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Chapter 815 Decision

 When Liu Quan and the others heard what Zhao Hai said, their eyes lit up and they looked at Zhao Hai. Zhao Hai looked at everyone and said in a deep voice: "It's time for us to send troops. Now the business here in the Martial Armor Empire is already very good.

, people are living very well, and we have a lot of food in hand. Sending troops does not require too much material, and it will not increase the burden on civilians, so why not send troops? It just so happened that this time the seven empires sent dead soldiers to attack

We, we use this as an excuse to go out directly and capture more cities. First, we can save more civilians before the beast tide occurs. Second, we also want to let the people of the seven empires know not to follow

We play tricks on those who dare to do evil, and if they dare to do evil, we dare to knock on the door directly."

Liu Quan and the others responded loudly, and Zhao Hai then said: "It is okay to attack the seven empires, but we should not be too anxious. Our army is still divided into two parts. The first part is responsible for attacking, and the second part is responsible for receiving.

, All the territory we take over is ours, we cannot let them take it back, and all the woods in the territory must be cleared. There are no large animals, and no wild beasts can attack people anymore."

Liu Quan and the others all responded, and Zhao Hai then said: "As for the alien warriors, it is still the same as before. If they surrender, it is acceptable, and then they will be screened. If they have not done anything evil, we will take them into our hands."

We have confiscated the supplies, and then arranged some ways out for them, so as not to let them starve to death. They have been tyrannizing over the civilians these years, and it is time to hand over all the good things they have obtained over the years. We also

Those things should be used to support the civilians. As for those who have done evil things and killed civilians, they will be incorporated into the criminal camp, and everything will follow the rules."

Liu Quan and the others responded at once, and Zhao Hai then said: "Originally, I was planning to let our Martial Armor Empire rest for a while. After all, our foundation is too weak, but now it seems that it is not possible. Let's rest more."

Over time, more civilians may die. It's a pity that our intelligence network has not been spread yet. Otherwise, we can directly tell all the civilians in the alien martial world that the peak period of the beast tide will be in one year.

, let them be more careful, but unfortunately we can't do it, those alien warriors are really too strict in blocking information."

Liu Quan and the others nodded, Zhao Hai sighed lightly and said: "Okay, let's go down and prepare. This time, of the several legions, only the Suzaku Legion in the south has protected the Martial Armor Empire. The remaining legions are all

Deployed to attack the foreign martial world, Ham and I led the Yanghe Legion to attack the seven empires head-on. The other three legions attacked separately. All legions were divided into two parts. One part attacked those cities, and the second part was responsible for continuing.

, now our Martial Armor Empire has a total of thirty-eight cities to attack. This time our attack is to bring the total number of our cities to sixty. If there are more, we are afraid that we will not be able to digest them. We must capture them in the shortest time.

Twenty-two cities, and then digest them. After digesting them, let's see if we can still eat a few more cities. After all, we don't just want to capture the cities. We must ensure that we capture them.

There are too many things to do about the security of these cities."

Everyone responded, and Zhao Hai then said: "Liu Quan, Black Rat, you two should sit here and handle the affairs in the rear. At the same time, you must work with Hans to guard the entire Martial Armor Empire. If there is really someone

, come to attack us from Paradise Port, don’t be polite, kill those who attack us, and then kill Paradise Port for me too, it’s them who broke their promise first, no wonder we.”

Liu Quan and Hei Shu both responded, Zhao Hai glanced at Ham and Mi Gao, and then said: "You two go and prepare now, I will make a statement later, ten days of preparation time, ten days

After that, we will set off. We can give orders to Xiao Mark and the others. They can attack now. Mi Gao, the same goes for you. After you go back, you can also lead the Green Dragon Army to attack directly, but remember, you must also be prepared.

The territory we conquered is ours, we cannot let others take it back, and we cannot cause too many troubles on the territory."

Mi Gao stood up and responded. Zhao Hai nodded, and then said in a deep voice: "Okay, let's go down. Ham will prepare. We will set off in ten days." Ham responded and Zhao Hai stood up.

He got up, turned around and walked upstairs. Xiang'er followed Zhao Hai, and the two of them went upstairs directly.

Liu Quan and the others all stood up at this time, turned around and went downstairs. Only Yuanyuan and Alice were left on the second floor. Yuanyuan was tidying up the tea bowls on the second floor with an excited look. Although Alice

She was also cleaning up, but she was in a daze. She never thought that as soon as she arrived in Yanghe City and Zhao Hai, she heard such violent news. Zhao Hai and the others were going to attack those people directly.

The city took action, which she never expected.

Yuanyuan put away the tea bowl and said to Alice: "Miranda, did you hear that His Majesty is going to send troops? Hahahaha, His Majesty is finally going to send troops. You don't know how much we hope that Your Majesty will send troops."

, this is definitely a good thing for us, now it’s better, His Majesty has finally sent troops, it’s great.”

Alice looked at Yuanyuan with some confusion. She did not expect that Yuanyuan would be so excited. Alice looked at Yuanyuan with some confusion and said: "Sister Yuanyuan, why is Your Majesty sending troops? Are you so happy?"

? People will die when you send out troops to fight, and it will be the same when your Majesty goes out to fight this time."

"That's different. Although it is said that people will die in war, the losses in our previous battles in the Armored Empire were very small, almost no losses. Now, didn't you listen to Master Mi Gao? If we don't send troops, then

A year from now will be the peak period of the beast tide. By that time, if a beast tide really occurs, it will be dangerous and more people will definitely die. The young master is sending troops now. Although some people will die, but

Those who died more were the alien warriors. Those alien warriors had always been riding on the heads of the civilians and dominating them. They died when they died. They were saying that if they surrendered, they would not be killed.

Didn’t you also listen to His Majesty’s words? If they surrender, as long as they hand over the things they have squeezed out over the years, they will no longer be held accountable, and they will also be provided with a living arrangement and will not let them starve to death. If they

If they want to live a good life in the future, they can only rely on themselves. As for those who don't surrender, they are enemies. If they die, they will die. As for those who run away, haha, they are fools."

When Alice heard what Yuanyuan said, she couldn't help but blush. Her family was a runaway back then, but now in Yuanyuan's mouth, they have become fools. But now she thinks about what their family did back then.

, she is really stupid. If they had not escaped back then, her life should be the same as Wei'er's now. How could she live the life she has now.

Yuanyuan is a careless person. He did not notice Alice's expression, but continued: "I hope that your Majesty can unify the entire alien martial arts world as soon as possible. By then, we will not have to worry about the beast tide.

You don’t know that my great-grandfather died in the beast tide back then.”

Alice listened to Yuanyuan's words, and when she thought about what Zhao Hai and the others said just now, she really didn't know what to say. To be honest, if she was not a foreign warrior, from the perspective of a civilian, she would also hope

Zhao Hai could unify the entire foreign martial arts world earlier, because only in this way they would have a good life, but now, her mood is actually very complicated.

She is a foreign warrior, but she is a foreign warrior who has seen how shameless the seven empires are and how shameless other foreign warriors are. To be honest, if her father did not die because he fled the armor empire, she would be the same now.

She really wanted to join the Martial Armor Empire, but now she still felt a little uncomfortable in her heart, so she still didn't think about whether to join the Martial Armor Empire or not.

When she thought of this, Alice smiled bitterly. She realized that she was really useless, and she still hesitates. Doesn't she hate the alien warriors from the seven empires? Compared with the alien warriors from the seven empires,

Come on, Zhao Hai and the others are really doing so much good, so why should they hesitate? But she still can't get over the hurdle in her heart.

Yuanyuan also noticed some changes in Alice at this time. She found that Alice seemed a little unhappy, so while washing the tea bowl, she said to Alice: "Miranda, what's wrong with you? You seem unhappy? Could it be?

Is it because His Majesty sent troops? What? Did any of your family members die in the battle?"

Alice shook her head. She did not expect that Yuanyuan's question would be so direct. After thinking about it, she said: "No, my family members did not die in the battle. I was born in Wu Dongcheng. My father is

A foreign warrior, but he became a foreign warrior after I was born, so I was not a foreign warrior before. Later, Wu Dongcheng surrendered, and we became members of the Martial Armor Empire. Our family's life was pretty good.

Some time ago, people from the seven empires sent people to cause trouble. My father was killed by the people they sent, and my mother was also killed. Only I survived, although the murderer was quickly caught.

Live and kill, but I still hate war. If the seven empires hadn't seen the threat our armored empire posed to them, they wouldn't have sent people to cause trouble. In that case, my parents wouldn't have died, so I

Don’t like war.”

When Yuanyuan heard what Alice said, she couldn't help but glance at her, and then said: "Miranda, you are wrong to think like this. Your parents died at the hands of people from the Seven Empires, so you should hope more

Your Majesty sent troops to destroy the seven empires. Why do you hate war? Yes, war will kill people. If there was no War Armor Empire, your parents might not die, but have you ever thought about it, if there is no us?

Then when the beast tide comes, how many people will die? At that time, you alien warriors may be sent down, but how many civilians will die? The lives of alien warriors are lives, but the lives of civilians are not lives? What Your Majesty Miranda is doing now

The thing is to kill a small number of people and then save the entire world of martial arts. Is there anything wrong with that? How can you think so? You really let me down."

This chapter has been completed!
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