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Chapter 421 Farewell, Chen Wenjin

The cavity that Hu Ming mentioned was reached in less than ten minutes.

"Go away! Go out and play by yourself!"

After arriving here, Hu Ming shouted to a figure wearing black meteorite armor in the corner.

Yin Bing opened his eyes, his face hurt.

Hu Ming's figure was so familiar to him!

Many years ago, which of the hundred Yin soldiers among them was not bullied by Hu Ming?

Hu Ming had no idea. After all, that year was too boring.

You have to find someone to have fun, right?

Therefore, these Yin soldiers were unlucky. Which one of them was not pulled out of the meteor jade by Hu Ming and tortured?

After all, after ten years of peace and quiet, when he saw Hu Ming again, Yin Bing subconsciously wanted to curse.

"...Go and tell the others that Hu Ming will stay for about ten days at most this time, not very long."

Looking at the pitiful eyes of her subordinate Yin soldiers, Queen Mother Xi twitched her mouth, Taijir was so embarrassed!

"Ten days? Your Majesty, isn't it a year?"

Hearing this, Yin Bing's eyes lit up, he quickly packed up his things and rushed to the entrance of the cave. Finally, he asked worriedly.

"Go away! Don't you believe what I say?"

Queen Mother Xi said she couldn't bear it, so she kicked her down.

However, in the passage, the cheerful laughter of the Yin soldiers rang out.

Director, this style of painting is wrong!

Chen Wenjin watched blankly as the Yin soldiers disappeared without a trace, feeling that something was a bit inconsistent.

Is it possible that Yin soldiers are all this funny?

"...Do you believe me when I say it's none of my business? It's because they are too mentally fragile?"

Hu Ming looked at Chen Wenjin's strange eyes and tried to explain dryly.

"Before we came out of the bronze door, someone quietly told me that next time, I must not take you in again."

The younger brother said ruthlessly.

Chen Wenjin and Queen Mother Xi looked at Hu Ming strangely.

Who is this person? What has he done? He can't even stand the old antique behind the bronze door?


"Take it and treat the wound. We have to continue climbing up later."

Hu Ming remained silent, found bandages and iodine from his backpack, and threw them to Chen Wenjin.

The ancients said that the best way to alleviate embarrassment is to change the subject.

There's nothing you can do about it. You're going to be in that damn place for just half a year and you're going to be bored to death. It's not too much to have some fun, right?

Besides, no one there refused in front of Hu Ming!

Who can you blame?

Taking advantage of the rest time, Chen Wenjin simply treated the wound.

Tying it with a bandage to prevent the wound from directly contacting the stone wall can always alleviate some of the pain, which is better than nothing.

After about less than ten minutes of rest, everyone came again.

Climb up.

This time, several people climbed up continuously for a long time, until they stopped at an obvious dividing line.

The Meteor Jade Passage has already reached the end, and it seems that we have entered a brand new world in front of us.

In front of me, the boundless white fog shrouded the front, making it impossible to see anything clearly.

"Okay, we're done here, right? Chen Wenjin? The place in front is not something you should enter."

"Here, right next to the core of the meteorite, the supernatural power emanating from the surrounding area is enough for you to complete the most perfect transformation."

"I have to say that Wang Zanghai is also a genius of his generation. He has developed a further corpse turtle pill, but he just lacked a little luck and time."

Queen Mother Xi pointed at an entrance next to her and said coldly.

The words were full of unquestionable decisiveness.

Obviously, even with Hu Ming and his younger brother here, it is already the Queen Mother of the West's bottom line to tolerate Chen Wenjin going deep here.

Moving forward, that is the foundation of the Queen Mother of the West.

Chen Wenjin is not qualified enough to go in and take a look.


Chen Wenjin is a person who understands current affairs. He pondered for a moment and nodded in agreement.

"Jade figurines or jade coffins, you choose one."

Stepping sideways into the cavity, Queen Mother Xi pointed at the jade figurines and jade coffins in the corner and asked thoughtfully.

Just like the previous cavity, there is not much space here, and it is a backup place prepared by Queen Mother of the West for her subordinates.

"..what's the difference?"

Looking at the meteorite jade coffin, Chen Wenjin's mouth twitched.

This thing... looks like it's for the dead, right?

Or, the vampire in Western legend?

"There's no difference. It's just personal preference. Some people like to sleep in coffins. Some people think coffins are more filthy, so they choose jade figurines."

"As far as actual results are concerned, there is no difference at all."

Queen Mother Xi explained calmly.

"Then it's still jade figurines..."

Chen Wenjin took a deep breath.

"My personal suggestion is, otherwise, you should choose the jade coffin."

"You have to know that after all, you will sleep for many years after you lie down in it. You can't give up on a more comfortable coffin just because of its appearance, right?"

"No, the pillows are ready for you!"

With that said, Hu Ming took out a pillow that looked very comfortable from his backpack just like Doraemon.

"You're crazy. You carry something like a pillow with you when you go out and fight in a grave?"

"With all the preparations, why don't you bring the bedding with you? Wouldn't it be more comfortable?"

Chen Wenjin was shocked!

She has seen a lot, but she has never seen anyone carry a pillow with them when they go to the grave!

Queen Mother of the West: Meow, meow, meow? I feel offended again. This Queen is not dead yet, why did she end up in the grave?

"It makes sense! Sure enough, it would be more comfortable to have a bedding. After all, you are going to sleep here for many years!"

Hu Ming clenched the fist with his left hand and put the hammer in the palm of his right hand, and suddenly realized the truth.

Saying that, he once again performed magic and took out a brand new bedding from his small backpack, and thoughtfully helped Chen Wenjin spread it inside the coffin.

..it looks very comfortable!

"How did you take out this thing?"

"Can your backpack really hold it? Are you really that Doraemon from the island country?"

Chen Wenjin watched blankly as Hu Ming took out a large pile of things from his backpack, completely confused.

"...Just get used to it. Hu Ming always has some mysterious methods."

The younger brother said calmly.

"That's right...if he wasn't mysterious, he wouldn't be Hu Ming."

Chen Wenjin forced herself not to look at the mysterious backpack and nodded suddenly.

"Then, it's almost time to say goodbye, Wen Jin, goodbye forever! We should never see each other again in this life."

After doing all this, Hu Ming threw the empty backpack aside, lit a cigarette, and said in a deep voice.

This chapter has been completed!
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