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Chapter 531 Treating the symptoms rather than the root cause

Wu Mei looked at Li Zhi's back for a long time. The more she looked at him, the stranger the man in front of her felt.

Li Zhi was not like this in the past. He was just a boy who had not grown up. She still remembered the way Li Zhi was swaying in her arms under the ancient cypress of Ganye Temple. Li Zhi at that time was not only kind, but also kind.

Long love.

For Li Zhi, Wu Mei's feelings were very confusing. She didn't know what to say. She only knew that the moment Li Zhi sent someone to take her back to the palace from Ganye Temple, Wu Mei would be grateful to him for the rest of her life.

Things are different now. The man in front of him has become unpredictable. How should I put it? He has become a bit like his father.

Wu Mei's first memory of a man was Emperor Taizong, but she didn't like that man because he was more like a volcano of interests and a dead sea of ​​power than a living person.

Li Zhi is different.

Even if it is a mountain, it is also a big mountain where all things grow. Even if it is a sea, it allows all kinds of swimming fish in the sea...

Thinking of this, Wu Mei took Li Zhi's hand and put it on her cheek.

Li Zhi stroked Wu Mei's face and smiled. He knew that whenever Wu Mei did this, it was the time for her to become emotional.

But look at Wu Mei's huge belly and pinch her nose.

When Li Hong came over with a bamboo hat on his head, straw sandals on his feet, and two ungrown onions in his hand, he saw that his parents were looking at him, so he washed his hands by the canal and said, "My child."

I’m trying to see how long I can keep working under the scorching sun.”

Li Zhi looked at Li Hong's sunburned face and said, "So how long did you hold on?"

Li Hong shyly said "an hour"

"So how long can the farmer hold on?"

Li Hongdao "At least four hours"

Wu Mei smiled and said, "I think you still have the energy to joke with your father, why don't you keep going?"

Li Hong looked at his mother on the brocade couch and said puzzledly, "My son is the prince of the Tang Dynasty. He only needs to know the hardships of farming and mulberry farming. He knows that farmers can work non-stop for four hours. It is enough to know how much work he can do in four hours."

There is no need to waste your precious time on such meaningless farm work."

Wu Mei said to Li Zhi, "Your Majesty has seen it clearly. Your son will definitely become a person who has to compare everything with money in the future. He wants to know all the knowledge in the world, and then use this knowledge to make those who work for him forget about it."

Have a moment of peace"

"In this case, the people under his command who work for him must be very hard."

Li Zhi looked at Li Hong and said, "You don't have to work so hard to show off your poor skills in front of your grandpa and grandma. As long as you understand benevolence, filial piety, and benevolence and forgiveness, you will be a good son in your grandpa's eyes."

Li Hong said respectfully, "What I taught you is that the child will remember it."

At this time, Wu Mei sat up with the help of the palace servants, and said to Li Hong, "I heard that the eldest grandson rushed into the East Palace." "Did you even have a meal?"

Li Hong nodded and said, "It's true. Changsun Chong wanted to resolve the conflict with the child first. The child agreed, and he was relieved of the fact that Changsun had plotted against me before."

Wu Mei said, "Do you think this is appropriate?"

Li Hong looked at Li Zhi, who was looking at Qu Jiang with his hands behind his back, and whispered, "From the current point of view, this is good for the child."

Li Zhi laughed when he heard this.

To Li Hongdao, "You only think about profit?"

Li Hongdao: "Master Shangguan said that the Tian family is ruthless, but the child thinks this is wrong. The child's love for his parents is destined by nature, and his filial piety towards his brothers and sisters is acquired."

"Since love is something we are born with, it means that people simply cannot be ruthless and unjust."

"Since the killing is endless, I might as well keep my love in the flesh and blood of my close relatives. Even if I make some mistakes because of my love, I will think that even if I lose, I will still win."

"As for the court, it's better to talk about the pros and cons."

Li Zhi smiled and said, "This is very similar to Yun Chu's argument."

Li Hong shook his head and said, "Father, this is exactly the argument of Master Xu Jingzong. His and Master Shangguan's arguments are sometimes very different from each other. Father does not allow his children to disobey these two masters, so he has to choose what he wants to hear."

Next, if you don’t want to hear it, just give up.”

Wu Mei looked at Li Zhi.

Looking at Li Hong, who was nine years old and as strong as a calf, he suddenly sighed.

I feel that I am really worthy of the Li family of Longxi. Even if I once served Emperor Taizong and saw him underground in the future, Emperor Taizong must have nothing to say.

Which nine-year-old child has such insight?

Thinking of this, Wu Mei caressed her belly. She suddenly felt that there was no need to work so hard to have a baby because she would have one more child.

It just adds another trouble to Li Hongduo.

Li Zhidao said, "Since you have your own ideas, then go ahead and give it a try. Whether you can have a Sun family or not will all be in your hands. It depends on whether you have the destiny."

Li Hong shook his head indifferently and said, "The child is not that eager. It doesn't matter whether I can get the child. Anyway, no matter what happens, the meat will eventually rot in my pot of Datang. As long as the child drinks more."

In the Tang Dynasty, the broth in this pot will sooner or later end up eating the rotten meat in the pot."

Li Zhi looked at his son with undisguised admiration in his eyes.

What my son said is not wrong at all. There is still a long time. There is no need to worry. Eating one more bite is almost the same as eating one less bite. The meat is still in the big pot of Datang, and you are qualified to take it by the pot.

The people eating the meat with a spoon are just their father and son.

Everyone likes to go to Yunchu's official office in Wannian County.

No one else, just because Yun Chu set up an iceberg in his official office.

In the hot summer, the icebergs in the house emit curls of white smoke, and countless cold water droplets slowly flow down from the icebergs, making the whole house extremely cool.

Wen Wen stood on the ladder and poured a jar of blood-red grape wine into the pit on the iceberg. In a moment, a red spring water snaked down along the winding canal carved on the iceberg.

Di Renjie held a bowl and caught the red ice spring at the outlet of the iceberg. Just as he was about to drink it all to get rid of the heat, a big hand came out from behind and snatched the wine bowl.

, with two gurgles, he drank the bowl of cold grape wine in one gulp, and then placed the wine bowl under the ice spring to continue drinking the ice-cold grape wine.

Pei Xingjian had just walked in from outside. The rolling heat wave in Chang'an City made his body still feel hot even after entering this ice room.

Looking at the tall iceberg, Pei Xingjian exhaled and said, "When it comes to the level of luxury, there are actually few people in Chang'an City who can compare with you."

"Such a tall iceberg, others are only willing to show it off when entertaining guests, but you are just displaying it here for nothing, watching it melt?"

Yun Chu said, "In winter, icebergs like this can be seen everywhere, and I don't see you packing them up. But in summer, you come here and say some sour and vinegary things."

Pei Xingjian calmly sat on a chair, opened his clothes to reveal his hairy chest, and said to Yun Chu, "I have something to tell you today."

After he finished speaking, he took a special look at Wen Wen who was standing high up and Di Renjie who had just gotten a bowl of ice wine to drink.

Yun Chu said, "If you have something to say, just say it. If you feel that outsiders should not know some secrets, then don't tell me at all. Anyway, even if you tell me, I will tell them both in detail when you turn around."

Pei Xingjian pondered for a moment and said, "People are impeaching you in droves. Departments such as the left and right, the cabinet, the officials, the officials, the secretaries and the supervisors have almost been buried under the documents to impeach you."

Yunchu looked at Pei Xingjian and said, "Can you burn all those memorials that impeach me?"

Pei Xingjian spread his hands and said, "I have no ability."

Yun Chu said disdainfully, "What can you say if you don't have this ability?"

Pei Xingjian looked into Yunchu's eyes and said, "So, you really don't care?"

Yun Chu shook his head and said, "They won't have time to impeach me soon. Maybe they will be grateful to me for my reckless actions."

Pei Xingjian said, "That's not what Cui Zhen said."

Yun Chu laughed out loud and said to the two brothers, "What can a doctor from the Criminal Department do to me?"

Pei Xingjian rubbed his hands and stood up. He took another bowl of ice wine from Bingquan and drank it. He opened his mouth several times but never revealed his true intention.

If he didn't say anything, Yun Chu wouldn't ask. Wen Wen even talked about the cotton disaster this year. They discussed together to see if there was any good way to get rid of those aphids.

On this day, Pei Xingjian drank eighteen bowls of grape wine, fermented glutinous rice, and rice wine in Yunchu's official office.

Yunchu's attitude made it clear that he was not prepared to get involved in Pei Xingjian's troubles.

Like a lazy cat, Wen Wen sat on the chair with her butt half pulled up on her right side and said to Yun Chu, "You just robbed a few people from the Cui family. What Pei Xingjian and the others are doing now is to dig out the five surnames besides the Li family."

The roots of the Qiwang House, His Majesty’s will has been very firm anyway, Pei Xingjian and Li Jingxuan have been put on the fire.”

"To put it this way, Your Majesty is the most gentle to you. Mr. Cui wants to eat your flesh at most now. When what Pei Xingjian, Li Jingxuan and others have done is known to the world, the people of Five Surnames and Seven Hopes will probably want to use them.

Use their skins as mattresses to sleep on.”

Di Renjie said with a smile, "There are pros and cons to this matter. The poor family should be able to stand out. If things go on like this, it will be able to change the bad government in which nobles control the way to promotion. It can make the official class of the Tang Dynasty more balanced and not one-sided."

Yun Chu looked at the two people in front of him and said, "How did I get into trouble? Do you still remember?"

Wen Wen was stunned for a moment and said, "Du Chongming, Cao Hui, Zhao Ting, Qu Tianming, Feng Zheng?"

Yun Chu nodded and said, "None of these five people came from a poor family, but you and I both know that all five of them are lackeys of the Cui family."

Di Renjie said, "Are you worried that even if His Majesty introduces a new method of scientific examination and eliminates the disadvantages of test papers and recommendation, the children from poor families who pass the examination can still be used by the Five Surnames and Seven Hopes?"

Yun Chu smiled and said, "Are you surprised?"

Di Renjie shook his head and said, "It's not surprising, but how can we solve this bad government?"

Yun Chu chuckled, patted Di Renjie on the shoulder and said, "There are two ways. One is to issue a grace order among the five surnames and seven looks, but I guess people have already had a way to deal with it."

"If you want to completely solve the bad governance of the nobles who control the government, you can only use ruthlessness."

He smiled softly and said, "What kind of cruel move?"

Yun Chu took a sip of ice wine and said indifferently, "Fight the local tyrants and divide the land."

This chapter has been completed!
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