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Chapter 1177 Just waiting to see your joke

The flower bear that Li Zhi has raised for more than ten years is bigger than any flower bear that Yunchu has ever seen, and it is much bigger. It is fully qualified to be called a giant bear.

Also, a flower bear with a body length of two meters and a weight of at least 500 kilograms is completely ready for riding.

Li Zhi rode a giant bear straight to Yunchu's cell.

He looked down at Yun Chu, who was squatting on the ground and chewing peaches, and waved, "Let's go."

Yunchu immediately put the half-eaten peach in his mouth, took two washed peaches from the basket, stuffed one into the giant bear's mouth, and handed the other to Li Zhi.

Li Zhi didn't mind it either, so he took it and held it in his hand, patting the head of the giant bear who was busy chewing peaches. The giant bear turned around in the narrow corridor and walked out, chewing peaches.

The further they went outside, the fewer people followed them. After they left the prison and entered the palace city, the only person serving them was Ruichun.

Li Zhi took a bite of the peach and said, "Have you been having a bad time recently?"

Yun Chu said: "Betrayed by my subordinates, my son is a bastard, and my apprentice is a fool who does stupid things. How can I be better?"

Li Zhi casually threw away the peach core, but Ruichun caught it in his hand.

Li Zhi said: "Let's just make do with it. I won't be any better. My son wants to be the emperor soon and is recruiting people all over the world to arrange his team. My wife is afraid that I will die and she will be bullied by others, so she has also attracted a lot of people.

He grabs power everywhere and looks at me every day as if I were dead.

Hahaha, they come here to say hello every day, saying they care about my health, but in fact, they just come to see if I am dead, and they are so violent."

Yun Chu smiled and said: "Then continue to live well. It will be a great pleasure to watch them hate you and treat you helplessly."

Li Zhi laughed loudly and said: "There are not many people in this world who want me to live well, and you are one of them."

Yun Chu nodded and said, "That's true."

Li Zhi smiled and said: "If you wish me good health, I also wish you peace. It is a heart-for-heart thing, but not many people understand it."

Yunchu laughed and said: "Your Majesty is in the palace, and there are many people in the world who wish you safety and health. It's just that I am relatively close to the palace, so your majesty can see it."

Li Zhi nodded and said: "The Tang Dynasty is pretty good now. There should be many people who think of me well."

Yun Chu smiled and said: "Over the years, the taxes of the ten Taoists of the Tang Dynasty have been exempted for one year and two months on average. Looking through the history books, only the period of Emperor Jing of the Han Dynasty can compare slightly."

Li Zhi smiled with satisfaction and said: "It's true. Nowadays, as long as the taxes of the country are enough, I really have no interest in collecting taxes from the people.

However, I am very interested in collecting taxes from the rich.

If only the rich were taxed and no taxes were collected from ordinary people, I would be happy to see it happen. But unfortunately, the bulk of the taxes will always come from ordinary people. Thinking of this makes people unhappy."

Yun Chu said: "Your Majesty, wait a few more years, and when the imperial tax has become a very small part of people's income, your Majesty will not have to feel guilty."

Li Zhi looked at Yunchu in confusion and said, "When did I feel guilty about collecting taxes?"

Yunchu spread his hands and said, "Didn't your Majesty just say..."

Li Zhi waved his sleeves and said: "Whether you are happy or not has nothing to do with guilt. From now on, don't just listen to wind and rain. I also found that you have been very flattering recently, and you are about to become a flatterer."

Yun Chu stopped and said, "If Your Majesty decrees marriage now and allows An Ding to marry Quan Zi, Your Majesty will immediately see an upright Yun Chu."

Li Zhi slid off the back of the giant bear, looked at Yun Chu helplessly and said: "My face has been taken off, can I still put it back on?"

Yun Chu said categorically: "Okay, it's just a special matter."

Li Zhi slapped the giant bear on the head and drove the bear away before whispering: "Your son slept with my daughter without getting married. How can I not deal with that bastard son of yours?"

Are you willing?"

Yun Chu also lowered his voice and said: "Your Majesty's bastard son slept with my sister and even has a child. Your Majesty, won't you consider my feelings?"

Li Zhi smiled dryly and said: "It's just a matter of love."

Yun Chu said: "The same is true for Yun Jin and Sisi."

"I gave Yun Na an unparalleled vast Buddhist kingdom in the Western Regions."

"I also trained a stupid big-headed Li Si to become the top talent of our Tang Dynasty. In the whole world, there is no woman who can surpass Li Si in both academic and practical skills."

"Asshole, Li Si doesn't want to be your daughter-in-law, and what he has learned is not an advantage for you, Yunshi."

"Your Majesty is being unreasonable. Guan Yun, a huge Buddhist country in the Western Regions, is such a mess. Your bastard prince sent nearly a thousand officials in one go to help Yun Na manage the Buddhist Kingdom in the Western Regions. What is the fate of the Buddhist Kingdom in the Western Regions?

It is clear at a glance whether the surname is Li or Yun.

Your Majesty must never act like a good boy even if you get an advantage, otherwise you will be despised by the humble ministers."

Hearing that the emperor and Yunchu started to quarrel, Ruichun took the giant bear a few steps outside.

Li Zhi chuckled and said: "Idiot Yun Na was raised by you, the bastard prince was born by me, but you taught him, your bastard son was born by you and taught by you, and stupid Li Si was born by me.

That's right, but you raised me and taught me.

Come on, let’s have a good fight and see who makes the most mistakes.”

Hearing what the emperor said, Yunchu had no choice but to sigh. He really had nothing to say. Li Zhi was right. He, Yunchu, was indeed mainly responsible for this mess of accounts.

Li Zhi took advantage of the victory and pursued him: "Yo yo yo, I also heard that your etiquette teacher's favorite thing to do is to climb the wall in the middle of the night to have a private meeting with his lover, not to mention that this lover is also a wanted criminal in the court.

Come on, Yun Chu, explain to me why your etiquette teacher climbed on the wall, and why your groom was a wanted criminal in the court.

Can such an etiquette teacher teach a good child?

The prince hooked up with your sister, and Yun Jin hooked up with my daughter. It’s hard to say it’s not the teacher’s fault.”

Yun Chu said angrily: "Your Majesty keeps saying that we, kings and ministers, get along well with each other. Why do my family have so many Baiqisi people? Why do my Wannian County Government have more Baiqisi spies than officials? The most important thing is, even if I am

After being exposed, people still boasted that they were loyal to the imperial court.

Your Majesty, if you believe me, you will believe it to the end. What’s the point of half trusting and half guarding?”

Li Zhi looked at the furious Yun Chu with a smile, and said lightly: "Assign Baiqisi to go to your home, and the person who goes to your Yamen is the queen. Don't slap me on the head, I still trust you.


Yun Chu was left speechless by the emperor's words of betraying his wife without any psychological barriers. After a long time, he raised his thumb and said: "Your Majesty is wise."

Li Zhi gritted his teeth and smiled: "You can also put the responsibility on your wife Yu Xiurong."

Yun Chu sighed and said, "I can't do such a thing."

Li Zhi said in an instructive tone: "The mistress of a big family is not a wife, she is someone who is specially used to take the blame. Look at how many people in the court have thrown their wives out over the years.

Escaped by yourself?

If there is corruption, just say that his wife took it behind his back.

When a big scandal occurs at home, it is said that the wife is not good at housekeeping.

Let me tell you, there is only one head of a family. As long as you keep the head of the house, there is still the possibility of making a comeback. If you lose a wife, just find a beautiful one and marry her into the family.

You are the first generation in your family. If you want it to be passed on to generations of princes, you should learn this trick."

Yun Chu nodded and said: "In a few days, I will marry back the tens of thousands of women in Xina, southwest China, so that I can take the blame."

When Li Zhi heard what Yun Chu said, a series of high-pitched laughter burst out from his throat. Looking at the emperor who was out of breath with laughter, Yun Chu said: "It seems that Wei Chen doesn't need to check the source of this rumor.


After a long time, Li Zhi stopped laughing, wiped the tears from his laughter with his sleeves and said, "I see in your memorial, you built houses for those women, opened up fields, gave blankets, pots, and grain, and sent a large army to hunt them."

Boar to the women.

This is obviously how he wants to live his life.

I thought that the great general of the Tang Dynasty was going to take root in the southwest... I just made a joke, but I didn't expect that after word spread, it would become a big deal for you to control hundreds of girls and thousands of girls at night... Hahahahaha...

This is different from General Yun who was shot as a hedgehog in the Western Region and was running away in embarrassment, but there are rumors that at the age of fourteen you can kill seven in and seven out of a million-strong army... Hahaha...

Such an inhuman warrior, a man of extraordinary bravery who would be embarrassed by tens of thousands of women, hahahaha..."

Yun Chu looked at Li Zhi, who was about to burst out laughing, and knew that this was his revenge. He, Wen Wen, and Di Renjie had often joked about what happened on the emperor and the queen's bed before, thinking that the emperor had forgotten about it a long time ago.

Come to think of it, people are still holding grudges.

There was really nothing I could do at that time.

The emperor's spies are everywhere. You always want those spies to find out some secret things that the emperor wants to hear. If you say that the emperor made mistakes in governing, you are asking for trouble. If you say that you are planning the entire Tang Dynasty, it is also fatal.

I had no choice but to tell the emperor what happened on the bed between the emperor and the queen, so that the emperor felt that he knew everything.

At the same time, Yun Chu was also keenly aware that the emperor came to see him today. He had no interest in discussing national policies, let alone thinking about what to say. He had only one purpose, which was to watch a joke.

Thinking about it, Li Zhi felt that he was already very powerful. Over the past few decades, he had expanded territory more than ten times more than Emperor Taizong. He also drove away and strangled all the threatening countries and tribes around the Tang Dynasty.

There is no rival in the world.

In terms of domestic affairs, today's Tang Dynasty has a full treasury, and the prosperity of the people is far beyond the poverty of the Zhenguan period.

He has the right not to make progress, just to eat and die.

Naturally, Yunchu could not allow himself to become the source of happiness for the emperor.

After the emperor took a deep breath, he sighed and said, "Does your Majesty know about the Ice Age?"

This chapter has been completed!
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