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Chapter 827 To broadcast or not?

 Although Fei'er didn't quite understand why Zhao Hai was so sure, there was one thing he knew. "Zhao Hai was very strong, and he probably wouldn't make a joke about it, so Fei'er just ordered it."

Nodding, not saying anything.

But the Demon Dragon King understands why Zhao Hai is so sure. Yesterday they entered the space from the Demon City. As soon as they came out today, they arrived at the Akraya Mountain defense line." Even if he is stupid, he understands that this space has

With the teleportation function, it is understandable that Zhao Hai said this.

And what moved the Demon Dragon King the most was "he knew very well what Zhao Hai said that there were some things that needed to be dealt with. Now there are no things that Zhao Hai needs to deal with here in Ark Continent. All Zhao Hai has to do is go to the Demon Realm and deal with them.

The demons came into the space.

Seeing that Zhao Hai agreed so happily, Fei'er also nodded and said: "Okay, then we will rely on Mr., who also has a lot of things to deal with here." Let's leave first. Let's rest here for the night. "We will do it tomorrow morning."

Set off for the Kingdom of Light."

Zhao Hai nodded and said: "Okay, let's do that. By the way, I'll ask those undead creatures to send you some things later. No matter what, I have to let you eat and have a good rest."

Fei'er felt moved in his heart. He stood up and bowed to Zhao Hai and said, "Thank you sir. We have to settle down the rest of the matter, so we won't disturb you sir." Zhao Hai also stood up and said to him.

Several people smiled and said, "Don't be so polite. We are considered allies now. Let's go back and take care of our own affairs first." Fei'er and three others bowed to Zhao Hai, then turned and left.

After Fei'er and the other three left, Zhao Haicai turned to the Demon Dragon King and said: "You will make arrangements later and let everyone go back to the space to rest. Then you can prepare and take me to the demon world. You don't need to worry about their affairs. We have to do it now."

The most important thing is to bring all the people from the demon world into the dimension first."

The Demon Dragon King stood up, saluted Zhao Hai and said, "Thank you, sir."

Zhao Hai waved his hand and said: "Okay." If you are polite, please go and organize the team. Then I will take everyone to the space. I have just sent someone to notify the space. You can have a meal when you return to the space.

Okay, let's take a good rest. By the way, have you calculated the casualties?" The Demon Dragon King nodded and said, "The statistics are calculated. 543,000 people were injured and 650,000 taels were killed.

Thousands of people, according to your request. "These people did not blow themselves up."

Zhao Hai nodded and said: "There is no need to self-destruct. It is best to self-destruct. Although the power of self-destruction is very powerful, after this self-destruction, there is no longer any thought. At least there are still corpses." Bury them.


Zhao Hai has a Chinese [Chinese] who is somewhat anti-unification. Although he does not believe in burial and so on, he still wants to leave the body after death so that he can be cremated or buried.

, at least there won’t be just one tomb.

The Demon Dragon King shook his head and said: "Sir, if possible, turn them into immortal beasts. We demons are proud to be warriors. People who die like this and are buried will be laughed at."

Zhao Hai was stunned. He really didn't know that the Demon Clan had such customs. He frowned and said, "Could it be that self-destruction is the only good thing if you are defeated?" The Demon Dragon King nodded.

He said: "Yes, I will blow myself up if I lose the battle" and die together with the enemy. This is the true nature of a demon man."

Zhao Hai was speechless. This demon clan member was really strong. He frowned and said, "But if I turn them into undead creatures now, wouldn't others blame me?" The Demon Dragon King smiled and said, "No, sir."

Don’t worry, being able to continue fighting after death has always been the dream of the demon clan. However, we don’t want to fight for the enemy after death, so most of us will self-destruct during the battle, unless we have a powerful Lich clan on our side.


Zhao Hai found that he didn't know how to communicate with the Demon Dragon King. He seemed to be doing something treacherous, but when it came to the Demon Clan, it turned out to be a good thing. Zhao Hai sighed and said, "Okay." I will kill those people.

Turn into an undead creature, okay, you can arrange for others." The Demon Dragon King responded, turned around and left.

Although the Demon Dragon King left, his words reminded Zhao Hai that there are more and more races in his space, and the first race has some very unique customs and habits of its own. "These customs and habits are this

The race has been developed over many years and is closely related to their lives and beliefs. If Zhao Hai changes their habits at will, it will arouse the other party's disgust." So the only thing he has to do is to respect their living habits as much as possible.

Although space can slowly change people's minds and make them completely loyal to Zhao Hai, this also requires a process, and Zhao Hai is afraid that if he arouses their resentment and gets their loyalty, he will

"Pushing it back" is really not worth the gain.

In fact, Zhao Hai really guessed right that "if he really wants to change the habits of the Demon Clan", it will arouse the resentment of the Demon Clan. In that case, if Space wants to make the Demon Clan people loyal to Zhao Hai, he will have to huā

When going more often, this is a question of favorability. If a person has a good impression of Zhao Hai, then he will soon become loyal to Zhao Hai after entering the space." But if a person is Zhao Hai

It is very difficult for an enemy in that space to change his mind, unless he turns him into an undead creature.

Seeing that the Demon Dragon King had also left, Laura and the others came over, sat next to Zhao Hai and said, "Brother Hai, do we really want to attack the Gods so soon?"

Zhao Hai smiled slightly and said: "This is a good opportunity." If we give up this time, it will mean that we are no longer helping the Thunder Clan and the other three tribes. This will not be of any benefit to us. "We all have to deal with the God Clan anyway, what?"

All times are the same."

Laura nodded and said: "I just think the matter is too urgent, and Fei'er really doesn't know how to ask us about anything, so we are in a hurry now."

Zhao Hai smiled bitterly and said: "These guys are crazy about revenge. Forget it, let's cooperate with them this time. Speaking of which, the combat effectiveness of these guys is really good. With their strength, in addition to

With our current strength, let alone the Taurus God Clan, even if everyone from the God Clan comes, they will not be able to destroy us in one fell swoop."

Laura smiled and said: "Come on, what you said is wrong. What do you mean you can't destroy us all at once? They can't be destroyed at all. You alone are enough to drink a pot of the gods.

"By the way, Brother Hai, what are we going to do with those captured Protoss people? The third prince seems to have gone crazy, and those maids, look at them?"

Zhao Hai frowned and said: "I think it's right there in the Ark Space." Let's carve out a small island for them to live in. Don't deprive them of food and supplies. As long as they can't display their strength, they can't live without it.

That island will do, let them stay there for a while first and then talk about it."

Laura didn't have any good ideas. "After all, the other parties are people who have no ability to resist, and they can't bear to kill. After all, the third prince may have been too stimulated, and he has been acting stupidly.

He neither speaks nor moves." If it weren't for the maids taking care of him, he might have died of hunger long ago.

Zhao Hai sighed softly and said: "Okay, let's go back to the space first. The war is over and there are many things to deal with." By the way, the battle just now was played in a space where there is no Ark?"

Laura and the others frowned and said, "This is not broadcast because there were demons who just participated in the war, so they didn't dare to broadcast it. What's wrong? Do you want to broadcast it?"

Zhao Hai thought for a while and said: "Let's broadcast it. We can't hide this matter anyway. Let's explain it to them after broadcasting it. In any case, we defeated the gods and conquered the demons at the same time."

Laura frowned and said: "Let's do this. Later we will ask Cai'er to get some information about the situation in the underworld, and we will also broadcast it in the space, so that the people there will not think that we are trying to trick them into entering.

That’s what space does.”

Zhao Hai nodded. He understood why Laura did this. People all have some hometown plots. Ark Space is very good, but people will still miss their life in Ark Continent. If they don’t understand why they can’t stay here in Ark Continent,

"They may have some opinions about Zhao Hai in their hearts, and think that Zhao Hai wants to deceive them into the space." So they deliberately exaggerated the matter. After all, this time Zhao Hai successfully pulled the demons into their own.

Around him, the gods were annihilated in one fell swoop." Otherwise, things would not have gone so smoothly.

Zhao Hai returned to the space and planned the results of this battle. This time he collected nearly 30 million undead creatures from the Gods. In addition to the original undead creatures, the undead creatures in Zhao Hai's hands now have

Almost 70 million.

Originally, he could have more undead creatures in his hand, but the attacks of the gods these days were too fierce, and when the undead army fought back, they used a lot of blood thunder beads. The gods who were attacked by the blood thunder beads,

Almost all of them will be vaporized." In this way, there was no way to turn those people into undead creatures, so Zhao Hai lost a lot of undead creatures.

But even so, he has made a lot of money." The addition of these troops has greatly improved Zhao Hai's combat effectiveness. Don't forget, these Gods are strong men given by God. They are better than

The undead creatures before Zhao Hai were much stronger.

What makes Zhao Hai most regretful is that Yun Tianlei was not caught by him, nor was he turned into an undead creature, because at the last moment "Yun Tianlei attacked Fei'er and the others, and finally Fei'er and the others used thunder to kill him."

The magic was destroyed." The whole person turned into flying ashes. Of course, Zhao Hai could not turn a pile of ashes into an undead creature, which made Zhao Hai feel a bit regretful.

Although this is the case, Zhao Hai still has a lot to do. He first brought the demons into the space, and then asked the undead creatures to be raised by Fei'er and the others. These things were enough to keep them busy for a while.

, but Zhao Hai left all these matters to Laura and the others, while he went to the background where the demons were.!~! (Memories)

Will Chapter 827 be broadcast? (Updated at: 2011-12-1819:52) Estimated update time for the next chapter: No update notice yet. Although Fei'er doesn't quite understand why Zhao Hai is so sure, there is one thing.

But he knew that Zhao Hai was very strong, and he probably wouldn't joke about this matter, so Fei'er just nodded and didn't say anything.

But the Demon Dragon King understands why Zhao Hai is so sure. Yesterday they entered the space from the Demon City. As soon as they came out today, they arrived at the Akraya Mountain defense line. Even if he is stupid, he understands that this space has

With the teleportation function, it is understandable that Zhao Hai said this.

What moved the Demon Dragon King the most was that he knew very clearly what Zhao Hai said he had to deal with. Now there is nothing left for Zhao Hai to deal with here in Ark Continent. All Zhao Hai has to do is go to the Demon Realm and deal with it.

The demons came into the space.

Seeing that Zhao Hai agreed so happily, Fei'er also nodded and said: "Okay, then we will rely on Mr....

More to,address

This chapter has been completed!
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