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Chapter 537 Single’s Night

"My Professor Hu Da, do you, a highly educated person like you, always carry a gun when you go out?"

"You also said that I am just a weak scholar with no strength. When I go out, I am surrounded by tigers and wolves. For my own safety, it is natural for me to carry something for self-defense, right?"

"Surrounded by tigers and wolves? Is Professor Hu Da trying to imply something to me? I'm just a rough guy and don't quite understand what you are saying. If something happens, I might as well open the skylight and speak out."

"Ms. Su, you are overthinking it. I just said it casually. How could a woman as heroic as Miss Su be a kind-hearted person like a tiger or a wolf?"

After simply and rudely driving away the crew members, the convoy set off again.

Along the way, Hu Ming and Su Nan in another car talked with interest through the intercom.

In a sense, the two of them can be regarded as people who know each other well.

Each other knows that the other is not a simple third-rate thing, but they just pretend that they are a stupid fool who doesn't understand anything...

All I can say is...the tedious traveling time is too boring, and they are just tacitly talking nonsense to pass the time.

After all, before arriving in Gutongjing, it was not the time to fall out.

At least, that's what Su Nan thought.

"Is that Su Nan... related to our enemy?"

Seeing that Hu Ming had ended the conversation, Wu Xie stopped teaching Li Cu, considered for a moment, and asked tentatively.

"Maybe, who knows."

"Also, Wu Xie, Wang Meng, and Su Nan's subordinates are not cheap. Several of their faces were in newspaper headlines a few years ago."

"If I'm not mistaken, these people are basically murderers who are running around... Use them for self-defense. If something happens to you, it will be a bit of a guarantee."

Hu Ming replied vaguely, and at the same time took out two pistols and several magazines and handed them to Wu Xie and Wang Meng.

No matter how high your martial arts skills are, you are still afraid of kitchen knives. With a gun in your hand, you always feel a great sense of security.

"So..what about mine?"

Seeing this, Li Cu's eyes lit up, he rubbed his hands and asked expectantly.

After all, he was a restless young man. Even before Hu Ming threatened the crew with a gun, Li Cu had been coveting the pistol in Hu Ming's hand.

Now that he saw Hu Mingdayou turning into an arms wholesaler, Li Cu couldn't help it. Gun, this is a genuine pistol!

Didn't that man dream of owning a pistol when he was young?

"You are a little brat, what kind of pistol do you want? Is your left and right sauce not good enough?"

Hu Ming turned back to look at Li Cu, seeing a basin of cold water in front of him. He also playfully looked at Li Cu's hands and made a pun.

"Damn! If you don't give it, you won't give it. Who cares?"

"Also, why are you looking at me like that? Let me tell you, I'm very popular in school. There are so many girls chasing me, why don't you make fun of me!"

Li Cu immediately understood Hu Ming's words, his face immediately turned red, and he leaned heavily on his seat, not wanting to pay attention to these old drivers who laughed at him.

Young people's affairs, lonely nights, without school beauties, can't they be solved by fantasy?

The law can't even deal with this, right?

"Seriously, Li Cu, go back and find a girlfriend. Just relying on your hands is still too harmful to your body."

Wu Xie put away his pistol, patted Li Cu on the shoulder, and laughed.

Speaking of which, Wu Xie hasn't been this relaxed for a long time.

In fact, Hu Ming wanted to say that Wu Xie, a single man for ten thousand years, had no right to mock Li Cu...

"Okay, I won't tease you anymore. I won't give you a gun for your safety and our safety."

"A rookie like you can easily injure yourself and your companions with a gun when you encounter an unexpected situation and panic."

"Besides, you have never touched a gun. Your accuracy is terrible. Giving you a gun is a waste of bullets."

Hu Ming suppressed his smile and explained patiently.

"Who is your companion?"

"I'm just a hostage kidnapped by you. I don't want to, and it's absolutely impossible for me to become partners with dangerous people like you!"

Li Cu snorted lightly and spoke of the relationship between the few people rather coldly.

"That's not necessarily good. Let's stop talking nonsense and take a good rest now."

Wu Xie smiled slightly nostalgically, remembering that when he was young, he looked nothing like the boy in front of him.



The long journey in the desert is undoubtedly boring. After experiencing the strange feeling of seeing the desert for the first time, the yellow sand dunes filling the entire field of vision can only bring irritability and nausea.

Two days later, under the leadership of Wu Xie, the convoy finally found an abandoned and dilapidated ruins in the hinterland of the desert.

"Look to the left! That's... Gu Tongjing! Look, that's Gu Tongjing, we found it!"

Excited shouts came from the intercom placed on the dashboard.

"Stop, stop quickly!"

Ma Rila, who woke up from her sleep, repeatedly stopped, jumped out of the car, dug up the desert in front of a group of people watching, took a handful of deep moist sand, put it under her nose and took a deep sniff.

"Yes, this is the place!"

Ma Rila glanced at Hu Ming and Wu Xie who were standing aside without leaving a trace. Ma Rila nodded and said firmly!

"But there is no Haizi you are talking about here!"

Mengxin Li Cu had no idea of ​​the twists and turns. Looking around, he couldn't see any water-related existence at all.

"Child, you don't understand! The sea in the desert changes according to the flow of groundwater. Wherever the groundwater flows, the sea will appear."

"Look, except for the top layer of sand here, it's all wet inside! The Haizi you're looking for came here three days ago."

Ma Rila raised the wet sand and signaled loudly to Su Nan and the others.

"Su Nan, are we really here? Is the rumored Gu Tongjing really so easy for us to find?"

Boss Ma got out of the car with the support of his young girlfriend, looked at the ruins in the distance, and asked in a low voice in disbelief.

"I don't know, we know too little about Gu Tongjing! All we can do now is trust the professionals!"

"However, according to relevant records, only by tracing the traces of Haizi can we find the rumored ancient Tongjing."

"Ma Rila is right. There must have been underground water flowing through here recently, and there happens to be an ancient ruins in front of it... Maybe this is really ancient Tongjing!"

Su Nan also picked up a handful of wet sand and looked at the ruins in the distance in surprise.

All this happened a little too easily, which made Su Nan have to doubt its authenticity, but all the evidence proved that this place was suspected to be Gu Tongjing.

Frowning, Su Nan glanced at Hu Ming, who was waving at her with a smile, and Su Nan's frown deepened.

"Lao Ma, Lao Ma, look over there, then... is that a sandstorm!?"

Just when Boss Ma and Su Nan were still hesitating, Boss Ma's girlfriend suddenly pointed at the horizon and exclaimed.

In the direction from which the motorcade came, there was unexpectedly a cloud of sand and dust rising up that covered the sky!!!

"Get in the car and let's go! We're going to the ruins there to escape the sandstorm!!"

Suddenly a few people were shocked and could not care less. They quickly urged everyone to get in the car and rush to the ruins. Regardless of whether it was ancient Tongjing or not, the dilapidated ruins were undoubtedly the only place to escape the sandstorm now!

Everyone here knows that in the desert, encountering a sandstorm is the most dangerous thing. If you are not careful, your entire army will be wiped out.

This chapter has been completed!
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