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Chapter Thirteen

 At this time, Hu Bayi also discovered the Western Region Fire Dragon Glazed Top above his head.

"Be careful when you come in. Also, be sure not to miss the top of the tomb. The mechanism that can be made of the fire dragon glazed roof of the Western Regions cannot be touched." At this moment, Hu Bayi did not forget to remind him, lest the fat man and the

Yingzi and the others did not know the danger involved.

Legend has it that the fire dragon glazed roof of the Western Regions was made using an extremely flammable mechanism principle.

Moreover, as long as the materials inside are in contact with air, they will burn and cannot be extinguished.

It’s too damn dangerous to have a Western Region fire dragon glazed roof on your head.

Therefore, Hu Bayi also hinted to Hu Ming to look at the fat man, because a fat man's personality can easily cause trouble.

Hu Ming also understood, so he was always next to the fat man.

Everyone searched here for a long time, but found nothing.

At this moment, everyone in the tomb saw no large coffin except for murals and some carved ornaments, and they couldn't help but become a little curious.

Just when everyone was at a loss what to do, the fat man suddenly lost his grip and saw two protruding squares on the wall of the main tomb, so he pressed the one on the right.

Hu Ming, who had been paying attention to him, happened to see this scene and had no time to stop him. He couldn't help but cursed: "Oh my God, you damn fat man!"

At this moment, Hu Ming did not expect that the fat man's hand speed was so fast. It was worthy of a hand that had been single for more than thirty years. It was really unpredictable for him.

"Quick, get down!", then Hu Ming shouted loudly, and Hu Bayi, Fatty, and Yingzi immediately got down.



I saw corrosive venom and feather arrows sprayed from the mechanism appearing from all directions, shooting horizontally at the opposite tomb wall and the ornaments in the tomb.

Chi chi chi chi..., the strong corrosion produced thick white smoke, which was visible to everyone.


At this moment, Hu Bayi looked like he hated iron. He couldn't help but yelled at the fat man: "Damn it, fat man, you bastard, it's okay, what are you touching? Just now, you almost cheated us to death!"
Also, if Mingzi hadn't reminded you in time, your current fate would have been to be burned into a sieve and used as a sample here."

"I...I just want..." At this moment, the fat man, who knew he was in the wrong, was rendered speechless by Hu Bayi's words.

Hu Ming also said angrily: "What a fool!", and then told Yingzi: "Yingzi, wait a moment, look at the fat guy, if it doesn't work, kick him hard and let him

Give me a longer memory!".

After all, fighting in the grave is not a child's play. If you do this again, it will easily cause big trouble.

Hearing this, Yingzi promised: "Well, brother Ming, don't worry, if the fat man is in debt again, I will be the first to give him a discount on his legs and feet!"

When the fat man heard Yingzi's words, he couldn't help but said: "Wow! I mean, Yingzi, why are you so cruel!"

Yingzi ignored him and snorted coldly. Fatty didn't say anything when he saw this.

Fatty Wang also knew that a few people would just talk about it, but in fact, they would not take action against him at all. However, Fatty knew that he just went a little too far.

Fortunately, everyone is fine now.

At this moment, Hu Bayi looked at Hu Ming with some doubts and said: "Mingzi, where do you think this guy will put the big coffin? Why haven't I found it yet? Could it be an empty tomb?"
At this moment, seeing what Lao Hu said, the fat man pouted several times and said angrily to Hu Bayi: "Oh, you bastard, what are you talking about about an empty tomb? Maybe, you will definitely need to touch the mechanism."
When Hu Ming heard this, he glanced at the fat man in surprise, and then said: "The fat man is right. This tomb chamber also uses a lot of mechanisms, and the big coffin may be hidden somewhere."

Hu Ming said this, and then said to everyone: "Everyone, please stay hidden. Fatty, press the place you just pressed against the wall on the left again."

The fat man heard this and replied: "Okay!"

The rest of the people also hid. When the fat man saw this, he pressed down and quickly got down.

But at this time, the originally closed main tomb chamber suddenly opened a stone door on the opposite side, and an inner tomb chamber also appeared in front of everyone's eyes.

Seeing this, the fat man couldn't help but said excitedly: "That's interesting! I'll go take a look!" After saying that, the fat man ran in first.

Hu Ming was a little speechless when he saw this. Have you forgotten what happened just now? Why are you so reckless again!

However, Hu Ming also breathed a sigh of relief. He just randomly selected a mechanism and pressed it.

At this time, Hu Bayi walked up to Hu Ming and praised: "Mingzi, it's amazing, you found it so easily."

Hu Ming was a little embarrassed when he heard this and said: "I found several mechanisms and wanted to try them one by one. Unexpectedly, I chose the right one on the first try."

At this time, the fat man suddenly said: "Hey, what a guy! Lao Hu, Mingzi, inside, there is not only a tomb chamber, but also a big coffin! Mingzi, come in quickly, there are dinosaur fossils here! This guy

, really good at collecting!"

Entering it, the fat man was so excited that green banknotes seemed to appear in his eyes.

Hu Bayi didn't believe it when he heard that there were dinosaur fossils. He went in and took a look, feeling a little helpless: "You bastard, you are really uneducated. How can these be dinosaur fossils? This is a war horse buried with it. It's called a horse pit! You

This worthless guy!"

The fat man said indifferently: "Hey, I don't care if it's a dinosaur fossil or not, but it's just valuable. Big Gold Tooth said that generally, nothing bad will be placed in tombs. Old Hu, dig it out quickly!"

When Hu Bayi heard this, he said angrily: "Shit! It's worthless to dig it up!"

But the fat man did not give up and said: "If it's worth the money, you have to ask our brother Ming."

Seeing this, Hu Ming also looked at the pit where horses were killed, and saw a pair of horse hoofs and a saddle. His eyes lit up, and he immediately jumped into the pit to take out these two things.

When the fat man saw this, he couldn't help but said: "I'll explain, what are you doing with these Hei Bu Liu Qiu!"

Seeing this, Hu Ming smiled and said, "I'm not doing anything, I just want to take it home and collect it." Hu Bay, who knew his brother well, knew that this thing was probably a good treasure as soon as he heard this.

At this time, Fatty Wang said to Hu Ming: "What's the collection of that thing? The bottles and jars that come to Fat Brother are all treasures. Let's quickly stuff more and take them back."

Hu Ming, Hu Bayi and the others looked over after hearing this. There were indeed many bottles and jars of things over there. Seeing this, Hu Bayi and Yingzi both leaned over.

Hu Ming quietly put the stirrups and other things into the system space, and then approached Fatty and the others to take a look, and found that most of them were made by Tao.

Hu Ming looked at them one by one and found that among the more than twenty jars, only two were porcelain. Seeing this, Hu Ming quietly sent them to the system space. He was afraid that the war would destroy the porcelain later.

When Hu Ming saw that everyone had almost finished collecting, he walked around the coffin made of golden nanmu, and then said to the fat man and Hu Ba: "Fat man, Lao Hu, get some things and prepare to open the coffin."<


This chapter has been completed!
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