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Chapter 599 The Kings Firewood and the Shepherds Cow Dung Cake

When the place gets bigger, people get smaller, and when the sky gets higher, the birds get smaller.

The size of the Western Region makes those man-made grand plans for hegemony look like a joke.

Thirty thousand dead Tibetans were nothing in the Western Regions, and their corpses could not even remain in the wilderness for a month.

First it was vultures, then wolves, and finally, those corpses became a feast for the primitive inhabitants of the grassland and Gobi Desert.

Dundup was riding on a white yak. ​​He was wearing a thick silver fox fur cloak and a fat silver fox fur hat. His eyes were as black as ink. The riding whip in his hand was whipping the body with only a few muscles on the heel.

On the skeleton connected to the body, the skeleton fell from the neck and rolled twice on the ground.

Then he looked around, and everywhere he looked, there were corpses whose muscles had been eaten away by wild beasts.

A beautiful woman suddenly appeared in such an environment. Dunzhu did not feel the slightest discomfort. On the contrary, she enjoyed the achievements she had made.

The arrogant Lun Qinling traveled through the Kunlun Mountains Tunnel. Helan Minzhi's father-in-law Nahelun was the second wave of people who were responsible for transporting grain and grass through the Kunlun Tunnel.

Na Helun was old and frail, and did not believe that there was a shortcut to Khotan in the Kunlun Mountains. In addition, his master knew that after Dunzhu gave him a fierce encouragement, he asked his cheap son-in-law Helan Minzhi to lead his people to follow him.

Discussing the tunnel behind the Qinling Mausoleum through the Kunlun Mountains is the secret aid for discussing the Qinling Mausoleum.

When there was a big storm, they happened to be on the tunnel in Kunlun Mountain. In the critical situation, Helan Minzhi found a cave, thus avoiding this catastrophe.

No Tibetan warrior could like Helan Minzhi, and the Tubo warriors did not like to obey the orders of the Tang people.

Therefore, the real leader of this army was Dondup.

However, after Helan Minzhi led everyone to avoid the big blizzard, he single-handedly saved the army of 10,000 people. In addition, Helan Minzhi endured hardship first in the army and enjoyed it last. Currently, these 10,000 people

The Tubo warriors already regarded him as one of their own.

However, if you want to become the leader or general of these people, it depends on his performance on the battlefield.

Helan Minzhi, who was originally rich and handsome, turned into a dark and handsome man after he went to the plateau. When he put on a Tibetan robe, his hair was braided into braids, and then decorated with green agate and golden beeswax.

, he is a standard young Tubo nobleman.

Dundup stood on the back of the white yak, opened his arms and fell straight down from the yak's back. He Lan Minzhi, who was originally a foot away from Dundup, somehow magically appeared beside the white yak and hugged her waist.

The dun bead.

Dunzhu fell into Helan Minzhi's arms, smiling, then opened her mouth and bit Helan Minzhi's lips, letting out a roar similar to that of a female animal in heat.

When Dunzhu let go of his teeth, Helan Minzhi's lips were already stained with blood, and Dunzhu's lips were also covered with blood.

Dunzhu opened his arms as if he wanted to embrace the bright sunshine in front of him, ignoring the blood dripping from his lips, and shouted to Helan Minzhi: "Helan, you are a real eagle, I want to eat you."

He Lan Minzhi said with a smile: "If I accidentally die in battle, remember to find my body and don't waste it."

Dunzhu stuck out his tongue and licked the blood on his lips, then hugged He Lanminzhi again: "You saved us all this time."

Helan Minzhi did not answer Dunzhu's words, but looked at the Anxi army scouts cruising on the horizon and said to Dunzhu: "We are leaving. Ten thousand people are no match for Pei Xingjian."

Dunzhu jumped on a war horse, tied the white yak's reins to the saddle, pointed at the body lying on the ground and said loudly: "As for Qinling fleeing without a fight, he is a coward. Let's catch up and tie him up."

Fox tail."

After saying that, he set off his horse and ran wildly. Although the white yak did not run very fast, it was dragged by the war horse and stretched out its neck. Its four hooves trampled wildly on the Gobi, trying to keep up with the speed of the war horse.

Helan Minzhi quickly jumped on the horse and blew a long whistle. The Tubo warriors who were scattered everywhere got on their horses one after another, and followed the most noble princess Dunzhu in running towards Xiaobolu.

When it comes to Qinling, that's the direction we ran.

The Tibetan people had very good endurance, and so did their horses. After galloping for sixty miles, Dundup stopped.

The war horse was breathing heavily, covered in sweat, its thick limbs were trembling slightly, and its well-developed muscles with sharp edges were also twitching slightly.

The condition of the white yak was very bad. As soon as the war horse stopped, the cow fell to the ground. At first, a stream of dark red blood flowed from the corner of the yak's mouth, and then there were large streams of blood.

Blood spurted out from the white yak's pink mouth, and within a moment, the precious white yak became silent.

Dunzhu did not feel any regret, but jumped off the horse, cut open the hot body of the white yak with his own hand fork, cut off a bloody and steaming piece of beef and threw it into his mouth.

The Tibetan warriors who arrived one after another also followed the same example. In a short time, they cut up a cow, leaving only the internal organs and bone skin.

"Why don't you eat?"

Dunzhu pointed at Helan Minzhi with a bloody fork and asked.

"I prefer cooked food."

"You are from Tubo, not from Tang Dynasty."

"I am from Tang Dynasty and I am also your husband."

"No, if you come to Tubo, you are a Tubo person."

"I am from the Tang Dynasty, and I will still be from the Tang Dynasty after I came to Tubo!"

"When will you admit that you are a Tibetan?"

"When I became the king of the Tubo people of the Zhangzhong tribe, I became a Tubo people."

Dunzhu, smelling of sweat, threw herself into Helan Minzhi's arms, looked up at him and said, "I will turn you into a Tibetan."

Helan Minzhi smiled and said: "Unless you give me Tubo."

Dunzhu smiled and said: "Then you have to get it yourself. All I can do to help you is give you these ten thousand people."

Helan Minzhi pinched Dunzhu's dark little face and said, "That's enough."

Dunzhu came out of Helan Minzhi's arms, looked at the white yak that had been eaten with only its skeleton left, and said, "This is our last bit of food."

He Lanminzhi smiled and said: "The heavy snowstorm took away our food, cattle and sheep, but it left our lives behind.

Dunzup, we have ten thousand warriors, so we don’t have to worry about running out of food. From here we continue to the west, which is said to be the border of Xiaobolu. As long as there are people there, we will not be short of food."

Dunzhu said anxiously: "The warriors need food to be as strong as the goshawks, as soon as possible."

He Lan Minzhi smiled and said: "Gather the people who have eaten beef just now, and I will take them to go ahead and look for food."

After that, Helan Minzhi jumped on the horse, stood on the horse and shouted loudly: "Go a hundred miles further, there will be villages, markets, and cities there. Brave warriors, do you want to follow me?"

Where can we go together to get the food, grain, and wealth we need?"

By this time, Helan Minzhi had become very proficient in speaking Tubo. As soon as he finished speaking, a group of Tubo people gathered around him, howling like ghosts and wolves, claiming that they were willing to follow Helan Minzhi in search of food.

Helan Minzhi fed the last bit of food on his body to his war horse, and the hungry Tubo cavalry also took out the last bit of food and fed it to the horse.

After the sweat on the horse's body had dried, Helan Minzhi slapped Dunzhu's plump butt, jumped on the horse, and continued to charge westward with a group of men and horses.

Dunzhu looked at He Lan Minzhi's strong figure in fascination. In her eyes, only such a fearless warrior could be her husband.

Naha struggled to pull a branch out of the thin ice, and together with Dolma, she cut off the branch and tied it up with woolen rope.

This is the job of their master and servant today - to collect firewood.

The white snow on the shady side has not yet melted, but the sunny side is already a bit hot. This hot feeling does not come from the skin, but from the body.

Because the radiation is very strong, the feeling of anxiety in the cold is very detrimental to people's health.

Many people who came from Chang'an fell ill, partly because of the epidemic, and partly because of the damn plateau climate.

At night, the anxiety will disappear, but the cold can kill anyone.

At this time, we can distinguish those who are from the Tang Dynasty and those who are from the Western Regions.

Those who can work are from the Western Regions, and those who cannot work and begin to pant violently after taking a few steps are those from the Tang Dynasty.

Yunchu originally thought that these people had trekked here from Chang'an and that their bodies had adapted to the climate here. Unexpectedly, a devastating blizzard made many people from Chang'an completely exposed that their bodies were not adapted to the plateau.

the essence of.

On the road, I met Selema who was picking up cow dung. Selema snorted heavily at her daughter and took her prime minister Afanti to the Sai tribe with a basket full of cow dung.

Dolma looked at the cow dung in Selema's back basket with bright eyes and said to Naha, "Why don't we go pick up the cow dung?"

Naha said: "Clean people never pick up cow dung."

Zhuoma asked strangely: "What does picking up cow dung have to do with being clean? Don't you like drinking milk tea boiled with cow dung?"

Naha said: "I like milk tea cooked with firewood."

"Milk tea boiled over cow dung fire is more fragrant."

"Shut up, we just want firewood."

After that, he dragged up another large branch from the river.

When the two of them returned to the town carrying a large bundle of branches, Naha was welcomed by many people.

So, Naha gave the firewood she and Dolma picked up to an old woman from the Western Regions, and then dragged her tired body back to the Buddhist temple.

After returning to the warm room, Naha threw herself on her warm and fragrant bed, shouting "ouch, ouch".

This is the third bundle of firewood she picked up today.

Outside the window, an angry Selema was filling the kang hole in Naha's room with cow dung that she had worked hard to dry. The cow dung cake burned very slowly after being lit. She only needed two baskets of cow dung cakes to make Naha burn.

Ha's house was warm all day and night.

Dolma couldn't understand Naha's weird behavior. She gave the firewood she picked up to others, but she was using the cow dung cakes her mother had worked so hard to get.

She asked, and Naha told her that Wang's firewood was lit in other people's hearts to warm their hearts.

The shepherd's cow dung cake is used to warm the bed.

This chapter has been completed!
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