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Chapter 354 Those who are good at fighting have no great achievements

The flowers that bloomed last year will bloom again this spring, and the people we saw last year will bloom again this spring.

The originally paved stone path in Jinchangfang has remained unchanged except for the slickness of tourists' feet.

Even the bamboos that were cut down the year before last sprouted out of the ground again this year, and their vitality was so tenacious that it was annoying.

If the Big Wild Goose Pagoda had not been destroyed by an earthquake, it would have stood for a thousand years.

Long term is good, but there should also be some changes.

Therefore, Yunchu decided to renovate the water features in Jinchangfang this year. There should be a fountain anyway, right?

However, after discussing with the craftsmen, Yunchu discovered that Datang did not have pressurizing equipment, and the fountain could spray up to two meters high. This was almost the height of the fountain that could only be achieved by maximizing the height difference of Jinchangfang.

Yunchu didn't care, he wanted a fountain that could spray out a water column of thirty meters high... For someone who had seen a hundred-meter-high fountain, this was already his minimum requirement.

The craftsmen all agreed that their county magistrate was crazy.

However, when they heard that the county official was willing to invest a thousand dollars to build such a useless thing, for the sake of money, they expressed their willingness to give it a try.

A wise man made a big pump and sprayed water upwards. Under the operation of four strong men, they sprayed water to a height of more than ten meters, and were severely beaten by the county magistrate.

Being beaten is nothing to the craftsmen. As long as they can get money, they are willing to beat them a few more times.

Another wise man took a fancy to Wuhoupu's fire-fighting bucket truck. He creatively installed a movable baffle and a rocker arm on the bucket truck, and used the bellows principle to apply pressure to the water.

Then, after six strong men desperately urged the rocker arm to pressurize the bucket truck, they suddenly opened the water outlet valve, and the water column shot out from the bucket truck. This time it was not bad, there was a water column of 20 meters high, but it couldn't


This time, they had some brains, so Yun Chu rewarded them with ten guan of money to help them pay for the bucket truck at Wuhoupu, and they could still make a little profit.

"Do you have to shoot a water column ten feet high? Is it to make up for the fact that your pee is not far enough or high enough?"

Wen Wen couldn't understand Yun Chu's quirks at all.

Yun Chu said: "I don't have to have a water column that shoots ten feet high. What I want is a method that can shoot the water column ten feet high."

"With this method, you can pee ten feet high?"

"No, but I can continue to create a method that can throw boulders or projectiles hundreds of feet away."

Wen Wen shook his head and said: "This is impossible, there is no such strongman, and there is no such equipment."

Yun Chu compassionately stroked Gentle's head and said, "Do you still remember the big explosion on the abandoned stone platform?"

Wen Wen frowned and said, "This is not what we did."

Yun Chu smiled and said: "Of course I know this was not our fault, but when the waste stone platform exploded, stones the size of a human head flew into the Tai Chi Hall, and stones larger than a human flew more than ten feet away.

The eunuch killed several people.

Think about it, how far is the waste stone platform from Tai Chi Palace?"

Wen Wen thought for a while and said in surprise: "It's more than a hundred feet."

Yun Chu stroked Gentle's head again and said: "You just said that there is no such strongman in the world, and his equipment can throw stones as big as a human head a hundred feet away.

So, how did that stone fly to Tai Chi Hall?"

After Yun Chu said this, he left the gentleness in his thoughts and went to his mansion.

Because he didn't want to live in the Tang Dynasty for a hundred years and look like he had lived for ten days, he felt that he needed to get everyone involved.

The Tang Dynasty actually didn't welcome smart people very much, mainly because there were too many smart people in this era, and the emperor was just a bit stupid, so he couldn't be an outstanding smart person.

Everyone is pretending to be stupid, so most smart people are not doing so well at this time, because people who are pretending to be stupid have already seen through everything.

Yun Chu proposed a reward and raised questions, so someone in this world should come and take away his reward and answer his questions.

And Yun Chu's current status allowed him to offer rewards and raise questions. If he were not the magistrate of Wannian County, no one would pay attention to him even if he offered a hundred rewards and questions.

Although fountains and flying rocks may seem to be unrelated things, if someone understands the concept of pressure, it will be logical to solve the problem of flying rocks.

That's right, what Yun Chu wants in the end is artillery!

To prevent others from always asking him if he wrote the word "Pao" wrongly when playing chess with him, the interpretation of "Pao" next to the word "火" in the Tang Dynasty was wrong. It was meat wrapped in fire and was called "Pao".

The heavy snow that fell a few days ago is the last stubbornness of winter. After this white snow melts, everything will truly enter the season of recovery.

Yunchu looked at the cabbage brought by the doctor of agriculture and was silent for a long time.

Wen Wen asked suspiciously: "Is this the wok you spent fifty thousand dollars to cultivate?"

Xu Youdao, a doctor of agriculture, said: "We have cultivated it six times, and it is currently in the best condition. If the county magistrate still wants to grow larger weeds, he will need to add 100 guan of funding, which will take two years."

Xu You is a robot that has no feelings for Wucai. He doesn't care what Wucai will become. He only cares about whether the famous 250th County Magistrate of Chang'an City in front of him will continue to invest in him so that he can continue to invest in him.

He continued to live a relaxed life for two years.

Anyway, at present, the county magistrate is only interested in big things. According to his more than a year of planting experience, he only needs to cut off the upper part of the two kilograms of wok in front of him and continue to plant it.

He went down and waited for the watercress to bloom, and then selected a larger one for hybridization. He thought that this year, he should be able to grow a watercress weighing more than five kilograms.

"How many seeds?"

Xu You took out a small cloth bag from his sleeve and placed it on Yun Chu's desk. Yun Chu opened it and looked at it. He found that the seeds of the waterweed were very small, so he took out dozens of seeds and returned the remaining seeds to

Xu Youdao: "Take good care of these weeds. The bigger the better. At the same time, I will transfer you from Sinong Temple to Dr. Sinong of Wannian County. I will help you upgrade from the ninth rank to the eighth rank. If you can

To cultivate the cabbage that I want, I won’t say how much money I’ll give you, it’s just you personally, I will reward you with two hundred guan.”

Xu You's heart beat wildly when he heard this. The doctor from Sinong Temple may sound good, but poverty is really poverty.

To put it bluntly, the corners of his official robe were already fuzzed. Looking at the official robes worn by Wannian County officials, he knew how rich the salary of being an official here was.

If you get promoted and get two hundred guan of money, plus your savings, you can buy a two-story house in Guangfufang, and you no longer have to squeeze a family of nine into a small courtyard.

No more having to share a bed with my five children...

Yun Chu seemed to be able to see through his mind, so he continued: "I will also reward you with a house, Guangfu Fang or Anye Fang. You can choose it yourself."

Xu You couldn't help but swallowed his saliva and said: "In this case, please give me a quiet and fertile land."

Yun Chu nodded and said, "I'll give you a transfer order right away."

The clever Xu You asked again: "I wonder what the county magistrate hopes for the cabbage to look like?"

Yun Chu immediately spread out a large piece of paper and drew a "Picture of Cabbage" on the paper with a brush. After drying the ink, he said to Xu You: "This is the kind of cabbage that is the same size and appearance."

Xu You has been a doctor of agriculture at Sinong Temple for fifteen years, and he no longer believes that Shangguan will draw a pie for him. The promotion from a ninth-rank official to an eighth-rank official does not mean much to him.

There was no way to solve his immediate problem.

At the age of forty, it is impossible for him to be promoted to a seventh-rank official in the remaining years. If he cannot become a seventh-rank official, the eighth and ninth ranks are meaningless, because these salaries will not allow his family to live a good life.


Therefore, he didn't care about promotion, but he had to ask Yunchu to write a document for him, and he had to clearly state the reward of 200 yuan and a house.

This is an official who has long given up hope of promotion. He only wants tangible benefits.

Yun Chu looked at Xu You and said, "Do you really just want a two-story building and two hundred guan of money, without the reward or promotion from the court?"

Xu You nodded without hesitation and said: "These are enough for the lower officials. Cultivating the big wok is entirely the credit of the county magistrate."

Yun Chu laughed loudly and said, "Just don't regret it in the future."

Xu You immediately said: "I have no regrets about being a subordinate!"

Seeing such a fool, Yun Chu felt that there was no need to pity him, so he asked a gentle man to write down three documents. After the two of them signed, sealed and stamped, one copy was filed in Wannian County and the other was taken by Yun Chu.

, one copy was left to Xu You.

Seeing Xu You leaving the official residence excitedly, Wen Wen frowned and said, "Is the reward too much?"

Yun Chu smiled and said: "If this kind of cabbage is planted after the summer harvest and harvested two and a half months later, the yield per mu exceeds four thousand catties. Do you still think that two hundred guan is a lot of money for a small building?"

She smiled softly and said, "Although it's impossible, if it's true as you said, with this thing, you won't have any problem getting the title of county boy."

Yun Chu happily patted Gentle's shoulder and said, "Just wait and call me Yun County Man."

After saying this, he pulled out a plum blossom in his flowerpot, carefully loosened the soil in the flowerpot, and finally, carefully chopped off the cabbage body that Xu You brought, leaving only the old man.

The roots were planted in the flower pot...

After planting the cabbage, Yun Chu looked at it with a curious face and said softly: "Growing the cabbage well is far more important than capturing the city on the battlefield, and it also benefits the common people.

We do not compete with others for those prestigious achievements, and we do not compete with others for those good things that gain both fame and wealth.

As long as I grow the water spinach well, I can kill those old thieves who are strategizing and winning thousands of miles away!"

My friend is here, it’s a little late, I’ll continue

This chapter has been completed!
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