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Chapter 2924: Treasure Fusion

 The flag of Taiyi Demon Refining Flag is spread out, it is boundless, and the edge cannot be seen at a glance, and the Wanzhou Guiming Coffin is filled with endless aura of annihilation.

The air of death was transformed into the ocean, and the coffin carrying it collided with the Taiyi Demon Refining Flag. As soon as the two Taoyuan spiritual treasures came into contact, a strange change occurred.

Suddenly, endless demon gods appeared on the Taiyi Demon Refining Flag. All demon gods seemed to be alive and real demon gods.

But this is just the condensation of the air of death, and it is also the mysterious manifestation of the Taiyi Demon Refining Formation. At the moment the endless demon god appears, the lid of the universal coffin suddenly opens.


Amidst the violent roar, Taiyi's Demon Refining Flag swung towards the inside of the dark coffin, disappeared in the blink of an eye, and rushed into the endless world of death inside the Wanzhou Guiming Coffin.

And in the depths of the endless world of annihilation, Taiyi's demon-refining flag stood like a pillar holding up the world of annihilation. At the same time, the endless air of death fell, filling the world of annihilation mightily.


As soon as the air of annihilation and the air of death in the world of annihilation came into contact, they strangely merged into one, turning into a terrifying air of death.

This aura of death and silence is more terrifying and terrifying than the pure aura of death and annihilation. It is a kind of Tao Qi that combines death and annihilation into one.

It is essentially a level higher than the air of death and annihilation.

This kind of promotion of Tao Qi is very rare, even in this world, but now it appears in Wanzhou Guiming Coffin.

The Qi of Death and the Qi of Nirvana have something in common. Now that the two are one, Zhang Qian is not surprised. What makes him strange is that at the moment when the two Tao Qi merge into one and become the Qi of Death, Tai Yi

The Demon Refining Flag and the Wanzhou Guiming Coffin have undergone strange changes.

I don’t know when the Yuan Fei of the two treasures experienced violent vibrations. This vibration caused the imprint of the divine consciousness belonging to the chaotic Taoist master in the Wanzhou Guiming coffin to be instantly wiped out.

At the moment of being annihilated, the confused Taoist master who was recovering from his injuries in his original universe could not help but let out a muffled groan.

His own brand of spiritual consciousness was destroyed, and his transcendent path fruit, which was already full of cracks, was damaged again. It was simply that the brand of spiritual consciousness was destroyed, and it had little impact on him.

"Heart-crossing Demon Lord!"

The confused Taoist gnashed his teeth and shouted, hating the Heart-Crossing Demon Lord deeply. If this ultimate demon hadn't suddenly intervened, he wouldn't have lost so miserably.

Not to mention the extremely angry Taoist Master, Zhang Qian appeared near the coffin of Wanzhou Guiming at the moment when the spiritual brand of the Taoist Master was destroyed, staring closely at this treasure through the Eyes of Eternity.

Clearly see the changes in the Wanzhou Guiming Coffin and Taiyi Demon Refining Flag, especially the changes in the supreme treasure Yuan Fei.

The two treasures' Yuan Fei were incredibly separated and then touched together. At the moment when the two treasures Yuan Fei touched together, something strange happened.

The dazzling treasure Yuan Fei merged into one in an incredible way, as if they were originally one, but were later separated and turned into two treasures. Now they are finally united and become complete again.

This scene made Zhang Qian marvel. He had already deduced the origin of these two treasures through the jade plate. Of course he knew that the two treasures were not one. They were originally two pieces. One was the treasure of the way of death, and the other was The treasure of the path of annihilation.

The reason why they are now integrated into one is just their instinct. The instinct is to become stronger and more perfect, and the instinct is to go further.

Just like a monk, the greatest pursuit of any monk is to break through the current state and take a further step.

The same is true for spiritual treasures. Their instinct is to become more powerful, more perfect, and more mysterious.

The same is true for Taiyi Demon Refining Flag and Wanzhou Guiming Coffin. As Taoyuan spiritual treasures, they are even more powerful than the Taoyuan Supreme Treasure.

They instinctively want to achieve the supreme treasure of the source of truth. Now that they are integrated into one, they have taken a big step towards the level of the supreme treasure of the origin of the truth.

Although it is still far from the true source of truth, it is still progress, right?

When the supreme treasure Yuan Fei merged into one, the two Principle Dragon Treasures also merged into one, becoming one Principle Spiritual Treasure. It seemed that two pieces became one, but Zhang Qian did not suffer a loss, but made a profit. Big.

The dark flags stand inside the coffin without distinguishing one from the other. The strange thing is that whether it is the original Taiyi Demon Refining Flag or the Wanzhou Gui Ming Coffin, after merging into one, what is transformed is no longer a pure aura of death or It is the air of annihilation, but a further air of death.

The dead world inside the coffin expands endlessly, like a tomb that buries the universe and even this world!

"Huh? It seems like it's not finished yet!"

At this moment, Zhang Qian's eyes suddenly flashed, and he discovered that the two treasures that had merged into one had changed again.

What changed this time was their essence. Previously, the treasure Yuan Fei was fused into one. After the fusion, the appearance of the two treasures began to change.

I saw the dark coffin begin to melt, and the standing flag began to evolve.

The endless air of death drowned him. In the thick air of death, Zhang Qian saw a magical scene through the eyes of Fuji.

The Wanzhou Guiming coffin disappeared, and the Taiyi Demon Refining Flag also disappeared. What appeared in the billowing air of death was a conical and terrifying tomb!

The tomb is completely dark and looks extremely heavy, just like an ancient sacred mountain buried deep in the eternity of time, filled with endless vicissitudes of loneliness!

In front of the dark tomb, there stands a tombstone. The tombstone is also black, with mysterious Dao patterns engraved on it. The Dao patterns are coiled and looming, but they are the evolution of Taiyi Demon Refining Flag’s original Taiyi Demon Refining Formation!

Now it is not the Taiyi Demon Refining Formation, but a new formation, an even more terrifying innate formation.

Seeing the dark tomb and tombstone, Zhang Qian took a breath. This new treasure was filled with an endless air of death, and there was also an endless ominousness that made people's hair stand on end at just one glance.

This tomb is like burying the universe, burying countless sentient beings, burying this world, and burying endless giants.

It is the ultimate destination of all things in the world!

Zhang Qian, however, did not dislike the endless ominousness emanating from this treasure at all, and immediately began to refine this new treasure.

This treasure is now ownerless and has just been born. It is not too difficult to refine it. He directly attracts a wisp of Wu Tai Qi, wraps up the imprint of his own will, and goes towards the treasure Yuan Fei of this treasure. .

Protected by a wisp of Wu Tai Qi, Zhang Qian's brand smoothly came to the supreme treasure Yuan Fei, and then merged with the supreme treasure Yuan Fei, successfully refining the treasure.

At the moment of refining, Zhang Qian firmly grasped all the mysteries of this treasure.


The pitch-black tomb flew up, and the endless ocean of deathly silence around it converged, returning to the depths of the tomb. Deep in the tomb, there was a magnificent and endless world of deathly silence, which was immeasurable.

The interior was filled with the boundless air of death. With a buzzing sound, the treasure turned into the size of a palm and was held by Zhang Qian in his palm.

He is holding the tomb in his palm, so it looks weird.

But at this moment Zhang Qian was laughing heartily!

This chapter has been completed!
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