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Chapter 182 Thunder

All day long, the Wannian County Government Office located in Dongshi was silent, especially after the county magistrate, county magistrate, and chief registrar left the county office, and the heavy footsteps of the servants who provided soup to the officials continued.

They didn't dare to send it out.

It is said that the yard of the County Lieutenant's Office has become a slaughterhouse.

Especially Liao Wanchun, the famous stick king in Chang'an City, was beaten to a pulp by the tyrannical county captain.

Even so, the work of recovering stolen goods was still going on, and everyone in the county government could hear the sound of sticks falling on human flesh from time to time, as well as screams that sounded like and were not made by humans.

"I heard that the county captain wanted to demand a thousand dollars, but Liao Wanchun refused, so he was beaten into a puddle of flesh."

The servant who delivered the soup came out of the county lieutenant's office in fear, and was pulled into the house by a large group of people, who closed the doors and windows and asked in low voices.

"We already had enough for one thousand guan, but the county captain felt that the amount he had set was too little, so he decided to get enough for 3,000 guan first.

The one being beaten now is Gou Yuchun. His uncle is a tax collector in Dongshi. He used to exploit merchants with his uncle a lot. He should be a fat sheep."

"He can also bully little pawns like Gou Yuchun. Only those who have the ability to arrest tax collectors are considered capable. His family has more money."

Before he finished speaking, he saw three delinquents locking a fat middle-aged man with an iron chain and walking in from outside.

There were injuries on his head and face, and he was stumbling when he walked, as if he had been tortured.

"Look, look, isn't that Tax Collector Liang? We really need to arrest him. Grandpa Tian, ​​is this county captain crazy about money?"

"I heard that the former Hu Cao was close to this man. Now he is the chief registrar of the seventh rank in Chang'an County. Wu Hu Cao, you haven't messed with Jinchangfang in the past two years. Why don't you go get close to me?"

, let’s see what this God is going to do?”

"Chen Facao, you are a serious subordinate. Isn't it time for you to take a break?"

"Why are we walking? When I saw Liao Wanchun being carried out in a bloody state, I was worried that I would not be able to get out if I went in.

Brothers, let’s comment. We are people who have many things to do every day. Who is not busy all day long? Who doesn’t work on thousands of cases throughout the year? It is inevitable that there will be mistakes..."

"Who makes you unlucky? I have long heard that this man was able to kill three in and three out of a million Turkic troops in the Western Regions when he was thirteen or fourteen years old. In his eyes, human life is like a piece of shit hanging under the neck of a horse.

military merit.

If you work as a subordinate to others, you will get scolded at most, but if you work as a subordinate of this person, it will cost you your life."

Feng Zhong, an experienced and prudent prison supervisor, said: "At present, it seems that the county lieutenant is only targeting the arresters, policemen, and government officials. Usually these people are the most resented by the people. The reason why the county lieutenant seeks money is not to keep it for himself."

, it seems that the county lieutenant wants to do something big and needs money and food...

If that's the case, let's see if we small yamen can squeeze some out for the county captain and fill in some holes."

"Are you going to ask the county captain?"

"Who's going?"

Feng Zhong said: "It's better for me to go. However, instead of asking the county captain, I'm going to ask Sun, the chief registrar of Chang'an County. He should still have some dignity in front of the county captain."

"Go quickly, go quickly, I don't understand this, we people are not satisfied with the food."

From the very beginning, Yun Chu had no intention of letting go of these arrests, agents, and government officials. When he learned that more than half of the arrests and government officials in Wannian County were related to Liao Wanchun, this Liao Wanchun was already dead.


The saying that an emperor has one emperor and one minister is the same for the officials below. Whenever a new chief official takes office, the people in important positions under him will basically have to be changed. This is common sense.

Yun Chu just did it more thoroughly. When Liao Wanchun and others were about to take a look at the limelight on the first day of taking office as the county captain, and then confirm their actions, Yun Chu took action immediately.

Moreover, in one move, the leader of these people, Liao Wanchun, was killed, followed immediately by ransacking their homes, exterminating households, imprisoning all of Liao Wanchun's adult descendants, and continuing to torture them about their hidden properties.

Yun Chu had no intention of letting go of the people who were following Liao Wanchun. Since they had made people like Zhang Jia wait for two years and had lived two years of hard life without extortion or extortion, today, they would be fed with this meal.

Yunchu did not go home at night, but stayed in the government office, where he met with the Six Cao Manager of Wannian County.

Originally, the Liucao stewards thought that Yun Chu would offend County Magistrate Zheng and County Magistrate Huang by doing this, so they were waiting to see the joke.

Wu Hucao from Wannian County responded to Yunchu's inquiry and told him everything he knew, and he tried his best to flatter him.

Especially when he heard that there were still 3,784 copper coins and 621 copper coins in Wannian County's treasury, he had just cleverly fooled several of Yunchu's stewards, and they all felt like they were mourning for their heirs.


Where did Wannian County's coffers come from so much money? Since the establishment of Wannian County in the Tang Dynasty, the money in Wannian County's coffers has never exceeded one thousand guan.

Now, where does all this money come from?

When they saw Wu Hu Cao flatteringly placing a stack of withdrawal slips from Xiangji Kitchen and large merchants' withdrawal slips on Yun Chu's desk, they were all heartbroken. It was at this moment that they understood

Now, why is Wannian County so wealthy?

Yun Chu put down his pen, looked at the trembling stewards, and said calmly: "Before noon tomorrow, the money in Wannian County's treasury must be more than 5,000 guan. If it is insufficient, we will start checking the accounts from three years ago.

, look where the missing one thousand two hundred and twenty ounces of money went."

After finishing speaking, he looked at Wu Hucao and said, "This matter will be left to your supervision and verification. The time limit will be noon tomorrow."

Wu Hucao whispered: "Wei."

Yun Chu looked up at the people standing below and said, "Everyone, cheer up. Next, we have to check the fields, hidden households, and taxes.

The soldiers in the jurisdiction will count their heads for me one by one. If there is an extra head, I will chop off the extra head. If there is a missing head, I will chop off your heads to make up the number.

The meritorious families who are exempted from tax must be clearly reported to me one by one. If they report too much, I will make the meritorious family immediately become a criminal family. If they conceal the report and replace it, they will have to pay back ten times the benefits they enjoyed in the first place.

When I say ten times, I refer to copper coins, not real objects.

I don't care if you sell your sons and daughters, or let your wives work in Pingkangfang to make money, in short, the accounts must be balanced.

Don't even think about dying. Nothing will be settled after you die. You are reluctant to sell your children and daughters, and you are reluctant to let your wife go to Pingkangfang to make money. I will help you do these things and make you even a ghost.

If you are really angry, you can turn into a ghost and come to me. I have seen more dead people in the Western Regions than you have ever seen alive.

In addition, you can also quickly find connections. I will also find connections, and then I will use the connections I found to put the connections you found into jail together.

Remember, I will start checking these things one by one in a month. If you don’t believe it, you can wait and see.

Okay, now you can go back and have a good sleep. You see, I am still very reasonable. I have not removed your official position. Even if it is an expatriate official, I will keep it for you. Go ahead, go ahead.


A group of people left Yun Chu's official office as lightly as ghosts. At this time, they looked back at Yun Chu who was sitting under the red candle and reading documents. Many, many people knew that they were in doom.

Compared with the current scene in Wannian County, what happened in Chang'an County more than two years ago was nothing at all. That time, Di Renjie only wanted the official position of an official in Chang'an County. This time, Yun Chu wanted a lot more.

People's wealth and life.

In Wannian County, the moment Yun Chu's left foot stepped in, the officials here saw the real living King of Hell.

Just when Yun Chu was tired from reading the documents, Wen Wen walked into Yun Chu's official office with a jar of wine and a food box.

Yun Chu skillfully opened the wine jar, took a sip of wine, and then took out a chicken leg from the food box and took a bite.

"Do you really want Wannian County to be crowded with people?"

"What do I want with their worthless heads? What I want is official documents with detailed contents. If I want the Wannian County government to have money and food, put them where they should be. I want Wannian County government officials to put them where they should be."

The meritorious deeds will get real benefits, and I want the people in Wannian County who really deserve help to get help.

I feel ashamed to say it, isn’t that what our government does?

If you dare to say these ten words, "When the water is clear, there are no fish, and when people are too careful, there are no disciples," I will beat you up right now."

Wen Wen shook her head and said: "You control Wannian County with thunderous momentum. It seems to be going smoothly at the moment. Have you ever thought about what will follow and the overwhelming backlash?"

"Backlash? What kind of backlash can these people bring to me? Even if there is, shouldn't it be the business of those grandfathers who had a long table banquet at my house?

Do you really think that my name of grandpa is good?"

Wen Wen said: "Things often seem simple, but in fact they are inextricably linked and difficult to explain."

Yun Chu laughed loudly, pointed at Wen Wen and said: "With all your thoughts, do you still want to protect Chang'an? Do you still want to make Chang'an immortal and make it the political, economic and cultural center of the Tang Dynasty forever?

If they can't even withstand this backlash, why should I be allowed to charge into the battle and be a pawn for them?

If you dare to use a tiger, you should know the nature of the tiger and don't complain that the tiger will leave broken limbs and bones all over the ground."

Wen Wen sighed and said, "Why is this so?"

Yun Chu smiled and said: "I was just doing something that was absolutely correct, and I didn't even tamper with or violate any of the laws of the Tang Dynasty.

Let me ask you, should the money and grain of Wannian County be kept in full and in full in the grain depot and money bank of Wannian County?"

Nodding gently: "This is natural."

"The tax-free quota for government soldiers must not be inconsistent with the actual number of government soldiers. This is an order issued by the Ministry of War several times. Should local governments implement it in accordance with the order?"

Wen Wen wanted to speak, but finally nodded.

"Then, isn't it wrong for those who have land to pay the taxes generated by renting servants?"

Wen Wen spread her hands and said, "It couldn't be more correct."

"Since what I said is correct, why are you still here chattering?"

Wen Wen looked at Yun Chu deeply and said: "I just want to remember your appearance while you are still intact, so that when you are not torn into pieces in the future, I can put you back together as you are now.


Attachment: The next chapter will be released at 0:00 on August 9th. This book is first published by Qidian. Everyone is welcome to read it on the Qidian app——

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