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Chapter 616: Delong pushed him away with his shoulder. This requires extra money!

"Kobe is crazy!

It’s so unreasonable that he still continues to try three-point pull-up jumpers. This is to compete with Deron, who has more bullets in his pistol..."


If you try, you will die. Lu Xun's words are still very strong. If you don't listen, you will be hit.

Hong Kong True, Kobe’s three-pointer cannot kill the game!

"The iron is strong, Kobe is still too messy!

Alas, Gasol stepped forward and grabbed the offensive rebound. The Lakers' offense was not over yet.

There is no offensive space under the basket, so Gasol distributes the ball and allows Paul to reorganize..."

Paul regained the ball from the top of the arc, and Deron led the defense. He still did not go for a one-on-one job. Instead, he distributed the basketball to Gasol who was pulled up to the high position. Then, together with Su Bei, using Gasol as a parallel axis, he moved toward

Cutting under the basket is like an arrow.

The shape of the attacking triangle can be formed into many postures, and the changes are endless.

"Paul and Su Bei cut to the basket at the same time, taking away the defense on the right side and turning the right area into a weak defensive side.

Gasol immediately hit Friss with his back and squeezed in twice. Without saying a word, he immediately turned around and dribbled the ball in. After reaching the end, he raised the ball high and circled Friss. He hit Friss with a two-step layup...


Bang, swish——!

Gasol took a shot and steadily sent the damn basketball into the basket.

After Kobe Bryant stopped playing, Gasol took over the baton very strongly and continued to provide the Lakers' offensive firepower.

14 to 18!!

Off the court, Avery Johnson has a headache!

The defense of the Nets' twin interior towers is still too soft. They are both white insiders with no hardness at all. It makes sense that they cannot withstand the Lakers' interior attacks defensively.

Fries and Lopez have the same style, they are strong in offense and weak in defense, and they are useless defensively.

Joe Johnson is not good on the outside and Humphries is not good on the inside. He has no choice but to attack.

Deron controlled the ball to the frontcourt and scored two consecutive three-pointers. Paul took a desperate defensive posture and pressed closely.


Delong pushed it away with his shoulder, knowing that this would require extra money.

Paul didn't want to pay more. He could cum if he wanted to, but he could only rub it outside. It was impossible and absolutely impossible for him to keep pushing in. He could not allow it.


"Paul pressed very tenaciously and did not allow Deron to break through.

Henry was very active, automatically pulled up to the high post, and played a pick-and-roll tactic with Deron.

Paul was blocked, Deron rushed in, Jordan Hill and Su Bei, one inside and one outside, came to help defend. It was impossible to break through to the end.

Deron pulled the ball forward, but couldn't hit the path and immediately threw the basketball away.

From the right corner, Henry received the ball, continued to ignore Paul's misaligned defense, raised his hand and shot a two-point jumper..."

Paul's defense is not inactive, but it's a pity that with a loss of 183, no matter how active he is, it's of no use. He can only listen to the sound of gunshots.



Strike the iron with both hands again!

Humphries has taken action three times, hit the iron three times, it's like hell.

Last season, in this position and with this kind of jump shot, he had bullets.

I didn’t expect that just by marrying Kardashian, my status for the new season would be completely gone.”

At this time, Kardashian's defensive ability has not yet left the circle.

Off the court, Avery Johnson just shook his head.

There was an opportunity to attack, but it was useless.

Humphreys also found it unbelievable that he was still the same person, but he was blocked no matter how he attacked. It was completely unbelievable.

He can only work hard on defense.

The beauties with big butts outside the court were still watching his tough performance!

However, those who come out to fool around will sooner or later pay back what they have used!

On the court, the Lakers offensive possession.

Paul chose to challenge Deron one-on-one, broke through, and then played a pick-and-roll tactic with Gasol who was pulled up to the high post.

Do you care about this? Do you want to do a duel?

This is not the point!

The point is that opportunities for misalignment arise.

"Paul was going to have military training with Fries. Instead of trying to break through to the end, he pulled it up and shot..."

Humphries spent 70% of his attention on defending Paul's breakthrough. After all, with 183 points of breakthrough talent, it was impossible, absolutely impossible for him to withstand it.

Although Paul's mid-range shot is also very lethal, compared to breaking through to the end and then shooting, the efficiency of shooting from the outside is definitely a bit lower.

That’s what Lu Xun said!

The closer to the basket, the higher the hit rate, and vice versa.

However, he didn't expect that Paul's ejaculation would be so quick, and he wouldn't even have any reaction or even a chance to make an expression. He could only bet that Paul would just ejaculate and just wait outside.



Paul's mid-range is still very lethal.

When he was playing Elvis, Paul's pick-and-roll was his main offensive weapon. Humphries couldn't resist it, so it was Paul's regular offensive operation..."

14 to 20!!

The Lakers F4 combination can be played no matter how you play.

The Nets' low-end version of F4 can only play with Deron and Lopez, and even Joe Johnson's offense has been suppressed.

Kobe can not only attack, but also teach Joe Johnson how to behave defensively.

The so-called singles Joe knows how to attack, and Kobe can do it.

Deron was in the frontcourt, passing the ball to John to challenge Kobe. As a result, the triple threat tried to test Kobe's depth, but it disrupted his own offensive rhythm.

He was steady and chose to send that damn basketball to Lopez in the low post.


"When he caught the ball, he hit him with his back. Faced with Lopez's attack, Gasol couldn't withstand it and could only fight and retreat.

Kobe left Joe Johnson open and came back to double attack.

Lopez did not force the ball on Kesao, but distributed the ball and returned it to Joe Johnson outside the three-point line.

Kobe turned back again, and Joe Johnson immediately lobbed the ball in, going in and out, making Kobe very passive.

Fortunately, Jordan Hill came to help defend. Lopez raised the ball high and circled it, but did not shoot. Instead, he distributed the ball to the right side. Humphries received the ball, but before he could shoot, he was immediately replaced by Su Bei.

The basketball was distributed, and Gerald Wallace finally caught the ball. When the shot time ran out, he raised his hand and shot a three-point jumper..."

Su Bei jumped out, but it was too late. He could only bet that Gerald Wallace's three-point pistol had no bullets.


You guessed it, Gerald Wallace's three-point pistol was empty of bullets.

"The Nets offense continues to misfire!

Going in and out of the inner and outer lines, and moving from the left to the right, in the end, I still couldn't push in, I just rubbed on the outside, nothing happened.

The Nets' three perimeter musketeers, except for Deron, are not as good as the Lakers' three perimeter musketeers.

There is not enough fire support from the outside, and the advantage of low-post attacks from the inside cannot be exploited. It is no wonder that the Nets' offense is jammed..."

At this time, the rebound was taken by Gasol, who immediately rushed up with the ball. Lopez rushed over to counterattack and quickly distributed the ball to Paul.

"Stepping down and dribbling around, Paul was flexible and avoided Deron's pressing, and continued to accelerate forward.

At this time, Kobe and Su Bei quickly rushed back to the frontcourt.

Sure enough, after halftime, Paul still favored Su Bei alone, and gave the damn basketball to Su Bei. The Lakers counterattacked, forming a two-on-one situation in the frontcourt..."

Su Bei picked up the ball from the right side of the three-point line without any waves. He chose to dribble the ball steadily and went in. He pulled the ball and took a fake shot. Joe Johnson thought he was going to pass the ball to Kobe on the other side, but it was faked. Su Bei saw

After Bei Xuhuang took a shot, he used a mediocre layup to send the damn basketball into the basket.


"Subei's attack is also here!

The Lakers counterattacked successfully, with full offensive firepower. They launched a 6-0 offensive against the Nets, and the point difference widened to 8 points..."

14 to 22!!

Seeing that the Lakers' offense was unstoppable and the Nets' offense was misfiring, Avery Johnson could only call a timeout and take a break to interrupt the Lakers' offensive rhythm.

After a wave of chicken soup in Hong Kong, Avery Johnson made substitution adjustments. He replaced Gerald Wallace, who was unable to attack and defended, and replaced him with Jerry Stackhouse.

After returning from the timeout, Deron broke through with the ball. Seeing Su Bei shrink back to defend, he immediately distributed the ball and looked for Stackhouse.

"Su Bei made a quick save, but was blocked. Stackhouse collected the ball in a three-point shooting position and chose to dribble in and break through.

Su Bei retreated, Stackhouse changed direction, immediately pulled out the ball and shot, and he shot a two-point pull-up jumper..."

Subei is very active in defense, but it will only be exhausted!

The offensive rhythm was very deep, but Stackhouse took advantage of it.

Whether by sudden attack or surrender, Su Bei is very passive and can only listen to the sound of gunshots.



Jordan's younger brother is undeniably old, but he still has gas in the tank after a few minutes.

Su Bei was still careless and received a blow from the 38-year-old Stackhouse..."

16 to 22!!

The score difference becomes 6 points.

After the goal, Stackhouse seemed very excited and took the initiative to guard Kobe.

After all, Joe Johnson was useless as a one-on-one Joe, so he had to let him, Jordan's junior, teach Kobe Bryant, who imitated Jordan, how to behave.

Kobe received the ball from the left three-point line. The three-threat took a step, made a feint, and immediately accelerated, just like passing through the streets in the early morning, passing Stackhouse.

Then, at the free throw line, he pulled up and raised his hand to shoot a two-point fadeaway jumper.


“It’s still a hit!!

Kobe's two points were very reliable and continued the Lakers' offensive firepower.

Stackhouse couldn't keep up with his technical skills, but Kobe used his speed and explosiveness to teach him how to behave..."

No problem, I am 38 years old and my physical fitness has declined too seriously.

The 34-year-old Kobe has also lost a lot of weight, but his physical fuel tank is still full in the first quarter, and he was not affected by a serious injury to his keys. It is not easy to bully a 38-year-old veteran who is about to retire with his physical ability.


Next, both sides failed to score in the offensive rounds.

The tempo of the game has slowed down, Deron is controlling the court, and he is not stupid. The Lakers are in a good state, and the Nets are in a bad state, and they have to increase the tempo to play against the Lakers. It is simply asking for death.

Delaying time is the best solution!

Subsequently, both sides attacked and fought back and forth.

Humphries became the most handsome boy. He missed the mid-range shot again and missed 4 consecutive shots. But he worked too hard and was too active. In terms of grabbing baskets, he grabbed 6 rebounds in a single quarter, including

2 offensive rebounds.

Although the Nets' offensive efficiency was average, they still held on to the score with their rebounding advantage.

After the first quarter, the score was 25-31, and the Lakers only had a 6-point lead.

Kobe became the most beautiful kid offensively. He defeated Joe Johnson in the matchup. Offensively, he made 5 of 6 shots and 1 of 2 three-pointers. He scored 11 points, 2 assists and 2 rebounds in a single quarter. Defensively, he defeated Joe Johnson.

He made 0 of 2 shots, scored 0 points, and defeated All-Star Joe Johnson on both offense and defense.

Su Bei made 3 of 4 shots and 2 of 3 three-pointers. He gained more stealth time but was very efficient. He scored 8 points, 2 assists and 1 rebound. His performance was pretty decent.

For the Nets, Lopez shot 6 of 8 and almost dominated the inside offense, scoring 12 points, 2 rebounds and 1 assist, overwhelming the Lakers' inside line.

Deron made 3 of 5 shots, 2 of 3 three-pointers, scored 8 points and 4 assists, rounding out Paul's 2 of 2, 4 points and 3 assists.

The Nets only have two players who can beat them, but their advantage is very obvious. Both of the Lakers' weaknesses were eliminated, so it's not surprising that they were able to hold on to the score.

This chapter has been completed!
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