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Chapter 543 Persistence has a price

People in Chang'an in July are actually sleep-deprived.

As long as there is a moment of shade, people can fall asleep, so in this hot weather, people in Chang'an are always in a daze.

The villa built by the Yun family in Bashang is tall and has large windows, so the house is much cooler than the house in Chang'an.

Yun Chu still felt sleepy when he woke up. He didn't wake up naturally, but because of the heat.

Looking at the wet bamboo mat, Yunchu took off his extra clothes and jumped into the stream that led into the yard.

After being stimulated by the cold stream water and shivering twice, I felt completely comfortable.

I simply lay down in the canal and was pushed forward by the current. Seeing that I was about to leave the yard, I sat up holding the edge of the canal and cut off the water flow with my body. I watched the water downstream reduce and the water upstream quickly accumulate.

It's also a kind of fun.

His eyes flickered to both sides casually, and then he froze. He stood up carefully, went to the vegetable field by the ditch, and tapped the watermelon in front of him with his fingers as usual.

The sound of "Beng Beng Beng" came from under his knuckles, and Yun Chu was sure that the thing in front of him was undoubtedly a watermelon.

Even though Yunchu was very sure, he was still very doubtful because in the Gobi Desert in the Western Region where he lived, there was something that looked very similar to a watermelon, called a medicinal gourd.

The vines and fruits of this thing are poisonous. As long as a small amount is eaten, it can cause extremely severe diarrhea. Yunchu often used this thing as medicine to harm people.

There was no such thing as watermelon in the Tang Dynasty, and it didn't even have a name. But now that he saw watermelon, Yunchu's first reaction was that it was a medicinal gourd, not a watermelon.

Yunchu never believed in such things as good luck. He knew that he had come to the Tang Dynasty inexplicably and had to live his life again since he was a baby. He had used all his good luck.

All good things in the future require hard work to obtain, so the same goes for the watermelon in front of you.

But when he looked up, he saw that the large piece of land in front of him was covered with watermelons, which were obviously grown by the servants of the family.

Apart from him, the only people who have the authority to issue such orders are Yu Xiurong and Naha. As for Li Si, they are still young.

Considering this, Yunchu split the watermelon in front of him with one hand.

It's very good. The familiar watermelon smell hits your nose straight away, but the flesh of the watermelon is not red, but light pink.

After Yunchu dug out a piece and stuffed it into his mouth, he finally determined that the thing in front of him was a watermelon, not the terrible herbal medicine gourd he found in the Gobi.

After eating half of the watermelon in one go, Yun Chu frowned slightly, because the watermelon here was not as sweet as he had imagined, and the flesh seemed not as delicate as the watermelon he had eaten before, and there were many white flocculations that could clog his teeth.

With this new toy, Yunchu's sleepiness completely disappeared. He picked five ripe watermelons from the watermelon field. After splitting them all, he discovered that the watermelon he just ate was of the worst quality.

one of.

One of the watermelons is round and round. Although the rind is very thick, it is a fully grown sand-crusted watermelon.

Yunchu was about to feast, but he stopped digging into the watermelon. There was a pregnant woman and four greedy children at home.

Well, keep the best one. Yunchu inserted his hand hard into the fourth best watermelon. This is what he can enjoy alone.

This has also been Yunchu's habit all along.

Cui Yao has long discovered this characteristic of the Yun family. There are delicious and useful products, but they are usually kept close to Naha and a few children. The couple usually only use the second-rate products.

According to Cui Yao, this is the mentality and behavior that only poor people have. Rich people don't have such a habit. Whoever has it belongs to them, and there is no such thing as humiliating oneself to fulfill others.

For this reason, Cui Yao also laughed at Yun Chu and Yu Xiurong. This is why the poor expect their children to be filial sons so much. It is entirely because they have paid too much for their children and regard their children as their destiny. This is why they have such inappropriate expectations.

Wealthy people care more about whether their children will become successful, rather than whether they are filial or not.

It is not the first requirement, they also hope that their children can carry forward the family business based on their foundation.

Their only filial request for their children is that after their death, their children should send them on their last journey wearing sackcloth and mourning.

Moreover, Cui Yao also believed that love is harmful and diligence is useless, which was a shocking statement in the eyes of ordinary people in the Tang Dynasty.

Not to mention the average Tang Dynasty people, even Yun Chu found it impossible to accept it.

Yun Chu is also a determined person. Since Cui Yao is famous, she can teach her children in this way. Yun Chu and Yu Xiurong continue to use their own habits to treat their children.

This is what Yunchu thinks is the golden mean. He thinks it is not good to take things to extremes, and raising a son who is very talented but has a weak heart is also not in line with his expectations.

In five days, it will be time for Princess Wencheng to return to Tubo, and it will also be time for He Lan Minzhi and Dunzhu, a pair of poisonous people, to return to Tubo.

When the time comes, I will have to give him a gift. Only then can I truly complete my life plan for Helan Minzhi.

Yun Chu knew that at this moment, He Lan Minzhi's highest hope in life was to complete his revenge on the Li family. He had suffered so much humiliation in the past, and if he didn't repay it a hundred times, he would not be He Lan Minzhi.


Anyway, there are many people in the world who want to kill Li Zhi, and He Lanmin is not the least of them. Li Zhi likes to tease his enemies, and he also likes to see the helpless expressions of his enemies. The more his enemies hate him, the more they hate him.

, the more excited he becomes, the more he will push his enemies to hate him even more, until the enemy is helpless due to jealousy, and finally dies of depression or madness.

Yun Chu returned to the small courtyard carrying three watermelons that he had split with his hands. At this time, Yu Xiurong had already woken up and was fanning three children sleeping on the bamboo bed to drive away flies.

Seeing Yunchu come in with a big bamboo basket, he said feebly, "I don't want to take a bite."

Yunchu washed the stone table with spring water, placed the watermelon on it, and cut the watermelon into even and beautiful segments with a short knife.

"Such a big fruit?" Yu Xiurong immediately perked up after seeing the watermelon.

Yun Chu gave her a piece of watermelon. Yu Xiurong gestured with the watermelon to her mouth and said, "Bite it?"

Yun Chu agreed, then slapped the three children on the buttocks who were too lazy to move and pretended to be asleep and said, "Get up and eat something delicious."

The three little ones got up in response. After seeing the watermelon, they no longer felt confused and gathered around the stone table with bare feet.

Naha in the room also heard it and hurried out, but was scolded by Yu Xiurong and went back to change clothes. It is not appropriate for a girl to wear gauze and expose her arms, not even at home.

After Yu Xiurong took her first bite of watermelon, her eyes started to shine, while the three children, Li Si, Yun Jin, and Yun Jin, had turned into pigs.

When Naha changed her clothes and came out, the first best watermelon had already been eaten. Fortunately, the taste of the second best watermelon was not much different from the first best watermelon. In a short time, all three watermelons were eaten clean.


After eating three watermelons, the Yun family was still a little unsatisfied. Naha carefully examined the watermelon seeds and said, "It looks familiar."

Yun Chu said, "So, you asked people to plant that watermelon patch?"

Naha patted her head and said loudly, "I remembered, this is the seed given by Master Xuanzang, and he asked me to plant it carefully, saying it is a good thing."

After saying that, he ran towards the watermelon field like the wind, and the three little ones also ran with bare feet.

Yu Xiurong looked at Yun Chu with satisfaction and said, "It's really a good thing. Chili pepper is also a good thing, cotton is also a good thing, onions are also a good thing, and cabbage is also a good thing. New things are always good, but why is this thing called watermelon?"

Yun Chu smiled and said, "It was grown in the Western Region, so it is called watermelon."

"It's a pity, husband, why do you think all the good things are outside? Even the potatoes, corn, and sweet potatoes you want grow outside. Our Tang Dynasty is so big, doesn't it produce good things?"

Yun Chu said, "It doesn't matter. If we farm well, these things will appear on our land sooner or later and benefit all people."

Naha came back with three little ones. There were two large watermelons in the bamboo basket. Yun Chu patted them and found that they were two raw melon eggs, but they were a little bigger.

Yunchu didn't correct Naha's mistake. Anyway, these two melons were given to the old monkey, so it didn't matter if they were a little raw.

Yunchu followed Naha into Qiyun Temple. Although the Yun family spent money to build this temple, the current owner of this temple is Xuanzang, and he has the final say in everything here.

Seeing Naha come in with the watermelon, Xuanzang showed a smile on his face and said to Naha, "The cold melon has grown. Buddhist records say that this thing has been introduced to the Central Plains from the Western Regions since the Han Dynasty, and has never been cultivated."

Success, I didn’t expect my Nahal to be successful.”

Xuanzang was the same on the outside, still not paying much attention to Yunchu, and only had eyes for Naha holding the watermelon.

Naha proudly took out a melon and cut it open with a knife. The flesh was pure white. She looked at Yun Chu in confusion and whispered, "The melons my brother cut are all red and pink."

,It’s so sweet, why is the one I got white?”

Xuanzang stroked Naha's head kindly and said, "Because you picked the biggest one, and the biggest one is not necessarily mature. When I was in Tianzhu, I often saw giant elephants weighing ten thousand pounds trapped in the hands of childish children, so they are not mature enough."

Maturity cannot be judged by size."

After Xuanzang finished speaking, he took Naha away from Qiyun Temple and went to the Yun family's melon patch next door. Looking at the old monk's confident look, he must be someone who knows how to pick watermelons.

"Master Xuanzang ignores you."

The old monkey watched Master Xuanzang leave with Naha, and stimulated Yunchu from the side.

"That's because the master's Dharma is not profound enough. When the master's Dharma reaches a perfect state, you will naturally have nothing to fear."

The old monkey sneered and said, "As a great monk who upholds the precepts, it is really unjustifiable to have a son as old as you. Naturally, we have to wait until the Dharma is perfected before we can be fearless and do anything."

"We are not father and son"

"I naturally know it, and it cannot be known to outsiders at this time."

"It's not what you think. It's because Master Xuanzang saw something he shouldn't have seen, which caused his Buddhism to be trapped in appearances."

The old monkey smiled ferociously and said, "Not only did he see things he shouldn't have seen, he also did things he shouldn't have done and left things he shouldn't have left behind."

Yunchu saw that the old monkey had a deeper misunderstanding about this matter, so he decided to have a good talk with Master Xuanzang today no matter what, and tell the old monk his suspicions to prevent him from going astray.

Now all the monks in Chang'an are spreading the rumor that Xuanzang's Buddhist practice has been stuck at a certain bottleneck and has not been able to break through for a long time. Although it is not known what kind of karma hindered Xuanzang's practice, those Buddhist monks who are not able to deal with Xuanzang

They all agreed that Xuanzang still had unresolved karma, which was why he had only translated scriptures over the years, hoping to break through his karmic obstacles through this kind of hard work.

Yun Chu was willing to call the scene in which he appeared a time-space connection, and was even willing to call this scene a time-space overlap. If Xuanzang still couldn't understand the concept of time and space, Yun Chu planned to use the concept of the Buddhist universe to explain it.

Explain why you are there.

It is a pity that Master Xuanzang did not want to see him, or he could avoid him. While he was waiting for Master Xuanzang to return in Qiyun Temple, Master Xuanzang was in his family's villa with Yu Xiurong, Cui Shi, and Cui Shi.

Yao and the others tasted watermelon together and explained some Buddhist teachings to them.

When Yunchu returned to his home, Master Xuanzang happened to say goodbye and return to the temple. Although the two of them walked face to face, Master Xuanzang turned a blind eye to Yunchu.

Cui Yao saw this weird scene and asked Yu Xiurong in a low voice, "It is rumored that Marquis Yun is the son of Master Xuanzang?"

Yu Xiurong shook his head and said, "My husband said no."

Cui Yao added, "I heard that Master Xuanzang has not been able to make any progress in his Buddhist practice in recent years, but he has been entangled by karma. Couldn't this karma be Marquis Yun?"

Seeing her husband's disappointed look, Yu Xiurong sighed slightly and said, "I don't know if that's true, but Master Xuanzang has already responded to the Yun family's requests. The only inappropriate thing is that Master Xuanzang is not very willing to my husband."


Cui Yao chuckled and said, "Karma and evil obstacles are sometimes connected. Master Xuanzang is willing to laugh and talk with us, women and children, but turns a blind eye to Marquis Yun. There must be a reason why we don't know."

Cui laughed and said, "That's good. Think about it, what kind of person Master Xuanzang is. Something happened that shouldn't have happened, and he couldn't use the sword of wisdom to cut off the love thread. Master Xuanzang, who was naturally dragged away, couldn't become a Buddha as soon as possible."

Yu Xiurong looked around and saw that her husband was still in a daze, so she whispered, "The current situation is pretty good."

Cui Yao smiled and said, "It's not a good situation, it's the best situation."

Mrs. Cui looked at Yu Xiurong's belly and said, "Madam, you are a blessed one."

But Yu Xiurong half-covered her mouth and whispered to Cui Yao, "It's not a problem for you to jump over the wall every night. Why, it's been so long and you're not pregnant yet?"

Cui Yao smiled and said, "Eat and drink, men and women, are the great desires of human beings. When they come fiercely, I will not refuse. When I am pure and have few desires, I will not force them. Now, after seeing Fei Jiu, the lust I have suppressed for many years has burst like a river."

The embankment should be vented rather than blocked, just follow your normal mind."

Cui Yao said to Cui again, "You don't seem to have any thoughts of lust."

Mrs. Cui rolled her eyes at Cui Yao and said, "When I was in trouble, I lived in a post station and was left to be picked by others for ten years. Now, I am finally clean and relieved. Why do I have to go back to that rotten place again?"

How about going into the quagmire?"

Cui Yao looked back at Yu Xiurong's big belly and said, "Indeed, Madam is a blessed woman."

Yu Xiurong didn't speak, but smiled so much that his back molars were exposed.

Xuanzang ignored Yunchu. In Yunchu's view, this was the old monk continuing to get into trouble. Of course, this was only Yunchu's own opinion. Xuanzang might have thought that the scene he saw would be the Buddha's enlightenment to him.

He needs to cross this mountain alone to reach the other side of wisdom.

The more intelligent people are, the more stubborn they are. Therefore, Yun Chu has never been able to argue with intelligent people. It is impossible to win and it is impossible to achieve results.

Of course, he has now practiced to the point where he can no longer argue with a fool, because he cannot argue with a fool, and he may even be dragged into his thinking by the fool, and finally defeat him by taking advantage of the geographical advantage.

For this reason, Yun Chu didn't want to argue with the old monkey. He always hoped to drag Yun Chu to the glorious Buddhist kingdom in his mind, and then defeat Yun Chu by borrowing the gods and Buddhas in the Buddhist kingdom.

Generally speaking, the demise of the Sassanid Kingdom was the result of their own incompetence. If the Prince of Beluz could be strong enough to restore the kingdom, he should have defeated the Great Eater Kingdom when it attacked instead of trying to borrow it.

Use the power of the Tang Dynasty to achieve the goal of restoring the country.

There are many people in Chang'an such as kings, khans, clan chiefs, princes, and young clan leaders who want to use the power of the Tang Dynasty to restore their country, their clans, and their former power. Many of these countries and tribes were still destroyed by the Tang Dynasty.

Dropped, I really don’t know what these people are thinking.

The distance from Chang'an to Suiye City is more than 12,000 miles. Suiye City is the Tang Dynasty's frontier in the Western Region. It is the farthest city to which the Tang Dynasty can radiate its military power.

Prince Li Hong could send 800 men to the west of Suiye City to find onions for him. Such a small team could plunder while advancing and basically achieve self-sufficiency.

Once you start fighting a country the size of the Great Food Country more than 12,000 miles away, it is not a matter of 800 people, but 8,000 people. Judging from the scale of the Talos War, 80,000 people are the only thing.

A suitable army size.

And these 80,000 people must not be counted among the tribesmen in the Western Regions. Once counted, the Tang army will be even more dangerous.

If these 80,000 soldiers are all soldiers of the Tang Dynasty, then God knows how much it will cost to move these 80,000 soldiers of the Tang Dynasty to the vicinity of Suiye City.

Moreover, even if the Tang army defeated the army of the Great Shi Kingdom, what would they get?

Apart from plundering some wealth, what else can a woman get when she comes back? There is no way to take away the most valuable people and land. Keeping them is a waste of money and people, and the gain is not worth the loss.

Nowadays, the Turkic Khanate, Xueyantuo Khanate, the countries in the Western Regions, the Western Turkic Khanate, Goguryeo, Silla, and Baekje have been successively destroyed by the Tang army.

The Tang army expanded and began to rule Liaodong, Hetao, Monan, Western Regions, Mobei, Annan and other places.

Yiwu, Shanshan, Gaochang, Yanqi, Qiuci, Shule, Khotan and other small countries in the Western Region were either forced to surrender to the Tang Dynasty or were destroyed by force.

It can be said that at this moment, the territory of the Tang Dynasty has become infinitely vast, and what needs to be done is to consolidate the territory it already occupies, develop the territory it already occupies, and collect the wealth and goods from all over the world for Chang'an's use.

There is time to send 80,000 troops to march 12,000 miles to help an indifferent person restore his country.

What's more important is that the army went there and snatched back some gold and silver jewelry, which may be wealth for individuals. Not only is there no benefit to the country of Datang, but it also has great disadvantages - it will lead to the collapse of Datang.

The price of gold and silver itself has dropped.

What does the country need?

The country needs people, production materials such as food, cloth, refined iron, and livestock. Only with more of these things can the country become stronger. Gold, silver, and jewelry? These things are worthless to a country.

Li Zhi, Wu Mei and his wife have become extremely thieves when it comes to rewarding meritorious officials.

Whenever rewards are given to heroes, a few East Pearls that Yunchu brought back from Liaodong, gems, gold, and silver that other generals brought back for him are given. As for the land, only a little bit of copper coins, and a little bit of cloth are given.

Only a little bit of satin is given.

They are a couple who are very good at getting along.

Therefore, the old monkey's idea was very unrealistic. In Yun Chu's view, if he wanted to isolate himself from the invasion of the cannibal religion, he would have to create a huge no-man's land in the vast and sparsely populated Western Region.

Prince Beluz's eyes were smoky gray like the old monkey, but those young eyes were full of the sorrow of the country's subjugation.

When he saw Yun Chu, he acted timidly, like an easily frightened deer, which made me feel sorry for him.

This is Jia Baoyu from the Western Regions. He is really good-looking. He is surrounded by several beautiful Persian maids and surrounded by a circle of Persian warriors who don't look very strong.

Especially when he saw the way the Persian maid kept wiping the sweat of the Persian prince, Yun Chu knew that the Persian prince was a waste.

Therefore, Yunchu glanced at the old monkey jokingly.

The old monkey whispered, "People like this are easy to control."

Yun Chu said, "You can integrate your horse thieves in the Stone Kingdom and even the Western Regions to help him restore the country, so that you can reap the benefits."

The old monkey shook his head and said, "The Great Cannibal is still very powerful. It cannot be defeated by the Stone Kingdom and those rabble. I have calculated that the only people who are sure to defeat them are the Tang army."

Yun Chu shook his head and said, "The Tang army is all my relatives. Do you think I will let them travel 12,000 miles to fight the barbarians? But I can guarantee his safety in Chang'an City, and so can you.

I see, just such a delicate young master, he can marry a wife in Chang'an and live out his old age peacefully."

Prince Beluz suddenly had the courage to emphasize the Tang Dynasty in a weird way and said to Yunchu, "The Sassanid Kingdom has always regarded the Tang Dynasty as its suzerain state, and our tribute to the Tang Dynasty has never been cut off. Now the Sassanid homeland has been destroyed by the vicious Tang Dynasty."

The Tang Dynasty, as the suzerain state, has the obligation to recapture our homeland for us due to cannibal occupation. Of course, if the Tang army can do this, the Sasanian people will do everything they can to thank the suzerain state for its help."

Yunchu smiled when he heard the words and said to Prince Beluz, "You should say these words to the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty, not to me, a small county magistrate. What you do is meaningless."

After saying that, Yun Chu walked away without knowing why. There are many people in this world who pay a little bit and expect to get a big return.

From this we can draw a conclusion that the so-called Sasanian country is not a very advanced country. If it were a little more advanced, it would understand a truth - the gain must be equal to the effort.

A country that doesn't even understand this deserves to perish.

One thing that makes Yun Chu different from others is that he has never experienced the era of a small country with few people.

The country he served before was a huge country, and the country he serves now is still a central country that comes from all over the world.

Not having that kind of experience means that you don't feel the same way, so it's hard to have empathy.

When Yunchu returned to Bieye, Naha took Li Si, Yun Jin, and Yun Jin to play a game of catching stones. What used to be the joints of the sheep's hind legs have now turned into stones.

But those stones seemed to be very wrong, especially when they were shining under the light.

Yunchu borrowed a stone, took a look at it, and silently returned it to Naha, because the stone turned out to be a sapphire the size of a pigeon egg.

Yunchu said to Yu Xiurong, who had been standing by with his eyes shining brightly, "When did you realize something was wrong?"

Yu Xiurong pointed to the pocket hanging on Naha's waist and whispered, "It's a full pocket. If I ask her for it, but she won't give it to me, I'm afraid the child will lose it, so I'll keep it aside."

Yunchu said to Naha, "Show me your pocket."

Naha glanced at her brother carefully, and without any hesitation handed over the small pink sheepskin bag hanging on her waist.

Seeing this, Yu Xiurong said angrily, "If I want it, you have a thousand reasons. If your brother asks you for it, just raise your hand and give it."

Yun Chu poured out all the contents of his sheepskin pocket. They were all colorful stones, including a few soybean-sized diamonds.

Yun Chu picked up a diamond and took a look at it, and found that although this thing could not reach the Cupid diamond craftsmanship of Eight Hearts and Eight Arrows, it still had some facets, and an orange flame could be seen in the center through the diamond.

This thing was called diamond in the Tang Dynasty. Legend has it that during the Eastern Jin Dynasty, the head of the Langya Wang family, Wang Zhen, had a diamond ring that even the emperor of the Eastern Jin Dynasty envied.

Wang Zhen set the diamond in a golden ring and showed it off in front of the emperor from time to time...

Before the Tang Dynasty, rings were used by emperors and concubines.

The ring represents "avoidance". If you are pregnant or have other special circumstances and cannot sleep with you, put the gold ring on your left hand to avoid the emperor's misfortune.

In normal times, a silver ring is placed on the right hand to indicate that one is ready to answer the call at any time.

After the Five Hus Rebellion, five large tribes of Hu people, the Xiongnu, Xianbei, Jie, Qiang, and Di, entered the Central Plains one after another. Many of the exquisite things were lost, and rings were used only by the palace and became common jewelry for women.

By the Tang Dynasty, rings were available in bone, jade, stone, gold, silver, and wood styles, but diamond rings were very rare.

Yun Chu saw Yu Xiurong looking longingly at the various gems he had laid on the bed. Considering that she was a pregnant woman, he took three diamonds and gave them to Yu Xiurong.

Naha opened her mouth, but in the end she remained silent. Yunchu put the remaining gems and diamonds back into the sheepskin bag and handed them to Naha, saying, "Put it away, it will be your dowry from now on."

Naha nodded repeatedly, and seeing that Yu Xiurong was still looking at the gems they were playing with, she put them away and hurried back to her room.

After returning to their room, Yu Xiurong held up the diamond and looked around, almost immersed in the diamond with joy.

After finally seeing enough, he approached Yun Chu who was drinking rice wine and said, "Husband, where do you think Naha's treasures come from?"

Yun Chu glanced at Yu Xiurong and said, "Given this to Master Monkey."

"Tell me, where did Mr. Monkey get these treasures?"

Yunchu smiled and said, "It comes from that Prince Beluz."

Yu Xiurong rolled her eyes several times and asked, "Is that Prince Beluz important?"

Yun Chu looked at the shadows of himself and Yu Xiurong on the window paper. They looked like Qin Hui and Wang, and said indifferently, "Just a prince at the end of his life."

Yu Xiurong looked at Yun Chu's silly smile.

Yun Chu patted Yu Xiurong on the buttocks and said, "What are you thinking about? There will be one more family motto in the Yun family in the future. It is better to take it straight than to ask for it."

When Yu Xiurong saw that her husband wanted to be an upright man, she knew that what she was thinking was out of the question. She spent the whole night tossing and turning on the bed like pancakes. This time, it was not that she was too hot and couldn't sleep, but that she felt panicked.

Bashang is Yunchu's territory. Everything that happens here will be handled by Yunchu himself. He can steal a few people's money or gems silently, and no one will know about it, let alone anyone.

The old monkey's plan was very vicious, and it fully aroused the greed of Yun Chu and Yu Xiurong. As long as Yun Chu was interested in the treasure brought by Prince Beluz, the old monkey would be sure to drag Yun Chu into his relationship.

A broken ship.

This is why Naha brought out a bag of extremely rare gems and diamonds for no reason.

The reason why they showed it to Naha was to show it to Yun Chu. The old monkey firmly believed that even if Yun Chu could hold it back, Yu Xiurong could not. He even insisted that no woman could withstand such temptation.

It's a pity that Yunchu saw through it but didn't tell him. He already knew the reason why the old monkey was so enthusiastic about helping Prince Beluz regain his country.

The old monkey himself is a great strategist. There is no reason why he cannot understand how difficult it is to ask the Tang army to restore the Sassanid Kingdom. It is even a completely impossible thing. He knows that it cannot be done, but he still works so hard to do it.

There is no doubt that he did it for the wealth in the hands of Prince Beluz.

Apart from this, there is absolutely no second reason.

As for the things that Yu Xiurong can do, such as killing people and stealing goods, Old Monkey is even more able to do it. The reason why he doesn't do it must be that Prince Beluz still has a back-up plan. There is only one possibility for this back-up plan, that is, there are more

The treasure was hidden by Prince Beluz, and the prince must be alive to find it.

Yu Xiurong slept until five o'clock in the morning. When he saw that the sky was getting slightly brighter, he sat up immediately, stood in the yard and woke up the cook Fei San, urging her to make a mutton liver soup right away, waiting for the monkey master to wake up.


Yun Chu smiled bitterly. This woman had been fascinated by Naha's bag of gems and had long lost her mind. She was ready to flatter the old monkey early in the morning in order to get a bag of gems of the same quality.

Old Houhou is usually a detached elder at home, and he still maintains the persona of a boy who spends money. As long as the people of the Yun family serve him well enough and feel comfortable enough, he will never be stingy with rewards.

On weekdays, Yu Xiurong maintained his identity and took good care of the old monkey. He thought it was filial piety, but he never wanted to reward him with such things. Now, for that bag of gems, he seemed to be risking his life, and Mrs. Hou didn't even care about her face.

However, there is no need to maintain any face here with the old monkey. It is not shameful for the younger generation to act coquettishly and ask for some favors from the elders...

What's more, it was a big bag of priceless gems.

When Yun Chu got up, there was only millet porridge, steamed buns and pickles. This was clearly Yu Xiurong's punishment for Yun Chu's unwillingness to join her in killing people and stealing goods.

The food at the old monkey's side was plentiful. Yu Xiurong was standing by the side serving the old monkey, Naha was squeezing the old monkey's shoulders, Li Si was beating her legs, and the two children, Yun Jin and Yun Jin, were acting coquettishly.

This battle was the biggest one Yunshi could pull off. As expected, the old monkey was laughing happily while eating breakfast.

The oil dripping from the leek box got onto his beard, but he didn't care, and occasionally glanced at Yun Chu, who only had porridge, steamed buns and pickles to eat.

In hot weather, it’s good to eat something light.

Yunchu remained unmoved, drinking millet porridge and eating steamed buns and pickles in peace and contentment, dismissing the extremely sumptuous breakfast served by Old Monkey.

Seeing the old monkey put a ruby ​​the size of a pigeon egg into Yunjin's hand, and then put a green emerald that the Persians called the "green stone" into Yunjin's hand, and told the children not to put it in their mouths.


What was given to Li Si was a precious yellow gem. Yun Chu recognized it at a glance as a tourmaline gem, or the finest canary yellow gem.

Yu Xiurong also got a bag of diamonds as she wished. Judging from the way Yu Xiurong looked up to the sky and laughed, this harvest should be far beyond her expectations.

Yun Chu's heart also felt a little itchy. If it weren't for maintaining his noble identity as a time traveler, he would also like to pinch the bones of the old monkey. To be honest, he is strong and the effect of pinching the bones is much better than Naha's.

Yun Chu broke open the steamed bun and put a spoonful of red oily spicy seeds inside. After taking a bite, the aroma filled his mouth, and he immediately drove away the temptation brought by those gems.

The gems that the old monkey gave to the children are considered to be heirloom treasures in ordinary families, and they can't be sold even if a person dies.

That's how this damn old monkey does things.

Before doing things, he will definitely make you so angry that one Buddha will be born and two Buddhas will ascend to heaven. But after the things are done, there will often be benefits that no one can expect.

After breakfast, Yun Chu became quiet. He walked to the old monkey and said seriously, "There is still time, we can discuss the matter of Prince Beluz."

The old monkey said indifferently, "Didn't you say there is no chance of success in this matter?"

Yun Chu said, "Since the goal has changed, our strategy must also change."

The old monkey looked at him with a half-smile and said, "Can we talk?"

Yun Chu nodded and said, "We can talk!"

See you tomorrow, writing a big chapter is still beneficial.

This chapter has been completed!
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