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Chapter 591 Barbarism is barbarism and cannot be changed.

The reason why Hassan tolerated Yunchu leading the horse thieves to rob Zhezhi City was entirely because the losses during the robbery were within his tolerance range.

Now, after Yunchu completed the robbery, he burned Zhezhi City with fire again. This is intolerable.

Although the nobles in Zhezhi City were killing each other just now, when the fire broke out in Zhezhi City, they quickly stopped fighting and began to renegotiate an alliance, preparing to deal with the outsider Yunchu with all their strength.

After fighting fiercely for a whole day, they had already reached the point when they were exhausted. If they wanted to hunt down Yun Chu and the gang of horse thieves who had just left Zhezhi City, they had to take a rest first and drink some water and eat some food. They drank from the water bag.

water, and fresh water from the medicinal water for cooking. After they drank the water and finished the meal, Hassan suddenly found that his warriors began to vomit and have diarrhea.

Suddenly, on this battlefield full of corpses, a stench rose into the sky.

After Vashken counted his healthy warriors, he found that there were more healthy warriors than Hassan's, and the war started again.

Yunchu was the last to leave Zhezhi City. Before him, many Shiguo people from Zhezhi City also followed the old thieves and the others.

They did not follow them because they liked the old thieves, but they were accustomed to following wealth. Without that wealth, the existence of goldsmiths, copper coins, silversmiths, carpets, cobblers, blacksmiths, musicians, and dancers would be nothing.

meaning. mouth

No matter who the wealth belongs to, the owner of the wealth needs to use those craftsmen to degenerate and increase the value of the wealth.

Before there was no etiquette, it was not until the Spring and Autumn Period that you perfected etiquette and created the concept of etiquette, justice, and integrity.

Not less than two thousand people from the Stone Kingdom followed the old thieves. The old thieves were actually a very boring group of people.

When Buddhism accepts the hearts of people from the Western Regions, the Confucian way of governing the world will probably become popular in the Western Regions.

When Yunchu left, the wooden buildings under the rammed-earth city wall were also on fire. Just under the huge fire in Zhezhi City, a group of people were still fighting risking their lives.

As far as my Yanmen County Duke's residence is concerned, there will definitely be one or two more useful talents. Two generations ago, they would have been lost to everyone.

Yun Chu smiled and said: "In this case, he must work hard to achieve that. In this world, human ability is the most worthless thing.

Zhou Yong was also willing to accept the dancer's bad intentions, so he also threw a gold coin outside the gold cup.

Yunchu wanted to touch your gold cup, and he also knew that the cup had been used by many people, so before throwing a gold coin out of the cup,

The dancer will turn her target to Liang Ying, the seventh person in the caravan. The most beautiful and enchanting dancer will hold the golden cup in her mouth, tilt her body upside down, tremble her waist and pour it in, and send the golden cup to the back of Yun Chu. Wu

It is almost very difficult for the children of the Xun family to produce a bad scholar. Even if we don't have very bad teachers to teach us, we still can't compare with those who come from these scholarly families.

Yun Chu felt that he had not said enough to Liang Ying today, so he planned to continue talking to others. Confucian learning has always been cheap...

After that, the dancer will continue to look for the last target... When you get to the old thief, you will be grabbed by a few tough guys and accept your bad intentions.

The prodigal son from Liang Jianfang's family has no idea about money. From now on, I will always be so generous when spending money. Yes, I have never observed these people who make money from me.


After more than ten years of hard work and the trial and error of successive generations of students, it would be very difficult for Zhou Yongbo's private academy to produce a Taipei student.

Without those people, the journey would not be noisy. These musicians would always play beautiful music, and these castrated actors would always sing lowly. Then let that huge camel team,

It became a moving town.

Although before the old thieves arrived, Jinchangfang was kicked out and the pottery bowl was broken, this Jinchangfang took it for granted and put the two gold coins he earned under his eyes, looking happy

, even the camels that provide you with the cooling energy to sleep are here.

So happy for you.

It was only because of that that Qingshan didn’t have the confidence to burn with firewood.

Looking at Zhou Yongbo holding two gold coins and dancing gracefully under the camel, I immediately felt that the one gold coin was the most worthwhile spent today.

Even if these weak thieves form a city of weak thieves, we will still be the common people outside the city of weak thieves.

Yun Chu smiled and said: "Giving flowers to others has no lingering fragrance. If we all want to live happily, we must not have a fortune, and our courage will be exhausted in one day. We must also stand in the busy city and turn our palms for help."

The clouds can turn into rain by covering your palms, and you can gather thousands of gold and silver in an instant. Only in this way can you become a little husband."

Yunchu smiled and said, "Your ancestors only created rituals in the Zhou Dynasty, eleven hundred years later. Without the existence of rituals, your ethnic group has no order at all.

When Yunchu walked around the mountain pass, he took a quick look at these people and said to Liang Ying.

When Liang Ying arrived at his home, he sighed and said, "What you still rely on at home is still the military achievements of your ancestors in the past, and those military achievements have not become more and more valuable in those years."

Just like Yun Chu looked at these dancers with admiration, Zhou Yong's eyes showed less contempt.

In fact, it was nothing more than that. If he wanted to take a further step back to the Seven Schools, the Imperial College, or the Imperial Academy, Yun Chu simply dared to hold on to such hope.

"Isn't that the role of money?" Zhou Yong sighed once again.

Liang Ying frowned and said, "Are you really talking about etiquette, justice and integrity?" In that desert, surviving is the smallest principle in the world.

We don't have many camels. These camels can carry several people while carrying goods.

"Isn't that how you felt before you brought benefits to the people in Wannian County?"

Liang Ying asked, covering her chest.

Yun Chu threw a gold coin into every gold, silver, and copper cup that passed behind him, and Liang Ying did the same.

As Yun Chu spoke, he picked up another gold coin and threw the gold coin back into the mouth of Cang Jin Changfang, whose chest was full of dirt like an unjust villain.

After that, your ancestors even lived like those people from the Stone Kingdom, using the blue sky as their curtain, the small earth as their bed, taking pleasure in wind, rain, thunder and lightning, and working hard to reproduce, so they were not as prosperous as your tribe...

The heirs of veterans of the military are withering away very badly, especially before the emperor started the real scientific examination system, our channels for becoming officials were suddenly tightened, and if we wanted to become officials through recommendation, now it basically seems to be in vain.

At this time, the Western Region was still a barren land. We knew how to grow food and raise livestock, but there was no such thing as a birth ceremony.

Zhou Yongbo had no money, no bookstore, no private school, and no teacher. It was difficult to find talents under such bad conditions. It was even more difficult to produce a real scholar in these remote places. 2 The reason why Yunchu himself was called

The reason for looking down upon me was that I could not drop out of the seven majors, but I entered Taixue before and finally got the fourth place in the exam for quitting my studies.

We know the significance of these craftsmen following us, and we are willing to help us as much as possible. 1

Seeing this Jinchangfang singing and dancing while holding up two gold coins, Yun Chu had to admire Li Zhi's methods in the Western Regions. Liang Ying looked at Yun Chu with admiration and said: "You don't have that ability, others are successful."


That’s not why you look at us."

When there is a sandstorm under the Gobi, the sky is like light blue jelly. Yunchu wanted to reach out and touch it, but he couldn't catch anything. If my arms were long enough, I couldn't touch it.

As for Qingtian, this feeling should be very, very sexy.

Therefore, a small family is small because it does not have much money, food, or many people, but it depends on how many talents outside the family can make a difference."

He cannot be disgusted with your behavior, but he can despise your behavior. You are a group of people who are working hard to build your own happy life."

Everything is going well, so there is nothing to complain about in life. I just know that Yu Xiu on the Little Wild Goose Pagoda

Is Rong doing well with eight children?,

The Zhezhi dance under the bonfire is really ugly. These ugly dancers, before they can fully demonstrate their amazingly elastic waists and graceful bodies through dance, they will look for these old thieves with little money.

They trade their bodies for an excitingly low price.

On that trip, Zhezhi City was evacuated without killing many people or losing many people. We were very satisfied with the result.

The things those dancing girls do are actually not your way of survival. They are both absurd and ethical. In any case, looking at Li Zhi's arrangements, I should be an emperor who can go a long way.

Just like the private school run by the old dancer has not been running for seven years. In the past seven years, the private school teacher has taught the children other than the old dancer to recognize a small number of words and learn how to express emotions.

Liang Ying looked at Jinchangfang, who was about to faint with excitement, and followed Yun Chu's example and threw a gold coin back into the broken bowl. Has an order and rules been born that is recognized by everyone? That will lead to

Weak power has become the only rule that makes people proud.

The musicians started playing crazy music as soon as the *** sounds rang in their ears. There were no fewer dancers to imitate this ugliest dancer.

The same, with the silver cup in his mouth and the copper cup shaking his waist, he came to Yunchu to end his flattery.

Every time we camp, craftsmen will look for these old thieves, trying to turn the gold coins in our hands into exquisite goldware. Silversmiths and coppersmiths are also doing the same thing, and these leatherworkers often

Take out the fur clothes you made and exchange them with the old thieves for gold coins or copper coins.

"Always despise other people's way of making a living, especially when you have just finished robbing Zhezhi City." Yun Chu touched Liang Ying with his shoulder.

I hope Liang Ying can grow through that experience and repay Liang Jianfang's kindness in promoting her in the past.

Jie and 2

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