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Chapter 262: All military formations in the world are broken

"Everyone suspected that the person who massacred the Tibetan envoys was the British Duke, but the British Duke did not make any form of refutation."

After staying in the house for a long time and not seeing the sun, Tenderness looks even fairer, but her eyes are red and look a bit like will-o'-the-wisps.


"Well, the higher the status of a person, the more aware he is of what Xu Jingye is doing in Tubo, and they will naturally think that by killing the Tibetan mission, the British Duke was actually seeking a way out for his grandson.

Although Duke Ying took the blame for this incident, we were really saving his grandson Xu Jingye, and he must appreciate it.

Next, I think it’s time to use some Tuyuhun people, what do you think?”

Yun Chu nodded and said: "The candidates for the Qinling raid team can only be Tuyuhun people, and they can only be Tuyuhun people. At present, the only bad thing is that the Tuyuhun people's combat power is worrying."

Wen Wenhe chuckled and said: "Since the Tuyuhun people are not good at fighting, then we will just borrow the bodies of the Tuyuhun people and fight on our own.

This time, Lun Qinling brought 300 personal guards, which was difficult to fight.

If you want to take advantage of the geographical advantage, it is still unclear whether Qinling came from central Sichuan or directly from Qinghai.

If we come from Shuzhong, we must arrange strong infantry; if we come from Qinghai, we can only arrange strong cavalry.

This is very troublesome.”

Yun Chu frowned, then put his hand on the table and said: "Ignore these, I am confident that I can take Qin Ling's head in a head-to-head situation."

Wen Wenwen slowly shook his head and said: "Although you are the king and hegemon in the Imperial Academy, you really can't succeed in Shanglun Qinling!

If you have been a soldier and fought in a war, then you should understand what kind of soldiers the personal guards are.

Emperor Taizong was able to capture Dou Jiande alive because of his heavy cavalry. When Liang Jianfang was cutting off the rear of the army at Shuofang, he was bitten by the Turks. He led five hundred personal guards and fought hard at Bailangdui.

He killed 20,000 Turks in one day and one night.

Even if your subordinates are the best among the best and are well-equipped with armor, if there are not more than a thousand men, they will never be able to defeat the 300 personal guards of Lun Qinling."

Yun Chu said: "Continue to arrange the ambush location, regardless of whether it is his personal guard or not, I will definitely defeat his personal guard."

Wen Wen looked at Yun Chu strangely and said, "Do you really have a way?"

Yun Chu nodded and said: "There is really a way. Just think of me as an invincible general and arrange the war."

Wen Wen took a deep breath and said, "If that's the case, what conditions do you need?"

Yun Chu thought for a while and said: "Within thirty steps and a few breaths of effort, I can break through all the military formations in the world." (Li Shimin defined his double steps, that is, one step with each left and right foot, as the length unit step.

One step in the Tang Dynasty was 1.514 meters)

Wen Wen asked tentatively: "Including shield array?"

Yun Chu nodded and said: "Including the shield formation!"

Wen Wen suddenly threw the pen in his hand on the table and said angrily: "You are so powerful, but you still have to fight a bullshit battle and make a bullshit plan. When you see Lun Qinling, you just have to rush up.

Wouldn’t it be enough to kill him again?”

Yunchu sat there quietly and said, "When we start doing things, I'll take you with me to open your eyes."

He looked at Yun Chu tenderly and dullly and said, "Are you really capable of this?"

Yun Chu nodded seriously and said, "You will witness with your own eyes how a new era is coming."


"Absolutely true!"

"Okay, if what you said is true, from now on, Wenwen will follow your lead!"

"That's natural, after all, I'm so powerful."

"You are still so dishonest when talking about big things. Can I take back what I just said in excitement?"

"Don't even think about it!"

"Are you really that, that powerful?"


The old monkey stood in a deep cave, his ears still buzzing. He saw the three remaining companions kneeling at his feet, clasping their hands in worship, but he could not hear any movement.

Just a dozen steps in front of him, three Kunlun slaves with bodies as dark as iron and as strong as lions fell there, and a giant hammer covered in brains slowly rolled to his feet.

The old monkey picked up the giant hammer and strolled up to the three Kunlun slaves who were like nightmares. He raised the hammer and smashed the two Kunlun slaves to death while they were still breathing. As for the other one, ignore it because his legs were already gone.

It was broken at the knee level, and there was a huge Mo Dao stuck in his chest, and he was about to die.

A half-foot-deep pit appeared on the floor of the cave carved out of red sandstone. The pit was black.

Until now, the old monkey still can't believe that he just threw a three-pound object, and then these three giants who spent a lot of money to train and equip died by his own hands.

It can be seen from the horrified expression of the last Kunlun slave who is still panting violently that this kind of murderous monster who has never known fear is scared, really scared.

After coming out of the cave, the old monkey touched his chest and saw that there was another hard spot there. He couldn't help laughing, and the more he laughed, the happier he became, and finally he almost fell into a state of madness.

The three remaining companions still clasped their hands and knelt down to worship him, thinking they had seen a miracle.

"My Buddha's compassion will eventually cover the land of the Western Region...bringing this land ultimate peace, happiness, and well-being."

The old monkey also sat cross-legged, clasped his hands, faced the west and murmured to himself, and showed a Buddha-like smile.

Naha knelt on a bench and watched her brother and sister-in-law put some small black balls into a thick paper box soaked in tung oil.

Every time he loaded the little black balls, my brother would weigh them with a scale, and he would do so very gently.

Finally, the tightly sealed small box was put into a thick big box. The big box was filled with small iron lumps, including flat, round and pointed ones.

As long as the small box explodes, the tiny iron lumps in the big box will fly everywhere.

After being packed, the box looks like a thick book.

I don’t know what my brother does with these things. Anyway, every time he touches these things, only she and her brother and sister-in-law can come in.

The only people who can touch that little black ball are my brother and sister-in-law.

After working for most of the night, Yu Xiurong, who was pregnant with Liujia, was already tired, but she continued to work without saying a word.

This is the top secret of the Yun family, and it is the foundation for the Yun family to settle down in the Tang Dynasty.

Currently, only my husband knows the formula of this thing, not even Naha.

Looking at Naha's ignorant eyes, Yu Xiurong suddenly felt that her husband kissing a singer when he was interested was nothing.

Only those who can enter this study and handle these dark things with their own hands can be considered a true member of the Yun family.

After finally finishing these things, Yun Chu carefully packed them into two large wooden boxes without any iron tools. Then he breathed a sigh of relief and said to Yu Xiurong and Naha: "No one can say anything."

Yu Xiurong nodded heavily, and Naha also nodded heavily.

Yun Chu looked at Yu Xiurong's tall belly and whispered: "When the child reaches adulthood, if his character is good, you can tell him. If his character is not good, you can look at the characters of other children."

Naha suddenly said: "Brother, where am I?"

Yun Chu touched Naha's head and said, "You can use it, but I can't tell you how it is made."

Naha nodded heavily, as long as it was useful, she was impatient to know how this thing was made.

When he went to bed at night, Yu Xiurong couldn't fall asleep no matter what, so he covered his head under the quilt and talked quietly to Yun Chu.

"Husband, do you think this thing can have the power to create the world?"

Yun Chu said: "This is still the most basic level. It can break mountains and crack rocks. After studying it to the depth, it is not impossible to open up the world.

A small one can easily destroy the city of Chang'an."

"Well, I would never tell anyone in my dreams."

"Yes, I can't tell you. The reason why I won't tell you the secret recipe now is for insurance reasons. Once there is a crisis here, you will naturally know the secret recipe of this thing."

"I don't want to know."

"I also hope you don't know about it for the rest of your life, but who can say for sure what will happen in the future?"

"Why does my husband have such a powerful thing?"

“I don’t know whether it’s a good thing or a bad thing if I get it by chance.”

"I now begin to believe that the old monkey said that my husband is a son of the Buddha..."

"Hurry up and go to sleep. You are a pregnant woman now. I can't do anything to you. When the child is born, I will let you know what a true Buddhist is."

"Well, I'm waiting..."

Yun Chu was shocked when he saw Wen Wen again. This guy's eyes were red and black, and his eye sockets were as black as a panda in the bamboo forest.

"I thought about it for a long time, but I still haven't figured it out. Why do you think you can break through all the military formations in the world within thirty steps?"

Yun Chu smiled and said: "Stop thinking nonsense, as long as you come to Chang'an about Qinling, you will be able to see it."

"How on earth did you show off your power?"

"You'll see."

"Okay, please knock me out. Just like last time, I haven't closed my eyes for more than three days."

Yun Chu was not polite, he raised his palm and beat Wen Wenwen unconscious.

Yunchu never thought of making the formula of gunpowder public. Historical experience proves that gunpowder was invented by the Tang people. After they discovered gunpowder, they did not immediately consider military use, but developed it into a dazzling drug.

Send a puppet...

Every time there was a medicine-haired puppet performance in Jinchangfang, Yunchu actually felt a little heartbroken.

Therefore, he would rather keep the secret of gunpowder secret until everyone pays attention to it.

Now, if the Yun family wants to gain a foothold in Chang'an and defend this glorious city, it cannot do so without the support of gunpowder.

Therefore, he is now preparing to spread the horror of gunpowder into the hearts of every Tang Dynasty person, so that they will first know how to take it seriously.

Attachment: The next chapter will be released at 7 pm on the 28th. You can read it first, and I will continue writing. This book is the first release of Qidian. Everyone is welcome to read it on the Qidian app——

This chapter has been completed!
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