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Chapter 393: Strategy?

"Ancestor... Ancestor, are you there?"

Facing Hu Ming who was walking out of the dense forest, a thick layer of oily sweat oozed out from the forehead of the middle-aged man with glasses.

However, no matter how he called, the bronze fragment in his arms just exuded a strange and faint light as always, paying no attention to his meaning.


Hu Ming didn't bother to talk nonsense with this guy, so he shot him in the head.

In my memory, in the plot, this guy is obviously Chinese, and he has to pretend to speak English.

You can just speak English, but there are a group of people who have terrible pronunciation and like to speak it together with Chinese. It’s so awesome, just thinking about it makes me a little tired.

Why are you still keeping him?

Are you waiting for him to use different Chinese and English to disgust people?


He fished it up in the air with one hand and held the bronze fragment in his hand.

"You must be cruel if you live a long time. You can watch your descendants die in front of your eyes, and your emotions don't change at all?"

Weighing the bronze fragments, Hu Ming said jokingly.

It's as if the bronze fragment in front of you is not a lifeless inorganic object, but a conscious person!

In fact, it is!

As soon as Hu Ming finished speaking, a faint wave rippled out from the bronze fragments.

At the same time, an image of a middle-aged man with black hair, black beard, and official attire that had shrunk several times slowly emerged.

"Why do you have to say that?"

"You and I both know that the direct blood descendants of me, Wang Zanghai, are not these arrogant trash."

"They are just a group of careerists who gathered under my banner, and their respect for me is only superficial. In fact, they want to use me more."

"So, junior... I remember your name is Hu Ming, right? Hu Ming, so, you killed them, I should thank you."

Middle-aged man... No, Wang Zanghai chuckled and said lightly.

In essence, this can be regarded as a tacit understanding between the two people who have never met formally.

The so-called Wang family are a bunch of idiots who are daydreaming!

They brought back the bronze fragments that Wang Zanghai was hiding in from the collapsed undersea tomb.

However, they mostly used Wang Zanghai, their nominal ancestor.

Use Wang Zanghai to find the biggest secret in the world, immortality, and the Bronze Door!

They want to use this power to live forever, just like the Zhang family thousands of years ago, to control the course of the world!

Wang Zanghai already knew this. When Hu Ming sent the message that "the motherland of the Western Queen has perfect immortality" to the Wang family through various channels, Wang Zanghai understood.

Let this so-called Mr. Wang come here with the elite backbone, which is nothing more than a smooth push and win-win cooperation.

After all, Wang Zanghai's current state doesn't have any combat effectiveness at all.

To be more precise, he was only a scholar during his lifetime and had no fighting ability at all.

The kind that even the five scum cannot reach.

As for his own safety when he comes here...

"Don't look at me with such a scary look. Since I dare to risk my life to drive away wolves and tigers, I naturally have a back-up plan. You can't destroy me, Hu Ming."

"I will come back to you!"

Wang Zanghai looked at Hu Ming's twinkling eyes and couldn't help but chuckle.

His current body is a fragment of ancient bronze.

Back then, after he discovered that the Corpse Turtle Pill had a fatal flaw, he started a new study on immortality.

The human skin Hu Ming saw in the undersea tomb was indeed Wang Zanghai's shed body.

But in his desperate attempt before his death, Wang Zanghai still failed.

It failed to transform into a new body as expected. Instead, an unknown mutation occurred and the body completely died.

That is to say, it was only by relying on the bronze fragments obtained by entering the Bronze Gate in the early years that he preserved his consciousness and survived.

And this kind of bronze fragment... there is also one in the Wang family's base camp. The Wang family's supercomputing center was built with the bronze fragment as the core.

After six hundred years of research, Wang Zanghai has discovered some of these strange powers!

For example, transfer his consciousness to the bronze fragments of the Wang family thousands of miles away!


"Oh? Are you so sure that I can't destroy you?"

"Yes, after all, this is the first time we have met. You don't know me well, but what I can tell you is..."

"I don't like to make calculations, but once I lay out a plan, it must be perfect!"

However, Hu Ming smiled strangely.

"It's useless, the power of ancient bronze...what!? How could it be possible!!!"

"What exactly did you do? Hu Ming, tell me!!! Why did I suddenly lose my sense of the bronze fragments deep in the Wang family!!!"

Before he could finish his slightly lustful words, Wang Zanghai's expression suddenly changed and he became a little more panicked.

At this moment, Wang Zanghai truly felt the crisis of death!

He lingered for six hundred years, not to die inexplicably here!

But unfortunately, at this time, he had no strength to resist at all.

"you guess?"

Hu Ming smiled heartily, waved and threw the bronze fragment in his hand into the sky. At the same time, he waved the sword in his hand vigorously!

Ancient bronze has many extraordinary powers that ordinary people cannot imagine. However, its texture can only be regarded as top-notch, and it is far from indestructible.

At the very least, Hu Ming had enough strength, and the sword was enough to chop the mere fragments of bronze into pieces!

Hu Ming didn't like to explain anything to his enemies, especially his mortal enemies.



Half an hour ago, the mysterious Wang family

"Damn, this is a threat! A naked threat!"

"Is that bastard Hu Ming still a man? He threatened me with my sister?"

In a temporary camp in the dense forest, a young man wearing combat uniform and carrying a sniper rifle shouted angrily at the mercenary leader in front of him with red eyes.

The young man's name is Jiang Zisuan, a rare expert in the international mercenary profession, and his nickname is Sasha.

That's right, he is Aning's younger brother!

Just now, the mercenary leader handed Jiang Zisuan, who had come from afar, a photo he had just printed out.

The background of the photo is the endless Gobi Desert. The protagonists are Hu Ming and Aning. Hu Ming just found an excuse to take the photo on the road...

But in Jiang Zisuan's eyes, this photo and his sister's bright smile are actually the silent threat of Hu Ming's dog thief!

Not only that, he also looked at another group of armed teams in front, which were the people sent by Hu Ming to keep an eye on them!

Suddenly, the veins on Jiang Zi's forehead popped out, and his steel teeth clenched loudly. He wanted to eat Hu Ming's flesh and drink Hu Ming's blood.

Even at this moment, he even hated Qiu Dekao, the boss who sent Aning on this mission.

I have to say that Hu Ming doesn't like to use tricks on weekdays, but when he needs to use his brain, Hu Ming is a top-notch old cunt!

However, Jiang Zi never expected that Hu Ming would not attack women under normal circumstances.

His sister Aning is actually very safe...

To put it bluntly, Jiang Zi was deceived by Hu Ming into working for free and working hard for his life.

This chapter has been completed!
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