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Chapter 37: Butcher or doctor?

At first, Yunchu felt that she was not born to Selema, but Selema found various reasons to say that Yunchu crawled out of her intestines.

There is no shortage of various supporting evidence. As time goes by, many Cyprus people believe that Yunchu was born to Selema and that there was just a slight mutation during the birth process.

So, Yun Chu held his nose and admitted it. After all, eating other people's food and leaving it to others is the minimum moral requirement of being a human being.

Now, Lao Yangpi also told Yunchu that Chen Xuanzang and the head of the Dongnu Kingdom were his parents.

Yun Chu still thought that he was not the son of someone else, but Old Monkey used a meticulous chain of evidence to prove that Yun Chu was someone else's son.

The chain of evidence was clear at a glance, making it difficult for Yun Chu to argue.

When he was born, he was just a baby. A newborn baby has no right to say who its parents are.

Just like a group of ducks newly hatched from an egg shell, if the first thing they see is a dog, they will follow the dog.

This made Yun Chu, who had very deep memories of his own parents, feel that his own parents had raised his child in vain, raising such a person who was often passively regarded as someone else's son. If they found out, God knows. What a feeling.

The weather is very hot, but Naha still likes to wrap herself in the old monkey's black sheepskin cloak and squat on the desk to continue playing with the old monkey in catching stones...

After yesterday's battle, the Tang army won a great victory and snatched the Chuyue tribe's large banner. This was an extremely shameful thing for the Chuyue tribe.

This time, at dawn, the Turks launched a fierce attack.

The battle not only took place at the top of the city, but also took place under the city wall. The arrows from the top of the city were like locusts, causing lives to disappear in an instant.

Under the city wall, there were Tang cavalry and Cypriot cavalry from time to time taking turns attacking the Turks who wanted to pile soil under the city wall.

The city wall of Qiuci is not high at all, barely four meters high. If the Turks were allowed to pile up earth, they would be able to build a slope under the city wall in less than two hours.

But the sudden appearance of this four-meter-high city wall on the plain made the Turkic cavalry helpless against the city in a short period of time.

On the defensive side, there were no rolling stones, no lime, no molten iron, no gold, only bows and arrows, knives and axes, spears and stones.

The equipment of the siege team was still crude. There were no catapults, no siege engines, no slowly moving arrow towers, and even no rams to hit the city gates. All they had were simple ladders and bows and arrows.

However, the fighting was still extremely brutal.

The furious Turkic warriors abandoned their horses and used scimitars to dig small holes in the city wall. Each time they dug a hole, they stepped on it with one foot and then dug the next one until they were shot to death with arrows by the city defenders or killed by arrows. Stabbed to death with a spear.

Continue to dig holes next...

Within a range of three to five meters, everyone is a marksman.

Some corpses fell under the city, and some corpses fell on the city. Gradually, corpses piled up around the earth city, which was only five miles away.

As long as Ding Dayou is not forced to go out of the city to fight, He Yuanshan and Liu Xiong are still very capable.

He Yuanshan's hammer was lost in that assault battlefield. Now he is using a spear. The Tang army's spear is very long. The three-meter-long pole allows him to avoid the direct fire of arrows outside the city and squat down.

His body was specifically aimed at the Turks who were protruding from the city wall. His technique was very reliable, and he was able to hit the target accurately with one stab.

It’s just that the locust stones thrown by the Turks with leather bags are very annoying. They can’t kill people, but their accuracy is astonishing. When they hit the armor, they made a tinkling sound. The injury that Yun Chu treated the most that day was on the face.

A person hit by a locust stone.

Good things like javelins are basically not used when defending the city. Once they are thrown to kill a Turk, they will immediately have an extra spear. The head of the javelin is set on a pine pole more than ten meters long. At the top of the city

It is difficult for people to prevent it.

The battle in Kucha City was in full swing, but the bastard Ding Dayou disappeared once again.

Yun Chu did not see him at his home on the pretext of reporting on his injuries. The person who met him was one of the captains, Guo Yi. After listening to Yun Chu's report, he signaled to Yun Chu that he could leave and told him that in the future,

If you have nothing to do, don't come over. Of course, if you make new beef buns, you can call him over.

In order to retaliate, Yun Chu pretended not to notice his already red and swollen wound. Since he didn't want to see him, there was no need for him to get on the pole to help.

In fact, he can't help much. Whether the wound will become inflamed or maggots will grow depends on the individual's fate.

Yunchu took the opportunity to go to the same hospital where Liu Chong was treated.

Before he even entered the door, he smelled the stench that towered into the sky, and many injuries fell casually on the ground filled with feces.

To be honest, this place looks more like a slaughterhouse and a blacksmith shop than a medical clinic.

Covered in blood and carrying a carpenter's saw, Dr. Liu looked more like a butcher than a doctor.

He was already amputating someone's legs when he heard that Yun Chu was coming, so he deliberately stopped the operation and came to see the person.

"I heard that fewer people died there than here?"

Yun Chu looked at the minced meat stuck to the saw teeth and was very frightened. He quickly said: "The injuries I have there are all minor injuries."

Liu Langzhong chuckled and said, "I guess that's the case too."

After saying this, he took out a red-hot soldering iron from the blacksmith's stove and placed it on the back of an injured patient.

"Ah——" The injured person was lying on the ground, jumping like a fish. Dr. Liu stepped on the injured person's back and cursed angrily: "The arrow sores are bloody pus. If you don't burn them, you will die."

Yun Chu smelled the smell of roasted meat, looked at the injured people scattered all over the yard, listened to the screams of the injured, and just thought about how to escape as quickly as possible.

"You are a doctor from the eighth grade, and you are qualified to open a shop for injured patients. You can be considered a help to me. If you need any medicine, just tell me. As long as I have it here, you can take it."

Yun Chu said dullly: "Aren't you amputating someone's leg?"

Liu Chong, Doctor Liu was slapping his forehead, turned around and was about to leave. After taking two steps, he shook his head and said, "It's not necessary. That man is dead. He was clearly told that amputating his legs would kill him, but he just wanted to live. He is a real loser."

A man is dead when he dies, dragging a crippled body back to drag his family down?"

Yunchu felt that the words "manly man" were not appropriate to use here, and wanted to correct him. He saw a wounded man who had one of his legs amputated, his hands hanging on both sides of a door panel, limply covered by two beards.

People were carried out.

Yun Chu looked carefully, and there were still two lines of tears hanging from the corners of the man's eyes, which showed how unwilling he was before he died.

"I want Pulsatilla, Coptis, Yinchen, Bupleurum, Honeysuckle, Andrographis paniculata, Isatis root, skullcap, purslane, thistle and thistle.

If you have borneol, musk, blood root, and Panax notoginseng, give me some, and I can exchange them for frankincense and myrrh."

Doctor Liu looked at Yun Chu in surprise and said, "I didn't expect that a little boy like you would really know some medical skills, and the medicines you picked were all available at that time.

What’s even more rare is that you actually know Panax notoginseng, who is your medical master?”

Yun Chu said quickly: "My master's surname is Liu and his given name is Huacheng. He is a Qi Refiner, and his name is Hengshan Qi Refiner."

Dr. Liu nodded and said: "Oh, fellow Taoist, in that case, you can ask the medicine boy to pick up medicine for you. Borneol, if you don't have much blood, I can give you some. There is a lot of Panax notoginseng in stock, but you

It needs to be replaced with frankincense and myrrh, women’s medicines.”

Yunchu thanked him and followed an eight-foot-tall boy to get the medicine.

After entering the pharmacy, Yunchu realized why Dr. Liu was so generous. He really had no shortage of medicinal materials, and the whole room was full of them.

The tall boy also said to Yun Chu: "Here are the medicines sent by Longyou. Among the medicines they sent, the best ones are Bupleurum and Angelica. There are also medicines sent by Guanzhong, Pulsatilla and Coptis from Qinling Mountains.

, Yinchen is the best, and the rest of the medicinal materials are average.

I wonder if your husband prefers to prescribe a single prescription or a compound prescription when taking medicine?"

Does Yun Chu know the difference between single prescription and compound prescription? He said directly: "Just find me all the medicinal materials I want."

Unexpectedly, Yun Chu's unreasonable attitude gained more respect from the medicine boy. In his opinion, all doctors in the world are the same and will not easily teach outsiders their own skills to earn a living.

Not long after, Yun Chu carried a sack full of medicinal materials and left the place where Dr. Liu committed the murder.

The medicines he chose were all anti-inflammatory and hemostatic medicines. Although he didn't know how to use dry medicines, he still chose the simplest one, which was to grind all the dry medicines into powder and cook them into concoctions separately.

Soak the linen strips in the medicine, dry them in the sun and then wrap them around the wounds. Let the injured drink the remaining medicine.

Traditional Chinese medicine emphasizes that the emperor and his ministers make decisions. Yun Chu didn't want it because his chemistry teacher told him that the most important reason why medicine can cure diseases is the chemical elements in the medicine, and the rest is not important.

Although only one or two injured people die every day in Yunchu, those who are injured habitually go to Liu Yizheng for treatment, especially those who are seriously injured and rescued. They have to crawl to Liu Yizheng for death surgery.


Yun Chu didn't know how Sun Shenxian cured his illness. He only heard that he had the ability to revive the dead with flesh and white bones. He didn't see the old man's magical methods with his own eyes, so he didn't dare to comment casually.

But it was doctors like Liu Yizheng who made him have great doubts about the health and medical conditions of Datang.

This was also the reason why he dared to randomly administer medicine to the injured. In his opinion, instead of letting the injured go to Liu Yizheng to die, it would be better for them to seek a miracle of survival here.

This itself is an extremely perverted war. One side wants to turn the Kucha area into a no-man's land through burning, killing, and looting.

One side is thinking about how to keep the other side here so that they can kill them all at once.

Looking around, the world is full of perverts, and my own little personality distortion really doesn't mean anything.

This chapter has been completed!
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