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Chapter 398 Unstoppable

Yunchu didn't know why Li Ji said these words to him.

This old guy gets smarter as he gets older. If he is given another hundred years, Yunchu thinks he will probably turn into a monster.

Yun Chu knew more about what a feudal dynasty was than Li Ji, not to mention that since the end of the Spring and Autumn Period, there has been no such thing as a bullshit feudal society in this land.

What is feudalism?

The name of feudalism and founding of a country is called feudalism.

"Poetry·Ode to Shang·Yinwu": "The fate is in the lower country, and the feudalism is blessed."

"The Book of Rites: The King's System": "The king's system is composed of Dukes, Marquises, Bos, Sons, and sons. The fields of the five emperors are thousands of miles long. The fields of Dukes and Marquiss are hundreds of miles long. The fields of Bos are seventy miles long. The fields of sons and sons are fifty miles long."

Since Qin Shihuang began to implement the system of prefectures and counties, there has been no feudal system in China.

The whole world belongs to the emperor, so people began to tout another old saying - the whole world is not the king's land, and the shores of the land are not the king's ministers.

This is the advantage of Chinese culture. A sentence often has two or more interpretations. If one doesn't make sense, change it to another. If it still doesn't work, then create another one.

So, don’t think that the above words sound funny, but you don’t know that this kind of culture exactly meets the needs of the advancement of the times.

Yun Chu is willing to regard this seemingly funny cultural explanation as - advancing with the times.

It is because of this characteristic that Chinese people today, as long as they have some knowledge, can still understand and resonate with the thoughts of people three thousand years ago.

Every time there is a change of dynasty, it is actually just that society no longer has the possibility of urgent development, and people have no choice but to change their way of life.

As far as the current situation of the Tang Dynasty is concerned, everything is improving. No one can overthrow the Tang Dynasty at this time. No one can do it, because the people have no will to overthrow the Tang Dynasty.

"I'm only in Guild Chang'an!"

Yun Chu said to Li Ji seriously.

Li Ji said suspiciously: "Are you only in Hui Chang'an?"

Yun Chu smiled and said: "My highest pursuit is Chang'an Jing Zhaoyin. I estimate that I can live to be more than eighty years old. Twenty years have passed now. The next sixty years will be very short and not much can be done."

Therefore, I chose Chang'an, which has relatively perfect conditions. I wanted to test it out and see if I could build Chang'an into what I imagined.

So, don’t have high expectations of me, because I only care about Chang’an, and since this city has been named Chang’an, it should have long-term peace and stability.”

Li Ji seemed to be interested in Yun Chu's words, so he sat up and said, "What does Chang'an look like in your mind?"

Yun Chu smiled and said: "The sun rises in Chang'an and sets in Chang'an. The rest is just a dark place."

"Are you so confident?"

"As a Tang Dynasty person, I must have such confidence."

After Yun Chu finished speaking, he saluted Li Ji and then exited the Chinese army's tent.

Outside Li Ji's military tent, a large army gathered. Almost half of the elites of the Tang Dynasty were now outside this Wugu City.

Li Ji got his wish and consumed Yeon Gaesumun's 120,000 troops in Anshi City, and once again consumed Yeon Gaesumun's 60,000 troops on the way to Wugu City.

Today, Goguryeo's 180,000 main army has been ground into a pulp by Li Ji, a huge millstone.

If Goguryeo can continue to bleed in Wugu City, then despair will definitely spread in Goguryeo.

Until now, Li Ji still has not used gunpowder. Yun Chu estimated that Li Ji wanted to use gunpowder to defeat the last resistance of the Goguryeo people.

Collapse their confidence in facing the Tang army again.

Taking advantage of the convenience of the 380,000 troops in Liaodong, the Tang Dynasty immediately launched a national policy of migrating the people of Liaodong. The big shots in the court understood that only by gathering the people of Liaodong to one point can they

It is possible to control and develop this land, otherwise, rebellions will still emerge in endlessly.

When returning to his military camp

Chapter 57: Unstoppable

Yunchu went to the edge of Wugu City to take a look. The Tang army that besieged Wugu City did not do any ordinary work of attacking the city. They only placed many giant trebuchets around the city.

This makes the area around Wugu City look very clean and tidy.

When we returned to our camp, the camp was very lively. Cows were hung one after another on wooden stands. Some soldiers who had been butchers were happily breaking down the cows they had just obtained from the Xiren tribe.

Hundreds of large army cauldrons were boiling with steam. The butcher soldiers cut off pieces of meat from the cows and threw them directly into the cauldron to cook without washing them. Some more brutal soldiers cut the meat directly from the cows.

Cut off thin slices of even squirming beef and throw it into your mouth to chew.

This is not only true for the Yunchu tribe's military stronghold, but also for many of the soldiers responsible for migrating local small ethnic groups.

Not many tribes have agreed to migrate to Yingzhou these days, so everyone has gained a lot.

According to Wen Wen's estimation, after this disaster, it will take at least twenty years for Liaodong to return to the way it was before the Tang army arrived.

Very well, the army originally represented a force of destruction. It would be unreasonable to say that the arrival of the Tang Dynasty army in Liaodong actually made Liaodong's economy and people's livelihood develop forward for twenty years.

When people are in crisis, it is best to look at the world from the perspective of a military strategist. If you do not have the means of a military strategist, you should at least look at the world from the perspective of a robber.

When people are proud, it is best to look at the world from the perspective of a politician. If you are not a politician, you should at least look at yourself from two or more perspectives.

When the soldiers and horses of the Tang Dynasty were already at an absolute advantage, and when everyone was looking at Goguryeo from the perspective of a military strategist, Yun Chu thought that he should look at Goguryeo from the perspective of a statesman.

Because Li Ji is too old, not a single word he says is in vain.

Why should Yunchu go to Baekje?

This shows that this old thief has now begun to worry about governance issues after the annihilation of Goguryeo.

However, Yun Chu did not accept his words and planned to follow the army in the name of a small fifth-grade Dingyuan general. After the army entered the prosperous area of ​​Goguryeo, they would rob fiercely for a while. In this way, Wan

The prosperity of Nian County will reach a new level.

Just when Yunchu was nesting in Wugu City and migrating the small tribes from Liaodong, Qibi Heli and Xue Rengui captured Nayan City, Wandu City and Neiguocheng City. In other words, their large army had broken through the Yalu River.

Entered the core area of ​​Goguryeo.

As a result, Li Ji also started to move, not giving any chance to the defenders of Wugu City. The giant trebuchet kept smashing boulders on the city wall until all four walls were collapsed.

They poured into Wugu City from all directions, and for a while, Tang soldiers in Wugu City were overcrowded.

There were too many people when they broke into Wugu City. Yun Chubu entered the city as a rear army. After entering the city, he found that everything in the city had been marked. It was clear at a glance which army these properties belonged to.

, after Yun Chubu entered Wugu City, he didn't even grab a nail.

Li Ji seemed to be happy to see his generals doing this. After inspecting the looting results of each department, he easily took away 30%, and the rest belonged to the soldiers.

After breaking the city, Li Ji didn't even ask about the whereabouts of the Goguryeo generals guarding the city, and directly ordered the attack on Bogou and Dahang, the only two Goguryeo cities still on the south bank of the Yalu River.

Ever since they had the giant trebuchet, the Tang army fell in love with attacking cities, and they all hoped that the general would order their generals to attack these two cities.

Yun Chu's troops and Guo Daifeng's troops arrived at Dahang City.

It has to be said that the correctness of Li Ji's strategy is unparalleled. After killing most of Goguryeo's elite forces in Liaodong, and then advancing towards the hinterland of Goguryeo, it can be described as almost overwhelming.

After seeing Dahang City with tall walls, neither Guo Daifeng nor Yun Chu worried about how to attack the city. They were both thinking about how to maximize the interests of their troops.

Guo Daifeng was worried that he would not be able to get anything if he went to Dahang City.

Chapter 57: Unstoppable

He had too many seizures and felt that he was not as smart as Yunchu, so he asked Yunchu for advice.

"Brother Yu Chu, in the 22nd year of Zhenguan, Xue Wanche, the chief military officer of Qingqiu Road, once led 30,000 troops and used the navy to attack Dahang City.

We also moved all of Dahang City. Even though we have captured Dahang City now, I am worried that it is an empty city. After all, it will be difficult to make a city that has been plundered and emptied out prosperous again in eight years."

When Yun Chu saw that Guo Daifeng was seriously asking for advice, he said openly: "As a person who confiscated Xue Wanche's property in the fourth year of Yonghui, you should know how rich the things Xue Wanche stole back then, right?"

Guo Daifeng whispered: "There were countless searches. The carriage hauled the stolen goods for a whole night, including no less than 30,000 pieces of bronze."

Yun Chu smiled and said: "Daxing City is rich in bronze wares. Eight years is enough for them to produce countless more bronze wares. Don't forget it at the same time.

At that time, Xue Wanche entered the Yalu River alone. Not only did he have to fight fiercely with more than 10,000 troops from the husband and grandson of the lord of Bogou City, he also had to deal with reinforcements sent by Wu Gu, An Di and other cities.

Although Xue Wanche beheaded the husband and grandson of the lord of Bogou City, defeated Wu Gu, and received reinforcements from several cities in Andi.

So, how much time do you think is left for Xue Wanche to search Daxing City?

Our brothers’ attack on Dahang City this time is very likely to capture the city without any bloodshed, and then sweep Dahang City with the same effort as sweeping the floor, and the harvest will be very good.”

After listening to Yun Chu's analysis, Guo Daifeng felt a little calmer, but immediately began to worry that he would not be able to capture Yun Chu's department.

Since the army he led came to Liaodong, they have been fighting bravely and suffered serious losses. They fought many battles but captured few.

This made his soldiers complain a lot about him. Guo Daifeng and his soldiers were full of expectations for this attack on Daxing City.

"After the city is broken, you can take over important places such as the city lord's palace, treasury, and grain depots. Just leave the port to us."

After Yun Chu finished speaking, he found that Guo Daifeng still looked embarrassed, so he said impatiently: "Otherwise, if you want a port, I will take over the city lord's palace, treasury, grain depot and other good places."

Guo Daifeng struggled to open his mouth, but still couldn't say a word. He always felt that Yun Chu was lying to him.

He really didn't know how to choose.

Chapter 57: Unstoppable

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