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Chapter 290 Naha is the real princess

The cotton planted in Yunchu has bloomed, and the white flowers are blooming in layers on the cotton tree, which is very beautiful.

In another half month, these flowers will turn reddish brown and gradually wither, leaving behind small green capsules called cotton bolls.

There are cotton seeds inside the cotton boll, and the fluff on the cotton seeds grows from the skin of the cotton seeds and fills the inside of the cotton boll. When the cotton boll matures, it splits, revealing soft fibers. The fibers are white or white with yellow, which is the cotton that Yunchu needs.

Although cotton was droughted and flooded again due to the bad weather this summer, God bless, these two disasters did not cause fundamental damage to cotton. It is now growing very well.

Now that cotton is blooming, it is the most important time for cotton field management. Both Yunchu and Liu Rengui are willing to stay in the field and watch.

In fact, this was the only excuse that allowed the two of them to leave Chang'an and avoid paying homage to Wu Mei at the ceremony where Li Zhi canonized Wu Mei as queen.

However, this behavior is extremely childish. Even if you avoid it this time, you will not be able to avoid it the next time.

Now hiding in the cotton fields, being awesome is just a kind of comfort in my heart.

Liu Rengui really disagreed with Li Zhi’s decision to make Wu Mei queen, but it was not that he was unwilling to bow to Wu Mei.

Yunchu knew that if he bowed to Wu Mei now, he might be liquidated in the future. This was the reason why he refused to stay in Chang'an City.

Even though their starting points are different, their unwillingness to enter Chang'an City is the same.

"When do you think these cottons will grow?"

Yun Chu could no longer remember exactly how many times Liu Rengui had asked him this question.

"It will take another month and a half. At that time, the cotton bolls will bloom, and that will be the most beautiful time for the cotton fields."

"How much difference do you think the harvest in the cotton fields will have compared to what we expected?"

"Don't worry, everything seems to be going well so far."

"The Ministry of Rites has begun to build a high platform in front of Taiji Palace, and at the same time, the Qujiang side has also started ramming earth to build an altar.

I don’t understand why Your Majesty wants to go to such great lengths of war when he has just established a queen.”

"I think it might be for Changsun Wuji."

Liu Rengui sighed and said: "Will your Majesty really touch Changsun Wuji? If you touch him, it may shake the foundation of the country."

Yun Chu smiled and said: "Compared with shaking the foundation of the country, I think your Majesty is more concerned about monopolizing power."

Liu Rengui sighed and said: "Chu Suiliang and his whole family just arrived in Tanzhou. Today, His Majesty issued an order saying that Chu Suiliang was disrespectful in the memorial and was relegated to Guizhou again.

If Your Majesty doesn't like Chu Suiliang, considering that he has worked hard for the Tang Dynasty all his life, it is enough to let him retire and return to his hometown to live in peace. Why bother to denounce Guizhou again? With his age, I am afraid he will not be able to die and return to his hometown.

Yunchu sighed and said: "Guizhou is far from the end of Chu Suiliang's relegation."

Liu Rengui was surprised and said: "Guizhou is already far away in the horizon. Miasma is rampant there. The land is far away and the people are remote. Where else can we go?"

Yun Chu said leisurely: "Actually, I quite like Guizhou. I heard people say that Guizhou's landscape is the best in the world. It would be a great thing to see the scenery there in this life."

"You mean, Chu Suiliang's mentality is wrong?"

"Yes, since you have failed, then just pretend to be dead and say nothing, waiting for the opportunity to make a comeback.

He is so blabbering and accusing His Majesty of having wronged him. I'm sorry for him. With His Majesty's temperament, it would be strange not to relegate him to Aizhou."

Liu Rengui waved his hand and said: "Aizhou is in Jiaozhi. Even if your Majesty goes too far, it is impossible to treat Chu Suiliang like this."

Yun Chu smiled slightly and did not argue. He turned his attention to the cotton field again and whispered: "Actually, everything is fake. Now I only believe in things that grow in the land. This is the only thing that is real."


Just when Yunchu and Liu Rengui were drinking tea in the cotton field and complaining about current affairs like two big enemies, Yu Xiurong, as an official woman, was dressing up and preparing to attend the Queen's enthronement ceremony.

Yunchu's grade was the sixth grade, and the grade of the Tang Dynasty's life wife stopped abruptly when she reached the fifth grade.

Yu Xiurong originally thought that she would not be able to attend such a prestigious event as entering Taiji Official to attend the ceremony, but this time, there was a decree that the wives of officials above the sixth rank could also attend the ceremony.

The married women of the Tang Dynasty were divided into first-rank country wives, third-rank wives and above were county wives, fourth-rank wives were county lords, fifth-rank wives were county lords, and sixth-rank wives were nothing.

Wu Mei's sister was Mrs. Wei, and her short-lived niece was Mrs. Han. They were all first-grade ladies, but Wu Mei herself was just a second-grade Zhaoyi.

According to the grade classification, Yu Xiurong is not qualified to lead Jin Buyao and Fengchai.

However, this is not a big problem for her, because her family has the headscarfs and headscarves awarded by the palace. Although these headscarves and headscarves are not as good as those made at home, if she wants to wear them on big occasions, she can only bring these gifts.

Only these heads and faces can be worn regardless of rank.

Compared with Yu Xiurong, who was in a hurry, Naha seemed much more calm, because she could also go to Taiji Palace to participate in Wu Mei's queen conferment ceremony, and Wu Mei personally invited her there.

Of course, Naha naturally can't get Wu Mei's post, but the post is for Master Xuanzang, so as the only boy beside Master Xuanzang, Naha will naturally participate, and she will also be there for Xuanzang.

After praying for the emperor and the queen, they dipped willow branches in water to wet the shoes of the emperor and the queen. In July, Naha already had melons to eat. The melons she ate were old monkeys who had gone to Hexi.

, I asked Hu merchants to send it to me on the way.

This is a new type of melon. The skin is white and the flesh is green. It tastes crunchy, just like eating a cucumber. However, in addition to maintaining the crispness of the cucumber, it is also sweet and fragrant.

Yu Xiurong, who had just washed her hair, smelled the scent of melon, and unceremoniously took the remaining half of the melon from her sister-in-law's hand. After eating it in two bites, she tapped Naha's forehead.

"Why don't you think about your sister-in-law when you have such delicious food? She is pregnant, so she just wants to eat some melon."

Naha roared and was about to run away, but she heard Yu Xiurong say slowly: "Remember, the child in my belly has the same surname as you, so you can treat me badly. Why don't you even treat your nephew and niece?"

Are you feeling distressed?"

Naha was pinched by Yu Xiurong. This kind of crispy melon was very rare. Even the old monkey only got eight of them for Naha. She ate three of them in one go. She ate another one just now, and only the remaining ones were left.

Naha took all the next four to Yu Xiurong.

Yu Xiurong asked Er Fei to wash one, and she carefully pulled out the seeds inside the melon, then took a hard bite of the melon and said to Naha: "Tomorrow's ceremony, the maids are not allowed in, my stomach is

It's big and inconvenient. After you finish serving Master Xuanzang, come over and help me. I think if it takes too long, I might not be able to stand."

Naha said angrily: "There will be a huge crowd tomorrow, otherwise you shouldn't go. With such a big belly, if something goes wrong, I'll see how you explain it to your brother then."

Yu Xiurong stroked her belly and said, "How can you not go? Your brother has run away. If I don't go, people will think that our family has any objections to the queen.

Besides, our family has a close relationship with the royal family, and we have a daughter born to the queen.

If you don’t go to other people’s homes, it might not be conspicuous, but if you don’t go to ours, the Queen might hold a grudge.”

Naha looked at Yu Xiurong chewing the melon, took a sip of saliva and said: "Okay, I will come over to find you after I finish my work tomorrow.

In fact, I don’t think anyone can remember whether you will go tomorrow or not. After all, there are too many sixth-grade officials in the capital and they have too many wives."

After Yu Xiurong finished eating the melon, he pulled out a handkerchief from Naha's sleeve, wiped it on his mouth casually, then threw the handkerchief to Naha and said: "Anyway, you should come here early. After attending the ceremony, we have to go to the Imperial Medical Office.

Please ask the old Mr. Fu family to help me feel my pulse. When the time comes, you will accompany me."

Since Yu Xiurong became pregnant, Naha, who had no status at home, had no choice but to agree. She really didn't want anything to happen to her nephew and niece.

Seeing Naha leaving quickly, Cui complained to Yu Xiurong.

"How can a sister-in-law tease a sister-in-law like this? If the friction turns into a grudge, I'll see how you end it."

Yu Xiurong said lazily: "Naha is a very kind-hearted child. Over the years, relying on his brother's favor, Grandpa Shitou's pampering, and Master Xuanzang's protection, he never used his brain to do anything.

Think everyone is a good person

It can't go on like this.

I also heard from my husband that Mr. Shitou is going to the Western Regions this time, planning to destroy a country and give Naha a princess status.

Even though she is a princess from a small country, she will still have a title that she can use when the time comes."

Cui frowned and said: "The name of Princess Fanbang is not good in the Tang Dynasty, isn't it? Are there not many princesses from the Western Regions and grasslands in recent years?

I heard that there are many princesses like this in the Yeting Palace who specialize in dancing for nobles. A good Buddhist girl from the Tang Dynasty has a reputation that is ten thousand times better than a princess from a foreign country."

Yu Xiurong sighed and said: "I heard that's not what you said, husband. Grandpa Shitou didn't just give Naha a princess name, he might even give Naha a country with people, territory, and cities.

Then, in the name of this country, we will go through the Western Regions, and if we encounter tribes or countries that are unwilling to believe in Buddhism, we will start a war."

Ms. Cui said carefully: "In other words, Naha only has a name, so she doesn't have to go to the Western Regions to be the female head of the country, right?"

"No need, this child's life has been too smooth and comfortable so far. If her careless temperament is allowed to develop, she may suffer big losses in the future.

As a sister-in-law, I naturally have to teach her more."

Cui said disdainfully: "I see, you just want to eat melon with Naha, why do you say such a lot of truth?"

Yu Xiurong laughed loudly and said: "You don't know, bullying, bullying Naha will make this hot day easier."

This chapter has been completed!
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