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Chapter 571 Nahas extravagant way of spreading Dharma

The nomads without historians and history are actually very pitiful.

Since there is no talk of literacy, the glory and sufferings of their ancestors can only be taught orally.

Speaking of oral transmission and heart teaching, it really feels like life, but the premise of oral transmission and heart teaching is that people must be alive.

Even someone like Fang Zheng could easily kill thousands of people in the Western Regions. Those generals with a large group of tiger and wolf soldiers under their command killed God knows how many people. Anyway, after Hou Jun gathered to defeat the Gaochang Kingdom, more than 8,000 people surrendered.

He died, and disappeared from the world forever after one night.

Of course, the fact that Hou Junji killed and surrendered the pawns was recorded by the historians of the Tang Dynasty. It was mainly because this guy rebelled and was killed by Emperor Taizong. In order to prove that Hou Junji had other crimes besides rebellion.

The reason why he was killed was why historians recorded the fact that he killed nearly ten thousand soldiers in one night.

If Hou Junji did not rebel, but just died of old age like Yu Chigong, do you think his story of trapping and killing soldiers would appear in the history books, and it is very likely that he would be written off by the historian Ru Rong.


The history books will only record that in the autumn of the 14th year of Zhenguan, Hou Jun gathered to destroy Gaochang.

The soldiers of the Tang Dynasty have no military pay!

The soldiers of the Tang Dynasty have no military pay!

The soldiers of the Tang Dynasty had no military pay!

When the soldiers of the government go out on an expedition, they need to prepare their own armor, weapons, and horses, and they also need to bring the military rations from home to the assembly point.

Then they followed the general to fight far away with their own lives. If they were lucky, they would come back with scars. If they were not, they would become bones in Qinghai. You expect them to go to war just to protect themselves.

Defend the country?

I don’t know if other people leading troops would have such noble intentions. Yun Chu didn’t dare. He led his troops to fight. It was not up to him to kill his subordinates. On the battlefield, you can’t be the only one who kills others. If others don’t kill you,


But when I go home.

Yunchu must fill the pockets of the brothers who went to the army with him, and the benefits gained by the soldiers who died in battle will definitely exceed the benefits he created for his family while alive.

That is to say, as long as Yunchu says hello, there will be countless soldiers who are willing to go out to fight with him.

The family members did not cry when they said goodbye, but they said goodbye with the hope of harvest.

A brave and invincible general like Yunchu took the lead, followed by three thousand powerful soldiers who were willing to give their lives to him.

As long as they can earn enough money, these three thousand soldiers will dare to follow him to kill a large circle from one end of the earth, and then return home from the other end.

This is the reason why Guanzhong's soldiers were invincible in the early days.

The four words "love the people like children" are applicable in Guanzhong, domestically, and they probably apply after leaving Yumen Pass... At least, this is how Yunchu implemented it.

The Hu people are very pitiful. If they want to know the history of their ancestors, they must first learn to speak Chinese and learn to recognize Chinese characters, and then they can dig out words from Han history books to find traces of their ancestors.

Yun Chu decided to make all of his actions in the Western Regions positive. Even if they were not positive, they should be correct, for example - loving the people as sons.

Yunchu's reputation for loving the people like a son has not yet risen, but Nahaze's reputation for being a slave to the common people has already grown...

Naha saw a blind woman who had been begging for many years in Jiaohe City. Both of the blind woman’s eyeballs were white and she could not see anything. The Buddha thought she was pitiful, so she rubbed her head and blessed her. The next day, the blind woman

The woman was wearing colorful clothes and running around in the city, shouting and yelling. Her eyes were not only black but also gleaming.

When Naha was going from Jiaohe City to Gaochangsai, she saw a blind man carrying a lame man on his back. She thought they were pitiful, so she took the initiative to rub their heads and bless them.

After the second day, the blind man who was no longer blind angrily chased and killed the lame man who was no longer lame. He claimed that for so many years, he had been deceived by this man who had gone through so many wrongful deeds.

The affection can be expressed.

When she was approaching Gaochangsai, Naha saw a little girl lying on the body of a woman and crying sadly. She felt that she was very pitiful, so she rubbed her head and blessed her. In the afternoon, the woman came back to life.

Well, I ran faster than a galloping horse with the little girl on my back...

In the mere sixty miles from Jiaohe City to Gaochangsai, the Buddhist girl Naha performed countless miracles. Before the Dharma arrived at Gaochangsai, the surging reputation first knocked over the devout Taoist Zhong Kui.


"Impossible, this is impossible, completely impossible!"

Zhong Kui was so stimulated that he almost went crazy and kept yelling at Yun Chu, Wen Wen and Liang Ying.

Wen Wen rolled her eyes and said, "General Zhong Kui is allowed to kill ghosts with his sword in Xiaoli Fengzhong, but does it mean that Naha is not allowed to live dead with human flesh and white bones? How can there be such a reason in the world!"

"Then you can't be so shameless——"

"Who is shameless? The blind woman is now the maid of Lady Nahava. The lame and the blind man are now the groomsmen of Lady Nahava. The dead woman still has no heartbeat until now, and she still has no heartbeat.

They say that when my daughter gets married, she will die. There are all the witnesses and material evidence, do you dare not believe it?"

Zhong Kui was furious, and he was gentle and tit-for-tat. Liang Ying was very scared, so she went to Yunchu's desk to help him grind the ink. He really didn't dare to get involved.

Xiao Yuhua believed that because after Naha came and gave him a bottle of delicious glutinous rice wine, the scars on his body that were beaten by Zhong Kui immediately stopped feeling pain, and his whole body was warm. This is not a miracle.

What is it?

Naha originally didn't want to go with Yunchu all the way, but because she was too popular with the people, they decided to follow Yunchu's caravan to roam in the Western Region.

Naha, who was as proud as a big white swan, stood proudly in the main hall of the Gaochang Palace in Gaochangse, with her hands on her hips and glanced at the few people in the hall with a world-wide gaze.

First, she used her palm that had touched countless people's heads to bless her brother's head, and then she blessed the reluctant Gentleman's head. Then, with the help of her brother, Wenwen and Liang Ying, she forcibly blessed the angry Gentleman's head.

Zhong Kui also gave blessings, and finally Liang Ying and Xiao Yuhua also gave blessings.

In this way, these people will be blessed by the Buddha, and all diseases will be eliminated from then on, and monsters will not be able to get close to them.

Then, Naha will bless the people of Gaochang Seri!

It's a pity that the entire Gaochang fortress was filled with heads on the streets by Zhang Donghai and others, making it look like the underworld. This time is very unsuitable for preaching. …

How could Naha, who was addicted to preaching, pay attention to a small person like Zhang Donghai? She ordered Zhang Donghai to put away the human heads hanging on the wooden poles. She wanted to chant sutras and pray for these dead souls. At the same time, she ordered Zhang Donghai to imprison him in the prison to wait for torture.

The various people who were slaughtered were released.

Zhang Donghai claimed that these people were all criminal prisoners.

Naha said that although these people were sinners, under her inspiration, they would definitely do good.

Zhang Donghai thought this was Naha's mischief, so he went to ask Master Fahua, the person in charge of Naha's journey to the west.

I don’t know what Master Fa Hua said to Zhang Donghai. In short, after Zhang Donghai came out, his head was covered with sweat, and the cotton clothes under his armor and stomach were soaked with sweat. Standing in the cold yard, white water vapor was steaming all over his body, like a

Freshly steamed steamed buns.

Then, the heads hanging on the poles were carefully collected and placed on the long table while Naha chanted sutras and prayed.

Those who were imprisoned were also released, and the money that could not be obtained even through torture was donated at Naha's feet with these people crying, just asking for forgiveness from the Buddha.

Fang Zheng, who came after hearing the news, knelt at Naha's feet, kissed Naha's boots without any scruples, and made a great wish on the spot, willing to help Nahaha Dharma spread Buddhism in the Western Regions, and was willing to donate money to build Nahaha Dharma in the Western Regions.

A grand Buddhist jungle.

The ghostly Gaochangsai immediately turned into a prosperous city with a bright blue sky after the arrival of Nahaha Nu.

Yunchu ordered the caravan to take out colorful satin and decorate it on the trees on both sides of the main road in Gaochangsai. The residents of Gaochangsai spontaneously cleaned Gaochangsai. Even the dust was suppressed with clean water. The whole city gathered in costumes.

Under a newly built high platform, listen to the first Dharma propagation conference hosted by the Buddhist girl Naha. This is the first time since Xuanzang

After the Master gave a lecture in Gaochang, he preached the Dharma again, which was an unprecedented event.

The person who gave the lecture was Master Fahua, the person who presided over the ceremony was Master Jueming of Shaolin Temple, and those who chanted the sutra were the eminent monks Master Yu and the direct disciples of Master Guotong Wang who lived and ate with Master Xuanzang in Gaochang.


In the midst of Sanskrit singing, the Nahaha woman came up to the altar and said: You are a prosperous land, because of the high sky, vast land and sparse people, there is a lot of greed, a lot of killing, a lot of yin and a lot of deceit.

Good karma means disrespecting the three lights, not paying attention to the five grains, being unfaithful and unfilial, unjust and unkind, hiding one's heart from one's own mind, and fighting against small scales. Taking lives and killing others has caused boundless evil, and the sins are full of evil, leading to the disaster of hell.

As I come to the west, I wish to use the supreme Dharma to clear away the disasters of greed, anger, delusion and other disasters on this earth, and use the Dharma to turn on a bright lamp so that you can see the light in the boundless darkness.

I leave a copy of "Thirty Verses on Consciousness Only" to you. I hope you will recite it all the time and never leave the sutra. As long as your heart is sincere, you will naturally be liberated and escape from the sea of ​​suffering...

"Looking at Naha, who was fluttering in white clothes and looked like a native of the Western Regions, Yunchu finally understood why Xuanzang, Lord Monkey and the others had to hand over such a huge responsibility to a small scoundrel like Naha for traveling to the west to spread Buddhism, instead of letting the highly respected people

The Lotus Master came forward just because Naha's image was too important.

When she opened her mouth, some of the believers burst into tears.

Naha has not learned a few Buddhist scriptures over the years, but her appearance and character are impeccable.

In order to get more people to believe in Buddhism in the Western Regions, Naha's appeal to ordinary people even surpassed that of many eminent monks.

Seeing the grand scene of tens of thousands of people chanting sutras together, Gentle bumped Zhong Kui next to him with his shoulder and said, "You guys are not successful in the Taoism. You only focus on your own seclusion and cultivation. If this continues, when will the Taoism flourish?"

Zhong Kui said, "My Taoism emphasizes the dual cultivation of life and life. The road ahead is rough, perseverance comes first, and understanding comes second..."

When Zhong Kui mentioned the words "perseverance comes first", Wen Wen turned her head away and didn't want to listen to Zhong Kui's story.


This thing itself is a rare thing. Nothing in the world that requires perseverance is easy to obtain. Zhong Kui said it, but he didn't say it.

This chapter has been completed!
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