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Chapter 1032 Teleportation Array

 Zhao Hai knew about this Holy Mountain Martial Arts Academy. This Holy Mountain Martial Arts Academy was actually a martial arts school founded by Niu Liya. However, there were too many people learning martial arts later, and it slowly turned into a martial arts academy. Niu Liya

Because he was getting older and he didn't want the inheritance of the Holy Mountain to be lost in his hands, he built this martial arts academy. It seems that this martial arts academy is developing very well now.

At the same time, Zhao Hai also understood why Xiang'er arranged like that. According to the number of disciples of the Holy Mountain Martial Academy in a city, it was to ensure that the city would not be greatly affected by the Holy Mountain Martial Academy. Just imagine, if a city

What would happen if there were too many people from the same force in the city? It would threaten their rule over a city, and officials appointed by the Wujia Empire would be ignored there, so Xiang'er made such an arrangement


Zhao Hai looked at the document with a smile on his face and murmured: "I really didn't expect it to come so quickly. This is a good thing." Zhao Hai indeed thought this was a good thing.

, Now here in the foreign martial arts world, most of the exercises that people learn are basic exercises. These exercises are all taught by Zhao Hai. Even some high-level exercises are taught by Zhao Hai. Most of the people who have learned them are

They are all in the military, so this kind of high-level skills are not taught to outsiders. There are not many people outside who know high-level skills.

This is not very helpful for improving the strength of ordinary people in the martial arts world. The reason why Zhao Hai agreed before was even to support Niu Liya in building a martial arts gym. His main purpose was to let Niu Liya take over the Holy Spirit.

Shanna's martial arts can be passed down so that more ordinary people can learn more and better techniques, which is a good thing for the Martial Armor Empire.

Of course, this martial arts academy must be within a controllable range. If this martial arts academy threatens the rule of the Wujia Empire, it will definitely not work. Therefore, Zhao Hai is still very satisfied with Xiang'er's arrangement. If he makes the arrangements

If so, it will be arranged in this way.

Through these documents, Zhao Hai already has an understanding of the current development of the Wujia Empire. The current development of the Wujia Empire is really good. There are some garrisons in each city. Of course, the main army is still stationed in military camps everywhere.

In addition to protecting the cities, these garrisons also have a mission, which is to protect the safety of the Nuclear Armor battle planting area.

Zhao Hai has arranged fruit-core battle armor planting areas in many places in the Martial Armor Empire. These fruit-core battle armor planting areas are basically in the south of the foreign martial arts world. Firstly, because the climate there is more suitable, and secondly because Zhao Hai

Haizou only occupied those areas at the beginning. Later, because there were enough planting areas, no new ones were built. These planting areas are not far from some major cities in the south, and there are also many troops stationed there, just to

Protect those growing areas.

In fact, not many people know about those planting areas. Originally there were just some ordinary defensive formations, but as Goode and the others studied the formations more and more deeply, they have arranged some in those planting areas.

With the phantom formation, it is impossible for ordinary people to discover the planting area.

Now the production of core armor has begun in the planting areas, but the core armor still has not flowed out of the army in large numbers. Only some officials and their families have received some core armor as rewards. Ordinary civilians use them.

Or use the energy-gathering array as your own natal magic weapon for training.

The aura here in the Martial Armor Empire is particularly suitable for the growth of plants and animals. Therefore, the army of the Martial Armor Empire also has a task, which is to regularly clean up the alien beasts in the Martial Armor Empire. The alien beasts cannot be allowed to grow.

Complete extermination, but we cannot allow too many of them. Once the number of alien beasts is too large, it will threaten people. That is absolutely not possible, because the previous beast tide left behind for people in the alien martial world.

It was such a deep impression.

The civilians here in the Yiwu Realm are living a good life now. The food production is high enough, they live a worry-free life, they can practice, and they can also get more income by picking medicine or planting some medicinal materials, which is very important to them.

This is a good thing. And the transportation is very convenient, so the development here in the Foreign Martial World is really very good. Even if it is not as good as that in the Steel World, it will not be worse.

After reading the documents all night, Zhao Hai went directly to see Gude and the others the next day. Gude and the others had already chosen the address of the teleportation array. It was under the Snow Mountain. There was an open space there and they built it directly there.

A large teleportation array. When Goode and the others saw the array talisman drawings that Zhao Hai gave them, they already knew that the teleportation array that Zhao Hai was going to build this time was very large, so the address they chose was also very large.

of big.

Zhao Hai saw the selection of the teleportation array and was very satisfied. He didn't say anything more. He just asked Gude and others to do this kind of thing. He only needed to wait until the formation talisman was made before officially starting to establish the teleportation array.

Just come over and keep an eye on it during the formation. Gude and his friends can completely arrange this kind of ordinary infrastructure.

Gude and the others did not let Zhao Hai wait for too long. In two days, all the formation talismans were completed, and they were exactly the same as the requirements on Zhao Hai's drawings, without any mistakes. Zhao Hai

After receiving the news, they immediately arrived at the address chosen by Goode and the others at the foot of the Snowy Mountains. At this time, all the talismans had been transported and placed on the flat land.

As soon as Gude saw Zhao Hai coming, he immediately went up to him, saluted Zhao Hai and said: "Young Master, I have already seen it. All the formation symbols are in compliance with the standards. There are no problems. Please rest assured, Master." Gude said to Zhao Hai.

Zhao Hai was always very attentive to what he explained. He had checked all the formation talismans and was only relieved when he was sure there were no problems.

Zhao Hai nodded, and then said to Goode: "Okay, as long as there is no problem, let's get started. Here you go, press this drawing and put all the formation symbols in their positions." Goode responded.

, took the drawing, and immediately directed people to place all the formation symbols in the positions marked on Zhao Hai's drawing according to the requirements on the drawing.

After all the formation symbols were placed in place, Zhao Hai walked to the middle of the formation, then took out the compass, glanced at it, then put the compass away, then made a hand seal, and shouted: "

Come!" Following his voice, a white light flew out from his hand and fell directly on the array talismans. The array talismans immediately lit up, and then the array talismans began to rotate slowly.

When they got up, they were actually adjusting their positions.

Finally, after the positions of all the formation symbols were adjusted, a green shield appeared in this place, covering the entire flat land. Gude and the others knew that this was a

For the enchantment formation, Zhao Hai immediately took out the compass, glanced at the pointer on the compass, then put the compass away, and began to direct everyone to adjust some formation talismans. This time, the adjustment was not only

Adjust the position, and sometimes even slightly adjust the shape of the array talisman. Fortunately, these people are all considered masters. This kind of thing is not difficult for them, so they all do it very well.

When everyone was adjusting the formation talisman, Zhao Hai took out the compass once. This time he did not put the compass away, but kept walking on the ground, and at the same time kept looking at the compass, passing by

After several hours of adjustment, Zhao Hai finally stopped. Then he moved his hand, and the compass floated in front of him. Zhao Hai glanced at the compass, and then moved his hands, and a white light shot directly into a formation talisman.

, the formation talisman immediately lit up.

Just when the formation talisman was lighting up, Zhao Hai was still staring at the compass, but the white light in Zhao Hai's hand did not stop, and continued to pour into the formation talisman, and then the formation talisman lit up one by one.

He stood up, and Zhao Hai's eyes were always on the compass. Suddenly, after a formation talisman lit up, Zhao Hai said: "Array talisman No. 35, the third stroke is to make him thin by five centimeters." Following Zhao Hai.

Hai's command, he immediately ran to the formation talisman. His hands touched the formation talisman and immediately made a place on the formation talisman become much thinner.

That one was a metal type warrior. He could control metal, so he could handle the array talisman so quickly. After he processed the array talisman, he stood there and looked at Zhao Hai. Zhao Hai nodded, and then

He said: "Okay, retreat." The man immediately retreated, and then the formation talisman lit up one at a time, and then the formation talisman lit up one after another. After a while, Zhao Hai asked them to start again.

Modifying the formation symbols continued like this until dark, when all the formation symbols were modified, and Zhao Hai put away the compass.

After putting away the compass, Zhao Hai also let out a sigh of relief. Then he turned to look at the others and said with a smile: "We are done here, and next is the Steel World. These formation talismans,

Leave it here now and don't move, Gude, send someone to keep an eye on these and don't let anyone get close."

Gude responded, and Zhao Hai nodded, and then said to the others: "Everyone has worked hard these past two days. Let's go back and have a rest." Everyone responded, and then retreated. At the same time,

An army has already been stationed here and has completely controlled this large teleportation array.

This large teleportation array can teleport thousands of people at once. This is already a large teleportation array, but now there is only the teleportation array, and other supporting facilities have not yet been built. Zhao Hai is not in a hurry, as long as the teleportation array is built

That's it, the rest can come slowly.

Zhao Hai returned to the Ice Palace to rest for a night, and returned directly to the Purgatory Realm early the next morning. After arriving at the Purgatory Realm, he sat directly on the teleportation array and went to the Summoning Compound. He still has no way to pass.

The Summoning Compound went to the Steel World, so it could only be controlled remotely from here. It was precisely because of this that Zhao Hai came to the Summoning Compound. He had to know the situation in the Steel World as soon as possible.

When Zhao Hai arrived at the summoning compound, he immediately took out a few pieces of paper and gave them to Boma, asking Boma to send someone back to the Steel World immediately. Boma did not dare to neglect and immediately sent someone to send those people back.

Several pieces of paper were sent back to the Steel World, but Zhao Hai did not leave. He kept sitting in the room waiting for news. This also let Boma know that this matter must be very important, otherwise Zhao Hai would not

Such attention.

This chapter has been completed!
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