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Chapter 804 Just teasing you!

 So weak!

The explosion just now was very majestic, but its power really made people laugh or cry. It was like thunder that had been hitting for a long time. It looked very powerful, but in the end not a drop of rain fell.

The third prince stared blankly at the disgraced infantrymen of the Gods. He was dumbfounded for a moment and did not speak for a long time.

"Hahahahaha!" The third prince suddenly laughed wildly. He had no reason not to laugh. This thing was really funny. "Is this the miraculous blood thunder bead that Yun Tianlei and the others said? Hahaha."

I just said he was a waste. He was so scared that he was defeated by such an attack. What a waste!"

Now the third prince is full of pride. He really didn't expect that Arkland's attack would be so weak, beyond his imagination. In his opinion, destroying such an opponent is just a matter of a few seconds.


Yun Tianlei, who was walking in the back team, also noticed the situation of Deng. He was also stunned there. Although the explosion just now was very close to the explosion of the blood thunder bead, Yun Tianlei was very clear that "it was not blood at all."

The explosion of the thunder bead is more than a hundred times weaker than the blood thunder bead.

When Yun Tianlei saw this situation, his expression changed and he said: "So weak? It makes no sense. What does Zhao Hai want to do? Do they want to lure the enemy deeper? It's very possible. I have to remind His Highness to be careful."

After saying that, Yun Tianlei waved his hand, collected a messenger, and said to the messenger: "Go, go to His Highness the Third Highness, and tell His Highness" Ark Continent's attack will not be so weak, they must be trying to use some trick.

, please be careful, Your Highness."

The man responded, turned around and left. "And at this moment, the second attack from Arkland came again, the same javelin, the same attack with loud thunder and small raindrops." Nothing changed at all.

At this time, the messenger also arrived in front of the sword chariot. He saluted the cavalry guards around the sword chariot and said, "General Yun Tianlei ordered me to come to see His Highness the Third Highness. We have something to discuss."

The cavalryman glanced at the messenger with contempt, and said coldly: "Wait." After saying that, he turned around and walked towards the sword carriage. At this time, one of the several cavalrymen next to the messenger whispered to the man beside him.

Humanity said: "Did you see that these guys were defeated by attacks like Arkland? Hahaha, it's really ridiculous."

A person next to him said: "Perhaps they all collectively died of illness due to acclimatization. In order to gain military merit, Yun Tianlei said that he died during the battle with Ark Continent."

After saying that, both of them burst into laughter. "Although what they said was not loud, it was enough for the messenger to hear." When the messenger heard what these two said, his face darkened and he looked at them coldly.

One glance.

After a while, the cavalryman who went to deliver the message came back. He glanced at the messenger and said, "His Royal Highness is very busy and has no time to see you. If you have any message, please leave it. If not, go back."

The messenger did not expect this to be the case, but he still held back his anger and said: "General Yun Tianlei asked me to bring a message to His Highness the Third Highness. The attack of the people from Ark Continent will not be so weak. They must have some conspiracy." Please ask the Third Prince.

Your Highness, be careful."

The cavalryman nodded casually and said, "I know, you can go back." When the messenger saw the cavalryman's appearance, he couldn't help but gritted his teeth bitterly, turned around and left.

The messenger is very familiar with these cavalry. This cavalry is called the Excalibur Cavalry Regiment, which is a cavalry regiment exclusively used by the royal family of the Taurus Continent. These cavalry are indeed the most elite soldiers on the Taurus Continent, and each one has god-level strength.

"It can be said that they are the elite among the elite, and their combat effectiveness is also the highest in the Taurus Continent." But that's just fighting.

In the past, this cavalry regiment competed with the powerful troops of various continents, and its strength was really very powerful." However, in recent years, the Taurus Continent has not had any wars with other continents. Even if there are wars, they are just like conquering barbarians or winged horses.

For a war like this, "the local armies are enough to handle it" and there is no need for them to send troops at all.

Some of the veterans in this legion have retired. But the current soldiers are all new recruits. These recruits have almost never been on the battlefield. The reason why they have become god-level powerhouses is entirely due to their cultivation. Although such an army is powerful.

It is very strong, but it is really hard to say how much its real combat power is. The messenger returned to Yun Tianlei, bowed to Yun Tianlei and said: "General," His Highness the Third is busy and has no time to see me, Xiao

I have already left a message."

Yun Tianlei understood what the third prince meant as soon as he heard the words of this messenger." Yun Tianlei's face couldn't help but darken. He knew very well that this prince would not listen to him.

Yun Tianlei sighed, although he really wanted to do something, but his reason told him that it was best not to do anything at this time.

Now his command authority has been relieved by the third prince. In fact, he no longer has any command authority except for his own direct troops. Now the rear army is not under his command." The person in front is a person assigned by the third prince.

, and that person is not from the same faction as Yun Tianlei at all.

Yun Tianlei knew that if he dared to order the rear army to do anything at this time, the third prince would definitely not let him go. This is what makes Yun Tianlei strange. He didn't understand why the third prince targeted him as soon as he arrived.

, he remembered that the relationship between the marshal and the third prince used to be very good. "Why did it become like this?"

He may never figure out the real reason.

At this time, Zhao Hai was watching the undead creatures performing a show in the space, watching them throw javelins into the army of the gods again and again. Then there was a burst of explosions, dust flying, and then, the gods made

It's disgraced, but it doesn't hurt at all.

Zhao Hai knew very well what was going on with these javelins. The ones contained in these javelins were not blood thunder beads at all, but stone bullets from the elves.

The stone bullets of the elves can also explode, and their power is not small. They are enough to deal with some local armies before Ark Continent. But don't forget that "some local armies before Ark Continent, their strength is only level three at most."

At about level 4, a weapon that can cause damage to such an army will be of no use against the god-level warriors of the Protoss.

These stone bullets were specially made by Zhao Hai for the elves to attract the third prince. Unexpectedly, they actually worked.

Seeing that the protoss army was walking forward without taking it seriously, Zhao Hai couldn't help laughing and said: "Okay, great, the plan was very successful. I really want to see how this third prince will really act when he meets us."

What kind of expression will it look like when attacking."

Li Ji, who was sitting next to Zhao Hai, also smiled and said: "This third prince is really interesting. Just now Yun Tianlei sent someone to rescue him." He didn't even see him, which really surprised me."

Zhao Hai smiled and said: "Isn't this better? By the way, Li Ji, do you think Yun Tianlei will guess our plan?"

Li Ji smiled slightly and said: "No!" When she heard what she said, Zhao Hai looked at her puzzled and said: "Why?"

Before Li Ji could speak, Megan said: "Because Yun Tianlei is also arrogant at heart, and he also looks down on us Arklanders. Although our attack was seen by Yun Tianlei this time, he also reminded the third prince,

But he wouldn’t have thought that we would deal with their lair. He would only have thought that we were trying to lure the enemy deeper. Haha, the arrogance of the Gods cannot be changed in a short time.”

Zhao Hai nodded. Anyway, no matter what methods the Protoss used this time, he was determined to go to the Kingdom of Light for the sake of those magic cannons and those earth spirits.

The attacks on the screen are still continuing, but for Zhao Hai and the others, such attacks are just a joke and there is nothing worth noting. Now they are paying attention to another place. Zhao Hai wants to see that.

How are the people in the place doing?

The person Zhao Hai wants to see is none other than the Demon Clan. Now that the God Clan is attacking, it is said that there will be movement from the Demon Clan. Zhao Hai wants to see when there will be movement from the Demon Clan. "What kind of tactics will they use?"

Ways to deal with this well harassment tactic.

In order to allow the Third Prince to move forward boldly with confidence, Zhao Hai did not use blood mosquitoes to deal with him this time. Although Zhao Hai has been thinking about emptying the space during this period, he is not idle. Every day

When the blood mosquitoes can be released outside, "he will release the blood mosquitoes." After so many days of storage, the number of blood mosquitoes has become very alarming. If they are released, they will definitely become a big mosquito disaster, avoiding both gods and demons.

The family drank a pot of wine.

Laura and the others are really free now, but now Laura has also found something to do." She was analyzing the universal machine. This universal manufacturing machine can be said to be able to make anything. Some of them are included in the machine itself.

, some of them require you to design them yourself, and what Laura wants to analyze is not the ability of the universal manufacturing machine, but the cost!

Things made in the universal manufacturing machine also require costs, and there is a cost issue for some things that "Ark Continent can produce by itself, and things that the universal manufacturing machine and Ark Continent can produce at the same time."

Laura now wants to calculate which things are cheaper to make with a universal manufacturing machine, and which ones are more expensive to make with a universal manufacturing machine than those in Ark Continent.

After calculating these things, they are very useful to them. Gold coins are too useful for space. With gold coins, they can buy a lot of things, and whether they want to make potions or change the space, everything

Everything is inseparable from gold coins, so Laura just wants to see how to save more gold coins for space, and Laura is also using space to do business with people in the Ark space.

For example, some things that are very valuable in space and are cheap to make on Ark Continent can be customized by people on Ark Continent and then bought in space. For example, the cost of making them on Ark Continent is high, or

Things that cannot be made, and the cost of making them here in the Universal Machine is very low, you can use the Universal Machine to make them, and then sell them to Ark Continent. This is definitely a unique business.!~!

This chapter has been completed!
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