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Chapter 572 Expected and Unexpected

It was actually quite easy to preach during the Tang Dynasty, because the spiritual world of people at this time was very empty. The Cao Tou God believed by the indigenous people was not a big religion with organization, discipline, content, methods, and money at all.

School rivals.

Obviously, after what Naha did, people will feel that Buddhism is very advanced, and Gaochang itself is a place where Buddhism flourishes.

Naha again performed various miracles and treated the believers to a meal of porridge made from various beans using some grains offered by the believers.

The status of Buddhism in Gaochang was once again elevated.

Those prisoners who were imprisoned by Zhang Dongguan and then released by Naha have already become Naha's fanatical followers.

During the days when Zhang Donghai controlled Gaochangsai, everyone they knew was killed one by one, and their homes were ransacked one by one. When they were behind bars, everyone was actually desperate.

If he falls into the hands of Baiqisi, there is absolutely no reason to survive.

But at this moment, a holy girl holding a lotus, after seeing their miserable situation, with one word, allowed them to see the light of day again and escape.

There is no reason not to worship such a good saint and such a good Buddha, and there is no reason not to believe in them.

"If I had known that Naha was more effective than you, when I went to Jiaohe City, I should have begged Naha instead of looking for you."

Fang Zheng, who consciously escaped from death, became less servile and more rogue than before when he talked to Yun Chu.

"Where did Master Fahua come from?" Wen Wenwen was already a little anxious. He always thought that Master Fahua was a great monk. He never thought that he had other ways, and as soon as he took action, he would kill Zhang Donghai.

A guy who can do whatever he wants in the Western Region is so scared that he wets his pants.

He didn't even care about such important things as collecting money for the emperor.

In the evening, after a hard day's work, Naha returned to her room weakly. Under the service of the newly hired maid, she took a good bath. Before her hair was dry, she went to Yun Chu's room for dinner.

"Do you know the origin of Lotus Master?"

"He is a very old monk. One day after Master Xuanzang went to Qujiang Palace to meet the Queen, he brought this old monk with him and asked me to follow his arrangements along the way. I didn't like him at first.

I always had a gloomy face, but Li Hong told me that with Master Fahua here, I could do whatever I wanted to do in the Western Regions."

After hearing what Naha said, Yunchu choked and put down the job in his hand and said, "If this happens again in the future, tell me."

Naha held her job and said, "He is just an old monk who doesn't like to talk. What do you say he does?"

Yunchu originally wanted to explain the key to Naha, but after thinking about it, he felt it was unnecessary. Maybe that scheming woman liked Naha's innocence.

She could forgive Naha's unintentional mistake. If Naha became smarter one day, she might face Naha with a different attitude. If so, it would be worse.

Wu Mei is very cruel to men, and she doesn't treat women who don't deal with them as human beings at all.

Other people's affairs may have been spread by rumors, but what happened to Jin Xianjia was something he saw with his own eyes.

A woman as beautiful as a flower was tortured into a skeleton by her words.

The Buddhist Journey to the West is a plan that the emperor, empress, Xuanzang and others had launched many years ago. In terms of priority, it must be above the tasks that Zhang Donghai and others shouldered.

As a key figure in the Western expansion of Buddhism, Master Fahua must have had great authority. He might even be the emperor and empress's first decision-maker in the Western Regions.

Otherwise, people like Zhang Donghai who have experienced flesh and blood battlefields would not be frightened like that.

The political significance of Buddhism's journey to the West is to create a basic reason for the Western Regions to be accepted by the Tang Dynasty.

This is a big chess game.

It seems that Li Zhi began to prepare for the transformation of prefectures and counties into the Western Regions.

Thinking of this, Yunchu started to get angry with this guy Pei Xingjian again. What does it mean to eat, drink, be calm, and be harmonious?

Just settle the matter in the Western Region?

This was clearly an indication from the emperor that he could not do whatever he wanted in the Western Regions from now on, and that unity and stability must be the first elements.

He knew it clearly, but he didn't tell Yun Chu. Wen Wen and the others were probably still secretly rejoicing, waiting for Yun Chu and the others to use extremely brutal methods to make money in the Western Regions.

"No one is reliable." Yun Chu told Wen Rou what he had discovered while drinking tea.

Wen Wen didn't seem surprised at all by Yun Chu's discovery. She packed up the documents on the table and said, "Then let's go quickly and stop wandering around Xizhou. We have to go west immediately and follow Pei Xingjian's footsteps to get to Guizhou as soon as possible."

I'm leaving now"

"Why don't you search Gao Changsai?"

"After searching, there are many people who are willing to do business with us. With Naha here, the merchants in Gaochang Seri are also willing to follow us to the west."

Yun Chu looked around and saw Zhong Kui but smiled and said, "Old Zhong was so beaten that he didn't want to show up?"

Wen Wen said, "No, he is writing a letter to Li Chunfeng, hoping that Li Chunfeng can persuade the old immortal to find some Taoist priests with medical skills to enter the Western Regions to preach medicine.

In order to prevent the people of the Western Regions from being tortured to death by Naha and her group of liars, he also said that today Naha also used the soup and medicine prescriptions obtained from the old gods to ask the monks to treat the people.

Also, after Naha arrives in Kucha, she will recruit a large number of dancers and musicians to prepare to reorganize the Buddhist "Twelve Parts of Music" and turn Buddhism into music, singing and dancing, so that more people can experience Buddhism.

's greatness

Yun Chu looked at Wen Chu and said, "Is this Naha's idea?"

She said with a gentle expression, "Whether it was Naha who came up with it or not, it is Naha's contribution."

At this point, Wen Wen suddenly became excited again, pointing his finger at the table and shouting, "It can be said that we have worked hard all these years, right?"

Yun Chu nodded and said, "Devoting our whole life to death is not enough to describe the efforts we put into Chang'an."


Wen Jie Jie smiled and said, "Now, your Naha will really become the Buddha of the Western Regions. Aren't you frustrated?"

Yun Chu smiled and said, "I'd love to see it work."

Wen Wen also felt that her anger was unreasonable. She rubbed the stubble that had just grown on her chin and said, "It's really unreasonable."

On the second day of October, Yunchu's large group of troops left Gaochang fortress, trampling on the dry white grass, heading west, straight to Qiuci and Khotan.

When there is no wind in the Western Region, riding on the back of a camel is actually a kind of enjoyment. When the camel moves forward, it holds its head high and walks very rhythmically.

The back of a camel is much wider than that of a war horse. With the addition of a camel saddle, a platform will appear on the camel's back.

Three people can ride on one platform, and some people from the Western Regions can even sit on this small platform and play the piano and sing to pass the boring time on the journey.

The land in the Western Region is as broken as the land in Longzhong, but because of the huge size of the land in the Western Region, the degree of fragmentation here is far less than that in Longzhong, and the ravines are not as dense as in Longzhong.

There are some flat areas that make people wish to sleep here, and the tinkling camel bells become a music that shakes the soul.

After leaving the Flame Mountain, there are more withered grass and trees on the ground. On the edge of some waterways, you can even see large areas of Populus euphratica forest, red willow forest, and Elaeagnus elegans forest belt.

The further you go west, the taller trees gradually become more numerous, and you can even see large tracts of pine forests on the edge of the snow-capped mountains stretching across the horizon.

"Ah——" The Western singer on the camel sang a long Western song.

However, the content is always the same. Either the legendary gods and demons protect the people's safety, or the clear spring on the oasis soothes his heart, or it is how many beautiful girls he has slept with, and he was still missing the girl far away in the last second.

The next second he saw his beloved again.

Just when Yunchu felt drowsy after listening to it, and Wen Wenwen felt like getting violent and killing someone, three black spots suddenly appeared on the horizon.

Behind these three black dots, follow

Looking at the scouts sent out by Yunchu and the others, the scouts seemed very nervous and did not dare to approach the three black spots. They also seemed reluctant to stay away from them, which looked strange.

After the three black spots slowly approached the caravan, Wen Wenwen saw what was on the opposite side clearly and roared, "I knew it was like this!"

Even Yun Chu, a native of the Western Region, opened his mouth wide and could no longer close it after seeing the three black dots slowly turning into three pure white camels.

Yunchu knew how dirty and smelly camels were, but the sight of these three white camels, two large and two small, completely overturned Yun Chu's understanding of camels.

These three white camels didn't have a hair on their bodies, which Yun Chu recognized. However, Yun Chu couldn't understand that there wasn't even a hair on these three white camels.

The most egregious thing is that the white camel's thick and juicy hooves are divided into two parts, which are also spotless. Whenever the camel lifts its big, fat and juicy hooves and presses it to the ground, the contact area will increase rapidly, changing step by step, there is a saying.

Unparalleled elegance.

Yes, even a fool can see enough royal aura in these three white camels.

In addition, it held its head high and looked into the distance with proud eyes that looked down on all living beings, but turned a blind eye to the caravan that was just around the corner.

Already, the foreigners from the Western Regions in the caravan began to jump off their camels or horses, lying on the roadside and kneeling to worship the three camels.

Naha stood on the saddle of a camel, jumping up and down and waving to the three camels.

Then, with a gentle and tearful expression, the three camels, as white as snow and with picturesque eyebrows like elves, slowly knelt at Naha's feet...

"I knew it—" He said softly and weakly.

Surrounded by a crowd of kneeling barbarians, Naha jumped off the dirty camel that Naha still disliked even though it was washed very clean. She opened her arms and hugged the white camel in the middle.

"Hey, Lao Zhong, is this hand more powerful than yours in killing ghosts?" Wen Wen's heart is unbalanced, always wanting to stir up some disputes or something, so as to calm down his jealous heart that is about to be broken.

Zhong Kui closed his eyes and turned a deaf ear.

Yunchu looked at Naha with a smile and told the foreigners in a serious manner that she had a dream last night and dreamed that the Buddha was going to reward her with three white camels.

"She's lying!" Wenwen decisively defined Naha's behavior.

Masters such as Fahua and Jueming did not seem to have any doubts at all. They also jumped down from the camel, sat around the white camel and began to chant sutras.

The wind on the Gobi came from afar, blowing away the thick white hair under the white camel's neck, and then the gentle eyes saw the one-foot-tall golden Buddha.

"I knew it—" Her gentle lips trembled and she said to Yunchu.

This chapter has been completed!
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