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Chapter 170 He who has no perseverance has no perseverance

"When I was in the Western Regions, I heard that Chang'an was a glittering city, and the people living in the city lived as happy lives as pigs.

You know how much I paid for my life as an eighth-grade official, and how much effort I put in to bring my sister all the way from the sandy Western Region to Chang'an. I hope that we, brothers and sisters, can be together from now on.

Live a happy life like a pig.

As a result, after I entered the customs, I felt something was wrong. Every time I passed a big city, my heart felt cold. When I stood in front of the gate of Chang'an with my girl, my heart felt completely cold.

There is a king in the city of Chang'an, but there is no thunder and lightning in the king's hands. There is delicious food in the city of Chang'an, but none of it can be eaten for free. There are luxurious houses in the city of Chang'an, but none of them can accommodate my brother and sister.

And before I came to Chang'an, I had already boasted to many barbarians about how wonderful Chang'an was.

Now Chang'an is not as good as I said, what should I do?

When I was in the Western Regions, I met a group of people whose village was right on the edge of the desert. Every year when there was wind and sand, the desert would move towards their village, flooding their cultivated fields and swallowing up their houses.

I thought these people would move away and find a good place to live again, but I didn't expect that every year they would plant Haloxylon ammodendron and tamarisk in the desert, and tie wheat straw into grass lattice to prevent wind and control sand.

Later, when I passed by there again, I found that the huge sand dunes were actually motionless. Oh, and I also ate the melons produced in their fields, which were really sweeter than honey."

Li Shen frowned and said: "Would this happen to the world?"

Yun Chu smiled and said: "That village is called Babusha. If King Ji goes to the Western Regions in the future, you can go and have a look. The melons there are really sweet."

"What does it have to do with people planting trees on the sand and you putting gold foil on Chang'an?"

Yun Chu straightened up his upper body and looked at Li Shen and said: "They can control the wind and sand, so that the sand dunes stop rolling and become lush and green. Why can't I cover the entire Chang'an with gold foil, and then let the people of the Western Regions know that, look, Chang'an

It’s really golden.”

Li Shen was silent for a long time, and then said to Yun Chu: "I know about your building a house in Guangfufang, and I also know that you are doing it with nothing. Although I don't understand how you did it, I believe it.

, if I give you enough trust, you are a person who can really cover Chang'an with gold foil."

Yun Chu smiled and said: 'So, don't test me on things that could lead to death or annihilation.

I have important things to do, so instead of wasting your time here, why don't you go directly to ask your father-in-law. The people who came to my house that day were all here because of my father-in-law's face. They really have nothing to do with me."

Li Shen nodded and said: "I think so too. If you want to get those unruly people to come to your home together, no one in the Tang Dynasty can do it except Yinggong.

I guess Your Majesty is thanking you for organizing those seven long table banquets. After all, this is a good thing that can boost morale. I will give you a little glory so that you can continue to do this in the future."

Yun Chu looked at Li Shen gratefully and said, "There is no wiser person than King Ji."

Li Shen snorted and said, "You have no respect for me as a prince."

Yun Chu said quickly: "We met through Sun Shenxian. In the small courtyard of Sun Shenxian's house, you don't have half the majesty of a prince. I thought you liked this kind of contact."

"It's really comfortable. When dealing with others, I usually talk to their butts."

"Why is this?"

"Because whether they are saluting or kneeling, their buttocks are higher than their heads. It's better for you to be more comfortable here. At least you can look at your face and speak."

Yun Chu gritted his teeth and said, "You are treating my face as my butt."

"Is that thing about Babusha Village true?"


"It's incredible. I thought it was a legend that Yu Gong moved the mountains. Even if it was a legend, there were two sons of the Kua'e family helping in it, but I didn't expect it to be true. Those people accomplished such a great feat with just one hand. It's amazing."

Yun Chu smiled and said: "Listening to thunder in a silent place is the most shocking thing."

"Would you like those four women? If you like them, I'll give them to you."

"No, I only want fat ones."

"Tsk, tsk, it's like jade when you look at it, and it's like cotton when you touch it. You have to be a gourmet to understand the taste. It's amazing that you, a virgin, have such insights."

Yunchu finally sent away a pervert prince, and asked Erniu to change a pool of new water, bury his whole body in the water, and prepare to drown in the pool.

This is the result that Li Ji wants. He has already stamped the mark of the military on Yunchu's butt. It is still the kind that everyone in the world will know and visit.

As for the planting of trees in Babusha, it is naturally not something that happened in the world of the Tang Dynasty.

He visited and ate the melons and grapes grown by other people. The desert in summer actually gave him a grassland feeling.

Very, very amazing.

It's a pity that such a great achievement was regarded by him as an inconspicuous footnote in a long story of convincing others.

Yun Chu did not succeed in committing suicide in the end, mainly because it was too uncomfortable to hold his breath in the water for too long.

It’s already too uncomfortable when you’re alive. If death is even more uncomfortable than when you’re alive, why seek death?

I hope Li Shen can inform Li Zhi about what was discussed in the bathhouse. Yunchu knew very well that with Li Shen's character, he would not pay attention to such trivial matters at all.

He knew very clearly how and why his younger brothers died.

After Li Shen left, Yunchu's place was quiet for half a month. Yu Xiurong's aunt didn't bother her anymore, and she seemed to have forgotten about her request for a son, Maitreya.

Yunchu guessed that Li Zhi had asked Li Ji about his dethronement, and Li Ji's answer satisfied him very much. Then, the matter of deposing the queen had basically been settled, and Yu Xiurong's aunt also felt that there was no need to help Queen Wang anymore.


Just when people were spreading rumors about the abolition of the queen, Yun Chu finally came to the first ancient scientific expedition he had participated in in his two lives.

If students of the Imperial College want to take the scientific examination, they must first pass the Imperial Examination. Because Yunchu performed well during the two and a half years of studying at Taixue, he was exempted from the examination.

Originally, he was going to take the Mingshi Examination. After getting the examination procedures, he found that, as Ying Gong said, he was going to take the Jinshi Examination.

The exam location is at the Sifang Pavilion of Honglu Temple in the Imperial City, just where you turn left after entering the Zhuque Gate.

Yun Chu got up before dawn, and Cui, Naha, and Yu Xiurong, who hadn't gone home since last night and slept with Naha, came over to dress up Yun Chu.

In fact, there is nothing to dress up. The official uniform of the eighth rank is the same as the official uniform of the eighth rank, but there is an extra bulge on the gauze crown, and there is not a bulge as long as a rabbit's tail.

There is no need to bring food, not even pens, ink, paper and inkstones. If you go in the morning, you will be back at noon if you go earlier.

Yunchu felt that he should be able to come back at noon, because the Jinshi examination only tests strategies related to important affairs of the world, that is, the five ways of current affairs.

According to the assessment regulations, those who passed all economics and policy courses were grade A, and those who passed all four courses were grade B. As for those who passed grade B, there is no need to say it, as they must have been dismissed.

Yun Chu strongly refused to apply makeup and powder. Even if Yu Xiurong deliberately held his arm between her breasts to act coquettishly, Yun Chu would not agree to apply makeup or powder.

Anyway, the good things are all homemade, so if you eat sparingly, you can eat them for a longer time. There is no need to rush.

The boots are new, and there is a monkey on horseback embroidered on them, which has a good meaning of becoming a marquis immediately.

After a delicious meal of steamed buns and two bowls of rice porridge, Fei Jiu drove him to the imperial city in a carriage.

At this time, the gate of the square had not yet opened. Liu Yi had been waiting there early and quietly opened the middle gate, hoping that his family would be blessed with the royal family's luck and succeed in one fell swoop.

At this point, Yunchu discovered a secret. It seemed that people who had been with him for a long time had basically lost their respect for the royal family. Di Renjie was like this, Pei Xingjian was like this, and Liu Yi was afraid of having his head smashed by fruit even when he walked.

Now I dare to open the exclusive royal door and let my own growth out.

Therefore, Yunchu felt that he might be poisonous.

There are many bad people standing on Zhuque Street. As long as people arrive at Zhuque Street, they are basically not allowed to go back. If you want to go back, you have to wait until the city gate opens and the square gate opens.

The saying that the osmanthus tree only has thirty branches actually makes no sense. Some osmanthus trees may have more than thirty branches, and some may not even have five or six branches. However, this osmanthus tree in the Jinshi family may have only thirty branches.

There are only thirty branches on the tree.

In other words, there are only thirty lucky people who can successfully pass the Jinshi examination every year, and the number of people who take the Jinshi examination every year has never been less than 2,500.

It’s truly one out of a hundred.

Some scholars were walking towards the imperial city carrying book boxes on their backs. Looking at them with their heads held high, Yun Chu was really happy for them. No matter whether they were successful or not, this momentum must not be let down.

Everyone is a scholar, so it is not a problem to help each other, so after Yunchu was a little polite, his carriage was filled with students heading to the imperial city to take the exam.

It was dark and he couldn't see his clothes clearly, so Yunchu could only endure the smell of his feet and listen to their talk.

Some people said that their scrolls did well this year and were delivered to a certain princess's house. They were also lucky enough to stay in the princess's house for several days and listen to the princess's teachings in person.

Some say that they have studied hard for twenty years and have been grinding through it with inkstones, and their knowledge has already reached the peak. For him, this time to enter the Shishi Department is just a formality. When the list comes out, he will definitely invite everyone to see all the flowers in Chang'an.


Some even in the crowded crowd have begun to criticize the injustice of those in power, believing that once they enter high school, they will definitely reverse the current bad trend.

Yun Chu liked to listen to them, because the more satisfied these people were with talking big words now, the more frustrated they would be after the list came down.

A long time ago, Yun Chu always thought that Huang Chao was not a good person, and could even be said to be a beast. After all, not everyone could do the thing of grinding people into a pulp and using them as military rations.

Now he began to try to understand Huang Chao. He failed to pass the Jinshi exam many times and his family fortune was ruined. No matter who he was, he would be very angry.

Yun Chu very much hoped that these confident students would not be angry or annoyed after failing the exam, and would go home to farm honestly, instead of following Huang Chao's example of grinding people into a pulp and using them as military rations.

The first ray of sunshine in Chang'an City always shone on the imperial city first, but now it is different. The stupid Big Wild Goose Pagoda was hit by the sun first than anywhere else. Under the sunshine, the spire of the Big Wild Goose Pagoda became

It looked as if it had been burned red by the sun, piercing straight into the blue sky.

This chapter has been completed!
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