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Chapter 829 Environmental Awareness

 Fei'er and his tribe sat there, looking at the marching stove in front of them. Their beasts were the same as those of the demons. The broth was topped with breadfruit. All these things were brought by the undead creatures.


Although these things are very ordinary, Fei'er thinks that these things are not ordinary at all. What is this place? You can go to the front line here. Yes, there is no problem with using marching stoves on the front line. But you, a person who commands the undead to fight, how can you

Is it possible to bring out so much food? And it’s all hot, isn’t that weird?

In addition, Fei'er also had a certain understanding of what Zhao Hai had done during this period. He blocked the attacks of the gods and demons on his own. Now he not only annihilated the gods' army, but also subdued the demons.


To be honest, when Fei'er saw Zhao Hai leading the demon army today, he really felt that his heartbeat was about to stop.

The Demons, that's the Demons. They had always wanted to establish an alliance with the Demons, and then jointly deal with the Gods. In their view, the Demons have the strength to fight against the Gods, but such a race is now being suppressed.

Zhao Hai was subdued, which is incredible.

Now that Fei'er thinks of what Zhao Hai did, he can only describe it in one sentence, that is, turning his hands into clouds and turning his hands into rain, it's so amazing. It is precisely because of Zhao Hai's performance that Fei'er is determined to work with him.

Zhao Hai is determined to cooperate, and he believes that with Zhao Hai's strength, there will definitely be no problem in dealing with the Gods.

Fei'er took another look at the Barbarians and Winged Horses not far away. None of the three tribes had heard of each other before, but now they have become the most solid allies, for no other reason than to get rid of the gods' influence on them.


Fei'er also knows that this is not easy. He knows a lot about the Gods. It is precisely because he knows so much about the Gods that he knows even more how difficult it is to get rid of the rule of the Gods. Just the Taurus

The God Clan, a branch of the God Clan, can destroy the Barbarians, Winged Horses and their Thunder Clan, three races that are not weak. Although the Taurus God Clan is very domineering among the God Clan, when it comes to strength, it is not the strongest.

Yes, there are several protoss that are stronger than the Taurus protoss. Just one of them is enough to wipe out the Thunder Tribe dozens of times.

So if they want to get rid of the rule of the Gods, they not only have to deal with the Taurus Gods, but also pay attention to the reactions of other Gods. "Even if they deal with the Taurus Gods, if another God comes, they can still destroy them." Then they will rule


It is precisely because of this idea that Fei'er thought of joining forces with the three alien gods to deal with the Taurus God Clan, so that the other God Clan would be afraid of them and not dare to deal with them.

But after what Zhao Hai said, he discovered that this plan had a very fatal flaw. If they really formed an alliance with the three alien gods, they would immediately be attacked by the entire god race. "At that time, even the three alien races will

God won't do anything, and the three tribes are also doomed.

Fei'er couldn't help but break into a cold sweat when he thought of this, but now he has sent people to inform the clan, asking them not to act as planned, hoping that such a remedy would be too late.

It is precisely because of this incident that he is more interested in Zhao Hai. He believes that cooperating with Zhao Hai is definitely the most correct decision.

However, he still wanted to see what Zhao Hai's abilities were. Although he didn't know what happened to Zhao Hai these days, he knew that this matter must have something to do with the demons, but Zhao Hai also promised to provide them with food.

Fei'er just wanted to see how Zhao Hai was doing with the food supplies he gave them these days. "If Zhao Hai is really doing a good job, then he will fully cooperate with Zhao Hai. If Zhao Hai has problems with food supplies,"

When Fei'er is cooperating with Zhao Hai, he must have reservations and even make multiple preparations.

Although Fei'er is not very old and is not the tallest among the Thunder Clan, he has always been the candidate for the next generation of the Thunder Clan. Yun Tianlei also knows this identity. It can be said that this identity was promoted by Yun Tianlei.

Yes, Yun Tianlei did this in order to better control the Thunder Clan. In Yun Tianlei's view, Fei'er is absolutely loyal to him, and making Fei'er the next leader of the Lei Clan will be more conducive to his control over the Thunder Clan.


It's a pity that Yun Tianlei doesn't know at all that Fei'er himself is a bomb placed by the Lei Clan next to him. Fei'er himself is Renyi, the next leader of the Lei Clan. As soon as Yun Tianlei brought it up, the Lei Clan also

He agreed without hesitation, which in turn gave Yun Tianlei a feeling that the Lei Clan was very obedient. It was precisely because of this that Yun Tianlei selected some people from the Lei Clan to become his personal guard.

The reason why Fei'er can become the next leader of the Thunder Clan is not because of how strong he is, but because he is very smart. It is precisely because of his smartness that the Lei Clan sent him to Yun Tianlei's side.


It is precisely because of these characteristics of Fei'er that his words are very important among the Thunder Clan. Otherwise, the Thunder Clan would not have agreed to their cooperation with Zhao Hai.

At this time, the people of the Barbarian and Winged Horse tribes also had their own thoughts. Although they did not hate Zhao Hai, after all, their tribe did have such customs. If a tribesman became an undead creature,

The clan would not think that they were dead, but they were still a little angry at Zhao Hai, otherwise they would not have said a word in the sword pawn.

However, this does not delay their cooperation with Zhao Hai. Their most important goal now is to break away from the rule of the gods, and their hatred against Zhao Hai is a trivial matter.

Zhao Hai didn't know this. He stayed with the Demon Clan for a while and then returned to the space. He sat there and looked at the screen. Now that the Thunder Clan had rested and there was nothing good to see, Zhao Hai closed the door.

Turned off the screen and turned to look at Laura and the others who were busy.

Zhao Hai currently has a lot of supplies in the space, so he is not afraid to give the Demon Clan and Thunder Clan something to use. Anyway, this can just win people's hearts, so why not do it.

Laura and the others don't have much to do now. They just need to send supplies to the Thunder Clan and the Demon Clan. They don't need to worry about the affairs of the God Clan.

Zhao Hai saw that Laura and the others were almost done with their work, so he did not watch there. He turned around and walked into the kitchen, where he made a meal for Laura and the others.

Zhao Hai hasn't cooked for a long time. When he was on Earth, he was still a lover of delicious food. He not only liked to eat delicious food, but also liked to cook it.

At that time, his job was to write manuscripts at home every day, so he had a lot of time at his own disposal, and in order to relax himself, he could also cook, so his cooking skills were still good. Of course, compared with those chefs

It can't be compared, but it's still no problem to have a home-cooked meal.

After preparing the dishes, Laura and the others were also finished. When Laura and the others saw that Zhao Hai had prepared the food for them, they were a little surprised. Zhao Hai looked at them and smiled slightly: "Okay, don't look at it.

Come over for a meal and try my handiwork."

Laura and the others cheered, ran to wash their hands, and then sat at the dining table. Although the dishes made by Zhao Hai were not necessarily as delicious as those cooked by Meg and the others, what Laura and the others ate was extremely sweet.


Looking at their appearance, Zhao Hai couldn't help but smile bitterly. He always felt that he was very sorry for Laura and the others. Fortunately, Laura and the others did not blame him for this matter. Otherwise, he really didn't know if he could leave.

Go down, if Laura is angry with him because of these things, then Zhao Hai will definitely lead Laura and the others to become hermits in the space, and will not fight with anyone anymore.

After eating, several people sat down in the living room. Zhao Hai looked at the people who were rubbing their bellies and said with a smile: "Really, the food I cook is not necessarily very delicious. Why do you have to eat so much?"

Laura rolled her eyes at him and was too lazy to talk to him. At this moment, Cai'er flew to Zhao Hai and said: "The situation of the young master's battle today, the Ark continent people in the space have been placed in the space, and the response is quite big.

, but they don’t seem to blame you, do you want to let go of the ones at the back?”

Zhao Hai thought for a while and said: "Let it go, let the people in the Ark space understand the situation of the Ark continent. By the way, we should also tell them about our counterattack against the Gods. After I go to the Demon World tomorrow,

, take the situation in the Demon Realm to the Ark space and let everyone in the space know what kind of environment the Demon Realm is like."

Laura looked at Zhao Hai in confusion and said: "Brother Hai, is this necessary? You in the space don't have to say good things for the demons, right?"

Zhao Hai smiled slightly and said: "It's nothing. I don't want to say good things for the demons. I just want to let people in the space see what the world is like in other places. In the future, it will also be broadcast to the gods. People from Ark Continent

There is too little spiritual life, and the things we put out there allow people who have nothing to do to have something to pass the time.”

When he thought of this, Zhao Hai couldn't help but wonder whether he should make TV shows, movies and so on in the future, so that it would be more convenient for him to promote whatever he wanted to do in the future.

Laura and the others didn't think it was a bad thing at all, they just thought it was a bit troublesome, but if Zhao Hai was willing to let it go, then let it go, and they wouldn't object.

Several people were a little tired today and went to rest early, but what they didn't know, the things they put there, kept the people in the Ark space awake all night.

Just as Zhao Hai said, people in space are too lacking in spiritual life. The things Zhao Hai has released now are all real, and they are such large-scale battles. They are better than any war movies and TV shows.

They all watched the hidden scenes, so they almost didn’t have the time to sleep. They just watched the pictures on the projection.

The picture on the projection also goes from the end of the battle to the negotiation between Zhao Hai and Fei'er. This is what Zhao Hai meant. The negotiation between him and Fei'er was added by Zhao Hai.

After the negotiation, the picture on the projection switched to the orc grassland. The black mist on the grassland and the undead creatures made the people in the space understand why Zhao Hai had to let them enter the space.

It can be said that the role of this projection is huge. It allows all races and people in the space to have an understanding of the gods and demons, especially the gods. People in the space really never thought about the gods before.

How could they be so powerful? The one attacking them was just one of the ten continents of the God Clan.

The content in the projection made the people in the Ark space understand Zhao Hai's current situation better, and they couldn't help but feel more grateful to Zhao Hai.

After all these contents were broadcast, it was almost bright. People felt a little dizzy and immediately went home to sleep. However, they diligently remembered the contents of the projection in their hearts.

At this time, Zhao Hai had already gotten up. After having breakfast in the space, he asked Laura and the others to arrange for someone to deliver breakfast to Fei'er and the others, but he came to the demon space and prepared to go to the demon world with the Demon Dragon King.

To be honest, Zhao Hai is still very curious about the Gods. Although Cai'er told him a lot about the demon world, he is still very curious. He wants to see what kind of world it is.

When Zhao Hai arrived at the demon space, the Demon Dragon King had already gotten up, and so had the other demons. The Demon Dragon King was specifically waiting for Zhao Hai, while the other demons were busy with other things.

When the Demon Dragon King saw Zhao Hai coming, he hurriedly greeted him, bowed to Zhao Hai and said, "Sir, you are here, when will we set off?"

Zhao Hai glanced at the busy Demon Tribe people, smiled slightly and said: "We will leave immediately. By the way, if you need anything here, don't forget to tell me. I will prepare anything for you.

Ready for you."

The Demon Dragon King said gratefully: "Thank you very much, sir. If possible, please help us prepare some stones. Do you think it's okay?"

Zhao Hai was stunned for a moment, then looked at the Demon Dragon King in confusion and said: "Stones? What are you preparing the stones for? There are so many mountains in this space, and those mountains are all filled with stones. You can just pick them and leave."

The Demon Dragon King said sheepishly: "To be honest, sir, the environment here is so good that we are reluctant to destroy it. If we open the mountain to quarry, the trees on the mountain will die, and we, we are reluctant to do so.

Zhao Hai was stunned for a moment, then he couldn't help but shook his head with a wry smile. It seemed that the demons were really scared in the harsh environment, and now they have learned to protect the environment, but this is good, at least they don't have to worry about their impact on the space.

What damage is caused to the environment?

When the Demon Dragon King saw that Zhao Hai was silent, he thought that Zhao Hai was angry. He quickly said: "If you find it difficult, sir, forget it. After returning to the Demon Realm, I will let everyone enter the space one stone at a time."

When Zhao Hai heard what the Demon Dragon King said, he couldn't help but feel happy. He smiled and said: "That's no need. I think it's better. The undead creatures in my space are idle, so let them help you pick some stones."

Yes, you are doing the right thing. It is better not to damage the environment in this space."

When the Demon Dragon King heard what Zhao Hai said, he nodded happily. Zhao Hai didn't say anything, and took the Demon Dragon King to the space crack in the Demon Abyss, and the two of them flew into the Demon Realm together.!~!..


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