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Chapter 164: A gentlemans glory, beheaded in three generations

Yunchu was wearing armor, carrying a horizontal sword on his waist, and a big golden sword, sitting in the middle of the Wannian County canteen eating.

No one knew why the county magistrate came to the cafeteria fully armed to eat. Seeing the county magistrate's gloomy expression, no one dared to approach him.

Even the Wu brothers dare not!

Wu Sansi stuffed a piece of meat into his mouth and ate it, then he put his head in front of Wu Chengsi and said, "Brother, do you know the reason?"

Wu Chengsi glanced at Ma Shan behind Yun Chu and whispered: "Your Majesty is coming."

Wu Sansi was shocked. The sip of soup he just drank spurted out, but luckily he reacted quickly and blocked it with his sleeves.

Wu Chengsi remained motionless as a mountain, and said softly: "There is still a waistband of the Minister of Internal Affairs hanging on the waist of the Lord."

After reacting, Wu Sansi took a breath and said, "Your Majesty came in person, but no one knew about it?"

Wu Chengsi put a piece of meat into his mouth and said, "Don't you know, sir?"

Wu Sansi didn't want to talk anymore.

The emperor secretly came to Chang'an without informing anyone except Yun Chu. With this trust, those who wanted to see Yun Chu's jokes became the ones being laughed at...or laughed at.


The most indispensable thing in Wannian County is human spirit. Wu Chengsi could see it, Lu Xiu, Lu Zhaolin, and Yang Jiong could also see it. Even some senior officials in Wannian County could vaguely see it.


Lu Xiu threw away his chopsticks in shock and hurriedly left the canteen. Some Wannian County officials also changed their expressions and left the table...

Yun Chu was minding his own meal and turned a blind eye to this scene.

Wu Sansi thought of his sleeves full of broth and left the cafeteria.

Wu Chengsi looked at the sky covered with clouds and howling wind, calmly took a sip of soup to clear his mouth, and said to himself: "The clouds follow the dragon, the wind follows the tiger, Your Majesty is here, Xue Rengui should be here too, right?"

After Yunchu had eaten and drank enough, Yin Erhu put on his cloak and gloves and helped him hold the horse's horse. The master and servant left the canteen and came to the gate of Wannian County Yamen.

Under the howling wind, no one could be seen in the large square of Wannian County Government Office. Only the notices on the noticeboard were being torn apart by the wind. The pictures on them from other places were very difficult to see because they were not posted firmly enough.

It was quickly torn off by Lu Xiu.

In Yun Chu's opinion, shadow drawings and sea-catching documents were useless. Even if the evil thief in the graphics stood in front of Yun Chu, Yun Chu had no way to use the graphics to determine whether this person was actually the evil thief himself.

Yun Chu's cloak was pulled back by the wind, and there was no one on the road in front of the county government office.

"It's snowing, sweep the snow!"

In the bitingly cold weather, Lu Xiu was sweating profusely. His whole body was like a cage of white bread that had just been baked out of the pan, constantly exuding white air.

The handyman who came out with a broom looked at the clean ground blown by the wind and really didn't know where to sweep.

"Just wait quietly."

Yun Chu's voice came out from under his mask, and everyone immediately stood behind him, staring at the intersection in front of him without saying a word.

First, sixteen majestic cavalry suddenly appeared at the intersection, and the next moment, they were in front of everyone in Wannian County.

Yun Chu lifted up his visor and looked at the leading cavalryman and said, "Whatever should be done will be done."

The leading cavalryman nodded, jumped off his horse, and drove away the group of people behind Yun Chu.

Yunchu looked at Ruichun who was as cold as quail and said, "If you endure it for a while, you will have hot soup to drink."

Ruichun got off the carriage and stood next to Yunchu and said: "It stands to reason that you should not have any sharp edges when approaching His Majesty. You are fully armed and look like you are going to fight. Do you think it is okay?"

Yun Chu sneered and said: "If you dare to take His Majesty on a trip with a thousand elite cavalry at your side, Ruichun, you must be killed according to the law!"

"One thousand Tang Dynasty's elite cavalry, no matter how incompetent they are, can still protect His Majesty for half an hour."

"So, reinforcements will arrive in half an hour, right?"

"This is the secret of His Majesty's guard. You have no right to know it."

Yun Chu said: "Your Majesty, when you come this time, where will you stay as a guard?"

Ruichun sighed and said: "Xingqing Palace."

Yun Chu said: "Daming Palace and Taiji Palace are also excellent."

Ruichun wanted to say a few more words when he saw a large carriage driven by Xue Rengui appearing at the entrance of the street.

As soon as Li Zhi got off the carriage, Yun Chu, who had just finished saluting, hurriedly came forward and said: "Your Majesty is too frivolous."

Li Zhi glanced at Yun Chu and said, "The way you pretend to be a loyal minister makes me want to vomit."

Yun Chu said: "It is the duty of the minister to give advice. If your Majesty does not listen to the advice, it is none of the minister's business."

Li Zhi smiled and said: "You are indeed the slippery Yunchu. According to you, all the faults in the world are my fault. After all, you have already explained the pros and cons of everything in the world in the court and in the memorial.

It’s all said and done, but it’s me who makes the decision.”

After finishing speaking, seeing Yun Chu dressed in military uniform, he said with disdain: "In Chang'an, do you think there will be people who are unfavorable to me?"

Yun Chu shook his head and said: "Six hours ago, I learned that Your Majesty had entered Chang'an. I had already secretly sealed off Chang'an. The market was closed, the gates that should be closed were closed, the Sixteenth Guards barracks, and the streets in the city where barbarians lived together.

The city has been closely monitored by bad people.

Therefore, Your Majesty can sit back and relax in Chang'an."

"Six hours, plus the time for news feedback, that is to say, I just entered the territory of Chang'an eight hours ago, and you already knew that I was coming?"

"This is the cultivation that a minister should have."

Li Zhi looked at the embarrassed Xue Rengui and said, "Go in and take a look at the site I went to today."

When Yunchu followed the emperor into Wannian County, Li Zhi took a look at the densely packed official offices on both sides and said: "The official configuration and staff configuration in Wannian County is the best among the Tang Dynasty prefectures."

Yun Chu said: "The main reason is that there are twenty-seven more households, each of which is responsible for a stall. Finally, the six households are under the jurisdiction of the principals. Those twenty-seven households are responsible for specific affairs. The original six households are responsible for

For supervision purposes.”

Li Zhidao: "We cannot expand without limit. The number of officials in the yamen can only be increased. Once the number increases, it will be difficult to remove them. You have the ability to support so many officials. Officials, your future officials may not be like you."

When the time comes, there will be too many officials sucking up the people's support, which will be a disaster for the people."

Yun Chu said: "What your Majesty said is that I will definitely secure this pass and no useless people will be allowed to enter the Yamen."

The emperor came to the door of Yunchu's official residence, looked at the obviously brand-new doors and windows, and looked back at Wu Chengsi. The two brothers Wu Sansi asked: "Is this the place where you were beaten?"

The Wu brothers hurriedly came over and saluted, saying, "This is where Wei Chen received the teachings from Marquis Yun."

Li Zhi said with a smile: "Did you get anything?"

Wu Chengsi said: "What I have learned is that my body cannot bear to be taken care of, and I feel ashamed of the teachings of Marquis Yun."

Yun Chu answered: "If it weren't for the fact that their brothers are still effective in governing the place and see things more thoroughly, and sometimes use it to take one or two blames for the stewards, they would have been kicked to death by the minister."

Li Zhi looked at Yun Chu, who had a look of hatred on his face, and then at the Wu brothers, who had a flattering look on their faces, and chuckled: "After all, they are just a den of snakes and rats, let's just mix it up.

By the way, you beat up their brothers, why not beat up Lu Xiu as well?"

Yun Chu glanced at the sweaty Lu Xiu and said with a smile: "You are very rigid. Seeing the Wu brothers being beaten so badly by the minister, he didn't know how to run away. He actually stood there straight and said to the minister - if you dare, beat him to death."


It is not necessary to beat such a person, so Wei Chen gave him a book and asked him to change his mind first. When his mind is clear, he can be beaten again, which will have the effect of getting twice the result with half the effort."

Li Zhi looked at Lu Xiu and sighed: "After all, I still can't put it on the table."

When Lu Xiu heard this, her knees softened and she sat on the ground.

Yun Chu said: "Wannian County lacks a head clerk who can't turn around and keep an eye on it. After one year, the tax revenue is nearly two million yuan. Without a loyal dog to guard it, I don't feel at ease."

While Yunchu was talking, he was waiting for the eunuchs to inspect the official residence. After Ruichun took a last look at it, Li Zhi stepped into Yunchu's official residence.

Li Zhi would not go to the Zhengyin Hall of Wannian County. That was Yunchu's real territory. If the emperor entered, it would be detrimental to the official authority he had finally built up.

Under normal circumstances, when superior officials go to the local government, they basically do not enter the local government office.

Although the emperor had no taboos, Li Zhi was unwilling to do such useless things.

After Li Zhi, Yun Chu, Xue Rengui, and Ruichun entered Yun Chu's official residence, the various utensils here had been replaced by those used exclusively by the emperor. Yun Chu's own things, except for a table and a chair, were

A pile of paperwork is left.

Li Zhi naturally sat on Yun Chu's chair, curiously flipped through the documents on Yun Chu's desk, then threw them aside, looked up and said, "It's better for you to save your worries here."

Yun Chu used the water, stove, and tea sets brought by the emperor to make pots of tea. The tea for the emperor was without sugar, but Xue Rengui and Ruichun specially added a piece of yellow rock sugar for Xue Rengui and Ruichun.

Li Zhi picked up the tea and took a sip and said, "It's so bitter that you can't bear it for decades without getting tired of it."

Yun Chu smiled and said: "When tasting the bitter taste, accidentally drinking a hint of sweetness from the bitterness is the greatest happiness in the world."

Li Zhi slapped the table and laughed: "So you added a lot of sugar to make your happiness more intense?"

Yun Chu laughed and said, "So, I suggest that when your Majesty tastes the bitter taste, you might as well add some sugar to yourself. In this way, you can taste the bitter taste, but gain a lot of sweetness."

Li Zhi laughed and said: "Are you deceiving yourself?"

Looking at Yun Chu chatting and laughing with the emperor, Xue Rengui held the hot cup and drank cans of tea. Xue Rengui did not taste what the cans of tea tasted like, but he learned from these conversations,

It gives a different taste of the relationship between Yunchu and the emperor.

Just like Pei Xingjian said, they are all the emperor's ministers, and only Yunchu can be regarded as half of the emperor's friends.

Why half?

The main reason is that the danger of being an emperor's friend is very high. Many emperors will, intentionally or unintentionally, clean up the people who can be called their friends every once in a while.

It is extremely rare for Yun Chu to be half a friend of the emperor for decades.

Ruichun is a person with extremely sensitive feelings. He clearly felt that since the emperor saw Yun Chu, his body and mind immediately relaxed. Not to mention that there were more smiles on his face, and his one eye also looked very warm.


This is a kind of performance that the emperor can only show in an environment that he can fully control.

He very much hoped that the emperor could maintain this state for a longer period of time, and not change secretaries and supervisors at every turn, let alone change the guards around him at will, Gong E...

Yunchu was chatting with the emperor, and they were talking nonsense. In short, they were talking about a hammer here and there and a stick here and there.

"In June of the second year of Kaihuang's reign, Emperor Wen of the Sui Dynasty issued an edict: "In this area, Yuning is one, in the order of yin and yang, so you can move in peace and security, and don't hold any grudges. The Longshou Mountain and the plains are beautiful, and there are many plants and animals. It is suitable for fortune-telling and soil.

When you build a capital city, the foundation of Dingding will be eternal, and your business will be endless. The public and private houses, their size, their size, their business structure, and their fees will be arranged according to the situation."

Then Daxing City was built, which is today's Chang'an. Chang'an of the Han Dynasty stood for four hundred years. The water supply and drainage were seriously poor, sewage often accumulated and could not be discharged, and the water was salty and brine, which was not very pleasant for people.

Now that you are making great efforts to rectify Chang'an, will you also have such worries?"

Hearing the emperor's concerns, Yunchu said with confidence: "Now Chang'an is built over a thousand years, especially the water supply and drainage, and garbage disposal is a top priority. The two canals, the light and dark canals that your majesty saw along the way, can

To ensure that Chang'an's sewage does not leak or seep, it will flow into the moat and finally enter the Wei River, and the Yellow River will lead directly to the sea."

Li Zhi smiled and said: "How can there be a thousand-year city?"

Yun Chu said: "If there is a thousand-year country, there should be a thousand-year city."

Li Zhi said playfully: "How could the Tang Dynasty live for a thousand years?"

Yun Chu shook his head and said, "If others had said this, I would have already beheaded him."

Li Zhi sighed and said, "I always feel so energetic listening to your nonsense."

Yun Chu said: "As long as the energy and spirit of the Tang Dynasty are not exhausted, a thousand years is not a long time. After all, both Han Dynasties have four hundred years."

Li Zhidao: "How can we keep the energy and spirit of the Tang Dynasty from depleting?"

Yun Chu said seriously: "As long as every decree and every national policy issued by the Tang Dynasty is based on the standpoint of the majority of the people, rather than on the standpoint of a few dignitaries, the spirit of the Tang Dynasty can be guaranteed.

Don’t leak.”

Li Zhidao: "Every emperor thinks and does this, but the result is completely contrary to the emperor's expectations. Even the emperor can do nothing."

Yun Chu said with a smile: "A gentleman's glory can only be cut off in three lifetimes. If the law of heaven cannot cut him off, your majesty should cut him off."

Li Zhi was stunned for a moment and said, "This shouldn't be understood in this way."

Yun Chu said proudly: "We all understood it wrong before. The contribution of one generation can be bestowed upon three generations. After three generations, they will have to work hard again."

Xue Rengui, who had been listening to Yun Chu's fallacies for a long time, said, "How about starting with your Yun family?"

Yun Chu laughed loudly and said: "I have my wish, but I dare not ask for my ear."

This chapter has been completed!
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