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Chapter 626: No good things to see

In September, there was a drizzle of snow here in the Buddhist country. The snow was not heavy, and it just covered the green grass with a white veil. We only need to wait until the sun comes out tomorrow, and the snow will turn into dewdrops.

The green grass here in Buddhism has already started to turn yellow at the end of August, but the light snow in front of us is the last killer of these yellow weeds.

Nine of the twelve caravans from Kufa have arrived in the Buddha Kingdom, and the remaining three caravans will arrive within three days.

Yunchu, as the Marquis of Lantian of the Tang Dynasty, invited Yusuf to come to the Buddhist country as a guest, and by the way, he would say farewell and encourage the caravan.

It's a pity that Yusuf didn't come. He was worried that he would be caught by Yun Chu and extort money again.

It was originally a formal invitation, and it should be very safe for him to come to the capital of the Tang Dynasty. Yusuf vaguely felt that Yun Chu was capable of blackmailing him again, so he politely refused and sent

A highly respected mullah came to bless the caravan on his behalf.

The Great Mullah is a scholar among the Great Cannibals. In fact, people who can be called scholars are of very good quality.

Yun Chu wanted to use his elegance on this big mullah, but he always felt a little offended. After he told the big mullah about his uneasiness, the big mullah with a big white beard pulled Yun Chu's hand.

Hand said: "Standing under the sky, the human heart is pure. As long as it is a compliment, why would I refuse? From now on, I am willing to say that I am a great mullah with an elegant air!"

After listening to this old guy's words, Yun Chu immediately classified this old guy into the category of the most dangerous enemy.

If a big mullah who is open-minded and not constrained by appearances wants to deceive stupid people from the Western Regions into believing in religion, he will definitely have no end in sight.

The big mullah was full of praise for the magnificent Buddha statue in the Buddhist Kingdom, and showed great interest in visiting the row upon row of Buddhist buildings built along the hillside.

Standing under the huge Buddha statue, Yun Chu asked tentatively: "Why don't you build statues for your gods?"

The big mullah smiled and said: "Mohammed said that God's revelation was conveyed to him through the angel Jaipur. God is invisible and exists everywhere, so the angels cannot enter the human image.

In a house, or in other words, as long as there is a portrait in a person's home, the gods will not go in to chant sutras and pray for their home to eliminate disasters.

Therefore, we believe that it is disrespectful to paint images and create sculptures for gods, gods, and prophets."

Yunchu looked up at the blue sky and the snow-capped mountains, and nodded: "You are right, as long as it is a god, he should be everywhere, and he should even be around us, protecting and comforting us all the time."

This was a topic that Yun Chu deliberately brought up that was leaning towards the belief in cannibalism. He hoped that the big mullah in charge of preaching would seize this topic and spread the teachings to him.

Yunchu hoped to enhance the relationship between the two of them through preaching, and then study whether it was possible to get more benefits and obtain more convenience through this big mullah.

Unexpectedly, this big mullah did not preach to Yunchu. Perhaps, this wise man knew very well what kind of virtue a mature politician has.

No matter which country or nation the politicians are, they actually believe in the god of profit.

As for other gods, they only choose to believe in them based on their needs.

Because a politician who truly believes in God will make many irrational decisions, which will harm the national interest.

"In the heart of the Big Eater, people do not appear as specific images, but exist as an emotional world, a mood, rhythm, and music.

Junhou is a piece of extremely beautiful music, a splendid scenery, a blooming flower, and even a refreshing fragrance.

Sometimes, a fish jumps out of the water and sees the sky. This is God's will. God allows it to break away from the ordinary and become a fish that has seen the sky.

To guide people, beasts, and fish to transcend their own class, obtain knowledge that would otherwise be impossible, and obtain great happiness that would otherwise be impossible. This is the meaning of God's existence."

"As for us humans, we are not much better than birds, beasts, insects, and fish. Our final destination is heaven or hell in the next life. The reason why this life is important is just because it is preparing for the next life..."

Yunchu had to admit that missionary work must be spread by those who are knowledgeable, well-spoken, and whose appearance is extremely deceptive in order to achieve good results.

Just like the communism that Yunchu knew when he was in school and the socialism that he learned from his doctoral supervisor, they are completely different things.

The former is blunt, bitter, hard to understand, and drowsy, while the latter makes people feel refreshed, like a spring breeze, and makes them feel joyful.

If there were a hundred people like Maura, Yunchu wouldn't have the slightest confidence in preserving the faith of the people in the Western Regions.

These one hundred big mullahs are more terrifying than the ten thousand full-armored cavalry riding horses and holding scimitars to preach.

After all, Yunchu felt that he had a bomb at home that could deal with 10,000 armored cavalry, but there was no way to use the bomb to blow up the big mullah's preaching voice.

Yunchu and Maura were visiting the Buddhist country and talking at the same time. Both of them could get inspiration from each other's words.

The big mullah respected Yunchu's belief very much. At least, he touched his chest and saluted when he came to the big Buddha.

"We should be humble towards any unknowable power. After all, we humans are just grass seeds in the sky."

"The words you said are similar to the most sublime knowledge of the Tang Dynasty. Just like the seed in the ocean you just mentioned, we here call it a drop in the ocean. It is equally thought-provoking and equally vast."

The big mullah smiled and said: "The end of knowledge is God. I only hope to reach God as soon as possible, listen to God's teachings in person, solve the doubts accumulated in my heart, and explore more unknowns."

Standing under the snow-capped mountains, at the foot of the Buddha statue, you can see the autumn scenery as far as the eye can see. If the man next to him was not the mullah who was responsible for educating and converting the Persians, Yun Chu would still be willing to invite him to visit Chang'an.

However, it cannot be done now. This guy is too powerful and too deceptive. Although the people of Chang'an in the Tang Dynasty are smart, they cannot resist the temptation of this old guy.

This old guy is really too dangerous to the people of Chang'an.

Especially when Yun Chu thought about the time when Zhang Jiao shouted: "Qing Tian is dead, Huang Tian should stand, and the age of Jiazi will be good for the world." Then, the originally very powerful man fell apart, and Yun Chu felt scared.

Some people have mouths to eat, some people have mouths to speak and sing, and some people have mouths to bring trouble to the world.

After visiting the Buddhist Kingdom, Yunchu sent Maura to his room to rest. When he saw Naha and Dolma making a fire and roasting candied radishes, he felt very sad.

When Naha, who had a black mouth after eating, saw her brother looking at her, she thought he also wanted to eat the roasted sugar radish, so she held a piece of roasted brown sugar radish with her black paws and motioned to her brother to eat it.

The roasted candied radish is really delicious, but after eating the sweet candied radish, it starts to become sour.

Naha is the religious leader here, and the big mullah is the religious leader on the opposite side. One is brilliant, and the other is full of evil.

This made Yunchu full of worries about the uncertain future of the Buddhist Kingdom.

Naha should not be in charge of the Buddhist Kingdom. Master Xuanzang should come and take charge in person...Master Xuanzang and the Great Mullah are the real opponents, not Naha!

Da Shiren seems to be very enthusiastic about doing business, although Yun Chu has anticipated that there will be a trial period in the early stage.

Unexpectedly, in just the trial period, the Buddha Kingdom gathered a total of fifty-six cannibal caravans, exceeding the fifty caravans negotiated by Yunchu and Yusuf.

Fifty-six caravans, with 16,000 camels, and nearly 4,000 cannibals. Although the cannibal camels are smaller than the camels in the Western Regions, with only one hump on their backs, they cannot support such a large number.

So many.

Coupled with the local caravans from the Western Regions and the caravans brought by Yunchu, after they merged into a huge caravan, it was no longer a caravan, but an army with the ability to attack cities and seize land.

Fortunately, the people of the Tang Dynasty were not afraid of troops capable of attacking cities and seizing land. In another era, Yumen Pass would never have opened the gates to such a caravan.

The benefits of a strong national power were evident at this time. The emperor would only consider the 16,000 camels that walked into Yumen Pass as wealth.

There will be no other ideas.

The customs entry document that Yunchu applied for early was delivered by Zhang Donghai after a long journey. This document was signed by Honglu Temple and was followed by a seal from the Ministry of Household Affairs.

The emperor also thoughtfully gave Yunchu a message to ask the officials along the way to supply grain and grass. Of course, the price of grain and grass was also very touching.

Zhang Donghai did not come alone. In addition to the people from Baiqisi around him, there was also an additional cage. After Yun Chu took a closer look, he discovered that the cage contained the protector of the Hanhai Protectorate.

Wang Xiaojie!

Yun Chu pointed at Wang Xiaojie, who was covering his face with his sleeves, and asked Zhang Donghai: "What shameful thing has he done?"

Zhang Donghai said: "Hide the horse king secretly!"

Yun Chu was stunned for a moment and said, "Horse King?"

Zhang Donghai nodded and said, "That's something only His Majesty can use. How dare this bitch keep it privately and not hand it over."

Yun Chu said: "What kind of horse king can make this guy so forgetful?"

Without waiting for Zhang Donghai to answer, Yunchu heard a high-pitched neighing of a war horse. This neighing actually caused the war horses at Yunchu's station to neigh in unison in response.

The bay-red horse, which had always been unwilling to be tied to the trough to eat grass, actually ran in on its own, surrounded Yun Chu and snored constantly, and always nudged Yun Chu with its head, as if it was worried about being abandoned by Yun Chu.

While Yun Chu comforted the bay-red horse, he curiously said to Zhang Donghai: "Bring it here and let me have a look."

Zhang Donghai said hesitantly: "Junhou, it's better not to look at it. If you can't get it after looking at it, it's not beautiful."

Yun Chu grabbed the maroon horse's ears and smiled: "What kind of horse can make me lose my mind and make me greedy?"

Wang Xiaojie, who was imprisoned in the cage, grabbed the bars of the cage and shouted at Yunchu: "Brother Yuchu, don't look at it, it will be a disaster if you look at it."

Yun Chu smiled and scolded: "You are a bitch, you are encouraging me to make a mistake. Donghai, please pull King Ma out and show me, I won't believe it."

Zhang Donghai sighed and went out. In a moment, he led a white war horse whose whole body was wrapped in linen, with only its eyes and ears exposed.

Yun Chu glanced at it and said, "There's nothing strange about this."

Wang Xiaojie said: "I thought so too at the beginning."

See you tomorrow

This chapter has been completed!
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