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Chapter 163 The Death of Peter Huang

"Come on...since you know that Dongzi is in the state of the bardo, my bodyguard has also become a dirty person at this time."

"I wonder if you can save my bodyguard?"

Lei Xianming's face was cloudy and uncertain. He glanced at Hu Ming and others outside the ferry and pinned his last hope on the lama.

Peter Huang can't die yet, at least not now, and definitely not before he gets the crystal corpse!

He had seen descriptions of the bardo body in the ancient scriptures of the Reincarnation Sect.

The process of the bardo is very terrifying and will last for seven or seventy-nine days.

During this period, you will see a white goddess with a bear head and a human body, holding a human corpse as a stick, or holding a bowl of skulls filled with blood, and so on.

"...There's nothing I can do about it. The bardo is an undisclosed secret of Tantric Buddhism."

"Only a few monks in Sikkim know the real secret. I am just the Buddha's iron rod for hair care. Is there a solution?"

The lama smiled bitterly and shook his head. The moment Axiang saw Dongzi's figure, he reacted.

But it was still too late after all.

"If you ask me, the bardo has been dispersed, and it is hopeless to have possessed your bodyguard. I suggest you give him a break, so as not to make him suffer."

"He has now become what is called "dirt" in Tantric Buddhism. If he doesn't burn it, he will kill others."

Hu Ming looked at Peter Huang with his ghostly eyes and couldn't help but marvel.

"Yes, Mr. Hu Ming is right, Mr. Lei, there is nothing I can do about this situation."

"I only know that your bodyguard is in pain now, and it will last for a long time. It's better to send him to relief as soon as possible." The lama nodded in agreement when he heard this.

Without knowing the solution, it is indeed the best choice for Peter Huang to be relieved as soon as possible.

Moreover, it would be a big disaster for Peter Huang's body to remain, so it would be safer to be cremated as soon as possible.

"No, Akiko, it's in your hands!"

At this time, Hu Bayi caught a glimpse of the movement of the black fur human skin on Hu Ming's hand, and couldn't help but exclaimed.

Everyone looked over and saw that the black fur human skin suddenly slowly turned into wisps of black smoke and gradually dissipated.

In the end, only a few strands of black hair were left in Hu Ming's hands.

A piece of Nuo Da's skin disappeared under everyone's eyes!

Dark clouds were hanging over the city outside, and it was as dark in broad daylight as it was at night.

"Tsk! The tendons of the corpse have appeared...it's really hopeless!", from the angle of the firelight.

Hu Ming clearly saw that the moment the black fur human skin disappeared, Peter Huang's face suddenly turned livid and his body became stiff.

A layer of very fine black fuzz grew on his face.

The blood vessels on the exposed skin all over the body swelled, and the cyan blood vessels became extremely black, clearly visible, and extremely permeable.

The most horrifying thing is that these black fluffs seem to have their own consciousness and are still swaying slightly!

"Hiss~ I have served Buddha for many years, but I have never seen anything so fierce!"

The lama also saw this scene keenly and couldn't help but take a breath of cold air.

The phenomenon on Peter Huang's body changed very quickly. Just as he was talking, his right hand suddenly shrank, and half of his right hand turned purple-black. When he pressed it lightly with his hand, his skin turned out to be like mud, from the inside out.

Rapid ulceration.

"Lei Xianming, make a decision as soon as possible. Are you going to let Peter Huang suffer torture and die, or do you help him to have a happy life?"

Seeing this scene, Hu Ming shook his head and reminded him kindly.

"……I see!"

Lei Xianming's face was extremely ugly and uncertain. It took him a while to make up his mind.

He took out a pistol from Peter Huang's waist, put it against his temple, and took a deep breath.

Bang!! The dull sound of gunfire was drowned in the rolling thunder in the sky.

Hu Ming is pretty good at observing words and emotions.

He could see that when Lei Xianming shot Peter Huang on his way, the ugly, troubled and painful expression on his face was all fake.

It's so fake.

Deep in Lei Xianming's eyes, there was only deep worry, fear for his own life.

Now, just the day after he came into contact with the Samsara Sect and the Demon Kingdom, all his horsemen and bodyguards died.

At this time, he only had a woman and a goddaughter by his side, so he was powerless, and the journey ahead was still long.

Not only are there dangers in ancient ruins, there are also...

The danger from fellow travelers! That is, the threat from fellow travelers Mojin Xiaowei and Faqiu Tianguan!

Lei Xianming never thought that people who dug dirt and washed sand to make a living could be kind-hearted people.


He has no way out. He is still counting on this one-day business to make a lot of money, pay off his debts, keep his two precious sons, and live a leisurely life of a rich man for the rest of his life.

He could no longer retreat.

"Godfather/Uncle Ming, are you okay?"

Seeing Lei Xianming shoot and kill Peter and Huang sitting on the ground, Han Shuna and Axiang couldn't help but ask.

However, from Hu Ming's point of view, Axiang's caring eyes seemed a bit fake.

"...I'm fine, I just felt a little sad for a while. Peter Huang was loyal to me and saved me many times."

"I didn't expect that he would disappear just after the trip started. Alas..."

After a long silence, Lei Xianming finally raised his head and waved his hands, sighing tiredly.

On Hu Ming's side, he and the lama had moved Peter Huang's body to an open space in the bunker.

It was raining heavily outside and the conditions were limited. It was impossible to find dry firewood outside and cremate him outside.

But keeping his body is not a problem. The bardo is too mysterious, and no one can guarantee whether it will emerge from Peter Huang's body again and harm others.

Therefore, several people crushed the solid fuel they carried with them and sprinkled it all over Peter Huang's body.

A raging fire ignited, wrapping Peter Huang's body that had turned purple and black.

In an instant, black smoke arose, and a strong stench filled the small space.

Fortunately, Hu Ming had put on a poison mask in advance, blocking out most of the stench. He gloated and laughed at the few people who were covering their noses and about to vomit.

"Hey! Why does this damn thing smell so bad? Madam, I feel like I'll miss at least half of my lunch today!"

Several people covered their mouths and noses with blue faces, and the fat man couldn't help but curse.

This taste is simply amazing!

"If you eat less than half of the horses, you will eat more than us!"

Hu Bayi couldn't help but subconsciously retorted.

Fortunately, the stone door in this room is still intact.

Several people rushed out of the room, closed the stone door, and took a long breath of the air soaked in the fragrance of rain and earth, and their faces became much relieved.

"Huh... Hu Ming, did you already know that this thing smells terrible when burned?"

Yang Shirley and Hu Bayi looked at the gas mask that Hu Ming had just taken off with unkind expressions.

Things don't need too much explanation anymore.

Hu Ming was just waiting to see their jokes.

Hearing this, the fat man and the lama all gathered around with unkind expressions, their knuckles crackling as they thought.

Hu Ming's move can be said to have caused "public outrage". If he had known about it in advance, who would be willing to endure such stench and torture?

"That's right, you should know your ass. When these damn things burn, doesn't it stink terribly?"

Hu Ming glanced at several people with "kingly contempt".

A mortal with fish lips.

" ……beat him?"

"He deserves a beating, beat him up!"

Hu Bayi and the others looked at each other, reached an agreement, clenched their fists and rushed over.


Crackling... crackling... crackling...

Within half a minute, the three of them were lying dead on the spot, including the lama.

The few of them got along well during this period, and they all had different tempers. Now the lama can be regarded as one of Hu Ming's few friends.

This kind of harmless joke can still be made.

Hu Ming rubbed his wrist, then hummed a tune and left.

This chapter has been completed!
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