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Chapter 283 The accumulated advantages will return to before liberation!

In the second quarter, the alternating battles were followed by music and dancing.

Starting from the last 4 minutes of the first quarter, the rotation battle has begun, and it is the Lakers who are at a disadvantage.

There is no other way. The Celtics sent Posey, Cassell, P.J. Brown, Leon Bowie... They are all black and tough warriors who can be used at any time and can easily carry out the baton job.

As for the Lakers, they have Farmar, Vujacic, Walton, Radmanovic... They are all guys with no body and good skills. They need time to flirt and spend more time outside.

In terms of explosive power, it is really not as powerful as the technical flow.

More than three minutes into the game, the Lakers were beaten 6-3 by the Celtics, and the difference between the two sides became 4 points.

Off the court, Jackson couldn't sit still.

In the first game at home, the Lakers couldn't afford to lose, so they immediately made a big move and replaced Kobe, Gasol and Su Bei.

At this time, the Lakers' lineup became Gasol, Turiaf, Su Bei, Kobe and Fisher.

Rivers looked at the move and replaced P.J. Brown with Garnett.

Their lineup became Garnett, Posey, Leon Bowie, Ray Allen, and Cassell.

When the Lakers attacked the ball, Fisher took possession of the ball to the frontcourt and immediately sealed the ball for Kobe to play.

"The Lakers' triangle offense is working.

First, Gasol and Turiaf swapped their left and right positions, and Gasol moved to the right.

Originally, Garnett was guarding Gasol, but now Posey is guarding Gasol.

Kobe moved to the left to contain the Celtics' chain defense. The situation in the first quarter showed that it was impossible to defend Kobe alone.

So the pocket defense set up for Kobe was a pity, and it would definitely make him feel lonely.

Kobe didn't make any waves, and steadily handed the basketball to Su Bei on the right, received the ball, and made a three-point shot. Leon Bowie intervened.

At this time, Fisher cut into the basket, and Su Bei also passed the basketball to Gasol.

Cassell, who was born in 1969, couldn't keep up with Fisher, and was blocked by Gasol's screen. Fisher's receiver passed the ball, and the only thing left in front of him was the Celtics' backdoor..."


When the whistle sounded, the referee fouled Posey's thug. Although he destroyed Fisher's close attack on the basket, he had to pay two free throws.



No mercy, Fisher, who was standing on the free throw line, made two free throws, and the point difference between the two sides returned to 6 points.

In the Celtics' offensive round, Cassel slowly controlled the ball to the frontcourt, suddenly accelerated, broke through to the inside, and made a two-point jump shot...

With a height of 1.91 meters, compared to a height of 1.85 meters, I have the advantage.

Moreover, Cassel's mid-range shooting is amazing. Being able to play in the NBA with a 39-year-old body is a miracle in itself. First, Cassel's alien appearance allows him to be extremely focused. After all, besides basketball,

He has nothing left to fight for.

Secondly, Cassel's mid-range shot is so accurate, it's the kind of accuracy that kills people with blood.


What does Fisher have to offer?

You can't stand it!

In the Lakers' offensive round, they still copied what they just did.

"Fischer cut inside, but this time, Cassel followed him and ran to the bottom corner of the right three-point line.

Su Bei came in with an air cut. When he saw Gasol carrying Posey, he immediately turned around and jumped out of the three-point line. Leon Bowie made a mistake and flanked Gasol.

Pushing with both hands, Gasol passed a hit to the ground..."


The basketball bounced off the floor and flew beyond the three-point line.

Just catch the ball, lift it up, jump up, and raise your hand to take a three-point jump shot...

There is no excess in Su Bei's shooting movement, and it is as smooth as eating Dove chocolate.


With the knife in hand, Su Bei accurately hit an open three-pointer, and the point difference between the two sides returned to 7 points.

"Do you think this is possible? The Lakers' offensive method has changed again.

In the first quarter, the Lakers pushed a fast-paced offense and did not have the patience to cooperate with the triangle offense. They mostly looked for opportunities on the outside and took mid-range shots, or handed the damn basketball to Kobe.

Now the Lakers' rhythm will change and become the original basic operation."

"Perhaps not possible, but certain.

After all, there were not many offensive rounds in the second quarter, and the Lakers' offensive tactical intentions could not be seen yet. However, just from the Lakers' defensive tactics, we knew that the Lakers' offensive and defensive rhythm was about to change.

On the court, the Lakers did not press as fiercely as they did in the first quarter, and seemed to focus on the offensive end.

The offensive and defensive rhythm and postures changed at will, and the Lakers did it naturally.

Just from the experience of playing in the Finals, we can see that the Lakers are a seasoned team, capable of attacking or being attacked, slow or fast.

The Celtics are just a rookie, they can only passively receive moves, and the rhythm of the game is firmly controlled by the Lakers..."


Ray Allen's three-pointer missed again due to Kobe's interference.

I originally thought that Ray Allen was strong enough in the first quarter, but I didn't expect that he would be even stronger in the second quarter than in the first quarter.

In other words, not only has the rhythm of the game been controlled, but the core Big Three of the Celtics are still limited by the fact that they have zero experience in the finals and are not in good shape. Maybe they are too excited. How many decades do they have in life?

Garnett was born in 1995, Ray Allen was born in 1996, Pierce was born in 1997, and now it is 2008. All three of them have been in the league for more than 10 years before they got to the finals. It was hard-won!

There are no ups and downs in such a state? That would be strange!

This is the state of wanting to win. Because I really want to win and my body is excited, I unknowingly use extra strength when shooting. In addition to making the basket more painful, there is no comfort or refreshment at all.

"Thor's shot has been sent.

"The rebound was grabbed by Garnett.

The Celtics' shooting is indeed ridiculous, but their rebounding is poor, giving them more... no, more opportunities to score goals.

Gasol rushed over to block the shot.

There was a clang, and Garnett's nearly late dunk was knocked away..."

However, at this moment, the referee's whistle sounded, Garnett got two free throw opportunities, and Gasol's blocker fouled.

Two swish sounds, and there was no mercy. Garnett was still very tough and made two free throws, reducing the point difference between the two sides back to 5 points.

At the same time, Rivers couldn't bear it anymore and made substitution adjustments.

Ray Allen was unable to attack and defend, and he had to commit three fouls. It was time to replace him and let Pierce and Rondo play.

"On the court, during the Lakers' offensive round, Fisher passed halftime and handed the basketball to Kobe.

After taking a step, Kobe restrained his attack and still chose to hand the basketball to Su Bei.

Fisher made an outside cut, used Su Bei's cover to get rid of Rondo's defense, received Su Bei's pass, raised the ball and took aim.

Pierce could only pounce and change defense. At this time, Gasol pulled out to catch the ball. Fisher came from the right and Su Bei from the left, cutting into the penalty area at the same time.

Gasol made a move to pass the ball to Su Bei, but it turned out to be a false shot. He turned to the right, took the ball to the basket, and faced the man. He wanted to slam the basketball into the basket, but Posey couldn't help it.

Being used to Gasol, he used fierce fouls to destroy Gasol's offense..."

If you look at 2.03 meters and guard against 2.11 meters, there is still a big difference in height. In addition, Gasol is still playing wildly and takes a false shot. Posey has no choice.


The referee blew the whistle and asked Gasol to go to the free throw line and take a free throw.



Gasol didn't lose points on the free throws and made two free throws.

The point difference is still 7 points.

"The Lakers' offensive and defensive rhythm has not only changed, but they also have a targeted approach to the basket.

In order to defend the basket, the Green Army continued to make substitutions, and Perkins also returned to the court."

At this moment, the Celtics lineup has become Perkins, Garnett, Posey, Pierce and Rondo.

The Celtics attacked, Rondo controlled the ball to the frontcourt, and played a pick-and-roll tactic with Garnett who was pulled up to the high post.

Rondo's breakthrough pushed the Lakers' defense deeper into the penalty area and passed the basketball to Garnett.

"Garnett responded and passed the basketball to Pierce on the left.

After catching the ball, he turned his back and arched his butt. Su Bei was pushed away. Pierce took two steps forward, immediately shook his shoulders, turned around, pulled the ball up, raised his hand and shot a two-point fadeaway jumper..."

Su Bei pounced to block the shot again, just for show. He could only bet that Pierce's two-point pistol was out of bullets?


Pierce's backward shot was delivered.

In Subei's previous life, during G1 of the Finals, Pierce's first half was very poor.

Together with Ray Allen, he is like a crouching dragon and a young phoenix, and he is useless offensively.

There is a rumor that Pierce was beaten to the point of being beaten, and that is not just nonsense.

If the "Return of the King" script hadn't been used, the game would have been in favor of the Lakers.

In the G1 game, the Celtics suffered from inexperience and Pierce sleepwalked in the first half.

Fortunately, the Celtics' inside advantage is too strong.

"The rebound was grabbed by Garnett again.

Land on the ground, turn over and shoot a fadeaway jumper..."

Turiaf is 2.08 meters tall and cannot block Garnett's skillful shot.


Garnett made a second attack and scored two points.

Upon landing, Garnett roared and beat his chest, celebrating his goal passionately.

At that moment, Garnett looked really tough.

That's it?

Call it hard?

Isn't it just a fadeaway jump shot that avoids being blocked?

It's not a morale-boosting slam dunk, so how can it be associated with hard work?

Don't ask, just ask and celebrate with a wolf roar after scoring a goal. This is a bonus.

If you don't yell a lot, how will people know whether your goods are hard or not?

So, if you insist, you have to roar a few more times.

"The Lakers made substitutions, Odom came back, and Turiaf, who was beaten, was replaced and rested.

Fisher controlled the ball to the frontcourt and handed the basketball directly to Su Bei's hands.

Fisher's air cut failed to find an opportunity. With Perkins coming back, the Celtics piled people into the penalty area and tightly surrounded the basket.

Under the Lakers' triangle offensive tactics, the pick-and-roll effect of moving screens does not leave much room for offense.

Gasol hit Perkins with his back and couldn't get past him. Pierce dived back insidiously to grab the ball.

Gasol was about to lose the ball, but fortunately, Kobe regained the ball and broke through with the ball. Suddenly, a back pass..."


The basketball hit the floor, bounced up, and flew into Su Bei's hands.

At this time, Pierce was two or three meters away from Su Bei, and it was already too late to save him.

Catching the ball, jumping up, shooting a three-point jump shot...


Su Bei hit another three-pointer.

"The Celtics can defend the penalty area, but they can't defend the perimeter.

If they strengthen their defense on the outside, the Lakers will attack the basket.

In one word, it's annoying.

The waters surrounding the pace of the Finals game are deep, and the Lakers grasped it."

"When the Celtics came back from the attack, Pierce had no touch and hit Su Bei with his back. After attracting the defense, he passed the ball back to Rondo and then to Posey.

Catching the ball, jumping up, raising your hand and shooting a three-point jumper..."

The Green Army wants to test whether there are bullets in the three-point shooting pistol!

It's just a pity that you will die if you try.


Posey's three-point shot was sent.

Posey, who came on the rotation in the first quarter and played the role of a substitute for the Green Army, could not continue his hot touch.

In the subsequent attack, the Celtics still chose to bet that Posey's three-point pistol had bullets in it!

However, the basket would not tolerate him. With a bang, Posey was determined again.

In addition, Rondo did not have the shooting rhythm in the first quarter, and Pierce was invisible.

The Green Army's perimeter was completely wiped out. No matter how many rebounds they grabbed, they couldn't withstand the Lakers' offensive firepower.

Rivers had no choice but to ask Ray Allen, a sharpshooter, to come to the rescue.

However, ideals are rich and reality is very skinny.

Ray Allen took three shots in a row, and all of them were iron-clad.

The Green Army's offense can only be supported by Garnett. Turiaf, Gasol, and Odom were all defeated by Garnett.

Of course, no matter how powerful Garnett is inside, he still can't stop the Lakers' full-power offense.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! At the end of the second quarter, the Lakers beat the Celtics 33 to 23.

Fisher made 2 of 3 shots, 6 of 6 free throws, and scored 10 points in a single quarter.

Gasol made 2 of 3 free throws and 2 of 2 free throws, scoring 6 points.

Subei made 2 of 4 three-pointers and scored 6 points.

Coupled with Kobe's 1-for-2 shooting and 2-for-2 free throws... the Lakers made too many free throws, 11 of 12 free throws. Coupled with the precise mid-range shooting, it is not uncommon to be beaten.

Ray Allen made 1 of 5 shots, Pierce made 1 of 2 shots, and finally Garnett made 3 of 3 shots, 4 of 4 free throws, scored 10 points in a single quarter, and Cassell made 3 of 5 shots, which allowed the Celtics to win.

The team's score is not that ugly.

At the end of the first half, the score was 60 to 43. The Lakers entered the locker room to rest with a 17-point lead.

After 15 minutes of rest and recuperation, the game returned for the second half and the main players from both sides battled again.

The third quarter started with the Celtics attacking the ball.

"Rondo controlled the ball to the frontcourt, played a pick-and-roll screen with Garnett, and then handed the basketball to Garnett to play as a point forward.

Odom was evacuated and pressed closely. Garnett did not go up to meet him, but chose to pass the ball to Pierce.

Catching the ball, facing the basket, and three-threat probing, Su Bei kept up with the pace, neither allowing breakthroughs nor shooting.

Pierce collected the ball, rose up, raised his hand and made a two-point pull-up jump shot..."

Su Bei's reaction was half a beat too slow. He didn't expect that Pierce would dare to fight like this. Without any rhythm, he forcefully pulled out. If he encountered such a blind master, he could only bet that his shooting pistol had no bullets.


There are bullets!

Pierce's two-pointer hit the net.

The gap between the two sides became 15 points.

I didn’t take the exam the year before last, and I didn’t take the exam the year before that. In the third year, I will definitely focus on it and write it down on the blackboard. I will definitely take the exam this year.

Pierce was in this situation, so Su Bei could only comfort himself and quickly change his mood.

It is unscientific to try to block all the offense of the league's top forward.

Switching to the Lakers' offense, Fisher controlled the ball to the frontcourt.

"Odom catches the ball outside the three-point line and can play as a point forward.

Garnett's defense can also be vacated, allowing the Lakers' outside players to break through and attack the basket.


What's the big deal?

Odom shot from outside the three-point line, and it was just a blind throw..."


Odom's offense was too wasteful, and his three-point shot missed.

"Odom's attack was a wonderful idea.

If you score a three-pointer, it will be a heart-wrenching blow.

Although this attack misses the target, it is very reasonable.

The rebound was picked off by Ray Allen, and Garnett was evacuated, requiring the Green Army's outside perimeter to protect the rebound.

Ray Allen rushed up with the ball, played defensive counterattack, and pushed up the offensive rhythm.

Kobe rushed over to press, and Ray Allen chose to pass the ball to Garnett.

With one move, Garnett distributed the basketball to the left side. Pierce caught the ball and took a step forward. What a big deal?

Pierce raised his hand and hit a chasing three-point shot..."

Su Bei just wanted to fight and retreat to defend the penalty area, but he didn't expect that Pierce would throw the ball completely unreasonably. He could only pounce on it and block Pierce's shot.

When Su Bei jumped up, he realized that Pierce's shooting rhythm was a bit slow. Su Bei wanted to avoid it, but it was too late.


When the whistle sounded, Pierce leaned back and threw the basketball.

With a bang, Pierce fell to the floor.


The Staples Center suddenly burst into excitement.

Su Bei turned around to look at the result, and all that was left was the bitterness on his face and shaking his head.

It’s actually andone!

And it’s still a 3+1 andone that is very hurtful and insulting!

This kind of 4-point magic ball is rare. I didn't expect it to appear on the stage of the finals.

It was still done on him.

Su Bei's face was solemn and he put his hands on his hips, feeling helpless about this.

“In the first half of the game, Pierce was defended by Su Bei and made 1 of 7 shots, scoring only 3 points.

To be fair, Pierce was blown away by Su Bei.

However, Pierce's two attacks at the beginning of the second half are likely to bring the winning potential accumulated by Subei's efforts in the first half back to before liberation.

It has to be said that Pierce has some convulsive attributes.

He was too tired after reaching the finals. If he was given a chance, the consequences might be serious..."


At the free throw line, Pierce steadily made the extra free throw and scored 4 points.

At the beginning of the third quarter, just 45 seconds later, the Lakers' 17-point lead instantly turned into 11 points. The suspense of the game seemed to have not been killed yet.

This chapter has been completed!
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