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Chapter 1 The Omnipotent Uighurs

The snow on Tianshan Mountain is very white and has been white for many, many years.

It looked like this the year before last, it looked like this last year, and it still looks like this today, as if time had stopped at this moment and nothing had changed.

Just when the sunset fell on the white snow, the change gradually occurred, and there was a process of transformation from silvery white to golden yellow.

This process can be said to be fast or slow, but the process of change is extremely firm until it is swallowed up by darkness.

Sometimes, the proud swan will fly over Tianshan Mountain, and finally turn into a small black dot or even disappear, as if it has gone directly to the kingdom of God.

The golden eagle is different. It generally does not fly over the Tianshan Mountains. Instead, it prefers to fly with the air current among the cliffs. Only when it finds its prey, it will shrink its wings and fly down from the high altitude.

Bar-headed geese are generally the main reason for the whereabouts of golden eagles, because they are too obsessed with formation. The bar-headed geese at the end of the formation were pinched to death by the golden eagles. The formation of the bar-headed geese is still not disordered, but they make a whine with a long tail sound.


The grieving process will not last too long. Under the leadership of the leading goose, the remaining bar-headed geese will line up one by one at one time and a "person" at another time, stubbornly crossing the last high ridge.

, bursts of joyous chirps erupted, with short endings, and joy filled the Tianshan Mountains.

Grasshopper Lake is under their wings and is the end of their trip.

Yun Chu was wearing a marmot skin hat and standing on the edge of Grasshopper Lake. Seeing the bar-headed geese arriving as promised, even though he was as calm as he was, he couldn't help but cheer. He opened his arms and ran in circles against the wind, as if he wanted to

Embrace these familiar or unfamiliar friends.

When the bar-headed geese lined up and fell into Grasshopper Lake, they looked like a flock of geese. There was no panic or fighting, and the fall was simple and orderly.

Yunchu likes to watch the bar-headed goose trying hard to stretch its two red maple leaf-like feet forward and slowly fall into the water. Its feet always make a few ripples on the calm lake surface. Before the ripples spread, the orange-red feet

It will enter the water and push away the waves, swallowing all the ripples.

Immediately afterwards, the bar-headed goose's fat belly will touch the water, rush forward for a while, and then float smoothly on the water.

Amidst the cheerful chirping of the geese, more bar-headed geese arrived as promised, and the Grasshopper Lake, which had been as calm as stagnant water just now, immediately became lively.

It’s not just this mountain lake that’s bustling, but also the grasslands under the mountain lake.

And Yunchu is the watershed between these two lively scenes.

One party is joyful with the joy of reaching the end of the journey, while the other party is noisy with incomparable hatred.

The bar-headed geese finally became quiet, but the other side started beating drums!

The war has begun.

One group is from the Zhechong Prefecture of Kucha Town of the Anxi Army of the Tang Dynasty, and the other group is... I can't see clearly, but they are Hu people anyway.

Under normal circumstances, when the Hu people fought against the Tang army, they would adopt the tactics of guerrilla attacks, sneak attacks, using more to attack the less, and running away if they couldn't defeat them.

Today is different.

I don’t know why these barbarians suddenly became very brave and wanted to fight a positional battle with a group of regular troops from the Tang State that were about the same size as them.

Just look at the Tang army's fluttering battle flags, bright helmets, and neat formation, as they begin to advance toward the enemy's chaotic crowds of people with giant shields and spears.

Yun Chu already knew the final outcome of this war.

Yunchu was almost tired of watching battles of this scale and form. The scenes of Uighur battles in which only God knew the outcome were even more beautiful.

As for the Tang army's battle, the kind of unchanging victory did not have any sense of expectation for the audience Yunchu.

Advance - hack to death - throw the sign - advance - hack to death - all enemies are dead, escape - get the sign - cut off the left ear - string the ears - search for money - return to the camp, this is the standard of the Tang Army

The combat process is not interesting at all. The Uighurs are different. They will ride horses and roar towards the enemy. After hacking the enemy to death, they will jump off the horse, cut off the enemy's head and hang it on the horse.

Under the neck, take away any useful things from the enemy's corpse, and then mount the horse. The human head under the horse's neck is shaking around and continue to kill the enemy... until the enemy collapses, or oneself collapses and is harvested by others in the same way.

After the Tang army killed the enemy, they would bury the bodies.

The Uighur people are different.

Sometimes the Uighurs would place the captured enemy alive on a sharpened wooden pole, and tie two stones to their feet. After a night, the wooden pole would come out of the enemy's mouth, and the enemy would face up to the sky.

It seemed to be praying to God, so this method was called by the Huihe people - worshiping heaven.

Sometimes, the Uighur people would also cut their enemies into slices, fry them in mutton fat, and then distribute them to the family members of the soldiers who died in battle. This is also famous and is generally called a sacrifice.

Of course, it would also be nice to cut off the enemy's limbs, or only three limbs, and watch a fleshy grunt squirm on the ground, but this was not done often, because the Tang people did not allow it.

When Yunchu opened his eyes for the first time in this world, the Uighurs were the servants of the Tang army.

According to my mother, it was only after being beaten seven or eight times by the Tang army, and many tribesmen hacked to death, and even the Khan's head was brought back to Chang'an for exhibition by the Tang people, that the Huihe people were lucky enough to become the servants of the Tang army.

From then on.

As long as the Tang army wants to fight, the Uighur people will definitely help the Tang army desperately, and they only want to fight without asking for anything in return. Sometimes, even if it is a backlash, they will take the initiative to help the Tang army fight other, bad, tribes.

They liked this feeling of victory, and even enjoyed it. Although the generals of the Tang Army repeatedly warned them not to hover on horseback and make various beautiful movements during the battle, they only needed to hold up their round shields and protect them.

Just be good to yourself and let the war horses rush into the enemy's formation and disrupt the enemy's formation.

They still refused to change despite repeated admonitions, and claimed that the Uighurs should be flying on their horses like eagles and falcons in the sky. Otherwise, it is not enough to show the power of the Uighur cavalry.

The number of times the Turks were killed was much more than the number of times they were killed by the Turks before, and the number of times the other Tiel tribes were killed was also much more than before.

Since then, the Huihe pastures have become much larger, with more cattle and sheep, and even more shepherds.

There were many victories, but under the constraints of the Tang army, they could not show off their victories. This had a great impact on the Huihe herdsmen's enthusiasm for watching the battle.

Gradually, everyone paid less attention to the battlefield.

Anyway, the Tang people can always win the final victory. Even if the barbarians can take advantage of it for a while, more and more ferocious Tang people will come over soon and uproot the ones who just won.

Yunchu scratched his itchy buttocks and focused his attention again on the bar-headed goose that had just fallen into the water.

This time, he only appeared near the battlefield because his tribe was going to help the Tang army fight again.

When the Huihe people go to war, they always bring their families with them.

The reason why Yunchu turned his head was because he was now a Uighur and could not stand the jokes of his own family members.

After a while, the Uighur cavalry will appear, and they will fight for the heads of the barbarians who were hacked to death by the Tang army.

The heads can be taken back to show off, or they can be built into a tower of human heads to scare other Hui tribes, thinking that this group of Uighurs has killed many more enemies.

Although there is always a left ear missing from every head, the Huihe people don't care or dislike it. Anyway, when a human head rots, the first thing to fall off is the ear. It doesn't matter whether you have that thing or not.

The thundering sound of horse hooves had already sounded. It must be that the Uighur cavalry hiding somewhere had seen the Tang army's imminent victory, and decisively and bravely launched an attack on the last remnant enemy.

Yunchu didn't want to hear the screams of the Huihe people being whipped by the angry Tang army general, so he took the initiative to cover his ears.

The name Grasshopper Lake was given by Yunchu. The Uighur people had other names for this lake of 10,000 acres. He didn't like it and didn't want to remember it, so he gave it such an interesting name.

It is enough for him to know about the bar-headed geese that come from autumn to spring.

Yunchu was actually a migratory bird, having stayed in the Western Regions for thirteen years.

The bar-headed goose is back, which is a new beginning for him.

You can eat the green shoots that quietly pop up under the pasture that was not eaten by cattle and sheep last year.

Yunchu liked those young buds. He pushed aside the grass and pinched the green buds with his hands, and pulled out a grass stem that transitioned from green to light yellow to pure white.

The grass stems are very plump and juicy, and there is still a hint of sweetness with the fragrance of grass in your mouth. However, you cannot bite it with your teeth. Once the grass stems are bitten, it will become bitter and the sweetness will be completely eliminated.

Cover it up.

Just after sucking off the sweetness from the grass stem, a big-tailed sheep with a height of more than one meter walked over with graceful steps, snatched the grass stem from Yun Chu's hand, and swallowed it in two or three times.


This is a big-tailed sheep with beautiful black eye sockets, a pair of one and a half foot long spiral horns, and a high nose bridge. Therefore, this is a ram, and it is also Yunchu's favorite one.

A sheep.

In this regard, Yunchu is very different from other Uighur boys. Yunchu likes the bravery, sturdyness and strength of rams that can carry things, but the other Uighur boys devote their love to the sheep.

The ewe with the plump butt and the most voluptuous walking posture.

Such ewes are not only liked by teenagers, but also by some adult men. Especially when the grassland is covered with heavy snow, many people will drag one or several sheep into the tent to hold them to keep warm.

This is originally a very common thing, but the winter sleep time is really too long and people are too lonely, so it is inevitable that many strange feelings will occur.

However, the strangest emotion is that the Huihe people love to slaughter sheep, and the first priority is often the ewes that accompany them through the winter.

The legend of the sheep-headed man has been spreading among the tribes for a long time. If a sheep-headed man appears in any tribe, it is not a good thing for the tribe, because as long as the sheep-headed man appears, the sheep in the tribe will

They will die in groups, the pastures will die piece by piece, and even the water sources will dry up, and there will no longer be clear water.

This legend put so much pressure on the tribe that the more beautiful and plump the ewes in the tribe were, the faster they died.

The Yunchu family's big-tailed sheep are the most famous lambing ewes in the entire tribe. Only their ewes have the graceful body shape to give birth to qualified lambs, as well as rich lambing experience!

Therefore, the way he herds sheep is different from the way other teenagers herd sheep. Others herd sheep to guard against wolves and lynx, but when he herds sheep, he has to guard against the youths in the tribe who are full of energy but have nowhere to vent!

Really, as long as he dares to take a nap while herding sheep, their sheep will be reduced by one or two... Although the lost sheep will still come back, Yunchu still feels that his sheep are unclean, so, in

When he was herding sheep, his eyes were always wide open.

Although he knew that after humans and sheep came together, it would be impossible to give birth to a sheep-headed man due to reproductive isolation.

However, the Uighurs claim to be the fastest, bravest, most powerful, and wildest horse-riding heroes on earth. God knows where their bottom line is.

If the Yunchu family's ewe gave birth to a terrifying sheep-headed man, and his reputation was ruined, his mother would no longer be able to exchange her own high-quality lamb for someone else's big fat sheep.

If the Uighur boys made Yunchu stay away, then the Uighur girls left Yunchu with an even worse feeling.

This chapter has been completed!
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