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Chapter 130: Ways and Means of Doing Things

Liu Rengui has been having a hard time recently.

Yunchu and Wenrou can do whatever they want, because the Yushi Yanguan basically has no interest in impeaching these two people.

The documents of impeachment were either withdrawn or never returned. The more times they were used, the more people gradually stopped doing things that the emperor didn't like.

Liu Rengui can't. He is the one who stayed in Chang'an and is nominally the highest officer in Chang'an City.

However, his responsibilities as the governor of Chang'an are different from those of the governor of Yongzhou. The jurisdiction of the governor of Yongzhou can reach from the vicinity of Chang'an to Guzang. The jurisdiction of his governor is only Chang'an and Wannian counties.

Others had nothing to do with Yunchu and Wenwen, the two copper peas, so they used all their strength on Liu Rengui.

When Chang'an City had extremely important interests and a very, very large group of people were unable to share them, Liu Rengui's jack finally began to be unable to bear it under the influence of a huge external force.

Yun Chu, Wen Wen clearly relied on the emperor's support to live alone, which is absolutely intolerable.

The emperor and the others did not dare to provoke him, but Yun Chu and Wen Wen were unreasonable, so they had no choice but to break through from Liu Rengui.

I have to say that their strategy was right. After using their strength on Liu Rengui, Yun Chu and Wen Wen finally agreed to take out the land deeds of the three most remote markets for sale.

One is Da'anfang next to Anhua Gate, the other is Dunhuafang next to Jinchangfang, and the last one is Qinglongfang next to Quchifang.

Da'anfang is the city with the largest number of residents, the most shacks, and the most snakes, insects, rats, and ants in Chang'an City. Because it is close to Anhua Gate, most of the people here are engaged in hard labor.

Dunhuafang is completely different from Da'anfang. This city has the smallest number of residents in Chang'an City. The reason why there are so few people living here is entirely because there have been incidents of conspiracy here.

The word "helping tigers" here means literally. Emperor Gaozu of the Tang Dynasty had just ascended the throne. There was a tiger disaster here in Dunhuafang. A tiger took advantage of the night to cross the dilapidated city wall and entered Dunhuafang. After killing several people, the tiger

He ran away, but then, even though the walls were repaired, tigers still happened to eat people, and then everyone said that there were ghosts leading the way for the tigers...

As for Qinglongfang, it is a completely humid place. There are no less than ten stagnant puddles in Fangshizi. In summer, mosquitoes are everywhere here.

After Yun Chu and Wen Wen let go of the land deed transactions in these three markets, no one cared about it.

No one from Chang'an is willing to live here, let alone spend a lot of money to buy it.

After the land deed transactions in these three Fangshizi were opened, the people in Fangshizi happily followed the example of the people in the renovated Fangshizi in the past, waiting for someone to pay a high price to buy their land deeds.

It's a pity that for five days in a row, no one cared about their land deeds. Not to mention those high-ranking families, even ordinary people didn't take action.

As a result, the people in these three markets gradually became desperate. They knew clearly that the prerequisite for the government to transform the markets was that someone was willing to buy the land deeds in their hands.

Now, if no one buys it, it means that there is basically no hope for them to live in a good house.

After waiting for another three days, the people in these three markets had given up on their dreams and began to do whatever they had to do step by step. They had accepted their fate. Poor people should not have unrealistic ideas.

Yunchu didn't think so. Da'anfang was close to the city gate, and most of the people here made a living as coolies. In this case, Da'anfang should be built into a huge storage place. With the terrifying amount of goods in and out of Chang'an every day,

, this warehouse is definitely a profitable business, and it can also solve the work problem of the coolies in Da'anfang. It can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

As for the dense population here and the generally small area on land deeds, it is not a big deal here in Yunchu. It would be a pity not to use Tongzilou, a good solution to the housing problem through centralized living.

As for the upstairs and downstairs living conditions that the residents are looking forward to, they don't have to think about it.

The reason why the people in the renovated cities can live in two-story houses is mainly because they were originally single-family houses, and the area on the land deeds is much larger than the area on the land deeds for the people in Da'anfang.

Not to mention, this is still a residential area with shacks upon shacks. Even Yun Chu was disappointed after seeing it in person!

Dunhuafang is a good place with a sparse population, which is definitely a good thing for the renovation project. As for the legend of the tiger, Yun Chu doesn't believe it. As long as he catches those bastards who used the name of the tiger to kill people, Dunhuafang's

Renovation projects are definitely the most profitable.

Even if it is difficult to investigate because of his age, Yunchu believes that with Di Renjie's outstanding performance, this will definitely be a trivial matter.

There are many puddles and mosquitoes in Qinglongfang. This is an objective condition. Such a place is most likely to cause plague. As the magistrate of Wannian County, Yunchu is his duty to solve these problems. Therefore, Yunchu plans to destroy Qinglongfang.

Build a Qinglong Park, turn the stagnant puddles into living pools, plant more herbs and plants to prevent mosquitoes, and try to make this place a paradise for birds.

After Wen Wenwen, Di Renjie, and Liu Rengui listened to Yun Chu's opinions, the three of them were silent for a long time.

Wen Wen opened her mouth but did not say anything. Di Renjie looked at Yun Chu and just smiled. Liu Rengui was older and patted Yun Chu on the shoulder and said: "Blessed are the gangsters. You are the first to treat them as human beings."

Officials of the Tang Dynasty."

Yun Chu shook his head and said: "Whether a city is good or not depends not on how high the upper limit is, but how high the lower limit is.

Don't think that I am out of compassion and want to be a bad person. As an official, I am more concerned about the long-term development of a city. It is definitely not because I have lost my ability as an official because I am soft-hearted.

Be vigilant.

People in the Tang Dynasty always said that being an official is like a herdsman. If you really treat the people as cattle and sheep and officials as herdsmen, you should know that a good herdsman will kill all the weak and sick cattle during the winter slaughter every year.

The sheep are killed for meat.

These three problems have not existed for a day or two. Why didn't I solve them before? It was because I didn't have the chance.

This time, these common people are lucky. I want to use these three cities to publicize the unkind behavior of those wealthy families. On the one hand, I want to increase the prestige of the government among the people by transforming these three cities.

It is definitely not the government that can deal with wealthy families. In many cases, the interests of the government and wealthy families are consistent.

If we don't want the rich and powerful to rule the city of Chang'an, we must let the poor people side with us.

Throughout the ages, the rich and powerful have squeezed the poor people, and at the same time, it is the poor people who can take away their lives and property.

This is the reason why I would rather lose money and transform these three markets."

At the end of the day, it's just pros and cons.

After Yun Chu finished speaking, the reverence that Wen Wen, Di Renjie, and Liu Rengui had for him suddenly disappeared.

An official is an official. After he has this title, he cannot look at a thing or do a thing based on his personal preference. Once he does so, it will definitely harm others and himself.

Wen Wen said: "Since no one is willing to acquire the land deeds of these three villages, the only choice is for the county governments of Wannian and Chang'an counties to take care of it."

Yun Chu said: "Even if someone is willing to acquire it, I will definitely disturb it and will never allow others to ruin our plan."

Di Renjie said with a smile: "Since we want to give people a reputation of being rich and unkind, why not let Mr. Liu come forward and go find the leaders of the wealthy families, the Cui family, the Zheng family, the Liu family... to discuss the feasibility of transforming these three cities.


Wen Wen said: "It's better for me to go. I'll go first. If things don't work out, Liu Gong will go again. Finally, we will invite the prince to take action. We must show our sincerity thoroughly."

After finishing speaking, he looked at Yunchu and said, "Forget it, you are an upright person and you must keep this reputation."

Yun Chu said worriedly: "If the prince takes action, everything should be successful."

Wen Wen said: "You, a poor man born as a shepherd, do you understand these wealthy families, or do I, a noble man from a noble family, understand them?"

Yun Chu saw that neither Di Renjie nor Liu Rengui had any objection, so he had no choice but to agree. Although Wen Wen showed great confidence, Yun Chu still believed that these people should not dare to offend the prince.

So, on the good day of April 18th, the magistrate of Chang'an County, Wen Wenwen, carried the four-color gift and went to the Cui family... After a cup of tea, Wen Wen left the Cui family's mansion in embarrassment.

Immediately, Wen Wen regrouped and went to Yong'anfang to visit Zheng Huaizhong, the head of the Zheng family. After having a cup of tea, she left with a dark face.

When Wen Wen arrived at Liu's residence, there was a sign thanking guests at Liu's door, and Wen Wen returned disappointed.

Liu Rengui then continued to visit the Cui family. He stayed at the Cui family for a long time and had time for a meal. However, he was worried when he left.

When I went to Zheng's house again, I was told by the servant that my master had gone to Zhongnan Mountain to visit Taoism and was not at home.

However, the Liu family's door still had a thank you sign hanging high, but no visitors were seen.

When the furious Prince Li Hong came again, the owners of these three families had all disappeared...

Yun Chu didn't understand it. Wen Wenwen went to visit and was rejected by others. It was natural. Liu Rengui, who was left behind in Chang'an, went to visit, but these people still refused. This was not normal.

As for the prince's angry visit, these people not only disappeared, but hid themselves. This was a big problem.

Even if these people are not willing to pay so much money, Liu Rengui should have gained something by going there. Even if the prince goes there in person, even if he is unwilling, he should have a good attitude and come out. It is really incredible to see him behind closed doors.

Wen Wen was not surprised at all by this result. It seemed that this was how things should turn out.

Seeing that Yun Chu had been looking at him and waiting for an explanation, he sighed and said, "If I am willing to accept bribes, they will be very happy."

After speaking, he looked at Liu Ren and said, "If Mr. Liu is willing to accept bribes, they are willing to pay a large sum of money to Mr. Liu."

Finally, looking at the angry Crown Prince Li Hong, he said: "If the Crown Prince had not come to the door angrily, but had sent someone to invite these people to the East Palace for discussion, now we would have had money to renovate these three dilapidated streets.

It's a pity that the prince came to the door in anger. They felt that it was not allowed to set a precedent by giving money to the prince at this time. Once it was done, the prince would ask them for money endlessly and refuse to accept their favor."

This chapter has been completed!
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