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Chapter 1003 Ambush

"Boom! Boom!" Loud noises came from the valley outside. Standing at the entrance of small valley No. 3, Zhang Ke could already see the plants outside. Countless of them had been destroyed. Only those they planted

Some of those war plants were still alive, but they disappeared under several attacks from the enemy. The enemy's attacks were extending towards them, but Zhang Ke was not prepared to go out from here. The enemy

The current attack is obviously not aware that they are here, so they are just attacking blindly. If they stay here, it is not necessarily dangerous. On the contrary, if they rush out now, it may be dangerous.

Soon, the enemy's attack fell on the top of their valley. From the gap on the top of the valley, some gravel or the remains of some plants fell down from time to time, and everyone hid.

When I got up, I was not hit by those things, but everyone was staring closely at the gap above their heads.

It was obvious that the enemy did not suspect that, and soon their attack extended forward and to the other side. This also made them all relax. Soon, the group of people gathered together at once.

, everyone is waiting for Zhang Ke's order.

Zhang Ke glanced around and said in a deep voice: "Don't go out yet. We'll wait for a while until we're sure the enemy is gone. Then we'll leave." Naturally, no one had any objections, but Zhang Ke just said it directly.

After connecting to the communication circle of the captains of the other two teams, Zhang Ke finally said after the captains of the other two teams replied to him: "We are temporarily safe now, how is the situation there with you?"

One of the captains said loudly: "We are fighting with the enemy. There is only one small team chasing us. We are going to fight them. If we can really defeat them, then the pressure we face will be much less.

Wait for an hour to contact you. If I can still contact you by then, it means we have won. If I have not contacted you, then we may be in danger. Please contact us by then. If you still cannot contact us,

, it means we have failed." After saying that, he hung up the magic circle.

The other captain said in a deep voice: "We are still moving forward. When we came and went to meet up before, we found a forest on the road, a very big forest. We are going to go there and deal with the enemy. After all, the Zhou people

But if there are two groups of people, please don’t contact us for now. We’ll talk later.” You could hear that his voice was a little anxious, and he was obviously on his way.

After turning off the magic circle, Zhang Ke took a look outside and said in a deep voice: "Gu Yi, go and have a look at that opening to see if the enemy has left. Be careful and don't let the enemy find you.

." Gu Yi didn't say anything, just responded, and then flew directly towards the gap that was mostly blocked. He carefully looked out from the gap, but found no enemy, and then slowly returned

He looked around, but found no enemy. Then he stuck his head out of the gap and took a look around, and then immediately retracted his head.

As soon as they saw his actions, everyone felt nervous, but then Gu Yi immediately said: "Captain, there is no one outside. Those guys are bombarding along the valley. It is just right for us to leave from the entrance now."

At that time, if it had been a little later, they might have discovered us. If they bombarded us to the end of the valley and hadn't found us yet, they might come back to take a look, and they would have discovered us by then."

Zhang Ke didn't say anything, and immediately said loudly: "Okay, let's go, remember, fly close to the ground, open all the camouflage circles on your body, let's go." After saying that, he took the lead and rushed out of the valley, and the others

Following closely behind, the group of people flew in the direction they entered the valley, and soon they entered the mountains outside the valley.

After flying for who knows how long, Zhang Ke and the others stopped. He asked people to look around again, but no enemies were found. They breathed a sigh of relief. Then Zhang Ke took a look around and said in a deep voice.

Said: "Reconnaissance of the surrounding terrain. If the enemy does not find us in the valley, they will definitely come down to check. Don't underestimate those guys. If they really want to find us, they will definitely find us. We must choose a better one.

place, ambush them."

Everyone responded immediately, and then they immediately dispersed. After a while, Yuan Kong returned to Zhang Ke and said to Zhang Ke: "Captain, come and take a look, there is a very weird place here."

Zhang Ke followed Yuan Kong with some confusion and flew in the direction he said.

After a while, the two came to an open space. When they arrived at the open space, Zhang Ke took a look around, but didn't find anything weird. He looked at Yuan Kong with some confusion and said: "Yuan Kong, there is something here.

What weird thing? What did you want me to see?"

Yuan Kong glanced around and said with a smile: "Captain, the strange place I mentioned is this open space. The place we are in is a forest. How could such an open space appear in this forest? This is not

Very weird? And I think we can use this place as an ambush point."

Zhang Ke was stunned for a moment, then thought about it, but nodded. He felt that what Yuan Kong said seemed to make some sense, and he immediately said: "Tell me what you think." Although he also felt that in the woods,

There was something strange about the sudden appearance of such an open space, but he still didn't quite understand how this could be used as their ambush location.

Yuan Kong glanced around and said in a deep voice: "We can disguise this place as a resting place, and then pretend to leave, and then ambush those guys on our fake way out.

When they see our camp, they may be very careful. They may think that we will regard this as an ambush site, but we don't. We want to ambush them in front after they find out that this is not an ambush site and relax.


Zhang Ke understood what Yuan Kong meant. Yuan Kong meant to disguise this open space as a place for them to rest, and then create traces of their departure. After the enemy discovers this place, they may suspect that they want to

Use this place to ambush them, and when they find out that it is not the case, they will relax, and then they will find the traces of their departure, and then they will chase them, and they will ambush them there.

This is a good idea. Although it is very simple and the plan is very rough, there is no time to make more elaborate traps now, so he nodded, and then immediately said to the communication circle: "Everything

People, come and gather at my place, quickly." Soon everyone else arrived where they were.

Zhang Ke briefly explained the plan, and then said to everyone, okay, let's start taking action now. Some people are here to disguise the scene. Be careful not to go too far, otherwise it will arouse the enemy's suspicion. The other part

People, go create the illusion that we left, act quickly, the enemy doesn’t know when he will come, we must be careful.

Everyone responded, and then immediately divided into two teams and started taking action. The place disguised as a rest area was actually very simple. They only needed to move around for a while, and then left some people on some trees to sit down and rest.

Just leave traces. This is not difficult. There are many tracking masters in the Blood Killing Sect. It is completely possible to see the traces they left and know that this is a resting place for them.

The people from the other team directly made it look like one team member was leaving. This was not difficult. What was difficult was how to use a small number of people to pretend that everyone was leaving together. Fortunately, they

They are all veterans who have experienced many battles and have learned these things long ago, so it is not difficult to do them.

After a while, after they were done, Zhang Ke said: "Let's go, just leave from there, then make a circle, and then come back." After saying that, he took the lead and flew forward towards him. After flying for more than ten miles,

They then made a big circle and returned to the landowner about two miles away from the open space. Everyone was disguised and waiting there quietly.

Less than an hour after they had just disguised themselves, a group of people slowly came to the open space. This group of people was twice as many as them. They were the two groups who were chasing Zhang Ke and the others.

, they approached the open space very carefully, and even tested the magic circle several times, but in the end they found nothing.

After discovering this, those people came to the open space, and then a few of them came out, looked around at the situation, and finally returned to the team of those people. The two people in the team gathered together and carefully

After discussing it for a while, they chased Zhang Ke and the others in the direction they left.

Zhang Ke and the others had already discovered those people when they entered the open space. They were hiding better and did not even dare to come out. Everyone was paying attention to the ambush site they had prepared and nervously waiting for the enemy.

With the arrival of the enemy, the enemies soon entered their ambush point. They really had no doubt that they would encounter an ambush here, and Zhang Ke and the others wanted this effect, so when their enemies entered the ambush,

After making a circle, they attacked directly. The spells and some pre-arranged magic circles were activated for a while. The enemies who were chasing them were instantly overwhelmed.

Seeing this situation, Zhang Ke immediately led the people and rushed over. Calculating mentally and unintentionally, with the suppression of the magic circle, the two teams chasing Zhang Ke and his people suffered a lot of losses. Waiting for them

After breaking out of the encirclement of Zhang Ke and the others, nearly half of the people were lost when they fled.

Zhang Ke did not let everyone chase. Even if the opponent lost nearly half of their people, the number of people was still larger than them. He knew very well that none of the disciples of the Blood Killing Sect were weak. Although those guys had withdrawn now,

, but if they catch up, those guys will find that their number is only this small, and they will immediately turn around and kill them. By then, they will only be more unlucky, so he did not let everyone chase, but directly led them

Everyone left from the woods.

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