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Chapter 86 Testing new features

 Chapter 86 Testing new features

As soon as the staff arrived in Zhao Hai's hand, a space prompt sounded: "The evil spirit staff can automatically extend and shorten, with a maximum length of five meters and a minimum length of 0.5 meters. In a dark environment, it can glow.

Use all features of the space.”

Zhao Hai was stunned for a moment. He really didn't expect that this staff could have such an effect. This was an unexpected surprise.

Although the first two functions are not of much use to Zhao Hai, they are better than nothing. Zhao Hai is also very satisfied with the shape of this staff.

Zhao Hai turned to look at the screen again and clicked on the store icon. The store page appeared. The first leaf was still an ordinary seed. Zhao Hai took a brief look and found that except for some seeds that existed in the original space,

Now that there are many more plants unique to Ark Continent, Zhao Hai looked up again and discovered the decorative options.

Zhao Hai clicked on the decoration selection, and sure enough, the decoration page popped up, similar to when playing a game, with pictures of a row of houses appearing on the screen.

Zhao Hai took a look, and sure enough, there was a price marked under each picture. It seemed that this thing was really similar to a game, and using these backgrounds also required extra money.

Zhao Hai looked at those pictures and finally found a background that could be bought for one gold coin. This background was also the small villa-like house that Zhao Hai used when playing games. At first glance, he saw that there was a fence beside the emperor.

Doghouse and background. However, Zhao Hai did not need the latter three. He only spent one gold coin to buy a picture of a house and then decorated it.

As soon as he clicked the decorated button, Zhao Hai felt his surroundings shaking, and then everything around him was surrounded by a layer of white light.

When the white light disappeared, Zhao Hai was stunned. He found that he was no longer sitting on a small bench. He was actually sitting on a sofa. The sofa was now placed in a large living room, with enough space in the living room.

It is more than 20 square meters in size. He is located on the sofa in the living room. This is a set of sofas, consisting of three sofas, one large, two small and three. This large sofa can seat five people, and the small sofas on both sides

Each person can sit one person, the ground is carpeted, and there is a coffee table in the middle of the sofa. This coffee table is made of wood and is cherry red in color. It is very beautiful. Facing the big sofa is a 42-inch

The screen is now closed, and there is something like a remote control on the coffee table.

Zhao Hai stood up from the sofa, looked around, and found that the house was really big. In addition to the living room, there were two bathrooms, a hot spring room, a utility room, and a kitchen on this floor.

, a restaurant, and two guest rooms.

Zhao Hai took a look at the first floor and found that the bathrooms were all equipped with modern facilities. Each bathroom was about five square meters in size. There was a toilet, a bathtub, and a shower head that could adjust hot and cold water.

There is a hand basin for washing your face and a large mirror. The layout of the two bathrooms is the same.

The facilities in the kitchen are very complete, not only for making Chinese food, but also for making Western food. All the kitchen utensils are shiny and obviously new. There is only a long dining table in the restaurant, which can

There are eight people living there, and there are a few paintings hanging on the walls on both sides, very ordinary landscape oil paintings.

The hot spring room is relatively simple. The floor is paved with small stones, which is not only non-slip, but can also massage the soles of the feet. The hot spring room is about five square meters. There is also a resting stone inside, and the walls are lined with tiles.

There are some daily sundries in the utility room, and they are very complete. From basins to buckets, from mops to brooms, there are a lot of them. The most important thing is that Zhao Hai also saw five yuan here.

Ironing board and an electric iron.

The guest room is relatively simple. There is a bed, a wardrobe, two bedside tables with table lamps on them. There is also a Xiaofan and two sofas by the window. There are two sofas in the guest room.

The furnishings are the same.

The area on the first floor alone was almost 200 square meters. Zhao Hai followed the stairs to the second floor. The second floor was different from the first floor. There was no living room or kitchen on the second floor, except for a bathroom.

There are only five bedrooms, and the furnishings in four of them are similar to the two guest rooms on the first floor. Only one has an extra 32-inch screen like the one on the first floor, and the others are similar.

Zhao Hai returned to the living room, sat on the sofa, and picked up the remote control. The buttons on it were very simple. The bottom row was an on/off button, and the second row was one, two, three, and three.

Below the number is a ring-shaped button with four arrows drawn up, down, left, and right. In the middle is a button with the word "ok" written on it, and at the bottom is a very smooth, touch-screen-like thing.

Zhao Hai looked at the remote control, pressed the power button, and the screen suddenly lit up. It was a desktop similar to the original screen. There were still the same few icons on the desktop, and there was no change.

Zhao Hai pressed a button, and a voice came from the screen: "You haven't set up a teleportation point yet. Do you want to set it up now?" At the same time, such words also appeared on the screen, and Zhao Hai habitually said: "Yes." He said

Just after I finished speaking, the words on the screen seemed to have been clicked. Then the words disappeared, and then a map appeared on the screen.

Zhao Hai couldn't help but be stunned when he looked at the map. He didn't understand what it meant. At this moment, a prompt sounded: "Please select a teleportation point."

Zhao Hai looked at the map carefully and found that the map clearly contained the names of all the places they had visited from the Black Soil Wasteland to here. From the castle to Card City, all the places they had visited were on this map.

Only these places, those places they have not been to, are still dark.

A small white arrow like a mouse pointer on a computer now appeared on the screen. Zhao Hai stared at the arrow blankly, then looked at the remote control in his hand, and then aimed at the arrow under the remote control.

That touch screen-like thing, I lightly moved my finger across it, and the mouse pointer on the screen also moved.

Zhao Hai couldn't help but smile. He really didn't expect that the operation of this thing was so simple. He looked at the map carefully, pointed the pointer at Qingshi Villa, and then clicked.

Sure enough, a prompt sound came out once: "The first transmission point, Qingshi Villa, yes or no?"

Zhao Hai nodded and said: "Yes." The space prompt sounded once and said: "The first teleportation point, Qingshi Villa, are you sure, do you want to establish a second teleportation point?" The prompt ended, and the Qingshi Villa immediately lit up.

A small green dot appeared.

Zhao Hai quickly said: "Yes, it is built in Iron Mountain Castle." Zhao Hai wanted to try to see if he could control the screen with voice.

Yes, Zhao Hai can also control the screen with voice. As soon as he finished speaking, he saw a small green dot appear on the map at Iron Mountain Castle, flashing there, and then the space prompt sounded once.

A message came: "The second teleportation point, Iron Mountain Castle, yes or no?"

Zhao Hai nodded and said: "Yes." The green dot at Tieshan Castle stabilized and stopped flashing. At the same time, the space prompt sound came: "The second teleportation point, Tieshan Castle, are you sure whether to establish the third one?"

Teleport point?"

Zhao Hai stared at the screen for a while, then shook his head and said: "Not built." The prompt tone disappeared.

The screen changed back to the desktop. Zhao Hai pressed one button at a time, and the screen suddenly changed into a mountain map of the Rock Mountain. Centered on the point where he entered the space, it was a three-dimensional map with a diameter of 500 meters.

Almost the entire rocky mountain is included.

Zhao Hai's finger moved on the screen, first he clicked on the manor's yard, and an image of the manor's yard immediately appeared, followed by a burst of tinkling sounds. Zhao Hai was stunned and glanced around.

Not finding anything that could make a sound, he suddenly turned his gaze to the screen, where An and the others were smashing rocks. With their first movement, there was a tinkling sound.

Zhao Hai's face was filled with joy. The monitor had no sound before, but he didn't expect it to have sound now. This was a surprise.

Then Zhao Hai clicked the two-character key again, and sure enough, the screen turned to the castle. The situation was similar to what he saw before, except that now the scope was larger. Originally, he could only see a little bit from the inner castle.

, but now you can see things outside the castle.

Zhao Hai cheered happily, then clicked the OK button, and the space prompt sound came at once: "Do you want to switch to the second teleportation point, yes or no?"

Zhao Hai nodded and said: "Yes." After saying that, he put down the remote control impatiently, stood up with the staff, and with a thought, left the space.

When he arrived outside the space, Zhao Hai took a closer look and found that he had now returned to Tieshan Castle and was standing in his bedroom in Tieshan Castle.

Zhao Hai cheered in the bedroom, then ran to the window and opened it to look outside. He had a panoramic view of the castle. Although the black soil was still everywhere, this time, the black soil also looked cute.

Zhao Hai held the window and laughed. The new function of space is really awesome and powerful. This is a faster way of action than any other method. He went from Rock Mountain to Iron Mountain Castle in just an instant.

After a while, Zhao Hai calmed down, and with a thought, he returned to the space, and then said: "Switch to the No. 1 teleportation point." After saying this, he came out of the space again. As soon as he came out, he found that he was standing

In the bedroom of Qingshi Villa, he did not enter the space from here just now, but entered the space in the alien body. When he set the transfer point, he set it here in Qingshi Villa, so the space put this time

The exit was arranged in his bedroom.

Zhao Hai listened to the clanging sounds coming from outside, suppressed the joy in his heart, and once entered the space, Zhao Hai knew that it was time to open the ranch.

This chapter has been completed!
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