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Chapter 310 Chen Pis heartbeat

It has to be said that in such a bitter and cold place, the satisfaction brought by a mouthful of spicy burnt knife is incredible.

"Hey, Uncle Ming, what do you think the little brother is doing?"

"Ever since he arrived at the foot of the Changbai Mountains, he has been silent. When he has time, he stares into the depths of the snow-capped mountains, looking for anything interesting to see. He writes about Qianlu."

"Besides, although I'm... well, to put it naively, I'm a scumbag, but I've been too silent this whole time, right?"

"If I remember correctly, from the time we set out until now, I haven't seen my little brother say a word at all!"

Suddenly, the fat man looked at the little brother standing alone and asked doubtfully.

No matter when he was on the road or when he was resting, the little brother kept frowning and looking at the snow-capped mountains in the distance.

He didn't pay attention to what others were talking to, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

"Yeah, it's obviously much better to hold the oil bottle in the undersea tomb than before."

"How come it's only been so long since we last seen each other that you've turned from a stuffy oil bottle into a pimple of ice? Are you frozen like this by Changbai Mountain?"

Wu Xie took a sip of soju to warm his body and said.

"...Why? Probably, what he looks at is not the mountain, but the fate he must face."

After hearing this, Hu Ming was silent for a long time and grinned.

The direction the little brother is looking is the mountain top that the compass is locked on due east.

That is the Three Holy Mountains. Deep under the Three Holy Mountains, there is a bronze door that has existed for about five thousand years.

Speaking of this, Hu Ming's eyes flickered a little.

Guixi, the key to opening the bronze door, he can have as many of those things as he wants.

The word fate was a bit too heavy, and for a while, the atmosphere became dead silent.

Wu Xie and Fatty knew that Hu Ming seemed to be very aware of the younger brother's past.

But it is a pity that every time we talk about this, Hu Ming is unwilling to say more.

As for asking the guy himself...

Oh, anything in your dreams can come true.

"By the way, Uncle Ming, what did you do during the more than twenty years you disappeared?"

"I heard from my third uncle that many people were looking for you back then, but they found nothing."

Wu Xie couldn't help but curiously asked Hu Ming.

"Huh? Why are you asking about this suddenly?"

"Actually, to be precise, I just disappeared for about ten years... But I'm afraid I don't have time to talk about it now. It's a long story."

Hu Ming's eyes suddenly changed, and he glanced at the little brother who turned his head to look at him at some point, but still said nothing.

Driving on the snowy mountains is very boring. Everything you can see is white with no life.

All that lingered in my ears was the sound of the howling wind.

Not long after leaving in the afternoon, the weather changed.

I don't know when, the white skyline has been replaced by heavy lead clouds.

The cold wind blowing against my ears became more and more biting.

"Trouble, once the wind blows, it won't stop for two days and two nights."

"Maybe there will be a blizzard, and if we continue to move forward, it will definitely be a dead end."

"The worst part is that we have gone too far into the snowy mountains and it is too late to turn back now."

Shunzi's expression immediately changed. He knew this endless mountain range very well.

Once the wind blows during this time of winter, it can kill people!

"That's it! What should we do? We can't wait to die on this mountain, right? Isn't there any shelter from the wind nearby?"

A waiter was taking care of the pale tangerine peel. Hearing this, he couldn't help but asked anxiously.

This is Monk Hua. He knows some medical knowledge. He has been responsible for the physical condition of Chen Pi all the way.

The environment here is too harsh. After all, Chen Pi is in his nineties, and his body is no longer as strong as it was when he was young.

After the tossing along the way, I am already a little out of breath. If I were to go forward in a snowstorm...

Before they arrive at their destination, Chen Pi will belch!

"Yes! I remember that there is a volcanic hot spring in the mountain ahead. The terrain is surrounded by mountains on three sides. Maybe we can go there to take shelter from the wind."

Shunzi thought for a while and said with bright eyes.

Due to his health, Chen Pi's eyes were blurred at the moment and he was unable to think normally at all.

Therefore, Hu Ming became the backbone of everyone present, including Chen Pi's clerk Hua Monk, Lang Feng, and Ye Cheng, who all looked at Hu Ming.

There is no way, among these people, apart from Chen Pi, Hu Ming is the most famous and the oldest.

People who work in this field are really only convinced by this.

"That's it, you lead the way, Shunzi."

“In such an inaccessible place with a harsh environment, it is the wisest choice to listen to the advice of a guide who is familiar with the situation.”

Without too much thinking, Hu Ming made a final decision.

Immediately, under the leadership of Shunzi, everyone changed direction and continued moving forward.

It wasn't until after six o'clock in the afternoon, when the lead clouds in the sky had spread to the top of their heads, that everyone finally arrived at the volcanic hot spring that Shunzi mentioned.

Walking into the volcanic hot springs, the temperature suddenly became warmer.

Before the sky became completely dark, everyone quickly set up camp.

On Chen Pi's side, his waiter was using the hot spring water to take care of him.

"Tsk, this damn old man is really good at tormenting himself. If a man of his age doesn't take care of himself at home, he has to go to a hellish place like this to suffer?"

"He's so unlucky. If you ask me, I'm afraid he won't be able to reach his destination. This damn old man will have to hiccup halfway."

After finishing his work, the fat man gnawed on the dry food and looked at the busy scene of the tangerine peel, and couldn't help but complain.

As soon as they met at Changsha City Railway Station, he didn't like Chen Pi.

After what happened in Shanhaiguan where tangerine peel was deliberately fired, my opinions became even greater.

Hu Ming could swear that the fat man must be wishing that the tangerine peel would die immediately.

"Okay, Fatty, Chen Pi won't die that easily. After all, he is an old man who has been fighting for his whole life..."

Before he finished speaking, Hu Ming's eyebrows suddenly jumped and he looked in the direction of Chen Pi in astonishment.

Just now, Chen Pi's weak heartbeat and breathing sounds completely disappeared at the same time.

Could it be that Fatty was really deceived and Chen Pi really died on the way?

Your uncle, is this fat man’s crow’s mouth so occult and evil?

This was said less than half a minute ago and it came true immediately?

Hu Ming thought in surprise.

No, no, it’s not that simple!

Intuition tells Hu Ming that tangerine peel is not completely dead yet!

This chapter has been completed!
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