in turn. This situation rarely happens, which is why Sun Buyu would have so many

People agree.

Zhu Yong also stood up at this time, and he said: "We have not fought with the Shadow Clan once or twice. I think everyone should be very clear about what the Shadow Clan is like. Even when they are tied,

, usually do some very crazy things for the sake of victory, not to mention that now they are at a disadvantage. The Dragon King has discovered that if this continues, more people from the Sea Tribe may surrender to us, so he must

If he won't agree to this, then he must find a way to prevent the Sea Tribe people from surrendering to us. Directly driving the Sea Tribe people who are fighting us crazy is the best option, so at this time, he is trying to persuade us to surrender.

I think they have no meaning anymore."

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