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Chapter 584 Li Hongs Emperors Heart

Li Hong has learned how to get along with his father and mother.

His father is a man who looks quiet but is actually very crazy at heart. Therefore, he can act a little more unbridled in front of his father. As long as the closeness to his father is true, then the more unscrupulous he is, the better.

His mother was a very smart woman, but the most troublesome thing was that her whole body and even her character were in an impeccable state.

When getting along with this kind of mother, apart from the fact that you are good enough to impress her, everything else is leftover from his mother's play.

Li Hong has been with Yun Chu since he was a child. Speaking of it, the time he spent with Yun Chu was actually longer than the time he spent with the emperor and empress.

Therefore, Li Hong's character was gradually formed based on Yun Chu's character traits to a large extent.

The biggest characteristic of Yun Chu’s character is that he is flexible!

In fact, it can be said to be smooth.

It is the characteristic of a person like Yun Chu to make his appearance soft and plastic while having his own bones.

Li Hong seemed to be treating his two younger brothers roughly, but Wu Mei knew that his eldest son actually liked his younger brothers very much. He could bully him, but he would explode if others touched him.

This view does not come from Wu Mei's imagination, but was tested after Wu Mei's special arrangement.

Although Li Xian is only over two years old, compared with Li Hong who is over two years old, he looks stupid. He doesn't know anything except eating.

Although Li Dan is only one year old, in the eyes of Wu Mei, who has a lot of experience in raising children, he is far different from Li Hong.

In the royal family, only when the elder brother is strong enough can the two cowardly younger brothers survive, and true brothers, friends, and brothers be respectful and love each other.

If the younger brother is smart enough and strong enough, and the elder brother is weak, then it will be over, and a new Xuanwumen massacre will definitely happen again.

Therefore, Wu Mei did not have high expectations for the fate of these two sons. She only hoped that they could grow up safely.

As for Li Hong's talent, talent, photographic memory and extraordinary perseverance, that is enough.

An eleven-year-old child can smash a black pottery altar with his bare hands, draw a two-stone bow and fire an arrow within a hundred steps, and even loosen the reins on a galloping horse and hit a moving grass target. This is Li Tang.

The ability of riding and archery is something that the royal family attaches great importance to.

The most important thing is that Li Hong was able to fight Yun Chu for three rounds with swords in both hands. Although they were inevitably defeated in the end, Li Zhi and Wu Mei were still extremely happy.

You must know that Yunchu was invincible on the battlefield in Liaodong and had the reputation of taking the general's head among millions of troops.

Ordinary royal guards may not be able to survive three rounds under Yun Chu, but Li Hong was able to survive three rounds with his flexible body skills.

As for reading, Li Hong's strong point is that he can not only endorse books, but also understand books, and finally refute books. Li Zhi is not Li Hong's opponent just in terms of quoting from other sources. As for Wu Mei, he is even worse.


However, what satisfies Wu Mei the most is that this child is so grown up that as he gets older, his appearance seems to overlap with that of his father.

Especially the eyebrows are too similar. The eyebrows of the father and son are different from ordinary people. Their eyebrow arches are relatively smooth, but the tail of the eyebrows is raised upward, like the tail of a small fish.

Wu Mei has only seen two people with such charming eyebrows, one is Li Zhi and the other is Li Hong. Even Li Xian and Li Dan are not like this. As for Li Xian, the appearance of the princes of Li Shangjin is even more similar to that of Li Xian and Li Shangjin.

Li Zhi is far away from him.

Since the emperor named Li Hong the crown prince, everyone in the world has basically believed that as long as Li Hong does not die prematurely or commit suicide, he will definitely be the next emperor of the Tang Dynasty.

In view of this, Wu Mei thought that it would be better to discipline this son well. The Li family has all kinds of bastards, but they can't produce trash. At that time, among the several legitimate sons of Emperor Taizong, none of them was a generational hero. In real terms, Li

Treatment is still the worst.

Therefore, the Li family has never lacked talented and beautiful people, but what they lack is people who are truly willing to calm down and wait slowly.

As long as Li Hong was ambitious, Wu Mei would kill him without hesitation, and would even take precautions for a rainy day.

Li Hong grabbed one of his younger brothers with one hand and moved his arms up and down to practice his arm strength. The two younger brothers also liked being played with by their older brothers, and they giggled.

Wu Mei said angrily, "Tell me, what do you want to do this time?"

When Li Hong heard this, he immediately put the two little ones back where they should be, and said with a bitter face, "Mother, your son is going to die of poverty."

Wu Mei sneered and said, "Why, Naha, your money bag, just went to the Western Regions, and you come here to cry out for your poverty?"

Li Hong said with a bitter face, "My child is not a freeloader. He will have to pay back the money he borrowed sooner or later. This is damn usury money. Borrow one money and pay back ten."

Wu Mei smiled and said, "If Naha wasn't a bastard, she wouldn't have to pay back the money in the future. If she gave it to any concubine, the Yun family would make a lot of money."

Speaking of which, the mother still likes the child Naha very much. She has no bad intentions, and she has money and status. It is a good deal to win over Buddhists."

When Li Hong heard what Wu Mei said about Naha, he was a little unhappy and said, "Naha is not suitable to talk about business."

Wu Mei lowered her head and looked at Li Hong. Seeing that he didn't look so happy, she smiled and said, "When did your Li family start having affairs?"

Li Hongdao, "My grandfather is my grandfather. I am my grandfather's son. Is there anything I can't do to my father?"

Wu Mei was unable to answer what Li Hong said. Li Hong was right. If his grandfather Li Zhi hadn't been so affectionate, she would still be chanting sutras at Ganye Temple now.

The love between children is an advantage for ordinary people, but it is a pure weakness and shortcoming for the royal family.

As for the fact that Naha is six years older than Li Hong, it is even more difficult to talk about it, because she is four years older than Li Zhi.

Wu Mei looked at her son's appearance again, and immediately felt sorry for Naha in her heart. If Naha were a Han woman, Naha would really be able to take Li Hong's position as queen.

When Li Hong saw that his mother had stopped talking, he simply sat down next to her and said, "The twenty-six meat jars in Jinchangfang have begun to cook meat and make soup. Unfortunately, I, the subordinate of the East Palace, can only watch with saliva."

Your son only has a little money from selling vegetables and a little money from selling seeds, which is not enough to give the officials of the East Palace money to buy meat."

Wu Mei smiled and said, "Every one of your subordinate officials in the East Palace has a salary, so there is no need for you to send money to win over people's hearts. Besides, it's too early for you to win over people's hearts now. People are being replaced in batches. At least you have to wait until your subordinates in the East Palace."

The officials have indeed formed a team, and it’s not too late to talk about winning over people’s hearts.”

Li Hong didn't say a word, just stared at his mother, his eyes were filled with the look of his mother cheating a fool.

Wu Mei covered her mouth and giggled, "The Chinese New Year is coming soon, and I'm going to be one year older. It's really not easy to cheat. Tell me, how do you plan to give money to the officials in the East Palace?"

Li Hong immediately answered, "This time, don't try to use rotten pearls, rotten stones, or the rotten and moldy brocade in the warehouse to fiddle with me. Your son has grown up and knows that giving out copper coins is the hardest thing to do."

Wu Mei smiled even harder, pointed at Li Hong and said, "Why do you sound so petty when you say something, and why do you insist..."

Li Hong then laughed and said, "There is no way. When it comes to money, it is best to be small-minded, and when it comes to ambition, it is best to be ambitious. This is what your son has learned from history books."

Wu Mei put away her smile and started to get serious. She said to Li Hongdao, "Making money is a science. However, spending money is a bigger science. Money earned must be spent. As for how to spend it, how to spend it?"

Where and for what purpose, do you understand?"

Li Hong simply shook his head and said, "I don't want to figure it out yet. In this aspect, Master Yunchu taught me a more profound truth. He also said that there is a subject called "Political Economics", which is dedicated to money and government affairs."

A science of the relationship between.

He is still perfecting it now. Once he is perfected, he can teach it to me. I am looking forward to learning Master Yunchu’s skills."

"'Political Economics', Yunchu's own knowledge? Do you think what he said will be beneficial to you?"

Li Hong laughed and said, "Master Yunchu has proven his ability to make money in Wannian County, and also proved his ability to develop the wealth of the state and county. In this matter, only his knowledge has been practiced through practice, and


If I don’t learn from the masters, how can I learn from those nonsense Confucian scholars on how to enrich the people and the country?”

The smile on Wu Mei's face completely disappeared, and she said seriously to Li Hong, "If your mother gives you ten thousand dollars, how will you use it?"

Li Hong smiled and said, "Post them all, everyone will receive it, and it will put more smiles on everyone's faces."

Wu Mei frowned and said, "There are no rules?"

Li Hong laughed and said, "What rules are there? As long as they start laughing, the child's goal will be achieved. This is called buying laughter with a thousand pieces of gold."

"Bastard!" Wu Mei was furious.

Li Hong spread his hands and said, "New Year is coming, and I just want to see everyone in Chang'an City with a smile on their face.

The more smiles on the faces of the subjects, the stronger the national destiny of the Tang Dynasty will be. A little money is nothing compared to the national destiny of the Tang Dynasty."

After hearing her son's words, Wu Mei's eyes were a little confused. She knew that her son was not a bastard, but the problem was that what he was about to do was very bastard.

Therefore, she rubbed her brows and said, "You go back first, and my mother will reply to you tomorrow."

Li Hong stood up quickly and said, "The child will pay his respects to the queen tomorrow."

The whole day, Wu Mei was thinking about what Li Hong said to her today, but she still couldn't find a clue.

In the evening, when she and Li Zhi had dinner together, she told Li Zhi what happened when Li Hong came to see her today.

After Li Zhi listened carefully, he looked at Wu Mei for a while, then a smile appeared on his face, and he said to Wu Mei, "Hong'er did a good job."

Wu Mei frowned and said, "What's so good about it?"

Li Zhi smiled and said, "Fortunately, he has an emperor's heart."

Wu Mei asked suspiciously, "You can ruin things if you have an emperor's heart?"

Li Zhi laughed and said, "The money was given to the subjects to be used for daily purchases, but it was not ruined by his excessive drinking and wine ponds and meat forests. How can it be called wasted?"

This world belongs to me, and so do my subjects. If I can buy the smiles of all the people in Chang'an with ten thousand guan, I think this money will be well spent.

Mei Niang, you still don’t see yourself as one with the people of the world. You always feel that giving them 10,000 yuan for no reason is a loss.

Hong'er didn't see it that way. In his opinion, the meaning of spending the ten thousand guan on him and distributing it to his subjects were the same.

And money will not be destroyed. They will only circulate in the land of the Tang Dynasty, passing from one person to another person. In the end, these ten thousand yuan of money will still return to the treasury of the Tang Dynasty.

This is Honger’s imperial heart!”

This chapter has been completed!
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