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Chapter 144: All the hardships endured today will be rewarded

With Lao He around, Yun Luan's petty thoughts disappeared in an instant, mainly because things he thought were vicious and against human nature seemed ordinary to Lao He.

That talkative Japanese slave had an unknown amount of toxins accumulated in his body. His eyes turned yellow and his eyes turned blue. This was a symptom of severe liver damage.

The mother-in-law boiled soup in a pot and asked him to leave his position as a medicine boy. This is a reflection of Yunluan's good nature.

The old god is naturally kind, but there is only one kind-hearted person who ignores race and race in Chang'an.

Chang'an Tai Hospital has now developed into a large general scientific research hospital that integrates outpatient services, hospitalization, surgery, recuperation, postoperative rehabilitation, surgical research, and drug experiments. Doctors from Chang'an Tai Medical Department all come to Tai Hospital for rotation.

Those who consult, even doctors from Luoyang Imperial Medical Office, cannot escape the fate of being rotated to Chang'an Imperial Hospital.

There are many patients and many types of diseases, so the types of departments in Chang'an Tai Hospital have become richer.

With more doctors, there are more fantastic ideas, but Chang'an Tai Hospital is very profitable and has the ability to quickly bring the doctors' fantastic ideas to the experimental stage.

Although everything is moving forward in an exploratory manner, overall the direction is correct.

However, the word "groping" is really scary...

Since it is an exploration, we must be allowed to make mistakes. The consequences of mistakes made by Taiyuan Hospital are very serious, and the price is a lot of lives.

Killing too many people from the Tang Dynasty during the exploration would harm Taiyuan Hospital's reputation. If it were another race or race, even if something went wrong, it would have nothing to do with Taiyuan Hospital's reputation.

This is why there are so many races in the hospital.

Lao He has always believed that the old immortal is a god, and gods should love the world. He is not a god, but a human being, and he should act according to human ideas.

I think back then, after he dissected hundreds of corpses in Dahang City and opened a new academic door, secular concepts had basically disappeared. The reason why Tang Dynasty people were not used to test medicine was just fear of the law, not talk about it.

To be kind.

As the director of Taiyuan Hospital, the old god always followed a fixed path on weekdays, namely the office, pharmacy, ward, and operating room. It was very simple.

Taiyuan Hospital covers an area of ​​nearly one hundred acres, and the rest of the area is under the jurisdiction of Lao He.

Yun Luan's results were invalidated today, so he was taken by Lao He to roam around the huge hospital.

"The reason why the old immortal insists that you study medicine is because the most cutting-edge medical research field is closely related to your Yun family's family education. The old immortal's medical skills are unparalleled in ancient and modern times, and it is difficult to make any progress.

Your father has said before that if a god like the old god wants to make further progress, he must make a revolutionary discovery in medicine, or have a new medical theory as the foundation.

Now, a big discovery has occurred, that is microscopic medicine. With the help of the microscope your father asked the craftsman to make, the old god saw for the first time the world beyond what can be seen with the naked eye. Although it was just a glimpse, it was just this glimpse.

This made the old immortal doubt the causes of many diseases. In the past, the occurrence of diseases was generally and simply classified as 'qi', 'epidemic', 'yin and yang imbalance', 'five elements not straightened out' and so on.


Now, the old immortal hopes to use the emergence of the microscope to re-explore the root cause of the disease. He wants to give the world a correct and clear explanation.

Unfortunately, for a long time, the effectiveness of microscopes has not been improved, which has prevented the old fairy's research from making progress.

The old immortal felt that he was too old, so he thought of passing on the fire, lest it would be a pity for the doctors to go back to their old ways and stop exploring new discoveries because of his absence that day."

Lao He's words were serious and sincere, but Yun Luan was distracted when he heard them.

It's not that he doesn't like to listen to Lao He's reasoning, but he doesn't want to listen to these big principles while watching doctors dissect the human body. After all, the intestines, stomach, and internal organs are taken out one by one by the doctor from the belly of the corpse, cleaned, and then put back together.

There was really no way for Yun Luan to concentrate on listening to Lao He's reasoning.

"Look more, you will be on stage to perform surgery in the future. A good doctor must first have a general understanding of the human body itself. Generally speaking, the more you know, the higher your medical skills will be."

Yun Luan covered her drooling mouth with a handkerchief and said vaguely: "I can go directly to study the microscope. If we can make a microscope that is clearer and can see smaller objects, the old god can do the rest by himself."


Lao He watched with great interest as the doctor with somewhat raw hands coiled the corpse's intestines and put them back into the abdominal cavity. He nodded with satisfaction and said to Yun Luan: "Stop thinking about it. Learn the medical skills from the old immortal first, and wait for that day."

The old god said you can start teaching now, and it’s not too late to develop your hobbies.”

Yun Chu looked at the face of the corpse and couldn't help but said: "This is a Tang Dynasty man."

Lao He said calmly: "He is also a sinner. Since Zhou Xing came, the Imperial Hospital has never lacked research objects. Although the corpses of foreigners can also be used, the conclusions drawn from the corpses of the Tang Dynasty are not as convincing as those of the Tang Dynasty."

When Yun Luan left the autopsy room, he took another look at the corpse and found that there was another doctor next to the operating table. He also carefully took out the contents of the corpse's abdominal cavity, cleaned and organized...

"Human beings are actually very confused. We don't even have a thorough study of our own bodies, so we just think about conquering the mountains, rivers and oceans, which is a bit overestimating our capabilities."

Lao He was walking ahead with his hands behind his back, and famous aphorisms would flow out of his mouth from time to time. If Yunluan's mouth was not numb and drooling all the time, he would more or less echo a few sentences, which would make Lao He's

I feel more comfortable.

Arriving at a courtyard shrouded in the smell of medicine, Yun Luan saw more medicine boys. As expected, these medicine boys were as Old He said. They were from all races. Men and women had signs hanging on their chests and were waiting in line.

Take medicine.

Yun Luan saw a beautiful red-haired foreign woman in the team, and was about to go up to see what was written on the sign hanging on her chest, but was dragged over by Lao He, and said with a gloomy face: "Hua Liu Bing"

, it’s difficult to treat her, it just depends on whether the new medicine works on her, and if it doesn’t work, she will be taken to the incinerator and burned.”

Yun Luan said somewhat unbearably: "What a pity, isn't it?"

Lao He said coldly: "It's no pity. These barbarians have traveled thousands of miles to come to Chang'an. They have nothing but their own bodies. They only think about using their bodies to make money, and they are infected with such a disease."

Just a matter of time.

Little bird, please remember that you are not allowed to set foot in a brothel. Once you are infected with a disease, even the old gods will not be able to save you."

Yun Luan agreed casually. Seeing that Yun Luan didn't take the matter seriously, Lao He said to the doctor who came over: "Let's do an examination for Patient No. 27."

When Yun Luan heard this, he wanted to run away, but he was grabbed by Lao He, who was well prepared. Yun Luan shouted: "I don't want to look at a woman's body."

Lao He sneered and said: "You are a doctor now. Doctors only see patients, so where is the distinction between men and women?"

When Yun Luan was trying the medicine, her mouth was numb and her body was a little stiff. After being escorted by Lao He to watch other doctors examine the woman, Yun Luan began to vomit. This problem showed no sign of improvement until she returned home.

Yun Chu beat Ji Wang Shen, even though he was naked. After the beating, he felt a little regretful. Li Shen's body, which looked like a patchwork of broken glass, was punched and kicked several times by him.

The guy passed out.

Fortunately, Li Shen had his concubines accompanying him. The concubines wrapped the naked Wang Shen in a blanket and took him back to the palace.

Li Shen pretended to be very fake, not to mention pretending in front of medical experts like Yun Chu. He only took the initiative to attack Yun Chu because he was so embarrassed and angry. After all, Yun Chu's lair, which he thought he was unaware of, was destroyed by Yun Chu.

Not even a hair was left, which greatly hurt his self-esteem.

If something didn't happen, it would be a shame to lose one's face. Now, after being scolded and beaten, it would be easy to explain to the other brothers. It's not that he, Li Shen, doesn't vent his anger to everyone, but that he can't be beaten...

This approach, which seems like child's play, is Li Shen's only choice at the moment. Next, he is ready to accept the thunderous wrath from the emperor.

After all, Ruichun, the general manager of Baiqisi, had already left Jiucheng Palace and was rushing to Chang'an at full speed.

This is what Yunchu told Li Shen.

It was because of this news that Li Shen calmed down and then passed out.

When Yunchu went home, he passed by a bamboo forest. Even in winter, the bamboo forest was still green and dense. Two flower bears were leaning on the edge of the stone pier and gnawing at the bamboo leisurely.

Yunchu squatted on the ground and played with the bear for a while, then went home. In one day, Ruichun would come to Chang'an. Yunchu was going to bed early and recharge his batteries for tomorrow.

The Wu brothers did not know that Ruichun came to Chang'an, but this did not affect the brothers' new judgment on the current situation, that is, it was best to stay in the Tai Hospital to recuperate.

Wu Chengsi clutched his chest and forced himself to sit up. When he saw that the blanket on Wu Sansi's body had slipped off, he endured the pain and went to the ground, covered his brother with a blanket, then walked to the window and looked at the two shivering trees on the outside.

Cold leaves.

Zhou Xing began to pursue Webster's case... This had something to do with King Xian of England.

Chang'an Weidu, half a foot from the sky, had been reduced to a semi-flat land by Yunchu when it cut off its peaks and filled in its valleys. Even if there were still some peaks, they were just hills at most.

Unexpectedly, it only took a little girl to make Webster appear in front of the powerful officials of the Tang Dynasty again.

The King of England, who had always been timid and cowardly, showed disobedience to the Queen and wanted to protect Wei Lian'er, which made the Queen unbearably embarrassed.

The prince Li Hong and the queen, the mother, were already incompatible with each other.

Now, the always cowardly King Xian did not consider his mother's situation and knelt outside Shangyang Palace, begging his mother to allow him to become the Queen of England.

The queen agreed.

Then, Zhou Xing, who was originally investigating the Sixteenth Guards, put aside what he was doing and dealt with the murder case of Wei Zhenxuan, a soldier in Puzhou who was idle at home.

Wei Zhenxuan once beat to death a servant girl in Du Ling's hometown.

This incident happened at least six years ago. At that time, Webster paid a donkey to settle the matter.

Now the husband of the servant girl who was beaten to death filed a complaint and once again reported Wei Zhenxuan to Zhou Xing, the right servant of the Censor's Criminal Department. As soon as Zhou Xing received the complaint, he took Wei Zhenxuan into prison and imprisoned him in Wannian County.

in the dungeon.

This matter cannot be hidden from the Wu brothers.

What happened to King Yingxian happened in Luoyang, but the person who was really punished appeared in Chang'an. Wu Chengsi didn't dare to think about the root cause of this.

After Wu Sansi coughed violently for a while, he sat up and saw Wu Chengsi standing at the window blowing the wind, so he whispered: "Brother, take care of yourself, it is not appropriate to blow the wind at this time."

Wu Chengsi looked back at Wu San and thought: "Why does it seem that every time Yun Chu beats us, he is doing it for the good of our brothers?"

Wu Sansi coughed violently and said, "I will never let his fist fall on me again."

This chapter has been completed!
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