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Chapter 222 They are all looking for opportunities

Li Zhi was so shocked that he couldn't say a word because of Yun Chu's serious nonsense.

From his point of view, Yunchu seemed to have done nothing wrong. The common people were planting crops in the open space, which was also right to the heavens.

Moreover, the royal family also wanted to see the people cherish the land. Therefore, starting from Emperor Taizong, ordinary people planted crops on the royal fields. The royal family never blocked it. There were even cases where the project was deliberately delayed to wait for the crops to mature.

Of course, these common people are limited to those whose homes are around the royal land and do not intentionally damage or move the land boundaries.

For the rest, whether they are relatives of the emperor or distinguished persons, it is a heinous crime of disrespect to touch a little bit of the royal land.

Therefore, in his opinion, Yun Chu's behavior was a bit out of line, but it was definitely not a big crime.

"I heard that you, Yun Chu, are an unparalleled warrior, but I didn't expect that you have such a eloquent side.

I am only discussing laws and regulations with you today. The reason why our country is peaceful and the people are safe in the Tang Dynasty is that everyone from top to bottom abides by their duties. You are violating the laws by allowing the people under your rule to farm across the border.

If according to what you said, as long as it is open land, the people are qualified to plant crops on the open land. Then, tomorrow, the people of Lantian County can also go to your Wannian County to cultivate that fertile land on the edge of Qujiang River?

By analogy, if all the states and counties in the world do not abide by the laws, let me ask you, what kind of situation will that be? Do you understand?"

Liu Rengui seemed unwilling to break up with Yunchu. He always insisted on laws and regulations, and he only asked Yunchu to abide by the laws.

Yun Chu was the kind of person who was reasonable and forgiving. He learned nothing but rudeness from those arrogant and powerful generals throughout the Tang Dynasty!

"The law? Since the third year of Yonghui, the number of people from Lantian County who have entered Wannian County to make a living has reached more than 4,600. They earn countless money and food from Wannian County every year, and then bring them

Go back to Lantian County to support your family.

Magistrate Liu, these people eat, live, and take food in Wannian County, and they are the main culprit of the food shortage in Wannian County.

In the past few years, have I ever asked you for a penny of compensation from Lantian County?

But you, Lantian County, are used to producing cooks. After being taken in by Wannian County, you didn't think about how to work well, but you worked hard to plot your boss. You hid meat in your crotch, rice in your trouser legs, salt in your hat, and even spices like Sichuan peppercorns.

They can all hold it in their mouth and steal it...

I can't argue with the poor people about such trivial matters, so why can't I use a piece of land like yours in Bashang, Lantian County, which is of little use, as compensation?"

Liu Rengui was made red-faced by Yunchu's words, because this kind of attack clearly stated that his governance was incompetent, so that the people of Lantian County had to leave their hometowns and go to Wannian County to seek life. This was an extremely serious accusation.

Li Zhi couldn't see his close men being bullied like this by Yun Chu, so he waved his hand and said: "Don't be so rude. There are countless people from all over the world who come to Chang'an to make a living. Your Wannian County happens to be Jing County, and Lantian County is very far away from Chang'an."

Recently, it is natural to come to Chang'an to make a living.

However, I will not ask you today about robbing the land in Bashang. I only ask you, after taking over the land in Bashang, can you ensure that Wannian County is self-sufficient in food?"

Yun Chu shook his head and said: "There are 237,427 households in Wannian County, with a population of more than 564,000. They consume more than three million tons of food a year, plus fruits and vegetables.

The consumption of meat and omnivorous food is astonishing.

This year, the villages under Wannian County harvested a total of 278,000 tons of grain, including miscellaneous grains. This is already a good harvest.

Even if Wei Chen planted grain in the entire Wannian County, it would still be less than 10% of the annual grain consumption.

Because of this, Weichen invested a total of 3 million yuan in farmland water conservancy this year. He also spent a huge amount of money to divert water to flush the saline-alkali fields. He even went out of his way to find arable land. Not only was he a Bashang, Weichen even

Relying on His Majesty's sympathy for the loneliness of the people, he is also planning to plant cotton in Qujiang and on the construction sites in the city where the royal family has not yet started construction, in order to save the limited arable land in Wannian County.

I also ask your Majesty to allow the useless land of Lantian County in Bashang to be transferred to our Wannian County to meet our urgent needs."

Liu Rengui frowned and said: "Even if Bashang is placed under Wannian County, it may not be able to solve the chronic food shortage problem in Wannian County, right?"

When Yun Chu saw that Liu Rengui was finally willing to talk properly, he raised his hand to the emperor and said, "Your Majesty, I have recently discovered that the reason why Chang'an City consumes so much food is entirely because of the lack of oil and water in the food."

Hearing what Yunchu said, not only Li Zhi couldn't help but let out an oh, but also Changsun Wuji, who had originally closed his eyes to pretend to be Shi Wengzhong, opened his eyes.

Yun Chu continued: "Weichen is a martial artist with a big appetite. He thought he had few rivals in eating. However, at a long banquet, Weichen found that he could not eat an ordinary boy.


Having said this, Yun Chu made a big circle with his hand.

"For such a big pot helmet, half of Weichen is enough. I ate two in one go.

Since the Jinchangfang canteen was opened, the grain storage in Jinchangfang has been declining for three consecutive years. It's not that there is not so much stored, but that it is no longer needed. Now the people in Jinchangfang only consume food in one year, which is only three years in Yonghui.

60%, even lower, but the people's health is obviously better than that in Yonghui three years.

Therefore, Wei Chen wanted to get more oil and water to supplement the food shortage, and even tried to use some soybean meal and miscellaneous grains to raise pigs. It seems to be successful so far. If the people eat more pork, they will eat a lot less food.

Therefore, next year, Wannian County will raise more pigs, more chickens, ducks and geese to prepare people's meals.

In this way, while farming everywhere, improving the dietary structure of the people, and increasing revenue and reducing expenditure at the same time, it should be possible to reduce Wannian County's dependence on external food.

This is the reason why Wei Chen must rob this land in Bashang. Wei Chen, all of them are acting out of public motives and have no selfish motives at all. Your Majesty, please be aware of this."

Liu Rengui took advantage of the dispute with Yunchu to get a natural opportunity to enter the court to help Li Zhi.

Of course, Yunchu also wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to go to court to explain clearly what he had done in Wannian County, what he planned to do, and what he would do in the future.

At this moment, the grudge between Yun Chu and Liu Rengui had long since become insignificant. The two villains, who had achieved their respective goals, smiled knowingly at each other, quite like the willows in the spring breeze and the sunny sky.

There is not enough food in Chang'an, which is a problem that has troubled the people of the Tang Dynasty for many years. Although with the help of the canal, Chang'an can absorb the food along the canal to supply Chang'an.

This blood-sucking method can also be used to create a balanced situation in Datang with strong trunks and weak branches.

However, Chang'an in the past may have been a small leech, and could not drink much blood to get full.

The current population of Chang'an has long exploded. The population of Chang'an alone and the two counties of Wannian have exceeded one million. So many people live in Chang'an, which is a small place for the Tang Dynasty.

What was once a little blood-sucking leech has long since turned into a giant blood-sucking dragon.

If this continues, sooner or later, various places in the Tang Dynasty will be sucked out of blood by Chang'an and eventually die.

"Back off."

Li Zhi did not give Yunchu a definite answer, but Yunchu still heard the good news from Li Zhi's heavy voice that he would soon become the magistrate of Wannian County.

Since he is an official, he must be reused. If he is not reused, how can he truly control Wannian County? How can he finally control this glorious city and let this city continue to move forward with head high?

Coming out of the main hall, what came to my face were pairs of scorching eyes that seemed to be real.

They all heard the voice of Yun Chu's confrontation with the emperor in the main hall. As an official, since Yun Chu heard the news that he was going to become the county magistrate from the sixth rank, these smart people naturally heard it too.

As for the Guanzhong boy who was beaten to death by Yun Chu, the beating was obviously in vain and became a stepping stone for his Shangguan Liu Rengui and his opponent Yun Chu. How could it be such a tragedy?

Returning to Wen Wen who was huddled up with the cold, Yun Chu smiled at Wen Wen who was turning blue and said, "How about it? If nothing happens, Bashang will return to Wannian County. If nothing happens, I can be honest."

Bright, we are planting food on the construction site where the royal family has temporarily stopped."

Wen Wen stretched out her stiff hands from her sleeves, gave Yun Chu a thumbs up, and said shakily: "Only when you have proven achievements can you speak so forcefully. Any false achievements and flattering words will not work in this world."

This moment will only lead to greater backlash.

It seems that I will continue to work hard and achieve some real achievements in the future. This year, I must knock off the hard nut of Magistrate Zheng before the end of the year. Since he has done so many evil things, I don’t believe that he can’t.

Send his whole family to serve in the Western Region Army."

When the sun rose to the top of the Big Wild Goose Pagoda, the grand gathering finally came to an end.

Yun Chu rode his bay-red horse back home in high spirits. He believed that it wouldn't be long before people would call him Yun County Cheng.

Because I was so happy, I went home and hugged Naha, who had just emerged from the quilt without wearing a coat.

As a result, Naha screamed from the ice, which attracted Yu Xiurong, who was holding a fat child. Seeing such a rude scene, Yu Xiurong beat Naha.

The doors are not even roofed.

After sharing the highlight moment in the hall today with Yu Xiurong, Yu Xiurong was very happy and asked Yun Chu what he would do next.

"What else can we do? Our business has actually come to an end, and there is no point in doing anything further.

Now, we can only lower our heads, slowly cultivate the heritage of Wannian County, improve the land, recuperate and recuperate, slowly improve the people's farming habits, plant more cash crops, and increase the grain yield per mu.

Then, I started sucking the blood of the Tuyuhun people, hoping that their blood would be enough to sustain me until the end of my reform of Wannian County."

Attachment: The next chapter will be released at 10 pm on the 18th. You can read it first. I will continue writing. This book is the first release of Qidian. Everyone is welcome to read it on the Qidian app——

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