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Chapter 662 Dare to be the first in the world

Li Zhi looked at the fork that Zuo Chun held up, and looked at Li Jingxuan, the Minister of Civil Service, in confusion and said, "You call this a deer-cutting knife?"

Li Jingxuan said respectfully: "When Wei Chen mentioned this name, Magistrate Yun did not refute it."

Li Zhi picked up the short knife with two fingers in disgust, then threw it on the table, looked at Li Jingxuan and said: "You actually have the idea of ​​using this knife to cut the Western Region, right?"

Li Jingxuan said quickly: "I don't dare."

Li Zhi smiled and said: "How dare you!"

Listening to Li Zhi's heart-wrenching words with a smile, Li Jingxuan no longer dared to maintain his image of being a prime minister, and immediately knelt down and said: "I don't dare."

Li Zhi did not continue to look at Li Jingxuan, but glanced at the faces of the group of people in front of him one by one, and then said indifferently: "Yun Chu is a 250-year-old, does it mean that you are the same?

Who gave you the courage to cut my land with a knife at will?


Can't you see that this is a trap dug by Yun Chu for you?

I am very curious now. Such a simple trap can allow people like you to jump in easily. Are you pigs?"

Lu Dunxin, the Minister of Household Affairs, said quickly: "I just don't dare, so I specially reported to Your Majesty, hoping that His Majesty will judge."

Li Zhi once again picked up the knife with two fingers, threw it in front of Lu Dunxin and said, "Didn't you think that Yun Chu was the one who brought you to me?

Li Jingxuan said he didn’t dare, and you, Lu Dunxin, also said you didn’t dare. Since you don’t dare, you shouldn’t come to ask me. Since you come to me, you all hope that I will agree to you, right?”

Seeing that all the people below him were silent, Li Zhi said again: "Do you know why that two hundred and fifty dare to tease you?

Are you still sending you in front of me to tease you?"

Li Jingxuan raised his head and said, "Wei Chen wants to know."

Li Zhi stood up, supported the table and said: "Because he firmly believes that I will not punish him. Even if he knows that you are guilty of saying that the broken knife is a deer knife, he still dares to admit it.

A courtier, for the sake of the Tang Dynasty, traveled thousands of miles across the desert and fought with the enemy in a harsh environment. The final goal was not to get promoted and make a fortune. It was not to have a wife and son. He just wanted to build my Chang'an into a paradise city.

, do you think that I will punish such a minister for a mere statement about cutting a deer with a knife?

In my opinion, Datang is a big family. As the master of the big family, I will always favor those descendants who are capable and can make money.

As long as this descendant's path does not go astray, and he continues to move toward a goal that he likes and that I can tolerate, even if he is only 250, I will tolerate him.

I know that you want to make money, and you also want to give generous bonuses to the deployment. It is a good thing to want to make money. Just like the path pointed out by Yunchu, you can also send caravans to make money for you.

As long as you feel that what you are doing is beneficial to the Tang Dynasty, then do it. As long as you are selfless in your heart, there will be no sharp blade on your head. Even if it is dropped, it will definitely be praised and comforted.

The question is, I have this capacity to accommodate others, do you have the courage to be the first in the world?"

Li Zhi's voice gradually turned from gentle to high-pitched, and finally turned into a tiger-like roar.

Amidst his roar, Li Jingxuan and others' faces turned pale, their legs trembled, and they almost wanted to flee...

After roaring away Li Jingxuan and others, Li Zhi took a sip of water and looked down at the giant bear lying on the ground. To be honest, this giant bear was getting more and more lazy.

Wu Mei, with a golden phoenix on her bun, walked in, followed by Aunt Chun, carrying a bowl of sweet-scented osmanthus and lotus seed soup.

Wu Mei placed the sweet-scented osmanthus and lotus seed soup in front of Li Zhi and said, "Laozi, the ancestor of the Li family, once said: One is compassion, the other is frugality, and the third is not daring to be the first in the world. Why did your majesty betray his ancestors and leave the clan today?"

Li Zhi said proudly: "Because I have created an unprecedented huge empire, this is because I dare to be the first in the world.

The path of my predecessors has come to an end, and every step I take from now on can be called daring to be the first in the world."

Wu Mei laughed and said, "Yunchu's path is ahead of His Majesty's."

Li Zhi laughed and said: "So I am going to cross the river by feeling Yunchu's stone."

"What if there are consequences?"

Li Zhi looked at Wu Mei and said: "As a woman, the seeds have just fallen to the ground, so you say it will bear evil consequences?"

Wu Mei hesitated and said, "I have never seen a person like Yun Chu."

Li Zhi snorted coldly and said: "Since Emperor Qin has unified Liuhe and I have unified all directions, what is the point of raising a person like Izu Yunchu in such a world.

Queen, you have to remember that the road you are going to take now will also be a road that has never been taken before. We are all groping. For people like Yun Chu, we need to see more, listen more, and think more.

Don’t show your evil intentions and don’t interfere.”

Wu Mei nodded and said, "Your Majesty can tolerate Yun Chu's release of imperial prisoners in the Western Regions and the expulsion of officials in Chang'an?"

Li Zhi looked into Wu Mei's eyes and said, "Can't the Queen see that this was something he did deliberately?

He obviously wants to reduce his credit through these things. Since he doesn’t want the credit, I won’t give him the credit.”

Wu Mei was silent for a moment and said: "This is the second time that Your Majesty said that I am a concubine. The last time I said this, it was also because of Yunchu."

Li Zhi took a sip of the warm osmanthus and lotus seed soup and said indifferently: "Chang'an will become a city in the sky, and this city will also be Yunchu's golden cage."

Hearing what Li Zhi said, a smile appeared on Wu Mei's face. Considering Yun Chu's contribution to the Tang Dynasty, she felt there was no need to restrict Yun Chu, a fool from Chang'an.

Chang'an City is only a hundred miles from north to south and dozens of miles from east to west. Compared with the huge Tang Dynasty, it is just a dot on the map and nothing.

In addition, there are hundreds of thousands of soldiers and horses guarding Chang'an City. Even if Yun Chu has different aspirations, just a single order from the emperor and three or five jailers can put Yun Chu to death.

"Your Majesty, Pei Neng, the young minister of Taifu Temple, reported from Qujiang River that the prices of goods on the flowing water signs in Qujiang River changed rapidly every day. The prices of the goods that soared the most were frankincense and myrrh, which were almost equivalent to gold.

If we continue like this, we are suspected of robbing the people of the Tang Dynasty."

Li Zhidao: "I have also heard that the price of Sun Shenxian's patent medicine has soared more than a hundred times, and most of the buyers are barbarians. Since Yun Chu ignores it, why should we be such evil people?"

Wu Mei saw the emperor's partiality towards Yunchu, so she stopped talking. She always felt that the court should get involved in the matter of Liushui Pai in Qujiang. In her opinion, this thing would grow into a giant beast sooner or later.

However, she knew that she could not continue talking. The consequence of continuing to talk would be to make her suspicious husband think that she had ulterior motives.

No matter what, Wu Mei felt that it was necessary to restrain Yunchu. He could dare to be the first in the world, but there must be limits and he could not drive thousands of miles.

Aunt Chun stood on the side like a wooden body. She was trying hard to tighten her belly. She had eaten too much meat recently, and her belly was no longer restrained by the belt and was about to bulge out.

When returning to Liangyi Hall, Wu Mei stopped and said to Zuo Chun who was escorting her out: "There is someone beside Yun Chu, right?"

Zuo Chun bent down and said, "Yes!"

Wu Mei said: "Who is it?"

Zuo Chun glanced at Aunt Chun and said, "I can't say."

Wu Mei frowned and said, "Very good, how many are there?"

Zuo Chun still said calmly: "I can't say."

Wu Mei nodded and said, "It seems there are many."

Zuo Chun still said: "I can't say."

Wu Mei laughed and said, "You old dog still has such a tight mouth. I hope you can keep all your secrets."

Zuo Chun said indifferently: "If I want to die, no one can stop me."

Wu Mei took a deep look at Zuo Chun and left with Aunt Chun.

From Taiji Palace to Liangyi Palace, there is a short road that needs to be walked. Wu Mei doesn't like Jianyu. As long as she can walk, she will definitely choose to walk by herself.

There were no trees in the palace to block it, and it looked bare. There used to be some small trees, but after the incident of Birds Paying Attitude to the Phoenix, except for the bamboo left for the giant bears to eat, the rest of the trees were cut down by the emperor's order.

However, the East Palace next door is already full of spring.

There is a pavilion in the East Palace called Tingfeng Pavilion, which was built during Li Chengqian's lifetime. It is said that when Li Chengqian built this tall building, he wanted to spy on the palace.

Wu Mei didn't believe this. If Li Chengqian wanted to spy on the palace, there were more, better and more hidden ways, without building a conspicuous pavilion.

There is little wind in Chang'an City, so it is not difficult to understand that it is not difficult to build a pavilion with ventilation from all sides in the hot and humid East Palace.

Now, his son has sealed the Tingfeng Pavilion and built a garden in the sky.

It is said that in seven or eight days, all the flowers there will be in full bloom, transforming the pavilion into a colorful world.

Wu Mei was going to have a look in two days.

Wu Mei didn't care at all about the gossip about the Crown Princess being the first person to enter the pavilion. She was just a woman, and there was no need for the Crown Prince to create such a big scene with great fanfare.

Thinking of this, Wu Mei suddenly stopped and asked Aunt Chun: "Naha is back, why don't you go to the palace to pay her respects?"

Aunt Chun blinked her eyes and didn't know how to answer.

Wu Mei said angrily: "You are just stupid."

Aunt Chun pouted, Wu Mei raised her hand and patted her shoulder and said, "Why didn't you get out of the way when Zuo Chun was talking to me just now?"

Seeing Grandma Chun's eyes widening in fear, Wu Mei said again: "You are just stupid. Fortunately, you were still smart when you were in Ganye Temple."

After saying that, he bitterly entered the Liangyi Hall.

Aunt Chun in the past and now Aunt Chun immediately told the eldest maid what the queen said.

The eldest palace maid waited for Wu Mei to sit down and then said: "Nana Haha was imprisoned by Master Xuanzang and others in Da Ci'en Temple to worship Buddha. She is preparing for her enthronement on the eighth day of May, so she cannot enter the palace to pay her respects."

Wu Mei snorted coldly and said: "Go to Da Ci'en Temple to bring Naha out. I will take her to visit the Heavenly Garden in the East Palace the next day."

The eldest maid was startled and said, "His Royal Highness will not like this."

Wu Mei sneered and said: "This is the last time that I will fulfill the prince's wish."

Chapter One

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