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Chapter 207 The best gourmet party in the world (4)

After a night of hustle and bustle in Jinchangfang, drunkards were everywhere in the market because drinks were free of charge.

The wine jars emptied by these people are piling up like mountains.

However, it doesn’t matter, anyway, they are some worthless water wine, that is, glutinous rice wine, with water and some honey added to make it sweet. Finally, in order to increase the concentration of the wine, Yun Chu also added some water to the water wine.

Alcohol has been added.

Then, this is the biggest reason why Jinchangfang is full of drunks.

In the Tang Dynasty, people drank just to get drunk. Wine that can make people drunk is truly good wine. This is the basic understanding of wine by the people of the Tang Dynasty.

Alcohol can make people excited, and alcohol can make people's bodies warm. Therefore, alcohol is a good thing for Tang people.

In order to cope with this feast, Yunchu used more than 3,000 pigs alone, almost wiping out all the pigs near Chang'an. Only the pigs in Qujiang, Yunchu did not touch a single one.

Since the opening of this gourmet food event, the number of ducks on the Qujiang River that used to be so dense that they could almost cover many ditches has been decreasing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

As for the fish, Yunchu really felt sorry for them. He ordered the villagers along the river in Wannian County to use huge nets to block the fish and carry out destructive and inhumane fishing.

It is estimated that in the next few years, there will not be too many big fish in the rivers near Chang'an.

In order to prevent people from recognizing carp, which is such a taboo thing, Yun Chu had to bear the pain and chop it into pieces so that no one else could recognize it, and then served it on the table, called braised fish fillets.

The above is the main source of meat at the Jinchangfang banquet, supplemented by a small amount of mutton and an even smaller amount of beef.

However, it doesn't look like much at all. A steamed bowl is covered with beef. Even if you don't eat the beef, you can hear the sound of teeth hitting teeth most of the time. This is mainly because the chef's skill in cutting the beef is too good.

Okay, the knife is too sharp, and the beef cut out is naturally as thin as cicada wings. One hundred portions of radish beef, using one pound of beef, Yun Chu thinks this is very conscientious.

After all, even the current emperor does not eat beef very often. It is already rare for a group of common people to taste a little beef flavor. Do they need to gnaw beef chunks to be considered as having eaten beef?

Could it be that the radish cooked with beef bones and butter is not fragrant?

A large amount of duck meat is added to the mutton. As long as it is rich enough, people will eat it with gusto and keep praising how tender the mutton is.

As long as the duck's butt, duck's paws, and duck's head are not put in, who can tell that this is not mutton?

Even if you can see it, so what, duck stewed with mutton is a new dish. Those who have never seen it in the world are not qualified to show off their skills in front of the chef in the big cafeteria.

These things sound very evil, but in the Tang Dynasty, if you can see oily flowers in a bowl of rice, it is considered to be a meal from a high-class family.

Although the food in Jinchangfang does not have many main contents, Yun Chu has never been stingy when it comes to the amount of fat.

This is also the weapon that Jinchangfang’s large canteen can use to dominate the catering industry in Chang’an City.

When people of the Tang Dynasty celebrated the Spring Society Festival, the world was full of drunkards, even pretending to be drunkards. If you don't get drunk on that day, it means you don't have enough wine at home.

At the Jinchangfang Food Party, there was no need to pretend, he drank bowl after bowl of alcohol-added wine and he quickly became drunk, and most of these guests were poor guests.

In the West Market and the East Market, it is very difficult to drink until you are drunk with two hundred coins, but you can achieve it perfectly in Jinchangfang.

When the sun comes up, it’s time to clean up Jinchangfang. Carloads of drunkards are pulled out on oxcarts and placed on the reed mats outside the gate. Whoever owns it takes it away. No one cares. Jinchangfang

Someone will take care of him and pour some water into the drunkard's mouth every once in a while to prevent him from dying of thirst.

The extra 17,000 people put great pressure on the sanitation system of Jinchangfang. The hundreds of temporary toilets built at the location of the seepage pit were filled to capacity in one night.

Then, farmers in Qujiang drove ox carts and manure buckets to load all the free fertilizer and transport it out the back door, then re-paved it with loess and sprinkled water to suppress the smell.

The environmental sanitation personnel of Jinchangfang were all mobilized, and no corners were spared, because the more hidden the place, the more people were laying mines.

Everyone in Jinchangfang was mobilized. They wanted to restore Jinchangfang to its former appearance in the shortest possible time, because, today, the county captain was going to marry a wealthy woman.

Yunchu got up before dawn and found that everything was going on in an orderly manner. He felt relieved and prepared to be his groom's official with peace of mind.

After beating Naha last night, the child started to twitch and feel sad when she saw her brother in the morning. No matter how Yun Chu coaxed her, it had no effect.

Children of this age are just the ones who don't like them. They have immature ideas and don't see things properly, but they always think that everything they do is right.

You deserve a beating.

Seeing that Yunchu stopped coaxing her, Naha quietly came over and imitated the behavior of Cui and Erfei, and arranged Yunchu's wedding clothes.

Yun Chu touched her hair, Naha looked up at her brother, sniffed, and continued to pretend to tidy up the corners.

Di Renjie has very high requirements for makeup, and even has requirements on how to tie his hairband. He doesn't want people to find out that he actually has a pair of elephant eyes, which are commonly known as pig eyes.

I hope Sanfei can tie his hair into a tighter bun, so that the corners of his eyes will be slightly upward, giving him the red-and-phoenix eyes that were popular in the Tang Dynasty.

Compared with Di Renjie, who has many requirements, he doesn't care much about gentleness. Handsome people don't actually need to modify their eyebrows. They only need to draw their eyebrows into sword eyebrows.

As for Yunchu, he doesn't need to put on makeup. As long as he washes his face, he is a handsome and handsome boy.

Wearing more makeup will make him look more feminine. Standing next to his beautiful bride, it will be difficult to tell the difference between male and female.

Cui summoned forty scholars who sang poems to urge her to marry. They were originally unwilling to come, but unfortunately, Cui threatened her with the reputation of being a bully in Yunchu, and each of them had a handful of bamboo chips.

.These scholars, who had become extremely poor after attending last night's grand party, reluctantly agreed. If they didn't go, how would the prostitutes who needed their strong support tonight spend this bleak night?

Woolen cloth.

Yun Chu looked at himself in the bronze mirror, feeling a little absent-minded. Being a groom for the first time in his life, he felt very sad and even a little scared.

Naha, who was dressed in a bright red dress with a red ribbon tied on her head, rode a black horse and took nine of her carefully selected polo girls from Jinchangfang to leave the Yun family first.

Before she left, the servants and wives of the family had already gone to Yu Xiurong's house under the leadership of Mrs. Cui.

Ten open carriages, pulling ten pairs of Fushou people, followed the Nahama team. Behind the Fushou people were two hundred strong men in uniform blue clothing, carrying gift burdens, and two hundred others in the same color.

The women, all beautifully dressed, walked together with the strong men, looking like two hundred couples.

Behind them, there were forty scholars wearing Confucian shirts and riding horses. Many of them liked to study in public, and they actually read while riding horses, which made passers-by not only admire the studious spirit of the Imperial College students.

Yun Chu followed behind on a bay-red horse. On both sides were Di Renjie and Wen Wen, who were also riding horses. Behind him was a large red carriage. On the shaft of the carriage, two eunuchs were sitting, holding the Pingshan Mountain high. They were equally beaming with joy.

People of the Tang Dynasty did not believe that red was the color of happiness, but Yunchu agreed and was unwilling to follow blindly on this point.

I originally wanted to take advantage of the numerous musicians in Jinchangfang to organize a drum band to welcome the bride, but Mrs. Cui strictly prohibited me from messing around. Doing so would be a violation of the rules.

When leaving home, Yunchu made a special trip to see Pei Xingjian. He was still sleeping soundly, but much quieter. His face seemed a little swollen. It seemed that Gongsun had taken good care of him last night.

It is estimated that Pei Xingjian can sleep until tomorrow.

Originally, people in the Tang Dynasty welcomed their brides in the afternoon, or even in the evening, but this was not possible in Chang'an City. If the gate of the square was closed, the groom and the bride could only enter the bridal chamber after being beaten by the Jinwu Guards, which would be too miserable.

The dilapidated house where Yu Xiurong lives is only one street away from the house of Yu Chang, the minister of the Ministry of Industry. Today, Yu Xiurong is getting married. Her uncle Yu Chang has closed the door tightly, and even the servants who usually stand outside the door are nowhere to be seen.

Yun Chu took a deep look at the somewhat old lintel, shook his head slightly, and continued walking towards Yu Xiurong's house.

Wen Wenwen also glanced at Yu Chang's lintel and said to Yun Chu calmly: "The Yu family is now responsible for supervising the task of copying Buddhist scriptures and belongs to a noble family. Although Yu Xiurong is only a relative of his family, people think you are not worthy of marrying Yu Xiurong.

This is human nature.”

Di Renjie sneered and said: "Asking an orphan girl for a betrothal gift from a man, is this something that a noble family can do?"

Wen Wen pointed at her head and said, "Most people like this have wrong heads. It's normal for their thoughts to be different from ordinary people.

If Duke Yu of Yu Shinan was still alive, he would definitely not be like this. Unfortunately, Duke Yu died early, and Yu Chang inherited the title early. Under the protection of Duke Yu, his life was too peaceful. Although he did not have much power, he still had a peaceful life.

Developed some bad habits.

This kind of person is difficult to deal with, because if you win, people will cry and complain, saying that you are targeting a powerless scholar. If you lose, haha, you deserve it.

Moreover, even if Yu Chang is not nice to Yu Xiurong, he is the elder and you are the juniors, so you cannot ask him if he is wrong. As long as you ask, it is unfilial."

Yun Chu smiled and said: "I will definitely treat him as a real uncle and respect him."

Di Renjie looked at Yun Chu strangely and said, "Where did you get your biological uncle?"

Yun Chu smiled and said: "Yes, so there is no need to show filial piety. At most, you can respect ghosts."

Attachment: The next chapter will be released at two o'clock in the afternoon on the 15th. This book is the first release of Qidian. Everyone is welcome to read it on the Qidian app——

Post it in advance. Reading at midnight is too hard. From now on, there will be two chapters during the day and two chapters at night.

This chapter has been completed!
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