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Chapter 198: Those who deserve to die will not die, and those who do not deserve to die will all die.

Chapter 1273 Those who deserve to die will not die, and those who do not deserve to die will all die.

The sound of shelling continued, and there were still many shellings, which made the already hot city of Chang'an seem noisy.

At first, the people thought that a disaster was coming. They were all so panicked that they wanted to bury their heads in the ground to feel safe.

However, there is an adaptation process to panic.

When the bad guys and bad guys standing on the wall of the square risked their lives to guard, they suddenly discovered that most of the shells flew into the homes of the high-walled compound, and immediately thought that this horrific bombardment had nothing to do with the common people.

After the bad guy took off his leather armor, took back his sword, and put away all the weapons used to kill enemies, such as spears and crossbows, the smarter people knew that shelling had nothing to do with him, a man who earns a hundred cents a day.


As a result, there were some nefarious people who hid far away and started watching the fun.

Some people are watching the fun, and smarter people will start small businesses such as eating in crowded places, which leads to more people coming out to watch the fun.

It wasn't until the village chiefs discovered that the unlucky people were only those in the big houses, they opened the gates of the village and allowed people to come in and out. No matter what, they still had to eat. Many families didn't work or do business today.

Eat food.

So, after noon, a strange scene appeared in Chang'an City. On one side were the walls and houses that had been bombarded by artillery, and the houses collapsed, and wealthy families were struggling to survive. On the other side, there was a market scene with people coming and going with the sound of hawking.

The two scenes are distinct and do not look like people living in the same area.

In fact, the people of Chang'an have become accustomed to it. Since Li Tang ascended the throne, too many bloody incidents have occurred in this city. However, the good news is that these bloody incidents did not affect the people very much.

During the Xuanwumen Incident, tens of thousands of soldiers were furious, and rivers of blood flowed on the streets as they attacked each other. No less than 30,000 people died that night. They were basically members of the gentry and had little impact on the common people. That was the incident.

In the summer of 2016, Chang'an attracted flies.

Later, Prince Cheng Qian and his father-in-law Hou Junji rebelled together, and the rebellion was also so violent. However, most of the casualties were soldiers and nobles. Even some cities and towns suffered from fire. The fire finally

It was also extinguished by the generals of the Fire Patrol Shop. Overall, the loss was not great.

Next, we have to consider the tragedy of the Imperial City not long ago. However, the people who closed the gates of the Imperial City tightly and went around killing people inside had little to do with the people of Chang'an.

The above are just some major events. Small and medium-sized murders and riots are not surprising in Chang'an. There are always some small families who rely on their own private soldiers who refuse to stretch their necks and are beheaded by the emperor. Small-scale wars in Chang'an

It's almost commonplace.

Chang'an people, who have always had rich experience in watching lively events, have long had a strong immunity to this kind of thing, which allowed them to regain their composure after a brief period of panic.

It's just that you need to avoid the sound of shelling when shouting about your own business.

This is the self-confidence of the Chang'an people. They are very sure that even if the Tang Dynasty changes dynasties after this bombardment, it will have little to do with them. No matter who becomes the emperor, the one who comes to collect taxes in the shop tomorrow will still be the mean one.

The colorful tax collector.

Yunchu spent a whole day fighting for the upper reaches of the Wannian County government office.

When he was the first to play the last card in his hand, cheers burst out.

At this moment, the Wannian County government office was so crowded that it was difficult to find a place to stay. It seemed that people from all the wealthy families in Chang'an had come to the county government office. They were all scared to death, but their faces were full of flattery.


Yun Chu turned around and glanced at the disgraced Wu Chengsi, and finally his eyes fell on the fat baby in his arms. The child was very courageous. He was not afraid of so many people. He slept peacefully in Wu Chengsi's bad room.


Wu Sansi's head was wrapped with gauze, and the blood stains on his face had not been wiped off. One of his hands was still hanging by his side. It looked like it was dislocated... This must be blamed on Yun Chu. In the past, when nothing happened, Yun Chu would often put Wu Sansi

Sansi's arm was dislocated, causing him to suffer from habitual dislocation from time to time.

Yun Chu stood up and casually connected Wu Sansi's arm, then asked Wu Chengsi: "How can I bring my child to work? Where is the child's mother?"

Wu Chengsi forced out a difficult smile and said: "The house collapsed and I didn't survive."

Yun Chu waved his hand and said: "Take your children to my mansion to rest for a while. Your mansion may not be safe."

Wu Chengsi shook his head and said: "I will serve you as a low-ranking official."

Yun Chu waved his hand and said: "Okay, let the handyman recruit a wet nurse for the child. If you don't eat or drink, the child won't be able to bear it. Just rest in my mansion. I don't believe it. Governor Hechun dares to confront him."

The Wannian County government office opened fire."

Ji Wangshen, who was sitting opposite Yunchu, sighed and said, "Yong Wangxian's mansion has been reduced to ruins."

Cao Wangming, who was following Ji Wangshen, followed up and said: "The palace of Princess Taiping, with its carved beams and painted pillars, has also become ashes."

"The mansion of Huang Yuzhong, the imperial censor, collapsed. The whole house collapsed, and less than ten people escaped."

"Princess Pu'an was directly hit by a cannonball and turned into powder."


"The fire was raging in Duke Dou's mansion. The remaining people in the mansion wanted to escape, but the door could not be opened no matter what. They were burned to death in the end. Marquis Yun, I would like to ask why the people in the fire patrol shop not only did not put out the fire, but

What’s the point of watering the roofs of neighboring houses with water trucks?”

"Also, although there are rebels in my Ashina clan, all those rebels have been wiped out. Why are all the Ashina clan's mansions being bombarded this time?

Marquis Yun, now that you are staying in Chang'an, you need to give me an explanation."

Yun Chu turned around and looked at the angry-looking Yinqing Guanglu doctor Shi Renji and said: "Your father Shi Danai, your brother Shi Renbiao, one is a Yuan Cong of Taiyuan, an old minister of the Xifu, and the other is the princess's consort and captain, they can all be considered

An important minister of the country and a confidant of His Majesty.

This time Princess Pu'an's mansion was razed to the ground by artillery, and Dou Guogong's mansion was even bombarded, causing a huge fire and annihilating the entire family.

You and I both know who did this.

Your Majesty cannot be at fault, so you should look for faults in yourself, see what you did wrong, and then go to His Majesty to apologize. Do you think I did the right thing?"

Shi Renji's eyes almost burst out with flames, but there was nothing he could do against Yun Chu, because what Yun Chu said was not wrong at all. The emperor could not be wrong, and they were the only ones who were wrong.

After leaving Shi Renji speechless, Yun Chuyou said to brother Wu Chengsi: "This principle also applies to you. After being bombarded, if Your Majesty does not mention this matter, you brothers should completely forget about it.


After that, he raised his hand to tease the baby in Wu Chengsi's arms and said, "Don't tell him the cause of his mother's death."

Wu Chengsi smiled sadly and said: "Not counting the Wu clan members, there are no less than a hundred guests in the hall..."

Yun Chu looked at the "nothing" sign tied around the child's neck and said, "I warned you."

Wu Chengsi choked up and said, "I thought it was more than that."

Yun Chu seemed to be saying it to the Wu brothers, and also seemed to be saying it to everyone around him.

"No one is irreplaceable, no one is so important that it is indispensable. Don't be too proud, and don't be too self-righteous. From the moment you go against His Majesty's wishes and rush into the second workshop to see, study, and cast cannons,

Your Majesty no longer exists in your eyes.

You don't have His Majesty in your eyes, and you still covet artillery despite His Majesty's repeated orders. So, today, His Majesty takes your lives without telling you. No one should feel wronged.

This is very fair.

Today, it is estimated that everyone does not dare to go back to live in the mansion, so you will stay at the county office for a day and wait for the artillery to evacuate Chang'an before you go home. If my prediction is correct, the end of the artillery bombardment will herald the leak of the artillery secrets.

It’s over.”

After saying that, Yun Chu saw that it was getting late and it was time for him to get off work, so he left the Wannian County Government Office and rode his black horse with Yin Erhu to prepare to go home.

When passing by Chang'an Station, I found that the station had completely turned into a pile of ruins. There were many fire patrol generals and bad guys searching for anyone who might be alive in the ruins.

However, seeing a few people from Baiqisi in the search crowd, Yun Chu thought that it would be impossible for those bad guys and the people from the Fire Patrol Shop to find survivors today.

So, he came to the ruins and called a bad commander to come over and said: "If you find any of the officials, servants and servants of the post station alive, let him live."

The bad handsome man said softly: "Your Majesty, our people have run away long ago."

Yun Chu said in surprise: "Do they know that the inn will be bombarded?"

The bad handsome man shook his head and said: "I don't know, but since Baiqisi's people appeared near the post station, Yi Cheng gave 80% of the workers a holiday. After the house in the south of the city was bombarded, Yi Cheng took the province

The guy who got off ran away."

When Yun Chu heard what Bad Commander said, he said to Baiqisi's spies who came over: "Search carefully and don't let any of them go."

When he got home, Fei Jiu had already prepared bath water, fresh fruits and warm tea in the bathhouse.

Yun Chu jumped into the pool and lurked in the water for a long time before emerging and gasping for air. At the same time, a human head also emerged from the pool next to him.

Yunchu took a towel and wrapped it around his waist, and said to Taiping, whose face was stained with water, "You are really too presumptuous."

Taiping raised his pink face and looked at Yunchu and said, "Little Bird is always worried that I have a crush on Yun Jin. What he doesn't know is that the only person I have a crush on is Junhou."

The clear water waves could not cover Taiping's fair body at all. In the rippling water, her not plump body was much larger than usual due to the refraction of light.

This is a woman who clearly knows where her strengths lie. Because her breasts are small, she lies on her stomach. Because she rides horses all the time and has plump buttocks, she deliberately half-exposes the water. The waves she creates slap against her buttocks, which makes Yun Chu feel very

of metamorphosis.

"As long as you know and I know..."

Taiping slowly raised his fair body, half-kneeling in the pool, biting his red lips and looking up at Yunchu.

This chapter has been completed!
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