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Chapter 316 'On Hidden Housewives and Hooligans'

In Qujiangfang, where the water and sky are the same color, Yunchu held a feast.

This is the reward for the people of Qujiangfang after they have fought against the sky and won. It is also the best way to improve the self-confidence and pride of the people of Qujiangfang.

As the chief hero, Abe naturally received the highest reward from Yunchu - a cow!

Even though this is just a cow, it is the highest reward that the government can give to meritorious people.

Usually, passers-by save a person's life and reward him with a sheep.

Encountering bandits on the road, he resisted vigorously, killed and captured him and brought him to the government, where he was rewarded with a milk goat.

When encountering a sudden fire or water disaster, shout loudly to make people flee, and bravely take the lead in rescuing the disaster. Those who have done great deeds will be rewarded with a cow!

This is where the principle of rewarding Abe with a cow comes from.

Abe was very happy, and the people of Qujiangfang were also happy for him. The Japanese man got very drunk at the banquet.

He also sang and danced while crying, and looked at Yunchu who sang with hope: "The Nara capital city is like cherry blossoms in bloom. The fragrance is everywhere, and the prosperity is as wide as the eyes." (Original work, Japanese country, Ono Lao, in 700 AD)

Rewarding Abe with a cow is a matter of business, and it is natural. If it was Erniu, or another Tang Dynasty person, who came up with the idea this time, Yun Chu would also reward him with a cow, but there would also be subsidies for village sages.

, As for how much this subsidy is, it depends on Yunchu's mood. In short, these subsidies will definitely turn a lower-income family into an upper-income family in an instant.

Yunchu himself was trapped in Qujiangfang by the flood, and was trapped for seven full days. During this period, some people from Qujiangfang took a bamboo raft to Chang'an City to report to the Yamen and their families that they were safe.

During these seven days, Yunchu was not idle, but began to plan his own papermaking business.

There are a lot of bamboos on the edge of Chang'an. These bamboos have become a problem in Jinchangfang, and even more so in Qujiangfang. If they are not cut down within a year or two, they will dare to grow into the farmland.

The biggest reason why Qujiangfang was chosen for papermaking is that the people here have the consciousness of working to support their families, and Yunchu hopes to transform the rent-based employment system that relied on land in the past into these workshops. In other words,

The people of the Tang Dynasty who worked in the workshops actually had certain decision-making power over the workshops.

In other words, they are not only the workers in the workshop, but also have certain ownership rights in the workshop.

This is a huge change, even an earth-shaking change for farmers. Yunchu hopes that someone will be brave enough to participate in it.

Wannian County has no land that can be allocated to adult men and women. This has resulted in the household registration of many people not appearing in the household registration of Wannian County. This means that Chang'an alone has a population of millions. At this time

, the reason why the population of the entire Tang Dynasty was less than 3.6 million households.

According to the investigation by Wannian County officials, in Wannian County alone, at least 30% of the people live in Chang'an as hermits, vagabonds, and hooligans.

In other words, because the Tang Dynasty court did not provide the means of production - land, to these more than 30% of the people, so many people did not have to bear the burden of renting and paying servants, and were not eligible to participate in the military system.

Over time, the government system will become larger and larger, but the taxpayer population will not increase, or even decrease, and the government's income will decrease. At the same time, because there is no money, the government will provide less and less protection to the people.

This is a very bad vicious cycle. Therefore, after reaching the peak of the development of feudal society such as the Kaiyuan Dynasty early, the national power of the Tang Dynasty continued to decline, and eventually it became the unified dynasty with the worst ending.

As an official, Yunchu was still a competent official. He was like this before and he is still like this now. So, Yunchu took advantage of the days when he was trapped in Qujiangfang to write the Wanyan Memorial "On Yin".

"Household Floods, Hooligans".

In this memorial, Yun Chu explained to the emperor and the ministers the origin and development of the yinhu, rogue, and gangsters in a tracing-back-to-the-roots and exploratory tone, and how they continued to develop.

The harm to the society of the Tang Dynasty and the harm to the imperial power of the Tang Dynasty.

Finally, he wrote in a threatening tone: "If we do not understand the dangers of reclusive households, hooligans, and hooligans, there will be more pillars to support the building than there are farmers in Nanmu; there will be more rafters to erect beams than there are workers on the machine; and there will be more phosphorus on nail heads."

, if there are more than grains of millet in Yu, there will definitely be worries about the overthrow of the world.

In this way, the people of the Tang Dynasty had no time to mourn themselves, and later generations would mourn for them; and later generations would mourn without taking note of it, which would also cause future generations to mourn for future generations again."

This was the first long memorial in the form of an argument. Yun Chu just wrote it for five days. He hoped to get the power from the emperor to deal with recluses and gangsters.

Before submitting this memorial, Yun Chu showed it to Di Renjie, Wen Wenwen and Liu Rengui respectively.

The three of them applauded in unison, especially Liu Rengui, who was so excited after seeing this memorial that he not only signed and sealed the memorial, but also personally presented the memorial to the imperial court at the beginning of the month.

The emperor.

After Li Zhi read the memorial, he remained silent for a long time. Even with the giant bear by his side, there was no joy on his face.

As a result, his dinner was cheaper than the giant bear.

There were hidden households and hooligans in the Tang Dynasty society. Li Zhi knew this. He never dreamed that the number of hidden households and hooligans could account for more than 30% of the registered population of the Tang Dynasty.

Moreover, he also knew that there was a huge group of people that Yun Chu did not mention in his memorial, and that was the Buqu.

If the emperor does not pay attention to the hermits and gangsters, a large part of these people will become the subordinates of the nobles.

When the time comes, the fear of overthrow of the Tang Dynasty that Yun Chu said will definitely appear.

What did Emperor Gaozu rely on to make his fortune? How could Li Zhi not know that his loyalty to his master was well-trained and far beyond what some rebels could match?

Yunchu's memorial cut open a cancerous tumor in Tang Dynasty society with a knife, and displayed it bloodyly in front of Li Zhi.

Li Zhi read Yunchu's memorial again and again until late at night. After Wu Mei arrived, he still sighed in front of the memorial. He thought of several solutions, but finally gave up one by one because he was afraid of the rat.

After getting Li Zhi's permission, Wu Mei read Yun Chu's memorial. After reading the memorial, Wu Mei was stunned.

At this moment, her and Li Zhi's interests are the same. The loss suffered by Li Zhi is also the loss suffered by her. Li Zhi's interests are violated by the hidden family and gangsters. Similarly, her interests are also damaged.


After the couple sat in silence in the hall for a long time, Wu Mei tried her best to make her voice as calm as possible.

"Your Majesty, King Ji has granted ten thousand households."

Li Zhi suddenly raised his head, looked at Wu Mei and said, "What do you think..."

Wu Mei added: "The king of Han, the king of Zhou, the king of Lu, the king of Shu, the king of Huo, and the king of Jing have ten thousand households."

Li Zhi gritted his teeth and said, "These are all granted by Emperor Gaozu and Emperor Taizong."

Wu Mei added: "There are many princesses from Gaomi, Changguang, Wanchun, Jiujiang, Luling, and Wanchun, each with a household of five thousand."

Li Zhi's body trembled, because Wu Mei was only talking about Gaozu's daughter, and Gaozu had nineteen daughters. Except for Princess Pingyang, whose fiefdom was won by fighting to the death, the rest could be granted five thousand households.

, just because it came from Emperor Gaozu.

This does not include the twenty-one daughters of Emperor Taizong.

Wu Mei picked up Yunchu's memorial and pointed to the line of numbers on it and said: "The number of Dingkou in your Majesty's state and county household registration is only 3,583,000.

At the beginning, Emperor Taizong proposed to change the original three levels of county, prefecture, and county into the current two levels of prefecture and county, which would make the issuance of government orders much smoother."

Li Zhi stared into Wu Mei's eyes and said, "You want..."

Wu Mei nodded and said: "The reward of money is only a temporary pain, but the reward of land will be an eternal disaster. In the Tang Dynasty, there should only be one hundred ministers in the court, and the more officials in the prefectures and counties are reduced, the more your Majesty's decrees will be."

It is understanding.

The concubine thought that this king or that prince would become an obstacle to the issuance of His Majesty's decrees.

Just like the current flood, it is not because of too much rain, but because of ineffective dredging of the river. If the dredging of the river is effective, no matter how heavy the rain is, it will only be sent to the sea by the river instead of turning into a disaster in this pass.


Li Zhi grabbed the giant bear's ears and began to knead it. He grabbed it very hard. The giant bear grunted in dissatisfaction. Seeing that Li Zhi ignored it, he lowered his head and let Li Zhi knead it. Such force.

, far worse than the pain Yun Chu’s bamboo stick hit him on.

Li Zhi thought about it for a long time, while Wu Mei sat there with a smile. Neither husband nor wife spoke, only the lights on the palace lanterns danced and brought light.

The timer's water leak slowly dripped water drops into the copper bowl below, making a loud noise.

I don't know how long it took, but Li Zhi silently rolled up Yun Chu's memorial, sealed it, put it in a brocade box, and handed it to Wu Mei.

"The reward is given to you."

After saying that, he got up and left the hall with the sleepy bear. Tonight, Li Zhi felt that he might not be able to sleep.

Wu Mei held the brocade box in both hands and looked back to see Li Zhi who had left. Then she looked back at the brocade box and whispered, "Who should we start with?"

The sun finally jumped out from behind the dark clouds. After more than ten days of moistening autumn rain, the cold autumn finally arrived.

The flood that plagued Qujiangfang has fallen by more than a foot. Some farmland has emerged from the water and turned into a quagmire. In the middle puddle, only a few small fish with long fingers are left wandering. Some big fish seem to know

The disaster of drowning is about to come. He wags his tail crazily and leaves the small pond, preparing to return to the big river, big river, and big lake.

Unfortunately, there are always urchins carrying bamboo baskets to catch fish and hold them down so that they have no way to escape.

These big fish are usually sent to Jinchangfang Canteen or Guangfufang Canteen, and eventually become delicacies that are highly praised by people.

When Yun Chu returned home, he kept waiting for the response to the memorial. However, no matter how long he waited, nothing came. No reward, no scolding. It was as if he had never been to the memorial. The silence and peace in the court hall were eerie.

Of course, it was not without good news. The people of Lantian County finally dredged the river and used gunpowder to blow up the barrier lake, relieving Chang'an from being flooded...

Attachment: The next chapter will be released at 7 pm on the 11th. You can read it first, and I will continue writing. This book is the first release of Qidian. Everyone is welcome to read it on the Qidian app——

I visited some relatives and I'm sorry it's late.

This chapter has been completed!
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