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Chapter 173 Li Zhi returns to his original nature

Chapter 1248 Li Zhi returns to his original nature

Since ancient times, the most beautiful scenery in Chang'an is Chang'an under the moon.

Under the waxing moon, Chang'an is lonely and quiet, with stars dotting the river. A young child points to the Milky Way and listens to his mother telling those old stories in the sky that will never be finished and never get tired of.

In Chang'an during the full moon, the ground is covered with silver frost, thousands of households are pounding clothes, and the sound of pounding rice is endless. Occasionally, a woman in the well is washing clothes while singing a tune she overheard from a brothel. Although the singing is not good, it is interesting.

Many libertines are willing to listen.

Only the last quarter moon is the most chilling. The cold light shines on the iron clothes and the sharp edges, and the cold light shines. There is no sound of Hujia in Chang'an, only the warm lights of thousands of houses behind the cold iron clothes.

The moonlight is bright today, and when the huge pale yellow full moon rises from Dongshan, the huge phoenix at the entrance of Jinchangfang begins to shine. Its colorful wings flicker and flicker with the lights, as if it comes to life, and it starts to sing loudly.


Under the moonlight, the originally dark east side of the Big Wild Goose Pagoda was covered with a layer of frost. This made this tall tower, which has been criticized by the people of Chang'an for a long time, like a half-rusted thorn, piercing straight into the sky.


The flame on the Tianshu of the All Nations is still burning brightly, but the light it emits is too weak and is easily suppressed by the bright moon, just like a candle swaying in the cold wind.

When the candles in Xingqing Palace were lit, Chang'an immediately came to life. The bright candles and the bright moon in the sky reflected each other, like a dialogue between the human world and the heavenly palace.

"Uh-huh-huh-huh-huh-how high is the sky?"

"Gee-hoo-hoo---the sky is nine levels high!"

"Uh-huh-huh-huh-huh-where is my emperor?"


"Gee-hoo-hoo--the bright moon is a candle, and the thunder is a drum."

"Gee-hoo-hoo---the wind is like a cattail leaf fan, and the rain is like nectar."

"Gee-up-a-ha--aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa………the earth is the platform, Chang'an is the plate."

"Gee-hoo-hoo--dragons and phoenixes are for food, and rivers are for drink."

"Gee-hoo-ga--dig a spoonful of water from the cave and congratulate our emperor."

"Your Majesty's life is three thousand frosts, and the fortune of the country will be long."

"Your Majesty's life is three thousand frosts, and the fortune of the country is long..."

When the ceremonial officer and a group of officials began to sing eulogies to welcome the emperor, Yunchu stood at the edge, so he could see very clearly that when those officials sang eulogies, they really hoped that the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty would live long, and even more.

The Tang Dynasty lasted for a long time, at least, that's what they thought and did at this moment.

A golden bell rang, and eight strong men holding ceremonial guards appeared and stood on both sides. Not to mention their height, each of them seemed to weigh three hundred kilograms.

Then there were eight pairs of palace maids in gorgeous palace attire, carrying lanterns, gold lamps, incense burners and other ritual utensils. They walked lightly and could not see their feet. They looked like they were gliding on the smooth ground. Yun Chu estimated that

, each of them is at least 1.8 meters tall.

During the welcome song, eight more eunuchs wearing black clothes and tall black gauze appeared with horizontal swords on their waists. Each of them held a vermilion lacquer wooden plate in their hands, which was covered with dark brocade.

What were they wearing? However, judging from these vigorous steps and thick joints, Yunchu still discovered that these should be eight castrated super masters.

When Emperor Li Zhi, who was wearing an unruly fur hat and a large fur hat, came out leading a black and white giant bear made of gold and jade, the two wings of the screen behind him were deliberately lowered by two palace maidens.

Li Zhi, who was walking in front, looked extremely tall. Without Pingshan, the giant bear behind him didn't look that big. However, the giant bear walked with Li Zhi, and the giant bear rubbed close to Li Zhi from time to time, just like a fairy.


If Li Zhi didn't sit down, others couldn't sit down. As for Yunchu, who had sold all his seats at a good price, he could only stand against the pillar.

Li Zhi sat down, and the giant bear lay at Li Zhi's feet. The people who came to the banquet still couldn't sit down. Both men and women started dancing. After three times, Li Zhi whispered through the gap in the crown bead curtain: "Sit down."

The ceremony officer immediately shouted out the salute, and then everyone backed up and slowly moved back to their seats relying on their memory.

When Li Zhi spoke, everything was so silent that you could hear a needle drop.

"I am very happy to return to Chang'an. I am particularly happy to see that all the people in the house are loyal ministers and filial sons of the Tang Dynasty. Today's banquet is called - the Bright Moon Banquet. My heart is as bright as the sky. My dear friends should also be careful as the bright moon. You can speak freely during the banquet.

, you can have fun without worrying about it.”

After saying that, he picked up the wine bottle in front of him and said, "I love you so much, please drink a lot."

Li Zhi touched the wine bottle lightly with his lips and put it down. All the guests, both men and women, drank it in one gulp.

Before the drum music started, Wei An, the head of the Wei family who was sitting on the first seat on the left, stood up with a wine bottle and said: "The bright moon is in the sky, shining thousands of miles away. The Tang Dynasty is peaceful and the people are prosperous. I congratulate your majesty."

With Lao Wei taking the lead, everyone stood up once again and shouted: "I congratulate Your Majesty..."

This scene looks beautiful, but unfortunately, it is just the fantasy of Yu Wenjing, the Minister of Rites...

In fact, Li Zhi was wearing a simple purple robe, his hair was tied up with a jade hairpin, and he was wearing a pair of soft shoes. He was followed by a giant bear whose coat was not smooth at all.

The huge head was stuffed between Li Zhi's legs, which made it difficult for Li Zhi to walk smoothly. From time to time, he had to pull the giant bear's head to the side.

There was no 300-pound strong man to open the way, no 1.8-meter-tall palace maid to perform the ceremony, and no eight or eight strong eggless people to guard the left and right. There was only an unscrupulous Emperor, stumbling out from behind.

The emperor used to be a person who paid great attention to etiquette and ostentation, and especially liked the grand spectacle of worship from all nations. At that time, even if there were no nations, the Ministry of Rites would tell the border army to find a way to gather all nations to come to Chang'an to worship.

At that time, every move of the emperor was treated with supreme honor. His clothes could not be extravagant, the ostentation could not be grand, and the number of participants could not be large. Even the voice he spoke could be made into a high-pitched and polite tone.

Since when did the emperor not care about these things?

Yuwen Jing thought it was after Emperor Taishan enshrined Zen.

Before Taishan was enshrined in Zen, there were always a few weird-looking barbarians or vulgar-looking foreigners in the court hall. At every court meeting, the emperor would even specifically name these barbarians or foreigners and ask them to talk about similar things that happened to them in their country.

solutions, and as a result, their answers made the whole room laugh every time.

After Taishan was enshrined in Zen, there were basically no foreigners in the court. The few remaining Japanese officials also disappeared from the court. When the emperor stopped going to court and the prince and the queen were in charge, the foreigners looked like foreigners.

There were more officials, and most of them belonged to the Queen's political camp.

The opportunities for His Majesty the Emperor to wear a large fur hat are becoming less and less. Even in the grand occasions of the Spring and Autumn Festival, the Emperor has never appeared in full dress.

However, when the emperor came out, everything was silent, and it was true that you could hear a needle drop.

Yu Wenjing thought this was a sign that the emperor's power had been greatly consolidated. Looking to the horizon, he saw officials and captives everywhere. Who would he want to show to when he was wearing a fur hat?

His Majesty the Emperor no longer needs these external things to embellish his honor. As long as he appears, it is a supreme glory to his ministers. Wherever he is, he is the center of heaven and earth.

Li Zhi finally reached the seat of honor and threw his heavy body onto the large platform. He grabbed a bottle of grape wine with his slender white hands and took a sip. Then he said to Yu Wenjing, the Minister of Rites, "Let's get started."


Yuwen Jing just struck the golden hammer, and the golden bell made a buzzing sound. Then a group of women in palace costumes holding feather fans came out from behind the huge pillars. One feather fan covered their face, and another feather fan covered their belly. The feather fans trembled endlessly.

Got into the pose of the Spring Festival Dance.

Yun Chu looked at Wei An who was very impatient because he couldn't speak, and was very worried about Old Man Wei. If he couldn't communicate with the emperor, the thousands of acres of land he used to buy the seat would really be wasted.


There are particularities to the Spring Festival Dance performed by palace ladies. This dance can only be seen at the emperor's banquet in the spring. Whenever this dance starts, some high-status ministers will come on stage to dance. If the ministers have a high status, the emperor will be very happy.

If he paid attention to it, the emperor would occasionally dance a song surrounded by his concubines.

Wei An and other senior ministers left their seats one after another and began to twist their old waists and dance to celebrate the New Year to the emperor.

The emperor did not move, but only patted the giant bear's brain twice. The giant bear wiggled into the dancing crowd, stood upright, and started jumping around.

Under Yun Chu's worried eyes, the emperor waved to Wei An, who was out of breath from dancing. Wei An quickly passed through the dancing crowd, came to the emperor's feet and bent down to salute.

Li Zhi held the wine bottle in one hand and leaned forward. At this time, the sound of the dance music gradually became smaller and smaller, almost inaudible.

Even so, others still couldn't hear what the emperor said to Wei An, but the old Wei An had already prostrated himself on the ground and paid homage to the emperor. It can be seen from his surprised look that the old guy benefited a lot this time.


Although everyone was dancing, their eyes were fixed on Emperor Li Zhi. There were people like Wei An who were in tears of gratitude, and people like Du Shi who were out of their minds. Generally speaking, after the Spring Festival dance with one stick of incense, the excitement of the people in the field was

The joys and sorrows are different.

Li Zhi sat on a high seat with a golden sword, holding a wine bottle in his hand, took a sip of wine, and looked at the people in the audience with a smile, like a contented old shepherd checking his sheepfold.

Lu Zhaolin quietly came to Yun Chu with a bottle of wine and whispered: "Your Majesty's power is unparalleled."

Yang Jiong also took the opportunity to whisper: "I thought these people would make some demands while His Majesty was in Chang'an, but I didn't expect that in front of His Majesty, they were really like cattle and sheep waiting to be slaughtered, not to mention making conditions... Haha


Yun Chu said with the same emotion: "The momentum of an eternal emperor far surpassing that of Qin and Han Dynasties has been achieved. Whoever touches him will be unlucky."

Lu Zhaolin said: "I'm afraid Emperor Taizong didn't have such power in the past."

Yang Jiong said: "During the period of Emperor Taizong, the Tang Dynasty was surrounded by wolves. Tubo and Goguryeo were both great enemies. Now, of these two great enemies, one has fled to Niboluo, and the other ancestral temple has been destroyed..."

While Yun Chu was whispering to Lu Zhao next door and Yang Jiong, Wu Chengsi was sitting on the most inconspicuous seat in the calyx building, drinking glass after glass with his brother Wu Sansi.

Although Yun Chu was unparalleled in power at this time, their brothers were not envious at all, and even wanted to stay away from Yun Chu.

Wu Chengsi has always believed that it is difficult to take advantage of the royal family. Even if you take advantage of it now, you will definitely pay an equally tragic price in the future. This is the way of balance in the royal family. It is allowed for each to lead the coquettish person for three to five years. It is allowed to lead the coquettish person.

After decades, that means you are ignorant.

Wu Chengsi's eyes passed through the dense crowd of heads, and the emperor in the distance was already out of reach.

Wu Sansi took a sip of the grape wine, shook the bronze wine bottle in his hand, and said to Wu Chengsi: "Today's wine seems to be a little on the high side."

Wu Chengsi smiled and said: "Yun Chu said that if the wine is not drunk, everyone will get drunk. This is the time."

Wu Sansi laughed and raised the wine bottle and said, "The cup is full of strong power. The power of the wine will increase by three points. Brother, please drink this cup to the full to increase my brother's life and blessings."

Wu Chengsi was a light drinker, so he drank all the wine in his glass, slapped the table and sang in a low voice: "That day, when we say goodbye, the snowflakes are flying again..."

Before he could continue singing, Wu Sansi, who still had some alcohol to drink, covered Wu Chengsi's mouth and yelled in a low voice: "Brother, do you want to be beaten by Yun Chu?"

This chapter has been completed!
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